Sure enough, at this moment.

"hold head high!"

A deafening roar came out.

Then, Liu Zheng sat down and the dragon flew into the sky.

He sits high in the sky.

Looking down.

Said slowly.

"You deserve death!"

There was a hint of indifference in his voice.

And after hearing the sound.

The Night Demon Emperor couldn't care about anything else.

shouted to Liu Zheng in the sky.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, I surrender.

Please give me a chance! "

The sound rang out, causing the people of the Night Demon Clan around to be stunned.

They couldn't believe it.

The majestic Demon Lord actually bows his head to others.

Moreover, more importantly, the opponent's strength is much stronger than his own.

If he fights with the other party, he may die here.

However, just when they were worried.

Liu Zheng spoke calmly.

"I'll give you a chance.

Be loyal to me from now on and never leave the Dark Star Territory.

Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy! "

After the words fell.

The faces of everyone in the Night Demon Clan became increasingly ugly.

If you really agree to Liu Zheng's conditions.

They will give up their ancestral land.

It can even be said that everything was lost.

This will be a huge blow to the Dark Demon Clan.

Just, right now.

The Night Demon Emperor did not dare to hesitate.

He hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground and spoke respectfully.

"My subordinates are willing to obey His Majesty's decrees and will swear allegiance to Your Majesty from now on!"

Although he doesn't want to surrender.

However, there is no way now.

If you are delaying.

The other party will definitely kill him.

And after his voice fell.

The big men standing next to Xiang Yu all breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Liu Zheng would refuse.

This is the daughter of the Dark Demon God. How could the other party let her go?

However, Xiang Yu's voice sounded again at this moment.

"Night Demon Emperor, please return to the Demon Realm first.

Remember the mission I assigned you! "

After hearing the sound, the Night Demon Emperor quickly bowed and said.

"I will obey your orders!"

After the voice fell, the figure disappeared in place.

At the same time, the Night Demon Princess showed a look of despair in her eyes.

Because she knew that she was finished.

These Han Emperor's subordinates would not spare him.

However, at this moment.

A cold voice did reach her ears.

"You can choose to commit suicide!"

It was Xiang Yu who spoke, and at this moment, his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

The Night Demon Princess, however, did not hesitate.

He directly picked up the sharp blade in his hand and pierced his heart.

And at the same time.

A general also came in to report.

"Your Majesty, all rebels must be put to death.

There are no more rebels in the Dark Star Territory! "

When the voice sounded, Liu Zheng nodded, and then waved to retreat.

Then, his eyes scanned the entire city, and finally he spoke.

"Okay, now that the matter has been resolved, let's go home.

The view here is so bad! "

After the voice fell, everyone couldn't help but be startled. They originally thought that Emperor Han would stay.

But I didn't expect that the other party would be so straightforward and ready to leave.

However, he did not dare to neglect it.

After all, Liu Zheng had shown enough strength just now, which made them feel afraid.

"We obey!"

The voice sounded, and then a huge team followed Liu Zheng, heading towards the outside world.

After seeing such a scene, the people of the Night Demon Clan showed awe in their eyes.

They understand, from now on.

There will be another overlord in this world.

And just when Liu Zheng was preparing to return to the Ancient Ruins of Chaos.

The Night Stalker gathered in front of his father again.

There was an anxious look in his eyes.

Said slowly.

"Father, Emperor Han has left.

Now, what should I do?

You know, the Night Demon Princess is in his hands.

What should we do if the Han Emperor is to blame? "

There was panic in his voice.

The Night Demon King's eyes also flashed with a gloomy look.

However, he then said through gritted teeth.

“Hmph, no one can touch my daughter, the Night Stalker.

If the Han Emperor dares to invade.

Then we will fight to the death! "

The voice sounded, filled with boundless anger.

Back then, when the Night Demon Clan was established, it encountered danger.

They were forced to hide in the Dark Star Territory.

Later, by chance, the city was built.

The leader of the Night Demon Tribe had no choice but to join the Han Dynasty in order to protect his people.

