
He punched the table in front of him.

In an instant, the extremely solid desk actually shattered.

"Brother, tell me how many treasures we can harvest this time.

This time, I must break through.

Let Ba Daomen know.

What will happen if you offend my Xuanyun Holy Sect! "

Xuan Yunzi said coldly.

At this time, his eyes were red, like a bloodthirsty demon king.

"Huh, they're just a bunch of chickens and dogs. I just hope they don't disappoint me.

Otherwise, it would make me lose face too much.

As for the rewards, they certainly won’t be stingy.

After all, they brought it to their doorstep.

And right now.

Deep in the ancient world, bursts of dragon roars were heard.

Immediately afterwards, endless golden light burst out.

"hold head high!"

The deafening roar of the dragon spread throughout the world.


Even the Holy Master of the Xuanyun Holy Sect couldn't bear it, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Then, a look of horror appeared on his face.

"How can this be.

There is actually a prehistoric dragon here.

Moreover, it seems to be extremely powerful.

Could it be that there is some unforeseen chance?

We must win.

The rules of this ancient world are too harsh for ordinary warriors.

If you can enter the ancient world, your strength will definitely increase rapidly! "

The Holy Master of Xuanyun Holy Sect said with greed on his face.

He was going to summon his disciples to investigate.

At this time, in a valley a hundred miles away from here.

Three people were standing.

Two men and one woman.

The man is extremely burly.

It's like a giant spirit god coming to the dust.

On his head is a crown.

Followed by a flaming horse.

Astonishingly, he was the elder of the Ba Dao Sect.

At this moment, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He shouted.

"Zhuge Yun, now let me ask you one last time.

Will you surrender to me?

Not only can I spare your life, but I can also grant you unlimited rights.

It will even let you control the ancient world! "

After hearing the sound, the senior sister of Naha Dao Sect showed excitement in her eyes.

Although her strength has reached the seventh level of Dao Emperor.

However, in Ba Daomen, it is not worth mentioning.

On weekdays, he would not dare to disobey Ba Daomen at all.

After hearing the elder's voice, there was no reason not to agree.

Dang even opened his mouth and said.

"I am willing to follow you and be loyal to you forever and ever!"

There was joy in her voice.

Zhuge Yun, on the other side, looked extremely gloomy at this time.

However, he did not dare to say anything.

Because he was afraid of offending the elders.

"Hmph, very good. From now on, I will be the master of the Ba Dao Sect.

The two of you will be the deputy sect masters.

Remember, no one is allowed to rebel.

Otherwise, the nine tribes will be destroyed! "

There was a solemn tone in the voice of the elder of Ba Daomen.

Zhuge Yun couldn't help but shudder.

Then he spoke.

"Yes, Master!"

His voice rang out.

The elder of Ba Daomen nodded with satisfaction.

However, he didn't care.

He turned around, looked at the female disciple behind him and said.

"You have almost mastered the skills of my Ba Dao Sect.

The rest is up to you.

I believe that you will definitely become the pillar of my Ba Dao Sect! "

A smile appeared on the face of the elder of Ba Daomen.

"Yes, master, I will definitely live up to expectations!"

The female disciple said respectfully.

There was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

But at this time, the elders of the Ba Dao Sect didn't care.

Then, they walked towards the depths of the ancient secret realm.

At this time, he urgently needs to hunt for resources to improve himself.

Only in this way can the safety of Ba Dao Sect be guaranteed.

After all, in this ancient world, in addition to ferocious beasts, there were also some strong men from other forces.

They also covet this secret realm.

Especially after knowing that a prehistoric dragon bone appeared in this secret realm.

Many strong men were sent here.

No matter what, he must snatch it.

At this time, Liu Zheng and his party also stepped into the ancient secret realm.

It was quite easy for them along the way.

The monsters they encountered were no match for them.

In just a few days, a lot has been gained.

And, more importantly, this time in a secret realm.

They found a lot of pills and weapons.

Although it is not a holy weapon.

But they are all very suitable for cultivation and of high quality.

