
As the sound rang out, cracks appeared in the sky instantly.

It was shattered.

But that day, there was a look of indifference in the eyes of the Wolf Clan Leader.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"All elders, take action!"

He didn't believe that with his own strength, he couldn't win a quasi-sage ninth level.

And just after his words fell.


In an instant, eighteen figures appeared in the sky.

These are all masters of the Sirius clan.

At this time, everyone stood beside the leader of the Sirius clan.

Although their strength is not very strong.

But the victory is in numbers.

There are six strong men of the third level of the sacred.

Such a lineup can be called luxurious.

And after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng's mouth showed a cold smile.

He said calmly.

"Do you think you can stop me just by relying on these six holy third-level guys!"

The voice sounded.

The next moment, take one step forward.

The whole person's figure flashed.


The body turned into an afterimage in the void.

He punched the leader of the Wolf Clan that day.

The fist wind roared, and thunder seemed to be rolling in the sky.

Seeing such a scene, the Sirius Clan Leader's pupils shrank.

He clearly understood Liu Zheng's terror.

I don't dare to neglect it at all.

"Sirius Slash!"

At this time, he roared angrily.

A giant beast appeared in front of him.


The sound of a sharp blade entering flesh sounded.

Liu Zheng's body stopped.

There was a gloomy look in his eyes.

His chest was actually torn open.

Blood flowed from the wound.

And after seeing this scene.

There was excitement in the eyes of the Heavenly Wolf clan leader.

"Haha, Your Majesty the Han Emperor, suffer death.

If the Heavenly Wolf cuts it off, it can cut off mountains and rivers and destroy the sky! "

The voice sounded.

The shadow of the giant beast behind him became even more fierce.

He grabbed it with one claw.


Guan Yu roared.

With one palm shot, it actually shook the phantom of the giant beast.

This scene made the Sirius clan leader's expression change.

Because, in front of the other party, he felt that his strength was suppressed.

But there was no fear.

After all, he has led the Sirius clan for thousands of years.

How could Liu Zheng, a junior, be able to match him?

Dang even shouted loudly.

"Kill me!"

After the voice fell, the phantom of the giant beast crashed towards Guan Yu again.


Guan Yu's figure flew out upside down, vomiting blood.

However, he still didn't give up.

He came to kill again with his sword in hand.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Seeing such a scene.

The leader of the Sirius clan snorted coldly.

His figure flew out in an instant.

The Heavenly Wolf Slash was swung again.


Guan Yu was blown away.

The body fell to the ground.

His eyes were extremely red.

"Your Majesty, we will definitely die.

If you go first, you will delay the enemy! "

At this time, Guan Yu was ready to die.

However, Liu Zheng shook his head.

"I am the Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

How can we leave our soldiers behind and live alone!

No one is allowed to retreat from this battle! "

After the words fell.

Walk forward step by step.

Just, after hearing the sound.

The generals around him had eyes that were about to burst.

How domineering this is.

Even though he knew he would die, he still wanted to fight until the last moment.

Moreover, he is not even willing to run away.

How could such a person be the emperor of the Han Dynasty?

But, at this moment.

That day, the Wolf Clan Leader's attack fell again.


At this time, Liu Zheng had already rushed out.

Behind him, many dragons and elephants appeared.

Also extremely brave.


The two sides collided together.

Fierce light bloomed.

Guan Yu wanted to stop him.

But it was of no use at all.

The leader of the Heavenly Wolf clan is too strong. He is not only fast in cultivation.

And the combat power is amazing.

At this time, he had an absolute advantage in the confrontation with Guan Yu.

Liu Zheng was worried.

He is not willing to fail.


At this moment, a shattering sound came from the sky.

It turned out to be the shadow of the giant elephant behind Liu Zheng, but it was shattered after the collision.

And after seeing such a scene.

The eyes of the Heavenly Wolf Clan Leader burst with light.

Then, the palm struck down hard.

This blow seemed to destroy the world.

"hold head high!"

At this time, Guan Yu finally reacted.

He wanted to resist.

But it's too late.

The palm of the Sirius Clan Leader directly penetrated his forehead.

Immediately afterwards, he said slowly.

“Your strength is nothing more than this.

