"court death!"

After hearing the sound, the other party's anger rose and he attacked first.

The two were fighting in the blink of an eye.

The blazing sword aura and sword energy crisscrossed the air.


Immediately afterwards, a loud noise was heard.


With the sound of gravel falling, the horn flew backwards.

Blood spewed from his mouth.

The whole person was in a very embarrassed state.

I didn't expect Zhu Rong's strength to be so powerful.

However, the opponent did not hold back and jumped up.

The blade was pointed directly at the opponent's neck, ready to kill him with one strike.


However, just when Zhu Rong's sword light was approaching.

Yang Jian's voice came out.

"call out!"

A golden elixir appeared in the sky.

Exudes dazzling brilliance.

This made Zhu Rong's pupils shrink and he couldn't help shouting.

"This is the golden elixir!"


After hearing the sound, Yang Jian snorted coldly and continued to attack the corner.


The blade cut through the air.

The blazing sword light crisscrossed the sky.

This caused a look of fear in the other party's eyes.


Immediately afterwards, it turned into a thick blood mist and sprinkled down.

And at the same time.

Above Yang Jian's golden elixir.

But it was at this time that a brilliant ray of light emitted.

This is a sign of a breakthrough.

But, no one pays attention to this now.

Zhu Rong looked at the distance and saw that the Han cavalry had completely occupied the entire field.

I knew in my heart that if the big man really broke through this city.

He will definitely die.

At this time, the corners of Yang Jian's mouth revealed a ferocious arc.

He shouted to the army behind him.

"Break open the city for me!"

After the voice fell, the cronies around him spread around.

They rushed forward like a torrent.

Wherever it goes, no one can resist it.

Those defenders who had been stubbornly resisting.

At this time, it completely collapsed.

Li Jing on the top of the city was also captured.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

After seeing Ji Hao, Zhu Rong spoke respectfully.

There was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

After all, if it weren't for the other party, he would definitely die today.


Ji Hao said calmly.

And just after his words fell.

Zhu Rong bowed again and said.

"Your Majesty, the last general is willing to lead the army to sweep Beihai!"

This moment is the best opportunity for Zhu Rong.

Although, the power of the Han Dynasty was not as powerful as that of Donghuang Taiyi's Pangu Holy Court.

But it's not too different.

If he takes advantage of this period of time to destroy Beihai and conquer the surrounding princes, he will become the overlord of the area.

"Okay, then I will make you the King of Zhennan and lead the army there!"

Ji Hao said slowly.

"As you command!"

After hearing the voice, Zhu Rong's eyes flashed and he said respectfully.

Then, he retreated.

At this time, everyone else also returned to the military camp.

After all, they can't interfere in such a big matter.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, led everyone back to the Protectorate's Mansion.

Today's big man can be said to be prosperous.

In addition to the magistrates of various counties, envoys were also sent.

Travel everywhere.

Moreover, there are a large number of caravans going there.

Therefore, in a short period of time, almost the entire continent was covered by the forces of the Han Dynasty.

Even, it has the potential to surpass Pangu Holy Court.

And right now.

A burst of noise came from far away.

Ji Hao walked out of the door and took a look.

I saw dozens of strong men in the distance, surrounded by an old man, standing outside the Protectorate.

These people were all wearing black robes.

His face was as gloomy as water.

"Are you the king of Han Dynasty?"

An old man asked coldly.

"That's right. Where are you from? Why are you making such noise outside the Protectorate?"

Ji Hao said.

There was a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

The cultivation level of these people is not weak, and they are at the lowest level of the Golden Immortal.

"Jiejie, boy, you are very brave, you dare to become emperor in this wilderness.

Today I will teach you the rules! "

The old man's voice was extremely cold, and he clearly had murderous intent.

After hearing the voice, Ji Hao's frown deepened.

Then, he spoke unceremoniously.

"I am the master of the Han Dynasty, when will it be your turn to teach me a lesson!"

"Jie Jie, you are very brave.

If that's the case, no wonder I waited! "

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, the leading old man shouted.

Immediately afterwards, he motioned to the disciples behind him to take action.

In an instant, vast spiritual power exploded.


The void trembled, like thunder.

The people around him were screaming in surprise.

Especially those in the sect.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Because of the pressure released by these men in black robes.

Enough to crush any of them.

At this time, I didn't know what to do.

Can only avoid.

And after seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao couldn't help but sneered.

There was a bright golden light blooming in his eyes.

The body straightened up in an instant.

In an instant, it reached a height of ten thousand feet.

On the palm of the hand, the seal surges.

"hold head high!"

The roar of the dragon sounded, and there was an infinite dragon roaring on his body.


When he stepped out, the men in black exploded in an instant.

Broken limbs and broken arms filled the sky, flying in the air.

This scene made everyone froze in place.

Is that human being.

It is simply too strong, this is what everyone thinks.

And at this moment.


Another roar came out.

On the surface of Ji Hao's body, a giant python was entangled in it.

His figure skyrocketed.

It is a thousand feet in size and can be shot out with one claw.

Wherever they passed, the remaining men in black didn't even have time to scream, and were torn to pieces in the air.

At this time, he was like a demon god, which was frightening.

"who are you!"

After a moment, Ji Hao's cold voice came out.

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hmph, murderers will always be killed!"

After hearing the other party's voice, the leader of the old man spoke.

There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

Then, point out.

The mighty mana gathered at the fingertips.

Instantly turned into a sharp blade.

Shooting straight towards Ji Hao.

The speed is extremely fast, which makes people feel shocked.

"hold head high!"

However, in the face of this blow, Ji Hao was still extremely brave and faced it.


The sharp blade collided with the giant claw, and it split open inch by inch.

Then, it shattered into pieces in the air.

