
After hearing the news, no matter which clan the ancestors were, they couldn't help but take a breath of air at this time.

The strength of the Dayan Dynasty is far superior to them.

And now, in a short period of time.

It is destruction.

Who is not afraid.

In particular, the Dayan Saint Emperor was very famous in the entire prehistoric era.

Unexpectedly, he really died in Ji Hao's hands.

For a moment, the entire prehistoric world turned its attention to the Divine Court.

However, after Ji Hao killed the opponent.

But he also fell into calm.

At this time, the big man was slowly recovering his strength after experiencing the war.

After all, after the war, the remaining soldiers are only about 30%.

However, it cannot be ignored.

Now, with the rise of Ji Hao.

Although the various tribes are still unconvinced, they also understand that the gap between them and others is too big.

Therefore, he did not dare to provoke him easily.

A tit-for-tat battle ended strangely.

At this time, Ji Hao, after appeasing the ancestors of various races.

He is preparing to return to the shrine to practice in seclusion.

But at this time, there was already an undercurrent surging in the wilderness.

Whether they are ordinary people or sect disciples.

Now I understand in my heart that from today on, Ji Hao is the master of this ancient world.

And the Great Zhou Dynasty will truly rise.

Because, behind them, stood a strong man.

Moreover, the opponent is also an incomparably powerful ninth-level saint.

Therefore, when Ji Hao returned to the divine city.

However, they found that Liu Zheng was walking around anxiously.

"Meet my father!"

Seeing Ji Hao appear, Liu Zheng spoke quickly.

Although the opponent at this time was the king of a country, he did not dare to neglect him at all when facing Ji Hao.


After hearing the voice, Ji Hao nodded lightly.

Then, he slowly sat on the dragon chair.

"Tell me, what happened!"

Ji Hao asked.

There was a hint of sparkle in his eyes.

"Father, I just received the news.

The Dayan Dynasty was destroyed by a barbarian named Zhu Rong.

Moreover, he is very powerful.

The strong men of Dayan have almost no resistance! "

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao frowned and remained silent.

He knew that the ferocious beasts in this primitive world were extremely bloodthirsty.

Especially a being like Zhu Rong.

Even more so.

When he came to the ancient world, he once slaughtered a dynasty.

Being born now is a normal thing.

However, what puzzled Ji Hao was how these ferocious beasts were related to him.



While he was thinking, bursts of roars came from outside the hall.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful energy wave came out.

Obviously, it was Zhu Rong who was already attacking the royal city.

However, there was no change at all on Ji Hao's face.

His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

After a moment, he spoke.

"Li Qing obeys the order!"

"The general is here!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice.

Li Qing quickly stepped forward and spoke.

There was a fiery light in his eyes, and he didn't know what Ji Hao was going to do.

"I order you to lead three thousand Xuanjia troops out of the city to meet the enemy!"

Ji Hao said slowly.

However, Li Qing did not dare to show any slightness and simply retreated.

After a while, three thousand Xuanjia troops gathered at one place.

They are all wearing black and red battle armor.

The body is extremely strong.

After walking out of the city wall, we headed outside the city.

When they came to the foot of the mountain.

Just then, he saw a huge phantom of a barbarian bull, wreaking havoc on the world.

Zhu Rong, on the other hand, was wandering in the void.

"hold head high!"

The wings spread out, covering the entire sky.

Let out a deafening roar.


After hearing the roar, the three thousand Xuanjia troops roared simultaneously, not to be outdone.

Holding a spear, he rushed forward to kill him.

In an instant, the entire void seemed to be disturbed.

Vast energy swept in all directions.


When the two sides collide together.

Li Qing took a step forward, swung the long knife in his hand, and pointed directly at Zhu Rong.

In an instant, fire rain fell from the sky.

The blazing energy exudes terrifying pressure.

"Hmph, ant!"

Looking at Li Qing coming to kill him.

Zhu Rong said disdainfully.