This made Liu Zheng feel satisfied with the delivery.

As for those casual cultivators, they had already been thrown away.

At this time, they were looking for a cave.

This cave is said to be left over from ancient ruins.

Inside, there are a large number of spiritual fruits.

It can increase longevity, and there are also rare treasures.

This caused many casual cultivators to gather together and prepare to explore the cave.

However, there are more than just casual cultivators here.

There is another force that is also peeking.

At this time, among this force, a young man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old was sitting at the front.

On his back was a broad sword.

There was a sharp aura exuding from his body.

Obviously he is also a genius.

However, when his eyes glanced below.

But he curled his lips disdainfully.

He said calmly.

"This secret realm is absolutely rubbish. Let's move to another place!"

The voice sounded.

Some of the monks around him bowed respectfully to the ground.

Because, they know.

This young man's identity is astonishing.

He is the grandson of a great elder in the Ba Dao Sect.

There are three elders in the Ba Dao Sect.

The elder of this generation, the youngest.

However, the fighting power is the most powerful.

His name is Saber Maniac.

Wherever he goes, no one dares to provoke him.

This time, he also heard that this ancient secret realm was very extraordinary.

Therefore, I decided to explore it.

Although the casual cultivators around him felt dissatisfied.

But he didn't dare to refute.

After all, the Ba Dao Sect was considered a first-rate force in the ancient world.

They can't afford to mess with you.

And right now.

A cold voice came out.

"Since it's garbage, why didn't you give up early!"

After the words fell, everyone's faces showed surprise.

They looked at the person who was speaking and didn't recognize him. He was seeking death.

Liu Zheng just arrived.

After seeing such a scene.

There was a hint of anger on his face.

These guys are really bullying people.

This ancient secret realm was obviously discovered by them first.

Now, they still want to plunder resources.

It's really abominable.

And at this moment.

The tyrant swordsman had indeed looked at Liu Zheng.

When it was discovered that the other party's cultivation level was only at the Hongmeng realm.

There was disdain on the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and scolded.

"You're just an ant, how dare you talk to me like this.

Could it be that I am really tired of living? "

There was a strong hint of threat in his voice.

However, Liu Zheng was not afraid.

He took one step forward.

He said coldly.

"Go away, I discovered this place, you have no right to occupy it!"

"Haha, are you provoking my Ba Dao Sect!"

After hearing the sound, Ba Dao Kuang laughed and said.

A sparkle bloomed in his eyes.

Then, he charged towards Liu Zheng.

The sword light in his hand cut through the void.

Extremely fast.


But don't wait to get closer.

The Golden Lion King punched out and instantly collided with it.

There was a roar.

The Saber Maniac was knocked away.

The whole body fell to the ground.

Blood drips.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, stood where he was.

He said coldly.

"This time, I will spare your life. If you dare to offend again, you will be killed without mercy!"

After the sound fell.

Just walk towards the depths of the valley.

He wanted to enter the valley to see if there was anything else in this ancient secret realm.

And just after Liu Zheng left.

Those casual cultivators were already stunned.

Over the years, Ba Daomen has never suffered a loss.

Now, I was taught a lesson by a stranger.

How could they not be surprised?

However, they didn’t wait for them to react.

The tyrant sword maniac had slowly gotten up.

There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

"How dare you hurt me, damn it!"

He did not expect that he would be defeated at the hands of a casual cultivator.

At this time, the hatred was overwhelming.

And just after his words fell.

A jade talisman appeared in his hand.

Then, throw it into the air.

All of a sudden.

The blazing brilliance flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless shadow of the knife condensed in the air.

It was like a divine punishment, spreading around.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

Then, the casual cultivators began to flee.

They fear that they will be affected.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, what should we do!"

Xiang Yu asked worriedly at this time.

After all, this knife shadow is too terrifying.

"Don't pay attention, I believe that these casual cultivators are enough to resist.

Let's move on! "

Liu Zheng said.

Immediately, he walked towards the distance.

Now, there are still about seven days until the ancient secret realm opens.

