
Following his movements, the alien army around him also roared.

Their eyes flashed fiercely.

And the eyes of the Holy Emperor Daluo showed even more solemnity.

"Generals, follow me to defend against the enemy!"

The voice sounded.

Then, his figure jumped up.

The whole person suddenly became ten thousand feet in size.

He holds a huge ax in both hands.

He struck hard at the leader of the alien strongman.

This strike was unparalleled in dominance.

The space is trembling.

"Jie Jie, is this the strength you have!"

The leader of the alien strongman shouted.

The halberd in his hand moved.

It suddenly burst out.

His speed was so fast that he met the giant ax in the blink of an eye.


When the two collide together.

The energy between heaven and earth is boiling.

The entire sky curtain seemed to be torn apart.


At the same time, the body of the Great Luo Holy Emperor fell straight down.

A deep pit was made on the ground.

"Haha, Holy Emperor Da Luo, let me see where you run this time!"

The leader of the alien race said arrogantly.

above his arm.

There was blood dripping down.

However, his face was still extremely ferocious.

Come this time.

Just want revenge.

If it hadn't been for the help of the Great Luo Holy Emperor, he would have fallen long ago.


Just after the voice of the powerful alien leader fell.

A huge head flew up.

The hall was filled with the strong smell of blood.

But the ministers around him were already sluggish at this time.

They never thought that the Great Luo Holy Emperor would be killed in an instant.

At this moment, those powerful foreigners were indeed rushing downwards again.


Waves of shouts of killing rang out in the air.

At this moment, everyone in the hall fell into despair.

These powerful foreigners are not something they can resist.

"Han Emperor, help!"

A minister shouted unwillingly.

However, it had no effect at all.


An alien master stabbed him in the chest with a weapon in his hand.

All this happened too fast.

It makes people reflect poorly.

When he stopped breathing, there were only screams and begging for mercy in the hall.

And at this moment.

But there was a vast and incomparable momentum coming from the sky.

Then, he saw a large army descending from the sky.

The leader was clearly Li Jing.

There was an indifferent light in his eyes.

After seeing the mess in the hall.

He shouted.

"Everyone, follow me!"

As he spoke, he led his army and rushed towards the distance.

The strength of these powerful foreigners is not weak.

However, when meeting Li Jing, it was not worth mentioning.

In a short period of time, they were all slaughtered.

At this time, within the Great Luo Holy Sect.

In a quaint palace.

"Your Majesty, traces of aliens were found outside the hall!"

An elder knelt down and said respectfully.

At this time, his face was full of fear.

"Well, I understand. Send an envoy to inform the Holy King, and be sure to delay enough!"

The Holy Lord, who was sitting on the dragon chair, said calmly.

His brow furrowed.

There was a look of thought in his eyes.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already entered Hongmeng City.

Now, the battle in Dahuang City has ended.

But it doesn't mean that he can relax.

Because the war on the continent has just begun.

"Meet the Commander-in-Chief!"

"Meet the Commander-in-Chief!"

After seeing Liu Zheng appear.

The soldiers guarding the city gatehouse quickly bowed and saluted.

They were sighing at how powerful Liu Zheng was.

After all, the opponent's strength is too strong, sweeping across Hongmeng City.

"No need to be polite, tell me what is happening on the continent now!"

Liu Zheng asked lightly.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, there is currently a melee among various races on the continent.

Most of the forces have been destroyed.

Moreover, I heard that the demons are preparing to attack the Celestial Continent! "

Just after Liu Zheng finished speaking.

The general responsible for guarding the city gate continued.

"I see!"

After Liu Zheng's voice fell.

Then, he turned around and left.

At this time, after leaving the city gate.

But he was not in a hurry.

His eyes glanced around.

But, at this moment.

A figure appeared in the distance.

Behind him were many elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

The clothes on these people were embroidered with gold patterns, showing their extraordinary status.

He was clearly a general of the Han Dynasty.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, the alien figures were already approaching.

A cold smile appeared on their lips.

"Han Emperor, hand over your spiritual veins, otherwise, you will definitely die here today!"

