Now, the people in Qingzhou are completely panicked.

Yuchi Gong took the lead and jumped into the crowd.

Rain of blood splashed out.

Screams continued to sound.

In a short period of time, a large number of Qingzhou senior officials were killed on the field.

As for the Qingzhou County Sheriff, he had already collapsed to the ground with fear.

There is no fighting spirit at all.

"You dare to kill my Qingzhou people!"


However, his voice has not yet fallen.

Ji Hao's sharp blade passed through his chest and pinned him to the ground.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life. I, Qingzhou, am willing to surrender to the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Looking at the corpses on the ground, other county guards knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

Ji Hao, however, ignored them and spoke directly.

"Yu Chigong!"

"The general is here!"

After hearing the order, Yuchi bowed respectfully.

"I leave this place to you, remember not to let anyone go!

If you don't accept it, you will be killed without mercy! "

"I obey the decree!"

Yuchi said respectfully.

Then, Ji Hao turned around and left.

Since Da Qin wants to build a capital.

As your Majesty, I naturally have to personally supervise the matter.

Otherwise, if it cannot be completed as soon as possible, it will be a waste of time.

That would be fun. The people of Zhou Dynasty would resent themselves.

"Your Majesty, this is the last city. Please come into the palace and rest!"

Just as he sat down, a carriage drove into the hall.

The groom said respectfully.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, nodded and signaled the other party to drive.

Soon, the carriage stopped outside a luxurious mansion.

When Ji Hao got off the car.

But they discovered that this was the residence of a prince.

"Father, my child has brought you a gift!"

Just when Ji Hao was about to get started.

A clear and sweet voice came out.

Then, a petite body appeared in his sight.

I saw her, with a beautiful face, jade-like skin, and a slender figure.

Although he is only eight or nine years old, he is already beginning to take shape.

There is a bit of cunning between the eyebrows, which makes people laugh.

"Haha, it's great that I have a daughter like you!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ji Hao smiled and said.

There was a look of doting in his eyes.

"Father, don't blame my mother and concubine, she was also forced to marry!"

The girl lowered her head and said timidly.

"Okay, don't worry, how could my father be willing to punish my mother and concubine?

Come on, let’s talk inside the house! "

After hearing the girl's voice, Ji Hao touched the girl's head and said.

Then, they pulled each other and prepared to be admitted to the hospital.

But, just after they took two steps.

A burst of noisy footsteps came out.


The next moment, a fierce punch hit Ji Hao's forehead directly.

The other party's face instantly darkened.

Not only did he not evade, but he reached out to meet him.


The palms of the hands met and made a popping sound.

Then, the sneak attack figure flew out upside down.

Blood oozed from the mouth and nose.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.


At this time, everyone gathered around, and a middle-aged man said with anger on his face.

He is the governor of Qingzhou, named Wang Qingyang.

Because I'm used to bullying others, that's why I developed my current temperament.

However, there are some abilities, and Qingzhou is already poor.

It is also difficult to be a rich man.

That's why he is so unscrupulous.

"It's you, Ji Hao!"

Seeing the other party, Wang Qingyang gritted his teeth and said.

There was a look of intense hatred in his eyes.

But the county guards around him recognized Ji Hao's identity.

After all, the Great Zhou Empire was powerful all over the world.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, they can still feel the majesty of the other party through their spiritual thoughts.

At this time, the eyes looking at Wang Qingyang could not help but show pity.

The other party has hit a brick wall, actually provoking the Great Zhou Emperor. He is afraid that he may be in trouble.

And after hearing Wang Qingyang's voice.

Ji Hao really didn't pay attention.

He directly pulled the girl and walked towards the mansion.

Yuchi Gong followed closely behind.

"Stop, you can't go in. This is the second prince's residence. If you break in, you'll be damned!"

Wang Qingyang shouted again.

However, Ji Hao seemed not to hear it.

Just passed him.

This scene made him furious.

With a pointing finger, the blazing sword light pierced the sky.

In the air, it transformed into a ferocious dragon and slammed into Ji Hao.