Keeping you in this world is simply a waste of money.

I’ll send you to hell today! "

The voice was filled with endless coldness.


At the same time, Guan Yu's unwilling roar also sounded.

Then, the head was picked off alive.

At this point, the Sirius clan has successfully promoted to a two-star force.

"Haha, Emperor Han, all your troops are dead.

Do you have any other trump cards? "

The arrogant voice of the Tianlang clan leader came out.

Then, he ordered the clan disciples to collect Guan Yu's body.

Prepare to refine it.

After seeing such a scene.

The anger in Liu Zheng's eyes almost covered all his rationality.

He said word by word.

"Since you are looking for death, I will slaughter you today.

Let you pay the price!"

When the voice sounded, some people in the Tianlang clan showed horror in their eyes.

Liu Zheng's strength is too strong.

Even the Tianlang clan leader hesitated at this time.

After all, Guan Yu's death just now was a great blow to him.

Especially the huge corpse.

It shocked everyone.

At this time, he realized how terrible Liu Zheng was.

However, he was unwilling to admit defeat.

After all, if he really admitted defeat.

The entire Tianlang clan would be completely finished.

Thinking of this, he shouted again.

"Han Emperor, you want to kill us all.

That depends on whether you have the ability to do so.

Everyone, come out!"

The voice was full of ferocity.

He was ready to summon the elite of the Tianlang clan.

Although each of these Tianlang clan members was not strong.

But they had a large number.

Once they appeared, they would be enough to crush Liu Zheng.

And just after the order of the Tianlang clan leader was issued.

Everyone in Tianlang City.

There was a bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

They had followed the Tianlang clan leader for many years and had long been accustomed to this kind of conquest.

Now, of course, they would not be afraid.


As a burst of shouts and killings sounded.

In the city, boundless black fog rose up.

A terrifying demon condensed in the sky.

The other party was a thousand feet tall.

The pressure it exuded was suffocating.

At this time, his eyes were fixed on Liu Zheng, as if he was examining his prey.


The corners of the Tianlang clan leader's mouth showed a smile.

Then, the order was issued.

Instantly, the demon moved.

He punched Liu Zheng.


The whole space was shaking.


There were even cracks.

"Ka La!"

At the same time.

On the other side.

Those soldiers of the Tianlang tribe also rushed towards Liu Zheng.

Their bodies were covered with scales.

Their sharp claws tore through the void.

They made a whimpering sound.

It made people feel frightened.

This is a large army.

If it were an ordinary person, they would only wait for destruction under such an attack.

However, Liu Zheng's eyes were now flashing with brilliant golden light.

He raised his arm.

Behind him, the shadow of the ancestor witch appeared.

This was a dragon, with scales all over its body flashing cold light.

It was circling in the air and pounced on the people of the Tianlang tribe.

At the same time, his finger pointed out.


The people of the Tianlang tribe could not dodge at all.

Their heads were pierced on the spot.

The breath of death spread.

The chief of the Tianlang tribe had a gloomy face.

This was his most proud tribe.

He did not expect that it would be lost so easily.

However, Liu Zheng could not care about anything else now.

Because the demon's attack had come again.

This time, he did not dare to neglect it.

As his body swayed, the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand went straight up to meet it.


Sparks burst out.

The demon was actually flipped out directly.

At this time.

Liu Zheng did not stop.

His figure flew out in an instant.

He punched the opponent.

This punch contained violent power.


The demon was blown away directly.

Liu Zheng took advantage of the victory to pursue.

He grabbed the chief of the Tianlang tribe and threw him far away.

At this time, the opponent showed a look of horror in his eyes.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng would actually get rid of himself in such a situation.

Then, he began to struggle.

Wanted to return to the battle circle.

However, he underestimated Liu Zheng.

When he was halfway through the flight.

Liu Zheng's figure jumped up.

Then, he slapped out with one palm.


With the roar, the opponent's body was smashed by his palm.

Blood was everywhere.

Then, he fell into the city.

Such a scene made the people of the Tianlang Clan in Tianlang City look terrified.

They didn't believe that their clan leader would fall so easily.

No matter what.

The other party was the clan leader of the Tianlang Clan.

However, at this moment, the city gate was opened.