A cold voice sounded.

The chill in Liu Zheng's eyes became even stronger.

"You seem to have forgotten who broke the rules and started the war first!"

Liu Zheng said coldly.

And at the same time.

The general behind him had already jumped off the city wall with his sword drawn.

Although these people are good in strength, they are far from Li Jing.


There was almost no suspense as all these powerful foreigners were killed on the spot.

Blood mist filled the air.

The scene in the field was extremely horrifying.

Then, Liu Zheng took one step forward.


The entire void seemed to be trembling.

Then, his body disappeared from the spot.

But those disciples of Dayan Holy Court were inexplicably horrified at this moment.

They never dreamed that the big man could have such a terrifying existence.

"Bang bang!"

Then, Liu Zheng smashed the bodies of several foreign generals with one punch.

His steps didn't stop and he continued to move forward.

Every time he fell, a foreign general was killed by him with one punch.

At this time, apart from Liu Zheng, no one else could be found in the entire Hongmeng City.

And just after he blasted the last alien general into blood mist.

Outside the city, a mighty pressure surged out in an instant.

This aura was so powerful that even the big man couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

“Haha, the great Han Emperor has finally appeared.

Today, I must take your life! "

A loud voice sounded instantly.

Then, a huge black dragon appeared.

His body was huge, and the scales on his body flashed with a dark luster.

His eyes were even more fierce.

It's like two black holes.

Gives a feeling of palpitations.

It was the Demonic Dragon Supreme.

And just after he appeared.

An old man stood behind him.

This old man was invited by the Demonic Dragon Supreme to worship him.

At this time, there was a sinister light in his eyes.

He was once a member of the Kyushu Land, and later joined the Demon Dragon Supreme.

Now, he has successfully cultivated and his strength has reached the level of ancestral witch.

"Emperor Han, today I will crush you to ashes!"

There was endless anger in his voice.

And just after his voice fell.

On the other side, another group of soldiers wearing golden armor rushed out.

There was a bright stream of light shining on the armor on their bodies.

These people are clearly the strongest members of the Golden Lion Clan.

Now, this lion clan is already a subordinate of the Demonic Dragon Supreme.

When they show up, they naturally don’t dare to neglect them.


Just after arriving at the side of the Demonic Dragon Supreme, he roared.

Then, it rushed directly forward.

Wherever it goes, the space is constantly breaking apart.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a solemn look.

Then, he shouted coldly.

"Stop them for me.

I'm going to kill the enemy! "

After saying that, he threw the war spear in his hand directly.


In an instant, he hit a strong man from the Golden Lion Clan.

The other person's head exploded.

But, right now.

The Demonic Dragon Supreme also moved.

Behind him, a demonic dragon flew out.

The speed was extremely fast, rushing towards Liu Zheng.

Wherever it passed, there was a roaring sound.

This made Liu Zheng's eyes show a hint of fear.

Such a master cannot be underestimated.

"hold head high!"

And right now.

He was not to be outdone.

Caught it out with one claw.

In an instant, an unparalleled strong wind swept across.

Then, the two collided.


As the roar fell.

Liu Zheng was knocked to the ground.

At this time, there was bleeding from the mouth and nose.

But the Demonic Dragon Supreme was still standing where he was.

His stature was huge.

A ferocious murderous intent bloomed in his eyes.

"Han Emperor, is this all you can do?"

The voice sounded, with the slightest hint of ridicule.

And at this moment.

The Han generals outside the city gate also charged in again.

These people are all top players.

Although it is nothing in the big man.

However, it is enough to compete with these people.

In a short period of time, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

But Liu Zheng's expression turned ugly at this moment.

Such a scene was something he never expected.

I have been killing people in Hongmeng City for half an hour, and I still haven't gotten out yet.

And right now.

The city gate of the city lord's mansion slowly opened.

Three figures walked out of it.

The leader was a middle-aged man.

Long hair shawl.

His eyebrows were raised.

A fierce look.

To his left and right were two old men in green robes.

These people are all at the fifth level of the Ancestral Witch Realm.