However, Wang Qingyang's attack had not yet reached Ji Hao.

Yuchi Gong hit it with a hammer.

In the flash of blazing golden light, the giant dragon disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this time, Ji Hao had already arrived in front of the mansion.

"Father, we are home!"

Seeing the scene in front of her, the girl said excitedly.

Obviously, this was his first time coming to his father's residence.

It is very normal to feel excited.

"Haha, you girl, this is not your home!"

Ji Hao said with a smile.

Then, he led the girl towards the mansion.

"Stop, your highness, you can't come in!"

But, just when they stepped into the house.

There was a guard intercepting him, and there was a coldness in his voice.

The girl couldn't help but frown.

Her strength is too weak, how can she compete with that guard.


However, before she could speak, Yu Chigong on the side took action.

His speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he knocked the guard to the ground.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Go away, if you dare to stop my Majesty from entering the palace, you will be killed!"

The cold voice came out, making everyone feel scared.

Then, Yuchi Gong escorted Ji Hao towards the inner room.

At this time, in the center of the hall.

There was a person sitting there, it was the second prince, Ji Hao's third brother.

I saw him looking very noble.

However, it is much worse than his elder brother.

"Third brother has met his elder brother!"

"Excuse me. Didn't you go to the military camp? Why are you back again?"

Looking at Ji Hao in front of him, Ji Yongchang said.

However, there was a look of disgust in his eyes.

For this, his brother, he has long lost any respect.

The other party got a treasured sword from nowhere, so he thought that his strength was much stronger. In addition to writing and writing every day, he just looked for flowers and asked willows.

I don’t want to practice martial arts at all.

Moreover, he also likes gambling.

Today, I lost all my money.

However, despite the noble status of the other party, there was nothing he could do against him.

After all, he is just a mere county guard.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, I made a lot of money this time!"

After Ji Yongchang's voice fell.

The second prince opened his mouth and said.

Then, he took out a pile of golden tickets and placed them on the table.

However, when Ji Hao saw the numbers on the golden ticket, he couldn't help but be stunned.

I didn't expect that my third brother was really lucky.

He could actually get 500 million spirit stones.

If it were normal times, Ji Hao might also collect these spiritual stones.

But today, he had an urgent need, so he had no choice but to give up.

However, he understood that since the other party dared to show the spirit stone openly in public.

He must be confident.

Thinking of this, Ji Hao spoke.

"All the spiritual stones you win are yours, but I want to borrow some!"

After Ji Hao's voice fell, the place fell silent.

The second prince originally thought that Ji Hao would reject him.

He was even prepared to have a verbal spat with the other party.

However, what he didn't expect was that the other party didn't even hesitate.

This made him unable to react in an instant.

But at this moment, he saw Yu Chigong slowly stepping forward and saying.

"Your Majesty, can I pay with spirit stones here?"

"Well, of course!"

Ji Hao said.

Yuchi Gong, on the other hand, reached out and took out a storage bag and handed it over.

This made the second prince's eyes glow green.

He did not expect that Ji Hao actually carried so many coins.

This is enough for me to eat and drink for a while.

Thinking of this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

But, just when he was about to reach out and take the spirit stone.


A dull sound came out suddenly.

I saw the second prince flying straight backwards.

The whole person was thrown to the ground, vomiting blood.

This caused everyone else in the hall to panic.

I didn't expect that something like this would happen.

"You dare to hurt me, I am the second prince, you dare to hit me!"

The second prince shouted with a ferocious look on his face.

His eyes were about to burst, and he wished he could cut Yuchi Gong into pieces right away.

I just got my spiritual stone.

Now, how can I be reconciled to being interrupted?

"Hmph, a mere prince is worthy of having a relationship with His Majesty!"

Yuchi Gong said disdainfully.

“Who are you, how dare you insult the royal family.

Kneel down and take the blame! "

At this moment, Ji Yongchang shouted.

Vast coercion rippled around him, clearly demonstrating his cultivation at the seventh level of quasi-sage.

Yuchi Gong couldn't help but be surprised.

Not only is he powerful, but what he fears most is death.

