
However, there was a sound of sharp blades swiping.

The figure of the Dark Lord actually disappeared from where he was.

Then, he appeared in front of the dark demon princess.

"Child, you go first.

I blocked His Majesty, and I will make him pay the price when we meet next time! "


The princess of the Night Demon Clan shouted with tears on her face.

But the Dark Lord didn't pay any attention to it.

Then, he punched Liu Zheng.


There was a loud noise.

This punch was extremely domineering.

It actually penetrated the void.

There was a hint of anger in Liu Zheng's eyes.

His body is extremely agile.

When the Dark Lord just reacted.

A slap hit him hard on the head.

Blood mist splashed.

The majestic Dark Lord just fell into the field.

As for Liu Zheng, his eyes at this moment were fixed on the princess of the Dark Demon Clan.

Then, a cold voice came out.

"I think of your deep brother-sister relationship, so I will spare your life.

But from now on, I don’t want to see you again, understand! "

"Thank you, His Majesty the Han Emperor! Thank you, His Majesty the Han Emperor!"

At this time, Liu Zheng was like a high and mighty emperor.

The dark night demon princess showed gratitude in her eyes.

Then, he retreated.

At this time, she had no hesitation at all.

Because she knew that her destiny was entirely controlled by Liu Zheng.

If the other party won't let you go.

Then it's really over.

And just after the Night Demon Princess left.

A brilliant light flashed in Liu Zheng's eyes.

He shouted to Cao Zhengchun.

“Go find me the people from Tianji Pavilion.

Remember, get the closest one! "

He needs Tianji Pavilion to help him find out the news about the Night Demon Realm.

Now, the Night Demon Realm has surrendered to itself.

Liu Zheng hopes to know the secret.

Otherwise, I will always feel uneasy.

"According to the order!"

After hearing the order, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect and retreated directly.

As for the people of the Dark Demon Clan, they did not dare to stop him in the slightest.

Even the princess of the Dark Demon Clan was defeated.

How dare they make mistakes?

Moreover, they are now ready to follow Liu Zheng.

If something dangerous happens, they must charge into battle.

After all, this battle is related to their lives.

After only a short time.

Cao Zhengchun returned to the main hall again.

There was a smile on his face at this time.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Tianji Pavilion said that if you are willing to support them, even the Demon Lord will dare to fight against him!"

There was a bit of excitement in his voice.

And just after Cao Zhengchun finished speaking.

Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Tell him that I agreed to this matter, but I will take action after three months!"

Now that it has been decided to destroy the Dark Demon Clan, the results must be produced within three months.

Otherwise, he would have delayed his plan.

"As you command!"

After hearing the sound, Cao Zhengchun retreated.

Then, Liu Zheng's eyes shone brightly.

"Haha, this time, I want to see who dares to offend me in the demon world.

Inform the Shadow Legion to mobilize an army of five million for me to go to Dark Night City and attack the Demon Clan.

I will kill him until he bleeds like a river! "

There was a ferocious tone in Liu Zheng's voice.

Although the people of the Night Demon Clan surrendered to themselves.

But he didn't trust the other party's so-called loyalty.

After all, there are too many such people.

Especially fighting all the way.

All the powerful people in the world that I encountered.

There are many people who serve under him but are traitors.

Therefore, it is better to be careful.

Of course, Liu Zheng is not worried about these things.

With the help of the system, he believed that no matter what happened, he would be safe.

All can be handled appropriately.


With a roar, tents stood up one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow army rushed towards the distance in a mighty manner.

This time Liu Zheng can be said to have used all his strength.

Except for the five thousand shadow guards who stayed behind the big man.

A million troops were also sent.

It can be said to be extremely luxurious.

At this time, within the Demon God Clan.

A deputy chief stood respectfully under the hall.

He said slowly to the man sitting above him.

"Reporting to Lord Demon Ancestor, according to the tip.

The reinforcements of the Han Dynasty have already set off.

According to time, we should have arrived at my Dark Demon Clan by now.

Why is there no movement! "

There was a hint of confusion in his voice.

