"Your Majesty, the last general lived up to his command and killed more than 80,000 enemy leaders!"

"Well, well done!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng spoke.

Then, pointing to the corpses that died at his feet on the ground, he said.

"Thank you for your hard work this time!"

There was a touch of kindness in his voice.

"It's so hard to do things for His Majesty!"

Temujin said with a smile.

At this time, his loyalty to Liu Zheng had increased to ninety-seven points.

However, Liu Zheng didn't pay attention.

He stared at the ground and said slowly.

"Tell me what's going on here!"

There was a questioning tone in his voice.

Temujin did not dare to neglect and spoke quickly.

"Your Majesty, our army suffered heavy losses in this battle.

Fortunately, the foundation was not damaged.

However, the people in Tianlang City suffered.

They fled here.

We have a troop on the hunt! "

"Let me find out who did it!

How dare you massacre my Han people, you deserve death! "

After hearing the voice, a cold light flashed in Liu Zheng's eyes.

At this time, there was another battlefield.

Cao Zhengchun's figure stood still.

Beside him, there were four generals standing respectfully.

These people are clearly the four top experts newly recruited by Cao Zhengchun.

They are called Zhang Liang, Li Si, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang respectively.

They are all counselors of the Han Dynasty.

Everyone has left a great reputation in history.

Whether it is running a country or fighting a war, he is always the best.

"Prime Minister, it has been half a month since our army entered the abyss of chaos.

But there was still no trace of His Majesty.

If you continue like this, you may miss the opportunity! "

Zhang Liang said.

During this time, they searched for chaos beasts and various opportunities.

But the effect was minimal.

If this continues.

Even if you get the Chaos Bead, it may not be possible.

After all, the opportunities here are very limited.

"Hmph, our mission this time is to protect the emperor. As for other things, it has nothing to do with us!"

Cao Zhengchun said coldly.


The other three people all had hesitation in their eyes.

But at this moment, Zhang Liang suddenly spoke.

"Prime Minister, have you noticed the fighting in recent days?

The attacks of those alien races have become much weaker! "

The sound sounded, and Cao Zhengchun couldn't help but be startled.

Then, he shouted.

"The entire army is on alert, beware of enemy attacks!"

There was a hint of urgency in his voice.

And just after his words fell.

A gloomy voice came.

"Haha, a big man is nothing more than that.

Where is your dog? Let him get out.

The ancestor is going to kill him today! "

This is a foreigner, and he is very powerful.

The wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

His body exuded a ferocious aura.

At this time, he looked like a demon.


Just after he finished speaking.

Cao Zhengchun slapped it with one palm.

Vast amounts of true energy surged, and the void shook in an instant.


The aliens surrounding him.

He was blown away directly.

Blood sprayed from the mouth.

This scene was too terrifying.

Everyone was shocked.

Especially Temujin.

His pupils even narrowed.

He could feel that this ancestor was much stronger than him.

However, he still charged forward without hesitation.

The sharp blade in his hand moved.

The blazing sword light slashed towards the opponent.

"Jie Jie!"

After seeing such a scene.

The ancestor laughed strangely.


The sharp claws in his hands were stretched out, and he came directly to meet him.

The two collided.

There was a loud bang.

But, right after the collision.

Temujin felt a pain in his chest.

Then, the whole person flew backwards.

There was bright red liquid flowing from his mouth and nose.

This alien ancestor is really too powerful.

He is no match at all.


And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun's figure moved.

Two curved bows appeared in his hands.

He grabbed the arrow and shot it straight out.


A sound broke through the air.

In the hands of Cao Zhengchun, there is mystery.

In an instant, he traveled through the void and shot towards the ancestor.


As a roar sounded.

The ancestor was actually knocked out.


And right now.

The alien ancestor roared angrily.

The sharp blade in his hand waved.

A ray of destruction is gathering.

At the same time, the scales all over his body.

At this time, it also blooms with brilliance.

This is the symbol of a quasi-sage sixth-level master.


But right now.

Cao Zhengchun's figure burst out again.

Bending the bow and setting up an arrow, the speed is extremely fast.

His body jumped up.

The arrow feathers turned into golden dragons.

Crash towards the ancestor.

This picture is too amazing.

"not good!"

The ancestor didn't expect it.

Cao Zhengchun still dared to take action.

But now, it's obviously too late to escape.

You can only resist with all your strength.

The sharp blade flew in his hand, trying to resist the deadly arrow feathers.


But, just when his sharp blade touched the golden dragon.

The arrow feathers exploded instantly.

Terrifying energy swept across the world.

The alien ancestor was directly thrown away.

The whole person fell to the ground.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"You deserve to die!"

At this time, he was extremely angry.

Although Cao Zhengchun was a civil servant.

But the strength is unparalleled.

His methods are endless.

The ancestor was left with nothing to do in a short period of time.

"Haha, we are ordered to protect His Majesty.

If you want to seek death, just give it a try! "

Cao Zhengchun said arrogantly.

At this moment, all the human generals around had excitement on their faces.

They knew that they would be able to kill the alien ancestor this time.


However, just after his voice fell.

A cry of killing came out at this moment.

The first one to rush over was a black bear spirit.

It is covered with dark hair.

One leg was covered with long thorns.

When approaching people, he actually swept them with his tail.

The speed is extremely fast.

For a moment, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to resist.


But, just as he exited.

Several more figures were flying past.


A man in white clothes stepped in the sky.

There seemed to be auspicious clouds rising under his feet.

It's shocking.


As soon as he landed, he punched a strong alien.

A powerful wind roared out.

Directly smashed the strong foreigner away.

Then, his arm stretched out to hold it.

