And the old demon of the dark night wanted to cry but had no tears at this time.

He didn't know what to do.


At this moment, Ji Hao's fingers popped out, and in an instant, an unparalleled strong wind burst out.

Like a sharp sword, it pierced through the space.


A head flew out straight.

And the old demon of the dark night also fell completely on the spot.

At this time, the four princes were completely confused.

"This, how is this possible.

The old demon of the dark night is the peak of the ninth level of the Daojun, and his means are cruel, how could he fall so easily.

Could it be this senior who did it!"

A prince exclaimed, with fear in his voice.

On the other side, the eldest prince spoke again.

"Yes, it must be this master.

His strength is too strong, and we can't resist it at all.

Retreat quickly, let's leave here quickly!"

After the voice fell, he was ready to retreat.

The other three people also reacted at this time.

They shouted quickly.

"Yes, go quickly, don't provoke this senior."

After the voice fell, the figure quickly swept to the back.

After seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao's eyes were full of brilliance.

Unexpectedly, he was mistaken for the existence of the eighth level of Daojun.

However, the other party's behavior made him very angry.

A mere ninth level of Daojun dared to be so rampant.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Therefore, he immediately spoke slowly.

"Since you dare to offend me, then all stay!"

As the voice fell.

The battle flag of the Emperor of Heaven fluttered in an instant.

A thick blood mist filled the air.


A golden dragon roared.

It rushed towards the crowd.

After seeing such a scene.

The eldest prince was terrified.


The long sword chopped down, and the blazing sword aura carried a destructive breath.


However, when it touched the Emperor's battle flag, it was instantly shattered.

This scene made him feel terrified.

Not only him, but also the second prince, showed fear in his eyes.

However, it was too late now.

"Ka La!"

Accompanied by bursts of thunder.

The eldest prince was killed in an instant.

And the remaining two people were already scared and kept begging for mercy.

"Bang Bang!"

"Please spare my life, Your Majesty, I am willing to join the Han Dynasty.

From today on, I will be loyal to Your Majesty!"

"Bang Bang!"

The foreheads of the two hit the ground.

The sound was extremely shrill.

However, at this time, Ji Hao's eyes were full of coldness.

"Get out!"

A cold voice sounded, and the two people ran out as if they had been pardoned.

At this moment, only Ji Hao and the old demon of the dark night were left in the field.

The other party was trembling at this time.

Although he knew in his heart that Ji Hao was not a big shot.

But the strength shown by the other party just now was too strong.

He had no doubt that as long as the other party had a thought, he would be able to kill him.

"Your name is Dark Night?"

Ji Hao asked coldly.

He wanted to check the other party's memory.


The old demon of Dark Night opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't dare to speak in the end.


After hearing the voice, Ji Hao frowned slightly.

Then, he slapped out with one palm.

In an instant, the vast mana wrapped the other party inside.

I saw that Ji Hao at this time was emitting a dazzling light all over his body.

Like a god.

At the same time, deep in the other party's mind, a picture scroll slowly unfolded.

This is the memory of the old ancestor of Dark Night.

However, when he finished reading it, he couldn't help but smile.

"So, you are actually from the Great Yan Holy Court, no wonder!"

After the voice fell, Ji Hao's handprint changed.

The restriction in the body of the old demon of Dark Night disappeared between heaven and earth.

And he also regained his freedom.

He stood there respectfully, not daring to neglect it.

At this time, Ji Hao had truly taken the Dark Night Demon under his command.

At this time, the entire wilderness was in uproar.

The second prince of the Dayan Dynasty was beheaded in his own mansion.

This was something no one had expected.

Not only were the princes extremely shocked, but the powerful men from all walks of life were even more surprised.

The Dayan Dynasty was a behemoth.

It is said that the ancestor of the Dayan Dynasty was an ancient god.

When traveling outside the prehistoric world.

He encountered a catastrophe and was forced to enter the wilderness.

By chance, the Dayan Dynasty was founded.

Such a huge force naturally attracted countless powerful men to join him.