And Ji Hao's figure also stopped.

"Haha, you are indeed very powerful, no wonder you dare to establish a dynasty and proclaim yourself emperor.

However, our target is not you, so if you die, you will only die in your own hands! "

Looking at Ji Hao, the old man spoke.

At the same time, everyone behind him gathered around him.


A ray of sword light passed by.

The old man's head was separated from him.

Then, Ji Hao spoke.

"You all stay here!"

His voice was full of murderous intent.

And as the voice fell, he was about to turn around and leave.


However, at this moment, a beast roar sounded.

Then, a giant ape appeared in the field.

The hair on its body was dark and shiny, and its body exuded blazing flames.

His eyes radiated bloodthirsty light.

The moment he saw Ji Hao, he opened his mouth and roared.

"The evil beast is looking for death!"

After feeling the other party's aura, Ji Hao shouted angrily.

A punch was thrown.


In an instant, the huge ape was smashed into pulp.

But around Ji Hao, dozens of monsters had gathered at this time.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The ancestral wizard who had just arrived saluted respectfully.

"Well, you guys rest here first and wait for orders.

Also, let Xuan Ming follow me, I will kill all those men in black! "

After hearing the voice, everyone did not dare to be negligent and spoke respectfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the voice fell, Ji Hao left the battlefield.

At this time, the people in the city were already frightened.

Although they don't know these strong men.

However, only relying on the opponent's battle.

It can be determined that he is definitely an eighth-level saint.

Now, they were all killed by Da Zhou.

What a terrifying thing.

But at this time, Ji Hao didn't care about other things, he was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the city.

Sweeping toward the distance.

However, just after he left the city, a cry of killing was heard again.

"Kill them all!"

Ji Hao's pupils shrank.

Then, he drove the Nine Dragons and chased him away.

At this time, the entire edge of Qingzhou had completely fallen.

Countless people and soldiers were captured.

They were driven to the street corner, shivering.

Look at the enemy troops ahead.

His eyes were filled with fear.

However, Ji Hao didn't care about this at this time.

His speed is unparalleled.

But in a short time, they arrived at the camp.

After seeing the scene in his big tent.

The killing intent in his eyes was almost undisguised.

"Who are you!"

Ji Hao spoke slowly.

After his voice fell, everyone in the room was speechless.

He just stood quietly, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

When Ji Hao looked at such a scene, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, he reacted.


Then, a punch was thrown.

Wherever the fist passed, the void shattered.

Those men in black had no power to resist at all.

However, when the fist wind enveloped everyone, a cold air filled the air.

Then, a figure was seen emerging from it.

It was the old man, and there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Ji Hao, there was a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would meet a powerful person. What a good luck.

I must kill you today! "

After the voice of the man in black fell.

Then he rushed towards Ji Hao.

Behind him, several elders followed closely.

For a time, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sun and the moon lost their light.


When the man in black approached.

Ji Hao's fist met him without any sign of weakness.

The two sides collided fiercely.

A cloud of smoke exploded.

The surrounding land had been overturned by countless layers.

Finally, the two figures retreated.

The man in black had a look of shock in his eyes.

Because, he found that the other party was obviously stronger than him.

And just when he was surprised.

Ji Hao's fist was swung out again.


This time, there was bright thunder surging above his fist.


The fists collided, making the sound of gold and iron.

The man in black flew out upside down, and his body was completely penetrated.


The red blood spread all over the world, which was shocking.

After his body fell.

I can't get up even now.

At this time, Ji Hao's aura became more and more condensed.

At this time, although he has not yet stepped into the realm of a saint.

However, it is already the last step.

If you absorb some energy, it will only be a matter of time before you break through.

But at this moment, the sound of killing was heard in the distance.

It turned out that it was the men in black who escaped.

"Jie Jie, you are finished this time, and all the people in Qingzhou will die tragically.

Not only you, but also your people will be buried with you! "

A wild voice came out.

This made Ji Hao's eyes reveal cold murderous intent.

I didn't expect those people to be so cruel.

"Hmph, how dare you be so presumptuous as a mere ant!"

After hearing the sound, Xing Tian clapped his palm, and with a fiery palm print, he pushed the man in black away.


As a roar fell, everyone saw that the men in black turned into blood mist.

But Ji Hao ignored it and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

A moment later, when he entered the hall, all the people were kneeling on the ground.

Eyes were red, some even shed tears.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The voice was filled with sobs.

Ji Hao nodded and sat on the throne.

Then, he spoke slowly.

"This time, I will personally lead the army to destroy those bandits.

You are willing to go to the battlefield with me to put an end to the rebellion! "

The solemnity in his voice made the generals below feel startled.

"The general will go where he wishes!"

After hearing the sound, Sun Wukong was the first to stand up.

"We are willing to follow Your Majesty and bring peace to the troubled times!"

There was determination in his voice.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go and make these damn guys pay the price today!"

After the words fell, Ji Hao led the army and rushed out in a mighty manner.

Over the years, Qingzhou has been very peaceful.

But today, the big man finally had a chance to take action.

Everyone's faces showed excitement.

They have been waiting for this day for too long.

The name of Da Zhou has everlasting pressure, no one dares to provoke him.

Today, let’s use these invaders to pay homage to the souls of the dead.

The huge team, led by Ji Hao, disappeared in an instant.

Along the way, Ji Hao even used his decrees to summon the guards of various cities.

Prepare to wipe out those men in black in one fell swoop.

However, when passing through a county.

Ji Hao frowned.

Because, he discovered, outside that county.

A large number of people gathered.

Moreover, everyone's eyes were extremely vicious.

Especially those women and children.

There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

Obviously waiting for the order to attack.

After seeing such a scene.

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