Then, he crushed the opponent's head.

The battle in the field was intensifying at this time.

And Liu Zheng stood on the tower, his eyes flashing with a murderous look.

"I suppressed them!"

His cold voice sounded.

The people below did not dare to neglect.

Fly down directly.

"hold head high!"

A golden dragon flew out and swallowed a foreigner instantly.

Then, his figure skyrocketed.

It actually reached a length of ten thousand feet in an instant.


Between waving claws.

A huge human head flew up.


Another alien was torn to pieces on the spot.

These soldiers are not very strong, or even a little lowly.

But the cooperation is perfect.

For a time, the alien was retreating steadily.

"How could this happen!"

He cursed inwardly.

I originally thought that with my own strength, I could crush everyone in the big man, but now I know that I was wrong.

And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun on the other side had already arrived beside Liu Zheng.

He spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the general finally lived up to his command and successfully killed the ancestor of the foreign race!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng nodded.

He said indifferently.

"Well, you did a great job!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun said quickly.

There was joy in his eyes, and he was happy as long as he was praised.

However, right now.


A violent roar sounded at this moment.

Then, a figure stood on the top of the mountain in the distance.

There was crazy murderous intent in his eyes.

This is the foreign imperial uncle who just escaped.

Unexpectedly, after killing his men.

Still didn't leave.

Instead, he came here.

"Boy, I'm not done with you.

You dare to kill a member of my clan, I will definitely kill you today. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

At the same time, other powerful foreigners also appeared everywhere.


A foreign general just wanted to get close to Liu Zheng.

But he directly pierced his neck with his sword.

Scarlet blood splashed.

His body fell to the ground in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, screams came out.

At this time, Liu Zheng exuded a strong sense of majesty.

He held a long sword in his hand.

He said coldly.


At this time, a hint of cold light burst out from his eyes.

This is the imperial city of the Han Dynasty.

No one can harm themselves.

Seeing such a scene, the alien ancestor was finally afraid.

He didn't expect that Liu Zheng would be so difficult to deal with.

If only I had known this would be the case.

Would never choose to fight it.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Because Cao Zhengchun and others have already come to kill them.


At this time, the alien ancestor almost roared.

In front of him, a full moon appeared.

A bright light rippled above it.

It's extremely frightening.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun's eyes were even more bloodthirsty.

The sharp blade in his hand was swung at this moment.


The giant python in the void actually roared.

As the huge body swayed, it exuded a terrifying aura.

At this moment, everyone felt an inexplicable pressure.


But right now.

Behind Liu Zheng, a magic sword cut through the sky and hit the disc directly.

The blazing blade seemed to split the whole world apart.


Finally, the two sides collided hard.

Vast energy spread at this time.


There was a sound of vomiting blood.

The alien ancestor was actually killed on the spot at this moment.

Then, Liu Zheng walked out slowly.

At this time, the other party's eyes flashed with cold light.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

“No one can get out of here alive today.

Cao Zhengchun, kill me! "

After the words fell, Cao Zhengchun dared not hesitate at all.

Leading the army, they charged forward.

And just when they entered the battle circle.

The people who were watching couldn't help but retreat.

After all, Cao Zhengchun's cultivation was too strong and he was not someone they could provoke.

And, more importantly.

The murderous aura in each of these big men's masters is very strong.

Obviously, not only has experience in war, but also the art of killing.

Such an existence is terrifying.


But at this moment, Cao Zhengchun took the lead.

He took the form of a dragon and an elephant.

Hit directly forward.


When the giant elephant hit the alien body.

The other party's body actually flew upside down again.

A shrill wail came from his mouth.

Then, it fell to the ground in an instant.


Other powerful masters also took action at this time.

One by one, strong men were wreaking havoc in the sky.

Cao Zhengchun, in particular, was rampant on the battlefield.

The sharp blade in his hand kept cutting down.

Every time, life is harvested.

Although these alien masters can be considered elite.

But now, it has been completely blown away.

The smell of death filled the entire sky.

Liu Zheng's face became more serious at this time.

But the foreign imperial uncle was already extremely panicked.

Now he is injured.

There was no way he could withstand the powerful Han soldiers who were as strong as wolves and tigers.

At this time, the only hope is that the foreign king comes quickly.

Otherwise, he will definitely die.

But now it seems that it is no longer possible.

Because at this time Liu Zheng also noticed the foreign king.

He shouted immediately.

“Cao Zhengchun, send experts to stop him.

No matter the cost, kill the opponent.

He must be kept today! "

These foreign masters chased him along the way.

And there are quite a few.

If he lets the other party go, it will be really troublesome.

After hearing the sound.

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect.

Dang even rode up to meet him.

Liu Zheng at this time.

A dazzling light bloomed from his body.

His palms extended.

Holding the whip of thunder in the void.


Pull out the whip.

The ancestor of the foreign race was hit in an instant.

A roar came from his mouth.


The surrounding houses collapsed at this moment.

This scene is too shocking.

"hold head high!"

Then, the golden dragon roared.

Sweat was dripping from the forehead of the alien ancestor.

"Han Emperor, I am the king of a foreign race. If you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go!"

The voice sounded.

At this time, the other party was already timid.

However, how could Liu Zheng care about the other party's threat.

The thunder spear in his hand was raised again.

At this moment, the whole world changes.

"Stab it!"

The thunder and lightning gathered into a giant snake and engulfed the opponent.

The speed was so fast that the ancestors of the foreign race could not avoid it.

In an instant, he was bitten directly on the shoulder.

The other party's eyes were about to burst.

But at this time, there was no way to change the situation.

Liu Zheng is really too cruel.

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