Liu Zheng drove the army and rushed in.

He held the Fang Tian Huaji in his hand.

There was a roaring white tiger beside him.

The whole person exuded a cold murderous intent.


Liu Zheng roared.

The army behind him followed and surged forward.

In a short time, they surrounded the center of Tianlang City.

At this time, the elders and young men of the Tianlang tribe stood on the city wall.

They looked at the mighty army with fear in their eyes.

The Tianlang tribe leader even shouted.

"Your Majesty, do you think you can defeat us?

Tianlang Guards, listen to my orders, kill!"

The voice sounded, and a series of wind-breaking sounds sounded in the air.

Then, endless cavalry rushed out of Tianlang City.

They gathered together like a torrent.

Holding blades, they rushed towards the army.

These people are usually responsible for the defense of the Tianlang Mountains.

At this time, they gathered together.

They were extremely ferocious.

Moreover, the most important thing is.

Their cultivation is not weak.

There are masters in the realm of gods.

At this time, they swooped down.

The two sides soon collided with each other.


Liu Zheng swung the Fang Tian Huaji in his hand.

He directly killed a Tianlang master in front of him.

This Tianlang master.

His body flew backwards.

However, when he just fell to the ground.

Liu Zheng's figure moved again.

His speed was extremely fast.

In a blink of an eye, another master of the Tianlang tribe died in his hands.

This made the masters of various forces watching on the city wall shrink their pupils.

"What a cruel Han emperor!"

Someone whispered.

At this time, Liu Zheng was like a madman.

Not only was he brave and unparalleled.

He was also decisive in killing.

In just a blink of an eye.

Those people of the Tianlang tribe were killed.

The blood dyed the soil red.

And Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Since you don't surrender, then die!"

Liu Zheng was impatient at this time.

He wanted to fight quickly.

He didn't want to waste time.

After the voice fell, the weapon in his hand was raised.

At this moment, his whole body exuded a blazing golden light.


With a dragon roar.

A giant dragon appeared directly behind Liu Zheng.

Then, a breath of destruction swept out.

Those masters from all the worlds who originally wanted to resist.

Fear appeared in their eyes.

They felt the danger of death.

"Kill, stop the Han Emperor!"

Someone roared at this time.

This is the only existence among all the major forces that can resist Liu Zheng.

After the voice fell.

Those strong men took action one after another.

Each of them offered up magic weapons.

Prepared to stop Liu Zheng.

But just as they approached.

"Bang bang!"

As several figures burst out.

Everyone was thrown to the ground.

At this time, they realized.

Liu Zheng's strength had already surpassed them by a lot.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng took a step forward.

He punched towards Tianlang City.

At this time, he was like a god.

The fist was condensed.

It burst out with boundless divine light.


As bursts of roars came out.

The buildings in the entire Tianlang City were shattered in an instant.

Then, countless figures fell to the ground.

Blood mist filled their bodies.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Zheng.

What kind of power was this? Even they dared not look directly at him.

At this time, Liu Zheng was satisfied with his aura.

Then, he looked at the people of the Tianlang tribe.

At this time, the elders of the Tianlang tribe knelt on the ground one by one.

Their eyes were filled with fear.

Liu Zheng was too strong, and they dared not resist.

"Are you willing to submit to me!"

A cold voice sounded.

Those Tianlang tribe strongmen did not dare to refuse.

They could only say respectfully.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor of Han, we are willing to serve you as king!"

There was panic in their eyes.

For fear of angering the other party.

Liu Zheng nodded and continued to walk forward.

At this time, his murderous intent had not diminished.

When he just arrived at the center of the city.

Just saw.

The bodies of a group of soldiers of the Tianlang Legion were placed on the ground.

Although many people showed astonishment on their faces.

Obviously, they did not expect such a thing to happen.

Liu Zheng frowned.

He knew that the people of the Tianlang Legion should be in trouble.

Therefore, he immediately ordered.

"Notify Temujin to come to the audience!"

As his voice sounded, the Han army outside the city quickly retreated.

At this time, Liu Zheng could no longer care about other things.

He had to rescue the people of the Tianlang Legion.

In just a moment.

Temujin appeared on the scene.

At this time, his eyes were filled with a strong murderous aura.

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