"Haha, you have no control over who I am.

Since you want to seize Hongmeng City, you must be prepared to bear the price! "

Lu Bu said coldly.

Then, the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand pointed directly at the Demonic Dragon Supreme.

"Han Emperor, you are going too far!"

After hearing the sound, the Demonic Dragon Supreme roared.

Then, he led the army and rushed forward.

He is powerful.

The soldiers under his command were even more ferocious.

Just when they burst out.

"Bang bang!"

There was a banging sound.

The surrounding armies were instantly overturned to the ground.

At this moment, the Demonic Dragon Supreme finally felt fear.

This time I hit a brick wall.

And at this moment.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar sounded.

The big man's Dragon Chase appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic figure slowly appeared.

His body is extremely strong and exudes powerful fluctuations.

It was Xingtian.

I saw him take one step forward, and a bright golden light bloomed in his eyes.

"Who are you!"

Seeing the person coming, the Demonic Dragon Supreme asked through gritted teeth.

There was anger gushing out of his eyes.

"I am your ancestor, kill him!"

After the words fell.

Xing Tian went straight to kill him.

He showed no mercy.

The fist was wrapped in blazing golden flames.

With one punch, the whole space was shaking.


There was a sound of bones breaking.

The Demonic Dragon Supreme was smashed and flew out.

This scene was something no one expected.

The majestic Demonic Dragon Supreme was defeated like this.

Many people even gasped.

But just when they were shocked.

Outside the main hall, a vast energy surged.

At this moment, the whole big man was boiling.

The auras of several ancestral witches enveloped the entire world.

These people all exude a powerful aura.

Like the king of heaven and earth.

Then, a loud voice sounded at this time.

"Who dares to hurt my emperor!"

As soon as the words fell, Xing Tian jumped out.

At this moment, his speed was extremely fast.

Like thunder, he appeared next to the Demonic Dragon Supreme in an instant.

Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand swept out directly.


As the crackling sound fell.

The entire void was torn open in an instant.

The Dragon Supreme's chest collapsed, and there was despair in his eyes.


Then, the entire body was turned into pieces.

This scene was too fast.

Even the powerful men from various races who were watching the battle couldn't believe it.

At the same time, there was a solemn look in his eyes.

And right now.

On the other side, the man in black robe had already reacted.

Looking at Liu Zheng in the field, he shouted angrily.

"Junior, how dare you ruin my affairs.

I will kill you today! "

After the voice fell, a palm struck at the opponent.


A loud noise was heard, and a strong wind swept all around.

A cold light flashed in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and directly grasped the opponent's arm.

Then, he threw it behind him.


The next moment, the body of the man in black robe fell hard to the ground.

Although he is also an ancestral witch, compared with Xingtian, the gap is still too big.

Because Xing Tian obtained Pangu's bloodline.

If it were anyone else, there would be no way he could be his opponent.

At this time, Xing Tian had already entered the battlefield.

Every time he punched, the python roared.


An ancestral witch was unable to escape and his head was shattered in an instant.

On the other side, the Han army also started slaughtering.

Those masters from the alliances of various races are simply difficult to stop.

In a short period of time, they were all killed.

Thick blood mist filled the air.

But at this moment, the Demonic Dragon Supreme struggled to stand up.

At this time, the resentment and resentment in his eyes were clearly revealed.

Shouted to the person next to him.

"Kill me, kill Emperor Han at all costs!"

There was a ferocious tone in the voice.

This time, he was completely scared.

Moreover, he believed that as long as he killed Liu Zheng, he would be finished.

However, Liu Zheng was already on guard.

"call out!"

At this moment, a sound broke through the air.

Then, a jade talisman appeared.

A brilliant golden light flashed above it.

It is clearly a jade talisman for help from a big man.

The smile on the Demon Dragon Supreme's face became increasingly weird at this time.

Looking at Liu Zheng, he said coldly.

"Han Emperor, your end is coming!"

