"Your Majesty, these people are too weak!"

Looking down, Yuchi Gong frowned and said.

Although he is a demon.

However, the strength of these people is really poor and not worth mentioning at all.

“This is just the Northern Wilderness, so of course it’s weak.

If it were in the territory of the Han Dynasty, every one of these characters would be at least as good as a Golden Immortal! "

Ji Hao spoke slowly.


After hearing the other party's voice, Yuchi Gong couldn't help but take a breath of air.

I didn't expect that this Northern Wilderness was so powerful.

No wonder Ji Hao would send himself to guard this place.

But then, he said excitedly.

“Your Majesty, if that’s the case, why should we talk nonsense to them.

Just rush up and kill them! "

“What do you know, this is testing our combat effectiveness.

Although the natives of the Northern Wilderness are low in strength.

However, there is a talent.

On the battlefield, fighting at a higher level is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

You can try! "

Ji Hao spoke with interest in his eyes.

But Yuchi Gong said unconvinced at this time.

"Your Majesty, just watch and I will learn their strength right now!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao smiled noncommittally.

Then, he motioned for him to set off.

But Yuchi Gong, after hearing the sound, did not dare to neglect, and flew downwards in a flash.

The whole body was wrapped in billowing demonic flames.

It looked extremely ferocious.


Just after it got close, it made a roaring sound.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

The next moment, a punch was blasted out, and the blazing wave of fire swept downwards like a huge wave.


The blazing energy threw many of the monks below away.

However, those ferocious beasts are still extremely brave.


There are even ferocious beasts that attack back.

Yuchi Gong's face couldn't help but reveal a solemn look.

However, immediately afterwards, a look of madness appeared in his eyes.


A long knife cut through the void and arrived in an instant.

Bringing forth a dazzling cold light.

Cut a giant bear into pieces.

However, there were too many ferocious beasts, and in a short period of time, new ferocious beasts appeared.

It made him exhausted and full of dangers.

When Ji Hao saw this, he shouted without hesitation.

"Mo Yu, stop him!"

His voice sounded, and Mo Yu didn't dare to neglect it.

With one step, he transformed into a giant that was ten thousand feet tall.

He raised his hands to the sky and stood in front of Yuchi Gong.

At the same time, bursts of roaring sounds were heard.

His body was like an iron tower in an instant.

No matter how fiercely those ferocious beasts attacked, they would not retreat even half an inch.

As for Yuchi Gong, he finally stopped running away at this time.

Looking at Mo Yu in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise.

The opponent's body is simply too burly.

He is simply a bit stronger than the average god king.

Moreover, the aura exuded by the other party was too terrifying.

It seems that even the sky can be pierced.

At this time, he finally understood where these ferocious beasts came from.

A person with such strength is definitely the most top-notch existence in this northern wasteland, and can even be compared with the strong men of the seventh level of saints.

No wonder Ji Hao asked him to come and guard.

But at this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much.

Because those ferocious beasts, at some point, actually bypassed Mo Yu.

Rush towards him.


After seeing such a scene, Yu Chigong roared angrily and clapped his hands.

The blazing palm prints seemed to cover the heaven and earth.

At the moment of falling.

Those ferocious beasts were all crushed to death.

However, just as he was preparing to clean up the mess.

A sense of crisis filled my heart instantly.


As the roar fell, a giant ax whizzed towards him at this moment.

Yuchi Gong didn't rush to avoid it, and was violently hacked away.


Blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Yu Chigong!"

At the same time, a violent voice sounded.

Surprisingly, Ji Hao arrived.

Looking at Yuchi Gong's embarrassed appearance, his eyes were about to burst.

He had just left, and the other party was actually injured.

You must know that in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yuchi Gong's status was no worse than some strong men at the sixth level of saints.

How could he do such hard labor if it wasn't his own order.

"The last general deserves to die, your Majesty, please punish me!"

After seeing that Ji Hao had arrived, Yu Chigong did not dare to hesitate at all and spoke respectfully.

On the other side, those monks who had already concluded that Yuchi Gong was dead showed joy in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, reinforcements arrived.

This is a real savior.

"Hmph, let's wait until I finish dealing with these miscellaneous fish!"

Ji Hao's cold voice sounded, causing everyone's expressions to change.

This young emperor has a somewhat bad temper.

However, there is no way.

Who told me to offend the other party first?

However, while they were thinking, Mo Yu's figure had already appeared in the field.

"Haha, you guys are such beasts, why don't you just catch them without mercy!"

After his voice fell.

With a wave of his palm, he smashed the head of a ferocious beast into pieces in the air.

The pupils of many powerful men below could not help but shrink.

Unexpectedly, this time he would actually provoke such a terrifying existence.

At this time, whoever dared to stay where they were, fled in all directions.

However, Mo Yu was faster, after blocking everyone.

The whole person turned into a huge mountain, pressing down horizontally.


It fell with a roar.

The bodies of those strong men exploded in an instant.

Thick blood mist floated in the sky.

This made Ji Hao's eyes turn red.

These strong men are not only loyal to themselves.

And has helped him many times.

Now that he has fallen like this, how can he bear it?

"Mo Yu, follow me to find the ferocious beast, and the others will clean up the place.