Therefore, the Dayan Dynasty has also become a first-class force.

There are even peerless heroes in charge.

Now, Ji Hao's move has made the Dayan Dynasty furious.

For a while, all the forces were paying attention to this matter.

They wanted to see what the ruler of the Great Zhou was going to do.

And just when everyone felt that the Great Zhou's actions were a bit reckless.

Ji Hao's faint voice sounded in the void.

"Tell the Dayan royal family that I am waiting for them in Dayan!"

When the voice fell, Zai Ci closed his eyes, but his whole body was exuding cold murderous intent.

This is to provoke the entire dynasty.

And after his voice fell.

There was indeed a joy in Dark Night Old Demon's heart.

If people from the Dayan Dynasty really dare to cause trouble for Ji Hao.

Then this is a chance for him to take revenge.

However, he didn't know that all this was not as simple as Ji Hao imagined.

The Dayan Dynasty, as a first-class force, would never give up.

After Ji Hao just returned to the palace.

A majestic voice sounded in the void.

"Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, come out and die!"

His voice was extremely domineering, but he was a Holy Emperor from the Dayan Dynasty.

At this time, he was outside the city, overlooking Ji Hao.

Just after the other party finished speaking, Zhou's army appeared on the city wall.

"Haha, you are so courageous. You can also command me as the king of Zhou Dynasty!"

Zhu Rong shouted angrily, his eyes red.

This time, Ji Hao's personal expedition made him feel a tragic feeling.

"Huh, I am the Holy Emperor of Dayan.

This is my territory, and whoever I say can mobilize troops can do so! "

After his voice fell, he didn't say anything more. He just looked at Zhou's army as if he was mocking them.

Zhu Rong's face showed anger.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Everyone, get ready to fight. This battle must be won.

Otherwise, just raise your head to see my Majesty! "

After the voice fell, the armor on his body flashed with dazzling brilliance in an instant.

Like a sun.


The next moment, it soared into the sky.

He walked towards the Holy Emperor and greeted him.

His speed was extremely fast, and he collided with the opponent in the blink of an eye.

Bursts of explosions kept ringing in the void.

This made the Holy Emperor's pupils shrink involuntarily.

Because, he did not expect that his strength was not as good as that of Zhu Rong.

However, at this time, they could not take too much into account. After all, the Dayan Dynasty still needed the support of the Holy Emperor.

Thinking of this, his attack became more and more fierce.

And the other side.

Other powers also flew by.

All kinds of magical powers are constantly being displayed.

For a time, the entire sky was covered.

For a time, the flames of war filled the air.

Ji Hao, however, still sat on the dragon throne and did not participate in the war.

This is a battle that belongs to the big man.

He will use his own methods to deal with these enemies.

And when the old dark night demon saw that Ji Hao didn't take action.

Although I was extremely anxious in my heart.

However, there was no choice but to stay close to Ji Hao.

At this time, the four princes also rushed over.

"Meet my father!"

"Well, I'll leave this place to you for now!"

Looking at his sons.

Ji Hao spoke slowly.

In the past few years, the opponent's strength has reached the sixth level of Saint.

However, in this ancient world, it is still far behind.

Therefore, he planned to let the other party experience it.

After all, you can’t slack off on your journey of cultivation.

"Father, be careful!"

The four princes spoke.

Seems very obedient.

"rest assured!"

After the words fell, Ji Hao walked out of the palace.

And at the moment of leaving.

The entire sky was filled with thunder.

Endless black clouds gather.

The four princes looked horrified and didn't understand what was happening.

You know, Ji Hao has never provoked any punishment from heaven.

But now, this punishment from heaven is a bit inexplicable.

It's not just them.

The Holy Emperor of the Dayan Dynasty frowned as he looked at the dark clouds above his head.

Because he felt that the pressure of this calamity cloud was no weaker than his own.

How can this be.

He was a first-rate force, the Holy Emperor of the Dayan Dynasty, how could he be afraid of the mere Lord of the Ancients?

Thinking of this, he was ready to step forward.

However, just when he took a step forward.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was Zhu Rong.