Just after he finished speaking.


Then, a spear actually pierced the Demon Dragon Supreme's forehead.

Then, an old man came out of the Han camp and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, all enemy forces have been suppressed!"

After hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng said lightly.


Then, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty escorted the Demon Dragon Supreme and others back to Hongmeng City.

However, the atmosphere in the hall at this time was very serious.

Xing Tian said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, this time our Han Dynasty suffered heavy losses.

Five million troops fell, more than three hundred generals were injured, and almost all the elites fell!"

There was a sense of sadness in his words.

"Yes, since the founding of our Han Dynasty, we have never been so embarrassed!"

Cao Zhengchun said at this time.

Hate appeared in his eyes.

"It's not your fault. After all, these people are all strong men from various races.

And this is a life-and-death struggle.

I hope everyone can understand!"

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone spoke respectfully.

This time, they were indeed a little heartbroken.

After all, it is not easy to train each soldier.

And, it depends on the other party to conquer the world everywhere to accumulate enough foundation.

But there is no way, this is a chaotic world. If you don't kill people, let alone conquer the entire Hongmeng.

Even staying alive is a problem.

However, just after they left.

Liu Zheng spoke again.

"Cao Zhengchun, let Xingtian lead the army to the Chaos Abyss!"


After hearing the order, Cao Zhengchun retreated.

Then, another Jinyiwei spoke.

"Your Majesty, what about us!"

There was excitement in his voice.

"I allow you to look for opportunities.

Remember, this is outside the sacred domain, be careful!"

When the voice sounded.

The Jinyiwei disappeared on the spot.

After seeing such a scene, Xingtian retreated with joy on his face.

In this battle, he felt that his strength increased the most.

Moreover, Liu Zheng did not punish himself.

This is a great favor.

Therefore, it is natural to cherish it.

At this time, the big man has begun to gather.

Xingtian, as the vanguard, led the army to kill towards the Chaos Abyss.

And Liu Zheng, sitting on the imperial sedan, thinking quietly.

This time, he is not easy.

This battle will definitely attract the attention of all tribes.

Especially the ancestor witch, they are difficult to deal with.

Therefore, there are two things that must be done next. The first is to improve the cultivation as soon as possible.

The second is to stabilize his realm to avoid danger.

Just as he was thinking about all this.

A cold voice was heard.

"Han Emperor, come out!"

The voice made Liu Zheng frown.

He wanted to know who it was.

However, when he saw the person in front of him, his pupils shrank.

This person was short and thin, but his cheeks were sunken.

Like a dried corpse.

However, the fierce aura on his body was extremely strong.

What was even more surprising was that this person actually had a long knife on his back.

The whole person stood in place, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Who are you!"

Liu Zheng asked.

"Haha, Lord of the Han Dynasty, you finally came out.

Don't you want to know who I am?

Let me tell you, I am from the Tianhuang clan.

Today is your death day!"

As he spoke, the thin figure actually flew over directly.

The long sword in his hand shone with a cold light.

He swept towards Liu Zheng with one blow.

The blazing sword energy even cut through the void.

The moisture in the air was drained wherever it passed.

The whole world seemed to collapse.

"Looking for death!"

After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng shouted angrily.

He jumped up, and the Yuhuang Sword in his hand was also swung down.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.


A violent roar sounded.

With bursts of roars, the body of the Supreme of Tianhuang flew out backwards.


Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Then, a crack appeared on his body.

It was obvious that he could not withstand such an attack.

"Haha, Han Emperor, if you dare to hurt me, you are dead. The Supreme of Tianhuang Clan will never forgive you.

In addition, the God Clan and the Demon God Palace will also send strong men to come.

In short, you can't escape!"

The voice was full of madness.

At this moment, Liu Zheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Without any hesitation, he flew out directly.

He wanted to kill the Supreme of Tianhuang.

And at this time, the opponent seemed to have guessed that Liu Zheng would do this.