Moreover, during this period, he also suffered a lot of humiliation.

Now, the Emperor of Han actually wanted to take away his daughter, how could he not be angry.

“Father, Emperor Han’s cultivation is profound and unpredictable.

We are no match at all! "

The son of the Night Stalker said again.

At this moment, he felt a little uneasy.

After all, the Dark Demon Clan is behind the Night Demon Princess.

If the Han Emperor took action, the other party would definitely die.

However, the Night Demon King still said stubbornly.

"Don't worry, I have a way out. Even if the Han Emperor comes to kill us, he won't be able to hurt us at all!"

After the words fell.

Just about to turn around and leave.

And right now.

There was a sound of footsteps.

It was the Night Demon Emperor who arrived here.

His face showed excitement in an instant.

"Father, look, mother is back alive!"

The voice was full of joy.

After the Night Demon Emperor saw the Night Demon Princess return safely.

The blood-red color in his eyes finally gradually faded away.

Then, he spoke.

"Haha, my daughter is back, my daughter is back.

The Night Demons are saved! "

At this time, he seemed extremely excited.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng's brows furrowed.

Because, at this time, he found that the entire Dark Star Territory had become extremely silent.

What's happening here.

Even Xiang Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Because he also discovered the problem.

The surroundings of the Dark Night Star Territory seemed to be blocked.

And right now.

The Night Demon Emperor's voice sounded.

“Dark Moon City Lord, please show up to meet me.

The grudges between our Dark Demon Clan and Dark Moon City in the past can be wiped out today! "

The sound sounded like thunder exploding.

However, what shocked everyone was.

Except for the sound of wind, there was no other sound around.

"Haha, it seems that this Dark Moon City is determined to fight against our Dark Demon Clan.

If this is the case, then I have no choice but to send them on their way! "

The Night Demon King's voice sounded, making the Night Demon King's eyes look horrified.

He did not expect that his father would actually deal with Darkmoon City.

Not only him, but also the people of the Dark Lord clan around him looked in disbelief.

But the Night Demon Emperor didn't care about this.

Just after his voice fell.

There was thick rolling mist rising in the sky.

spread in the air.


And just when the mist was about to approach the army.

The Night Stalker punched out.

The blazing fist cut through the void and hit the mist hard.

However, the next scene made everyone take a breath of air.

Because, at the moment of contact, the mist turned into swords and axes.

Smashing downwards.


Screams sounded.

Not only the soldiers, but also the body of the Night Demon King was shattered at this time.

Blood rained down.

The entire Dark Star Territory fell into deathly silence at this time.

And the other side.

Liu Zheng did not know these things.

At this time, he had returned to the ancient ruins of chaos.

However, just when he stepped into the city gate.

The originally closed city gate opened in an instant.

Then, people from the three major sects were welcomed out.

The leader is none other than Master Shenwu.

He said respectfully.

"Meet Han Emperor, we are fully prepared and waiting for your return!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng smiled, nodded, and said slowly.


Then, they walked towards the city.

Just, after he just entered.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

Because, he discovered that the strength of the people in the city was much stronger than before.

Especially the disciples of the three major sects, although their realm is not high.

But his body was strong and it gave him a very unusual feeling.

It even made him feel threatened.

Dang even asked.

"You guys have made a breakthrough during this period!"

There was a hint of solemnity in the voice.

"Your Majesty, our three major sects have been training hard every day during this period, and now our combat effectiveness has increased several times, and we are not weaker than those of the major sects.

Most importantly, a master was hired.

He taught us the exercises and even had elixirs to help us! "

The one who spoke was Master Shenwu.

Now he has a look of excitement on his face.

After Liu Zheng heard the voice, a smile appeared on his lips.

That's fine, he doesn't want his big man to die in a short time.

Too many manpower will be lost.

Then, he said slowly.

"Okay, very good, thank you for your hard work.

I gave you five elixirs, after you take them.

It can make you move up two small steps.