It can be seen that this big man really annoyed the strong men in Hongmeng City.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng's expression became increasingly gloomy.

Because the leader was actually King Dapeng, the one who was defeated by him in Beihai.

"Han Emperor, you can't escape this time!"

King Dapeng said coldly.

The voice was filled with boundless killing intent.

Then, waves of unruly voices came from beside him.

"Han Emperor, we want you to die!"

These are all the demon kings who were suppressed by Liu Zheng in Beihai.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's eyes revealed a bloodthirsty light.

"Haha, we still don't know who will live and who will die today!"

After the words fell, the sharp blade in his hand swept out.

The blazing sword energy cut through the sky and landed directly on the neck of a demon king.

In an instant, the opponent was chopped away.

Blood splashed.

The Dapeng King showed a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

Then, he roared.

"Follow me and kill!"

As his voice sounded.

Endless monsters rushed towards Liu Zheng.

The world seemed extremely cold at this time.

But Liu Zheng at this time did not retreat but advanced.

The sharp blade in his hand danced.

It shuttled through the battlefield like a snake.

Every time it was swung, a monster would be killed.

The strong men of the same level were not Liu Zheng's opponents at all.

And, more importantly, they could not do anything to each other.

This made the smile on the face of the Demon Dragon Supreme stagnate.

Then, he said angrily.

"Damn it!"

He wanted to stop Liu Zheng, but he couldn't do it easily.

Otherwise, it might attract the attention of the strong in Hongmeng City.

After all, in his cognition, Liu Zheng was only at the first level of the Ancestral Witch Realm.

And he was injured.

If he took action himself, it would be too embarrassing.

So, he could only endure it.

However, if he did that, he would suffer heavy losses.

"Sir, you just wait here.

It's just a big man, leave it to me!"

At this moment, an old man behind the Demon Dragon Supreme said respectfully.

Then, his figure disappeared from the spot.

In his body, a strong aura permeated in an instant.

The surrounding space seemed to be shattered at this moment.

Obviously, the other party was also an Ancestral Witch.


Then, a palm was slapped out, covering the army that was fighting the monsters.

Wherever it passed, the entire void was rippling.

And at this moment,

Liu Zheng's pupils also shrank at this time.

The strong man in the Ancestral Witch Realm seemed very difficult to him.

However, now the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

Since the other party dared to attack, he could not care much.

Thinking of this, he was ready to fight.

However, just when he was about to act.


Two arrows flew out of the city.

In the blink of an eye, they fell on the body of the person who attacked.

The fierce attack force made him dare not resist.


Blood gushed out of his mouth.

The whole person was in a mess.

"Humph, you dare to sneak attack my majesty, you are simply looking for death!"

The voice sounded.

The old man who attacked had tears in his eyes.

Not only was he severely injured by the sneak attack, but more importantly, he became a lackey under someone else's hands.

How could he not be angry in his heart.

However, at this moment.


A cold voice came out again in the hall.

Then, a large army appeared.

This time, it was led by an ancient witch.

There were also several masters of the ninth level of the saint standing beside him.

"Han Emperor, this is your last trump card!

However, you will definitely die today!"

The Demon Dragon Supreme said coldly.

At this time, his eyes flashed with madness.

Liu Zheng could not live today, otherwise it would have a great impact on his reputation.

However, just after he finished speaking.

There was a roar in the distance.

"Who dares to kill His Majesty, I will kill his entire family!"

The voice was extremely shocking.

It made everyone stop involuntarily.

Then, even the corners of the Demon Dragon Supreme's mouth showed bitterness.

"Damn, which bastard is it!"

After cursing, he turned around and looked.

I saw a group of people, escorted by a vast army, walking towards the city.

His eyes flashed with horror.

"Who are you!"

"I am Donghuang Taiyi, the Lord of the Han Dynasty!

You can call me the Han Emperor!"

After hearing the voice, the Demon Dragon Supreme's eyes showed fear.

"Han Emperor, do you know that you have committed a heinous crime!"

The Demon Dragon Supreme shouted.

At this time, he knew in his heart that he had to leave today.

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