When Liu Zheng appeared.


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then, a blood cloud appeared around.

The blood cloud exuded vast energy.

This was his last means of saving his life.

If used to escape, it would definitely be enough to escape.

But this move, although powerful.

But the damage to the body is also very huge.

Therefore, the Supreme of Tianhuang was reluctant to use it.

But now, Liu Zheng is too terrifying.

He had to do so.

Because he knew that if he didn't use this secret technique, he would definitely die.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already caught up.


He roared.

Around him, countless prehistoric beasts followed him.

Each one was extremely ferocious.

At this time, he bared his fangs.

He rushed towards the Supreme Being of the Desolate Heaven.

The speed was extremely fast.

After seeing such a scene, the Supreme of the Heavenly Desolate did not neglect it.

His arms danced.

"Ka La!"

As the sound fell.

The blood mist in front of him actually condensed into a huge skull.

It was covered with dense runes.

It was like a living thing.

As soon as it was formed, it blocked countless prehistoric beasts.

However, it was still broken.

The body of the Supreme of the Heavenly Desolate ran towards the distance.

He did not dare to stop for a moment.

However, the prehistoric beasts followed closely.


Finally, the Supreme of the Heavenly Desolate could not dodge.

He was knocked to the ground by a prehistoric beast.


Then, a black tiger pounced down.

"Ka Cha!"

The chest of the Supreme of the Heavenly Desolate was shattered.

His eyes were wide open, and even breathing was difficult.

However, he did not wait for him to die, and the black tiger had already bitten off his neck.

On the other side, the bloody skull was broken into pieces after a punch.

However, even so.

The remaining prehistoric beasts were extremely brave.

They did not retreat at all.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng finally arrived close.

His figure flashed, and he slapped out with a palm.


A prehistoric dragon roared and swallowed up the blood wave.

Despair appeared in the eyes of the Supreme of the World.

He did not expect that there would be such a master among the big men.

And at this moment.

The black tiger pounced again.


Liu Zheng snorted coldly and stretched out his hand.


The black tiger was caught and thrown far away.

The opponent at this time showed fear in his eyes.

And those beasts did not dare to approach.


At this time, the Supreme of the World roared.

Then, his body suddenly grew.

It turned into a height of ten thousand feet.

"Hehe, Han Emperor, you are lucky.

If it weren't for this time, the Saint King of my Tianhuang clan needed a body.

You would be dead.

This body is a gift for you.


Tianhuang Supreme said with a big laugh.

Then, a claw grabbed Liu Zheng.

This claw contained the power of destruction.

It made the whole world shake.

When he felt that breath.

Liu Zheng's face changed involuntarily.

This is the energy generated by a Saint Nine-fold strong man who desperately burst out.

How can he match it.


Almost without any hesitation.

Liu Zheng's figure disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, he appeared again.

He exerted the Yu Step in his hand to the extreme.

The power of the stars under his feet was extremely dazzling.


With a burst of bangs falling.

The Tianhuang Supreme was kicked away by Liu Zheng.

But this is not the end.

Just when Tianhuang Supreme hadn't reacted yet.

Liu Zheng's figure rushed out again at this time.

His palm stretched out.


Tianhuang Supreme's right arm was crushed by him.

Then, his left leg was also broken.

Finally, he kicked out.


Tianhuang Supreme's head was directly pierced.

Blood splattered.

This battle is finally over.

Liu Zheng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

This Tianhuang world is a piece of fat meat.

Now that he has the advantage.

Naturally, he is not going to let it go.

He immediately shouted.

"Pass on my order, the whole army will attack Tianhuang world.

If they encounter obstacles, they will all be slaughtered!"

After the voice fell.

The whole world was wrapped in a murderous aura.

The armies that heard the order, regardless of anything, directly killed towards Tianhuang world.

At this time, they.

They didn't care about the feelings of others at all.

And just when Liu Zheng led the army and charged into the Tianhuang world.

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