However, these spiritual objects can only last for three days.

Remember, you must not be greedy.

Otherwise, the backlash will be very serious.

I will send troops to assist.

Understand! "

After the words fell.

The eyes of Master Shenwu and others showed excitement.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng really rewarded him with the elixir.

And just after Liu Zheng's order was issued.

Master Shenwu and others respectfully retreated.

A moment later, there was a battle between the Dark Demon Clan and Dark Moon City.

It completely broke out.

This is a close battle.

Whether it is the Dark Demon Clan or the guards in Dark Moon City, they are both brave and brave.

Especially, the Darkmoon Armor in Darkmoon City.

It almost formed an absolute defense.

The general of the Dark Night Demon Clan once suspected that the guards of Dark Moon City were simply fake.


After the collision, the figure of the Dark Moon City Lord flew out.

However, his eyes were emitting a brilliant light.


After his roar fell.

The giant wolf behind him roared.

It turned into a huge one of a hundred feet.

At this moment, he was extremely ferocious.

"Dark Moon Wolf King!"

After seeing such a scene.

The Dark Demon King shouted angrily.

However, the attack speed of the Dark Moon Wolf King was indeed getting faster and faster.

His claw marks were crisscrossing in the void.

Every time he swung, a sharp blade was cut down.

With destructive fluctuations.

The body of the Dark Night Demon King was instantly stained with blood.

After seeing such a scene.

A gloomy look appeared in his eyes.

He shouted directly.

"Where is the demon army? Follow me to charge and take down the city!"

The voice sounded, and the people of the Dark Night Demon Clan rushed forward in an instant.

After seeing such a scene.

The soldiers of Dark Moon City raised their shields to block the front in an instant.

"Bang bang!"

A violent sound was heard.

The two sides intertwined again.

However, at this time in Dark Moon City, the Dark Moon Guards and the Dark Moon Palace had already gathered together.

They were shining with dazzling brilliance.

An old man nodded with satisfaction at this time.

He said to the young man beside him.

"You see clearly, the skills I teach you can make your cultivation level undergo a qualitative transformation in a short period of time.

But this kind of skills is a bit overbearing and must be carefully controlled.

Don't use it easily!"

After saying that, he walked towards the depths of Dark Moon City.

And just after the old man left.

The young man followed behind without hesitation.

This old man is called An Chen.

He was the person summoned by the Dark Moon Queen.

His cultivation skills can improve people's combat power in a short period of time.

He also has a secret technique that can extend people's lifespan.

However, the price to learn is very high.

An Chen lived for billions of years, but only learned one move.

It was when he died.

Using this secret technique, his son's cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, because of this.

From then on, his son was branded as unfilial.

Moreover, he was humiliated.

However, An Chen had no way to change all this.

After all, the Dark Moon Queen saved him.

He owed too much to the Dark Moon City Lord.

Even if he died, he could not escape the blame.

Now, after all, he found a suitable successor.

So, how could he bear to let his son take risks?

At this time, the young man followed An Chen into the central palace of Dark Moon City.

But he saw a beautiful woman sitting on the throne.

And under her feet, a ball of fire jumped.

It was the Dark Moon Divine Fire.

Looking at his father below, An Chen said respectfully.

"Children meet mother!"

The voice sounded.

"Haha, my child, get up quickly.

You have been stubborn since childhood.

This mission is extremely dangerous.

Mother hopes that you can return safely!"

The queen's voice sounded with a loving look.

Then, she pointed to the young man below and said.

"Anyu, this time it's up to you to protect your brother. If you don't listen to your brother's orders, I won't forgive you!"

"Yes, mother!"

The young man responded.

Then, he looked at Anchen and said slowly.

"Brother, I am willing to accompany you on this mission.

And, I have a secret skill that will definitely help you!"

After hearing the voice.

Anchen did not refuse.

He knew his sister's temper.

Since she agreed, she would definitely do it.

And just after Anyu finished speaking.

The queen's face showed a smile.

Then, she said.

"Then let's go!"

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