Because only when you are alive can you continue to enjoy fine wine and delicious food.

Although Ji Hao is an emperor, after all, the opponent is still young and certainly not strong enough.

Therefore, after hearing the order at this time, he bowed down to the ground without hesitation.

"The last general, Wei Chi, pays homage to the lord!"

Yuchi's respectful voice sounded.

This made other people in the hall couldn't help but change their expressions.

Especially the second prince, his eyes were extremely sinister at this time.

If he wasn't afraid of the opponent's strength, he would have already moved forward to kill him.

"Yu Chi Gong, you are so brave, you dare to fight even my brothers!"

Looking at Yu Chigong on the ground, Ji Yongchang said lightly.

"Hmph, Your Majesty, this prince's behavior really makes me angry. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take action.

Moreover, these spiritual stones do not belong to our Majesty.

All belongs to the treasury! "

Yuchi Gong said.

"Oh, you mean, I, as your younger brother, stole my father's spiritual stones!"

As soon as Yuchi Gong's voice fell, the second prince spoke.

His voice was full of amusement.

This made Yuchi Gong's fear even stronger.

Because Ji Hao had told him that his mother was imprisoned, and if he encountered difficulties, he should try to be patient.

Now, he accidentally offended the royal family. If Ji Hao blamed him.

Even if he was a loyal man of the other party, he would definitely die.

However, just when he didn't know how to defend himself.

"Haha, second brother, I believe you. These spiritual stones are shared by the two of us.

We are still brothers!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Yuchi Gong was relieved.

But Ji Yongchang's face changed.

He didn't expect that Ji Hao was so easy to talk to.

You know, after Ji Hao ascended the throne, he heard that the other party was a tyrant.

Not only cold and ruthless, but also ruthless.

But now, it seems that the other party's character has changed a lot.

This makes him feel very strange.

However, he can't care about much now.

Ji Hao has already agreed to let this matter go.

If he causes trouble again, even he, as a brother, can't protect his younger brother.

Thinking of this, he spoke again.

"In this case, please give me the spirit stone, and I will send it to your majesty after returning to the capital!"

Ji Yongchang said politely.

But how could the other party know that Ji Hao didn't need the spirit stone at all.

Because, there are huge spirit stone veins in his body.

But, such a thing, naturally, can't be told to anyone.

Therefore, after hearing the voice, he nodded and agreed.

Then, he ordered Yuchi Gong.

Send the spirit stones to the treasury. After all, these are spoils of war and it is impossible to embezzle them privately.

At the same time, he was also very polite to the second prince.

No matter how the other party tried to sow discord, he still showed great enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Ji Hao knew in his heart that the prince of the Yongchang Dynasty might have doubted him.

Therefore, after the other party left.

He began to arrange to attack the Northern Wilderness.

Now, the entire Northern Wilderness has become his possession.

Therefore, while sending soldiers to conquer all directions.

Ji Hao was not idle.

When the army was about to go out.

He arranged hundreds of giant crossbow carts outside his own palace.

These crossbows are all made with precision.

The range is ten times that of ordinary crossbows, and the power is even better.

Moreover, there are mechanical arms that are specially designed to break the defense of magic weapons. As long as they are close to the enemy.

They will automatically detonate and blow them up.

With such powerful weapons, plus a large number of vanguard troops, Ji Hao is naturally confident that he can sweep the entire Northern Wilderness.

At this time, the major families and sects in the Northern Wilderness gathered on the top of a mountain that towered into the clouds.

This was originally the most majestic mountain in the Northern Wilderness.

On weekdays, it was shrouded in thick fog and could only be entered from the outside.

However, it is now completely open.

Countless cultivators poured in, ready to hunt fierce beasts.

After all, the flesh and blood of fierce beasts contain rich spiritual power, which can enhance strength.

Such a grand occasion is rarely seen even on other continents.

And Ji Hao, standing on the top of the mountain, looked at the dark mass of cultivators below.

His eyes could not help but reveal a solemn look.

Such a number of people, even if placed in the Hongmeng Spirit Realm, is definitely considered a strong one.

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