He plans to use this time to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

After all, since entering the secret realm.

He had never encountered danger before, which made him a little impatient.

And just after they walked not far away.


Violent shaking sounds were heard.

Waves of dazzling swords emerged from the entrance to the secret realm.

Apparently someone is attacking the barrier of the secret realm.

At this moment, those casual cultivators did not care to avoid the sword.

One by one, they rushed towards the ancient secret realm.

All of this was seen by Liu Zheng.

His brows furrowed slightly.

I don’t understand why these casual cultivators are so crazy.

However, just when he was about to stop and check, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This man's figure is extremely strong.

The whole body is covered with scales, like a wild beast.

Above the forehead, there are even horns sticking out.

Exuding a ferocious color.

However, at this time, he did not notice Liu Zheng.

His eyes exuded a murderous intent.

He shouted coldly.

"Catch that woman for me, she stole my things!"

After the voice fell.

The scattered cultivators around rushed towards the woman.

At this time, everyone had angry expressions on their faces.

Because, even Liu Zheng was a little angry when he saw this scene.


A cold snort sounded.

He did not hesitate at all.

The dragon robe on his body was directly swung open.

In an instant, endless thunder blasted towards those scattered cultivators.

Thunder and lightning raged.

Wherever they passed, screams could not help but sound.

After seeing such a scene.

Those scattered cultivators, how dare they stay for a moment.

They fled one after another.

They could not bear such an attack at all.

As for the strong man, after seeing such a scene, he was completely dumbfounded.

Not only because of Liu Zheng's horror.

At the same time, he was also frightened.

Such strength is too strong.

He can't match it at all.

And at this moment.


Another roar sounded.

The entrance to the secret realm was completely closed at this time.


Feeling that he had lost the treasure, the strong man roared.

His eyes were almost spewing out anger.

But in the end, he disappeared on the spot.

After all, if he fought with Liu Zheng.

His ending was also miserable.

At this time, Liu Zheng, after killing those casual cultivators.

But he didn't waste time.

He walked directly into the valley.

This time, he wanted to find opportunities here.

When he was in Jiuzhou.

He knew that there were many rare fruits in the secret realm.

Especially spiritual medicine, there were countless.

At this time, he wanted to enter the valley and pick all kinds of rare spiritual medicines.

Although he had elixirs to assist in cultivation, he didn't dislike too much.

It has to be said.

This secret realm is a Feng Shui treasure land.

The heaven and earth vitality on the mountain peak is extremely rich.

Even ordinary spiritual herbs are growing well.


A red lotus was pulled out by Liu Zheng.

It exudes a faint fragrance.

No matter what level of spiritual medicine, after taking it.

The mana in the cultivator's body will increase.

However, after Liu Zheng picked it.

He found that there was no abnormality.

This made him puzzled.

Could it be that there is no place with abundant spiritual energy here, which leads to no effect?

And at this time.

On the other side, Xiang Yu also collected the materials he needed.

When he saw that Liu Zheng had not left yet.

He couldn't help but say.

"Your Majesty, since you don't want to leave, wait a while.

It seems that there are no spiritual medicines nearby!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded.

And just when the two had just finished talking.


A roar sounded.

Then, a giant ape rushed out.

The opponent was thousands of feet tall.

Every step he took.

The ground was shaking.

Moreover, his whole body was emitting a strong pressure.

After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng smiled.

This time, the harvest was good.

This was the first time he encountered such a strong beast.


Then, the giant ape rushed towards Xiang Yu.

Its eyes were red.

Obviously, it had identified the red lotus in Xiang Yu's hand.

"Get out!"

At this time, Xiang Yu's eyes were full of brilliance.

The whole person flew out.

Fists hit the giant ape.


In an instant, the two collided.

The huge airflow rippled in the sky.

It made those casual cultivators retreat.


At this time, the giant ape was also in pain.

A piece of its arms was smashed.

However, this aroused his ferocity.

He attacked again.

His huge body actually fought with Xiang Yu.

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