
A hideous blood hole appeared on his chest.

Blood spurted out.

The whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

However, Liu Zheng had no intention of stopping the attack.

Then, point out.


The emperor was exploded on the spot in an instant.

The vitality in his body is gradually passing away.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng also gathered the energy around him and returned to the city wall.

This time, he benefited a lot.

However, those people couldn't bear it.

And just as Liu Zheng returned.


Cao Zhengchun respectfully bowed to the ground.

"General, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

He didn't understand why Liu Zheng led his troops and occupied the city.

However, since the other party has done it, he must comply.

"Well, get up.

Let all the people leave the city.

In addition, the city guards of each city were notified that entry into the city was strictly prohibited.

Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed! "

Liu Zheng said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect, leaped up and ran towards the city gate.

And just after he left.

Liu Zheng looked at the people and said.

"Everyone, we have won this battle.

Please turn around first! "

After hearing the sound.

The eyes of the people in the city were wet.

But in the end he chose to retreat.

After all, their home has been lost.

If you continue to stay in the city, you will only become a meal for monsters.

And after seeing the people leaving.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Han Emperor, follow me to the camp to discuss matters!"

The voice sounded, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

At this time, Liu Zheng was not in a hurry after leaving the city.

Instead, he planned to stabilize the situation before making any plans.

After all, among the foreign races, there are still two powerful men of the third level of semi-saints, if they take action.

This city is really dangerous.

And right now.

The ancient demon god also led a group of subordinates and appeared at the city gate.

After seeing Liu Zheng.

There was joy in his eyes.

"Your Majesty is finally here!"

The voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down on the ground.

Others did not dare to hesitate.

They all knelt down on the ground.

"I will wait to see your Majesty!"

At this time, they knew in their hearts that if it weren't for Liu Zheng, they would have died long ago.

Therefore, after worshiping.

But there is no longer the usual unruly look.

"Get flat!"

After hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng said lightly.

At this time, he was like a high and mighty king.

Then, he spoke again.

“I leave this to you.

I need to practice! "

After the voice fell, he ignored it.

Returned directly to the tower.

Then, he sat cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

And after seeing such a scene.

The excitement in the eyes of those foreign soldiers could hardly be concealed.

“Haha, this human emperor, His Majesty, is simply too weak.

His strength is only at the eighth level of Dharma. Now in front of His Majesty, he doesn't even have the courage to escape.

It’s such a foolish dream to want to become the supreme power! "

Someone said disdainfully.

And just after his words fell.

The high-ranking aliens around him couldn't help but frown.

If we go by what this alien royal disciple said, the Human Emperor is probably really going to grow up.


And just when they were secretly worried.

In the sky, thunder gathered again.

Vast coercion spread out.

The foreigners around him couldn't help but hold their breath.


A moment later, another figure was blasted down from the sky.

It was the prince of the foreign race.

At this time, his face was full of shock.

However, he didn't dare to move.

And after seeing such a scene.

The foreign masters around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Human Emperor is powerful.

But in their eyes, there is still nothing to worry about.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, was still quietly closing his eyes and concentrating.

In this battle, he killed thousands of foreign elites.

It can be said to be very refreshing.

However, at this moment.

A cold voice came out.

"Han Emperor, you actually killed my brother.

I want you to die! "

There was endless resentment in his voice.

Then, a figure appeared in the field.

This is a young man.

Wearing black armor and holding a sharp blade in his hand.

The aura on his body actually reached the sixth level of Quasi-Saint.

Moreover, the body is stronger.

After seeing such a scene.

Cao Zhengchun's face was full of solemnity.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, be careful, this is the alien prince Uzikas.

He is a genius of the Ulata lineage.

Now the strength is tyrannical.

Even ordinary seventh-level quasi-sage experts are no match for him.

You must be careful! "

The voice sounded, with panic on his face.

He was really scared.

After all, such strength.

In terms of the human race, it is definitely considered a top existence.