And after hearing the sound.

The Night Demon sitting on the throne had a fierce light shining in his eyes.

"Hmph, don't be afraid.

This big man is just bluffing.

Don't forget, our army is still stationed outside Dark City.

If they dare to enter, they will definitely die! "

There was a hint of pride in his voice.

And at the same time.


With a thud it fell.

A figure was thrown in.

He is clearly a master of the Dark Demon Clan.

Then, a violent voice sounded.

"People of the demon clan, get out of here and die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of big men's soldiers rushed in.

Wearing armor and covered in blood, they looked extremely ferocious.

The weapon in his hand emitted a blazing cold light.

The people of the Night Demon Clan were all shocked.

They never thought that the Han army would attack their Dark Demon clan.

And at this moment.

On the other side, the Dark Demon Emperor has returned to the Dark Demon Palace.

At this time, his expression was extremely gloomy.

“Father, can’t we, the Dark Demon Clan, resist?

Now, the eldest brother and the others have surrendered to the Han Emperor.

All of this, should we just let it continue to develop? "

There was a hint of resentment in the Night Demon Princess's voice.

"Haha, what do you know? Although Emperor Han is powerful, he is still a human being.

This is the world of demons, not big men! "

The Night Demon King said coldly.

Then, he said it again.

“Now, the most important thing for us is to improve our cultivation.

After we break through, we will do other things.

This big man's strength is indeed good.

It's a pity that it is not suitable for development here.

do you understand! "

"Yes, my child understands!"

The Night Demon Princess did not dare to disobey her father's wishes.

But at this moment, the guards outside the hall walked in.

He spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the envoy of the Han Dynasty wants to see you!"

After hearing the sound, the Night Demon Emperor couldn't help but frown.

Over the past few days, he has found out more about it.

The hatred between the big man and the Night Demons.

He actually sent someone to negotiate.

This is simply unbelievable.

Then, he spoke.

"Proclaim it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The guard said respectfully.

And just after he retreated.

After a moment, a figure walked in.

This man is very tall and tall, and his whole body is like an iron tower.

Her fiery red hair was flying.

The whole person's momentum is extraordinary.

But at this time, he did not dare to hesitate.

He shouted to the Night Demon Emperor.

"Envoy of the Han Dynasty, pay homage to the Night Demon Emperor!"

After the voice fell, his whole body was full of arrogance.

This is a truly peerless powerhouse that can even rival an ordinary ninth-level Saint King powerhouse.

And just after his words fell.

The Night Demon Emperor said with a smile.

"General, you're welcome. Come on!"

After hearing the sound, the man slowly stood up.

And just after he stood upright.

The Night Demon Emperor asked again.

"I don't know what the general is doing here!"

There was doubt in his eyes.

Because according to the news from Shadow City.

This time, the Han's reinforcements numbered hundreds of millions.

Moreover, they are all elite.

I originally thought that I should be able to resist the opponent.

But he didn't expect that the other party just came with a few thousand soldiers.

This made him doubt whether the reinforcements from the big man were just a cover.

But, just after he thought of this.

The big man's messenger said coldly.

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, my Emperor Han has summoned you to come and see you!"

A cold voice sounded, with the slightest hint of impatience.


The Night Demon Emperor let out a light sigh.

However, he is not afraid.

Although the big man was powerful, how could he, the Dark Demon Emperor, be afraid as the overlord of the Demon Realm.

Dang even opened his mouth and shouted.

"Lead the way!"

After saying that, he walked towards the outside world.

But the Night Demon Princess followed closely beside him.

There was a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

This Night Demon Emperor cannot leave Dark Night City no matter what.

Otherwise, the entire Dark Demon Clan will be completely destroyed in Liu Zheng's hands.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to delay at all and followed directly.

The Night Stalker is in the front, and his two daughters are in the middle.

Vast coercion spread out.

The faces of the dark demons around him turned extremely pale.

They did not expect that this battle would be so cruel.

The Night Demon Emperor is even more so.

Looking at his brothers who died tragically.

His eyes were almost bursting with flames.