Then, billowing black flames actually rose from his body.

Under his control.

The rain of fire that filled the sky was wrapped in it, and it was constantly devouring it.


Even made a sneer.


Finally, the fire rain extinguished, and Li Qing's figure flew back.

However, this time the confrontation.

But it caused the other party to be seriously injured.

If it weren't for the protection of the shield, I'm afraid it would have fallen into the opponent's hands.

Looking at Zhu Rong, he was only slightly embarrassed, but not injured.

Obviously, there is a gap in strength between the two.

"You bunch of ants dare to provoke our barbarians. You are simply seeking death!"

Zhu Rong said coldly.

Then, his body rushed forward again.

Hand stretched out.

With destructive energy.


The spiritual energy between heaven and earth exploded in an instant.

And just when his fist was about to fall.

Li Jing's figure blocked the opponent.

"Hmph, a mere little demon dares to be so arrogant. I will send you to the west today!"

Zhu Rong looked at Li Jing and said.

His eyes were full of ferocious light.

Although this Li Jing was known as the Four Dukes of the Han Dynasty.

However, he didn't take him seriously at all.

Because the opponent ranked low in the Great Yan Holy Court.


However, just after his voice fell.

In the sky, a series of roars came out.

Then, a dragon snake swung its tail in the air.


The giant tail whipped fiercely.

Like a lightning bolt.

The speed was extremely fast.

"Damn, it's that evil beast!"

Seeing the attacking dragon snake, Zhu Rong's face changed drastically.

This Jiaomang is a famous and extremely fierce beast in the prehistoric world.

Its strength is comparable to that of a Golden Immortal master.

It can be said to be very terrifying.

Now, it actually appears here.

While he was exclaiming, the Jiaomang had already come close.

One claw grabbed his shoulder.

Immediately, blood splashed out.


Zhu Rong roared.

He wanted to dodge, but the opponent's strength was extraordinary, so there was no chance for him.

Several claws stretched out again.

He completely tore Zhu Rong's arm apart.

At this moment, Zhu Rong's face was already full of pain.

However, the opponent did not stop.


The giant tail swept past, leaving a mark in the air.

It actually beat Zhu Rong into pieces of meat.

After killing Zhu Rong, the Jiaomang did not mean to stop.

Instead, it continued to circle in the air.


He roared to the sky.

The sound was breathtaking.

Then, all the soldiers in the army felt the boiling of their magic power.

Like a burning flame.


A scream rang out, but it was those soldiers who couldn't bear the heat in their bodies and killed each other.

This dragon python was too terrifying.

As long as they were within a hundred feet of it, all the soldiers would lose their minds.


After seeing such a scene.

The dragon python roared again excitedly, and then flew towards the city gate.

His speed was almost at its limit.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the edge of the city.


Then, the giant tail was raised and swung out fiercely.


Accompanied by a piercing sound.

The solid city head was completely destroyed.


After seeing this scene.

The defenders in the city shouted angrily.

The weapons in their hands were clenched tightly.

This city is related to the survival of the entire Han Dynasty.

If they don't win.

The consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, everyone's face was extremely solemn.

"Haha, a bunch of trash dare to block my way!"

And Zhu Rong, who had regained his freedom at this time, flashed a bloodthirsty light in his eyes after hearing the shouts of killing.

His figure turned into a stream of light.

He fought with the Jiaomang.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

It made the pupils of the people on the city wall shrink.


Just when Zhu Rong and the Jiaomang were entangled.

A low roar suddenly came from the other party's mouth.

Then, the whole Jiaomang exuded a thick mist.

It was difficult to see its true appearance.


A moment later, his huge body crashed directly into the city wall.

The powerful energy splashed at the moment.

The entire city was knocked down.

The smoke and dust spread, suffocating.


Li Jing looked at this scene and let out a violent roar.

Then, a huge axe chopped out in an instant.


The axe blade cut through the void, making a violent roar in the air.