The other party's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water.

"Who are you!"

“Is the Dayan Dynasty such a bully?

Even my Majesty’s things were robbed! "

After hearing the sound, the Dayan Saint Emperor said disdainfully.

"Haha, since you are willing to give it away, then take it."

However, just after his voice fell.

Zhu Rong stretched out his palm, and the next moment, the Blood Spirit Jade Box was held in his hand.

"court death!"

Seeing such a scene, the Dayan Saint Emperor couldn't help but become furious.

Just throw out a punch.

The blazing fist pierced the sky.

It made the entire void tremble involuntarily.

"Get away!"

However, facing the other party's attack, Zhu Rong said coldly.

There was a strong chilling air in his voice.

Then, he met him with a punch.


The two fists collided in an instant.

It made a huge roaring sound.

The entire void was torn apart in an instant.

A terrifying storm swept out.

And the face of the Great Yan Saint Emperor showed a solemn look.

The opponent's strength exceeded his expectations.


At this moment, Zhu Rong moved.

Under his feet, a huge axe burst into dazzling golden light.

Under his control.

Chopping horizontally and vertically.

Every blow seemed to be able to split the entire world in half.

The strong men of the Great Yan Dynasty were no match at all.

It only took a moment.

The entire army of the Great Yan Dynasty was defeated.

For a time, corpses were everywhere.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the Saint Emperor's face was extremely livid.

He did not expect that he would be forced into a desperate situation after a face-to-face encounter.

If he was not strong enough, he would have fallen long ago.


However, what he did not know was that after he shouted.

Zhu Rong did not dare to hesitate.

The giant axe in his hand chopped down at the opponent.

It emitted a shocking fluctuation.

It made the Holy Emperor look fearful.


The figures of both sides collided in an instant.

A huge wave of air spread out in all directions.

The Holy Emperor's figure was thrown out by the blow.

His chest collapsed even more.

Obviously, he suffered a loss in the collision just now.

And Zhu Rong, after gaining the advantage.

He continued to rush forward without stopping.

One knife, one knife after another.

The whole person's body emitted a dazzling golden light.

The surrounding space was constantly shattered.

And the Great Yan Holy Emperor, under such circumstances, gradually became weak.

Finally, he was finally chopped on the neck by a knife.


Blood splattered.

His head was thrown high in an instant.

Until his death, he never thought that he, a Saint Emperor, would die in the hands of a lord of the prehistoric world.

"Haha, so satisfying!"

Zhu Rong said with a big laugh.

His eyes showed a crazy killing intent.

Looking at the body lying in a pool of blood.

He did not stop, but chopped another axe with his backhand.


The next moment, the head of the Saint Emperor was chopped into pieces.

And all this was seen clearly by the onlookers.

The Dayan Dynasty, as the first dynasty in the prehistoric world, ruled over billions of stars.

The Saint Emperor was also the top existence in the prehistoric world.

Now, under Zhu Rong's attack.

He was killed.

But it caused bursts of exclamations around.

Many people showed shock.

At this time, Ji Hao, after hearing the voice.

He did not mean to stop it.

He knew that if this news was spread.

It would definitely attract the attention of many powerful people in the prehistoric world.

At that time, his own troubles would come.

Moreover, even if his strength was strong enough, he could not stop countless strong men from coming to investigate.

So, let's keep it secret for now.

As for this matter, he needs to plan it carefully.

And just when Ji Hao was thinking.

Zhu Rong had already returned.

"Your Majesty, please accept these treasures!"

Zhu Rong said respectfully.

At the same time, he placed all kinds of rare treasures beside Ji Hao.

"Well, retreat, you stay with these, and make plans after I gather the troops!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order.

Zhu Rong bowed and responded, not daring to hesitate at all.

And after the other party left.

Ji Hao fell into deep thought.

He didn't know what kind of danger he would encounter next.

But now, it is the only choice.

On the other side, the news that the Holy Emperor of the Dayan Dynasty was beheaded.

It also spread throughout the entire prehistoric world at lightning speed.

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