At this moment, he wished he could rush forward and kill Liu Zheng.

Unfortunately, this is not possible now.

You can't go out and die.

Therefore, he could only walk out of the city gate in frustration.

And just at the moment they left the city.

A fine cavalry was coming towards them.

Every one of them exudes murderous intent.

In the palm of his hand, he held a sharp sword.

But at the front is a tiger general.

His face was full of flesh, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty.

Looking at the Night Demon Emperor, he shouted coldly.

"The people of the Night Demon Clan are so brave, daring to sneak attack on the army under the command of His Majesty the Han Emperor.

It’s simply courting death! "

After he finished speaking, he was ready to wave.

Order the army to attack.

"Haha, it turns out to be General Xiang Yu.

I, the Night Demon Clan, didn’t know you were here.

Please forgive me if I accidentally hurt you! "

After hearing the sound, the Night Demon Emperor's eyes showed a hint of joy.

He did not expect that the big man would send Xiang Yu here.

After all, he knew the opponent's strength.

I once broke into Longtan alone and killed endlessly.

Now, he has become the number one warrior under Liu Zheng.

But just when the Night Demon Emperor wanted to explain.

Xiang Yu said coldly.

"Hmph, accidental injury, since it is accidental injury.

This princess of your dark demon clan, please stay.

So as not to stain my big man’s place! "

As the voice fell, the corners of the Night Demon Emperor's mouth twitched.

But at this moment, the Night Demon Princess shouted angrily.

"Asshole, I am the princess of the Night Demon Clan, and you can covet her.

Those who know the truth, retreat quickly, otherwise, we will definitely kill all of you today! "

The Night Demon Princess's voice contained infinite murderous intent.

And just after her words fell.

Xiang Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he still spoke with incomparable indifference.

"Kill all the people of the Night Demon Clan, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Leave no one behind! "

The voice sounded, causing the Night Demon Emperor's expression to change involuntarily.


At this moment, the army moved.

The dense sword light gathered together.

It turned into a terrifying wave of knives and headed towards the Night Demon Clan.

At this time, anyone can feel the strong murderous aura.

The body of the Night Demon Princess couldn't help but tremble.

And the Night Demon Emperor did not expect that the other party would take action while he was still alive.

However, it was already too late at this time.


Wherever the sword light passed, those members of the Night Demon Clan had no chance to resist, and were killed on the spot.

In a short period of time, the place turned into a hell of Shura.

Rich blood flowed out.

But at this time, the Night Demon Princess was frightened out of her courage.


"Spare my life, I am willing to follow the general, as a slave or a maid.

As long as you spare me! "

There was a sad tone in the voice.

He looked extremely frightened.

However, just after her voice fell.

However, a cold light flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes.

He said coldly.

"Your existence will only hinder the rule of my Majesty the Han Emperor.

Must die today! "

There was a strong evil spirit in the voice.

It made the Night Demon Princess tremble.

Then, he actually ran away into the distance.

However, her strength is too weak and there is no way she can escape.

Just after running a hundred meters, his head was chopped into pieces by Xiang Yu's knife.

Scenes like this happen everywhere.

The strong men of the Han Dynasty are wreaking havoc on the entire Dark Demon Clan.

Wherever he passed, those dark demons showed no resistance at all.


Finally, when a muffled sound came out.

The Dark Demon King flew out upside down.

The whole chest collapsed.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

And at the same time.

Those members of the Dark Demon Clan knelt on the ground.

The cries of begging are endless.

But Xiang Yu would not stay for a moment.

A brilliant golden light burst out from his eyes.

He said coldly.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor has already issued an edict.

If there is an alien invasion, they will be killed without mercy!

Those who disobey the Holy Order will be killed without mercy! "

As he spoke, his palms were raised again.

This time, boundless strong wind gathered in the sky.

But the Night Demon Emperor was completely panicked at this time.

There was a look of horror on his face.

I didn't expect things to develop to such an extent.

However, at this time, he knew in his heart that if he wanted to survive, he had to pray and Liu Zheng let him go.

As for others, they have no hope at all.

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