But Liu Zheng was not afraid at all.

He looked at the other person with a cold smile on his lips.

He said calmly.

"I understand.

Do not care! "

There was a coldness in the voice.

"You are Your Majesty the Han Dynasty. Today, I will avenge my brother.

Give me your life! "

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Liu Zheng.

The speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Liu Zheng.

The sharp sword in his hand cuts through the void.

The sharp light seemed to pierce the sky.

This is the rhythm that will take Liu Zheng's life.


And after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng was not afraid at all.

His palms waved.

In an instant, flames burst out all over the sky.


The Flame Lion King roared and charged out.

Fiery waves of air swept out.

Collided with Uzkas.

The two bodies flew out simultaneously.

Obviously, there is no difference between the two sides.

And at this moment.

In Liu Zheng's hand, a giant ax struck down.

This is the Kyushu Dragon Python Hammer.


As the roar sounded, Uzkas's entire body was thrown away.

He vomited blood from his mouth.

There was panic in his eyes.

At this time, he never thought that the Human Emperor in front of him would be so powerful.

"You shouldn't provoke me!"

Liu Zheng stood on the chariot and said calmly.

At this time, his whole body was shrouded in golden light, and his whole body seemed to be poured out of gold.

He exuded a feeling of looking down on the world.


Uzkas screamed.

He was unwilling to give in and wanted to struggle and escape.

However, it simply cannot be done.

The moment his body approached the city wall.

A chain penetrated his neck.

Then, he was pulled onto the city wall.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Now you are willing to submit to me!"

After hearing the sound, Uzkas's eyes flashed with hatred.

He didn't expect that.

Liu Zheng is actually so ruthless.

Not just killing his own brother.

He will also arrest himself.

But, just when he was about to refuse.

Next to Liu Zheng, Cao Zhengchun's voice came out.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, if you are willing to surrender.

The slave is willing to help you and let you regain your freedom.

how! "

There was a hint of seduction in his voice.

After all, in his eyes, Liu Zheng is just a human being.

Now, if you can get the other party's loyalty.

You may not be able to obtain more resources.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's mouth showed a hint of ferocity.

He said coldly.


After saying that, his figure flashed.

It disappeared directly in place.

This scene made Cao Zhengchun startled.

Then, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

This is what he most wants to see.

Dang even opened his mouth and shouted.

"Come here, drag Uzcas down and chop him down!"

The voice sounded.

Immediately, two guards came out driving the prisoner ox.

In their hands, they carried long knives.

Pointed directly at Uzkas.

Such a result made the other party's eyes show regret.

If I had known this would be the case.

He wouldn't be able to stand out just now.

But, it's too late now.

Because, when the two long knives were less than three meters away from Uzkas.


Two heads fell off.

Blood mist spurted out.

And the crowd of people watching gave out bursts of cheers.

Especially the female monks among them.

Even more excited.

All of this was caused by Liu Zheng.

The other party is too powerful.

Make them fall in love with you.

On the other side, Cao Zhengchun's eyes showed excitement.

The stronger Liu Zheng is, the more rewards he will receive.

As for Liu Zheng, he didn't pay attention to anything else.

He continued to move forward, heading towards the Great Qin Xiong Pass.

At this time, on the opposite side, Cao Zhengchun was also following closely.

However, when Liu Zheng just stepped into the city.


Countless arrows rained out from the city.

Liu Zheng couldn't help but frown.

These arrow feathers contain rich spiritual energy.

It's a magic weapon.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, a group of guards appeared.

They blocked Liu Zheng's way.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, your Majesty has given the order.

Unless you can kill Cao Zhengchun, you can't enter the city! "

The leading general said respectfully.

But Liu Zheng's eyes revealed a cold light at this moment.

"Get away!"

His voice rang out.

Then, he punched all around.

At this moment, vast pressure filled the entire sky.


Space is fragmenting.


The general didn't even have a chance to resist.

Was completely crushed.