It smashed towards Zhu Rong.

At this time, the opponent was trying his best to resist the dragon python.

He had no energy to resist Li Jing.


When the axe light fell, the opponent's head was actually cut off in half.

The bright red blood gushed out from it.

At this time, the field was silent.

No one thought that the Han Dynasty actually had such a powerful general.


But at this time, the dragon python had no intention of retreating.

With eyes wide open, he roared.

The figure soared into the sky again.

His body was like a mountain.

At this time, after rushing into the sky, it was actually growing slowly.

At the same time, the scales on his body.

At this moment, it became even more dazzling.


A roar sounded.

The size of the Jiaomang was a thousand feet long.

It twisted in the air.

It rushed straight into the city.

Such an attack was too terrifying.

Wherever it passed, the space collapsed.


Li Jing waved his weapon to meet it.

However, his realm was too weak after all.

Although practicing the exercises is good.

However, he is still no match.


At the moment when the two sides collided.

His figure flew out upside down.

The armor on the chest is even cracked.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

At this moment, I finally realized how powerful this python was.

However, his reaction was still too late.


The python's tail hit him directly.

Such a blow almost exhausted his last strength.


Li Jing's figure fell to the ground.

The whole person seemed extremely depressed at this time.

But fortunately he is still alive.

"Your Majesty, help me, I'm afraid I can't save this city!"

Li Jing struggled to stand up and spoke.

There was a desolate tone in the voice.

Now, the Han Dynasty has lost 30,000 soldiers.

There were countless casualties in the city.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible to defend the city.

That's why he asked for help.

But at this moment.

Yang Jian's figure had already climbed onto the tower.

After he saw the scene on the field.

Eye sockets are about to burst.

These are the brothers who have followed him for many years, and now they have fallen on the battlefield.

He wished he could kill the python immediately.

It's just that the opponent's strength is too strong.

Even he, in a short period of time, was of no avail.

Moreover, even if he takes action, the best result is that both sides will suffer losses.

At that time, if the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are unable to return in time to help.

It will definitely be defeated.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown.

However, at this moment.

Ji Hao, who had just left the palace, was here.

Looking at Li Jing above the city, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Then, he spoke.

"I give you two ways to go now, one is to capture the city, the other is to surrender.

I won't kill you! "

At this time, Ji Hao said with a cold voice.

When Li Jing heard the sound, a smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you Your Majesty, I am willing to submit to Your Majesty!"

Then, he said respectfully.

At this time, the city gate officials who were guarding did not dare to neglect and knelt down on the ground one after another.

They knew in their hearts that if this big man won, they would definitely die.

Now, since Ji Hao is willing to let him and others go, how can he refuse.


At this time, the dragon python roared again.

Heading directly towards the city.

The mighty wind swept through the entire city in an instant.


Like a natural disaster, the city kept shaking.

"Get out of my way!"

But at this moment, bursts of explosions were heard.

It turned out that the army outside the city had entered the territory of the Han Dynasty.

But Zhu Rong, who was on top of the city, couldn't help but be stunned.

He knew that this army was sent by Liu Zheng.

I didn't expect that it would appear here.

But at this moment, Cao Zhengchun on the side actually shouted.

"Go and report to His Majesty!"

At this time, the other party's eyes showed eagerness.


After hearing the order, the general on top of the city spoke respectfully.

Then, it disappeared in place.

At this time, the army outside the city had already entered the city.


The chariots galloped through the city as if thunder was deafening.

"Who dares to offend my big man!"

After the army entered the city.

The leader is Zhang Jiao.

On this day, he came with his army.

Prepare to attack the city.

And that Zhu Rong, after seeing the other party.

There was excitement in his eyes.

shouted loudly.

“Your uncle is here and he’s not going to die!”

After the voice fell, he actually took the initiative to greet him.

At this time, with the help of the dragon python by his side, he would not be afraid of Zhang Jiao.

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