The whole person turned into a ball of blood mist.

The smell of death filled the place.

After seeing such a scene.

How dare the remaining soldiers neglect it?

They all retreated.

These people were the elite of the Qin Dynasty.

However, they could not stop Liu Zheng's attack.

"Your Majesty, spare my life. I didn't mean it!"

Cao Zhengchun, who was standing aside, shouted with fear on his face.

"Humph, if it weren't for you saving my life, you would be dead now!

I tell you, if you dare to stop me again, you will be killed without mercy!"

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But Liu Zheng did not stop and walked straight to the pass.

This day is destined to go down in history.

Liu Zheng's strength was revealed, shocking everyone.

A human king defeated a foreign demon god.

Moreover, it was within a few years.

All forces were terrified.

Even if there were those who wanted to rebel, they did not dare to act rashly.

After all, the opponent's strength was here.

And just when everyone thought it was calm,

Donghuang, Daluo Holy Court, inside the Heavenly Palace.

The Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace stood in the void.

His eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Your Majesty, we have now taken over the southwest.

If we cannot break through the northern border, it will be difficult in the future!"

Below, a minister said respectfully.

"Hmph, don't worry.

Since the eldest brother sent us to the expedition, we must naturally achieve the goal.

We don't have to worry about those ordinary troops.

Go straight to the northern border to attack.

I believe that with our strength.

It should be enough to sweep across the northern border!"

After hearing the voice, everyone was silent.

Then, a general spoke.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After his voice fell.

Outside the hall, a black shadow flew in.

He bowed respectfully to the ground.

He spoke.

"Report, Your Majesty, there is urgent news from the northern border!"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

The Majesty of the Daluo Holy Court asked.

And the civil and military officials below couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because, if there is no important thing to report.

This minister is afraid of being in trouble.

"Your Majesty, a strong man appeared in the northern border, and his strength is very strong.

We are not his opponent at all.

Now, we are fighting fiercely with that man.

Soon, we will break through the northern border!"

"How dare you, who dares to provoke my Daluo Holy Dynasty!"

"Father, I ask for a fight and will definitely destroy the other party!"

In the hall, the prince of Daluo Holy Court spoke.

Although he is not very old.

However, he has the cultivation of the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Among his peers, he is the best.

"Okay, this matter is left to you to deal with!"

Daluo Holy Emperor said with a smile.

"Yes, father!"

After hearing the voice, the prince said excitedly.

The next moment, he turned around and left.

But the other ministers didn't care.

A smile appeared on their faces.

These princes acted arrogantly in their respective territories.

Even bullying the weak.

Now, they can finally contribute to the Daluo Holy Court.

They are naturally very happy in their hearts.

However, at this moment.


There were bursts of roars in the sky.

Then, a dazzling sword light fell.

The body of the Daluo prince was instantly split into blood mist.

"What's going on!"

After seeing such a scene, the Daluo Holy Emperor roared.

And those ministers said with horror on their faces.

"Your Majesty, it seems that something has happened in my Daluo Holy Sect!"

"Humph, a mere person from another world dares to provoke my Daluo Holy Sect, it's really looking for death!"

The Daluo Holy Emperor roared.

Then, he took a step forward.

His figure disappeared on the spot.

And just after his figure disappeared.


A strong breath was emitted in an instant.

"Haha, Daluo Holy Emperor, we meet again!"

A sinister voice sounded.

Then, several alien warriors were seen standing in the sky.

They were wearing black armor, and their bodies were like giant mountains.

Every step they took was like thunder.

"Humph, you are still alive, you are really lucky!"

The Great Luo Saint Emperor gritted his teeth and said.

And at this moment.

The alien warrior standing in the front slowly said.

"Great Luo Saint Emperor, if it weren't for your help in the past, my alien race would not have fallen to this point.

Today, you will die!"

After the voice fell, his palm stretched out.

Then, a war halberd appeared in his hand.

The blazing sharp aura surged between the whole world.

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