I want to retreat! "

Ji Hao's indifferent voice came out, but there was no warmth at all.

Even if it is heading outside the city.

As for Yuchi Gong, naturally he did not dare to neglect.

Take the lead and follow behind.

After a while, the three of them left Beihuang.

Walk towards the area where the ferocious beast appears.

However, Ji Hao didn't notice at all at this time.

Behind him, there were two figures following.

It was those two women.

At this time, they were not worried.

After all, those ferocious beasts are powerful.

But it is indeed of no use to my senior brother.

As long as he is around, no one can harm His Majesty.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but sparkle.

As soon as his figure moved, he disappeared from the same place.

Galloping away into the distance.

And just after the two left.

At this moment, Ji Hao's figure appeared in a dense forest.

As soon as I entered, I felt a strong murderous aura.

Looking up, he saw a ferocious beast sitting cross-legged on an ancient tree.

The body is majestic.

His dark golden hair reflects a dazzling luster.

Especially the black rune on the forehead looks even more mysterious.


At this time, Ji Hao took a breath of air, because the moment he saw this person, he discovered that the other person actually had a strength comparable to the eighth level of a quasi-sage.

He wondered if he was no match for such a ferocious beast.

However, now, the only way is to fight hard.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to neglect.

The next step he took was to meet the ferocious beast.

"hold head high!"

However, what he didn't expect was.

The reaction of the ferocious beast was actually very fast.

A deafening roar came from his mouth.

Then, he punched Ji Hao.


With the sound of collision, his chest collapsed in an instant.

The whole person was thrown straight away.

The blood from his mouth gushes out wildly, and his body slumps instantly.

"Haha, boy, although your strength is good, it's still not good enough.

I advise you to be more honest so as not to suffer physical pain.

Otherwise, you will definitely die! "

The ferocious beast spoke.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.


After hearing the sound, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Ji Hao's mouth.

With an unyielding look in his eyes, he slowly opened his mouth and shouted.


His words had just fallen.

The ferocious beast's fist fell this time.

This time, Ji Hao did not dodge.


When the opponent's attack was just approaching in front of him.

Ji Hao's neck tilted and his head was thrown high.

There was a look of malice in his eyes.

Then, the body went limp.

However, what surprised Mo Yu was that the other party's soul disappeared.

But at this moment, a gust of wind could be heard in the distance, and it was Junior Brother Yu Chigong and Mo Yu who came over.

When they saw Ji Hao's body lying in a pool of blood, their eyes showed grief.

"Senior sister, do you think the master would kill us if he knew about it?"

Yuchi Gong's eyes were red and he choked.

At this time, he didn't even dare to step forward to investigate.

Afraid of touching each other.

"Don't worry, Master loves us the most and will definitely forgive us!"

Mo Yu said softly.

But, after her words fell.

But I heard it suddenly.


Then, there were bursts of roaring sounds throughout the world.

It's like thousands of troops are charging.

Then, Mo Yu made a shocking discovery.

Under his and Yuchi Gong's feet, monstrous flames actually rose.

Fiery waves of fire raged in the air.

It's frightening.

Then, bursts of roaring sounds were heard.

"You evil beast, I will fight with you!"

Yuchi Gong shouted with resentment in his eyes.

At the same time, holding a long gun, he rushed up to kill them.

He didn't believe that he would die in front of a horse.

And Mo Yu understood in his heart at this time.

If you don't want to be burned alive, the only way is to kill the beast to escape safely.

Thinking of this, he also jumped out and joined Yuchi Gong.

The sharp blades in the hands of the two flew and chopped down.

However, the opponent's fighting power was too strong.

Although not as good as Mo Yu, it would not be possible to kill it in a short time.

On the other side, when Mo Yu and the other two were fighting with the beast.

Ji Hao's figure was completely wrapped in the flames.

His body was even more blazing.

At this time, he had turned into a human-shaped fireball.

However, under such circumstances.

The other party's face showed a firm look.

Gritting his teeth, there was no fear at all.

At this moment, Yuchi Gong and the other two finally couldn't resist.


A knife cut on Mo Yu's shoulder.

She screamed and fell to the ground.

"Senior sister!"

Yuchi Gong exclaimed.

Ignoring the beast, he pounced on the other party.

Then, the beast also took advantage of the situation and slapped out with a claw.


A strong man of the seventh level of Quasi Saint was torn apart in an instant.

"Ah, Junior Sister!"

Yuchi Gong's eyes were about to burst, and he let out a shrill cry.

"Hmph, since you are looking for death, don't blame me!"

After hearing the voice, the beast said disdainfully.

As his voice fell, his four hooves raised and stepped towards Mo Yu.


Yuchi Gong roared, and the cold spear in his hand, like a dragon out of the sea, pierced the beast straight away.

Then, he withdrew it in an instant, and then pierced the beast again.

This scene made Mo Yu feel relieved.

She thought that her junior brother would definitely die, and Yuchi Gong would also die here.

However, just when she thought of this in her heart.

The next moment, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Because, Yuchi Gong actually stood in front of the beast again.

A cold light flashed in his hand.


Blood mist burst out, and the beast was pierced in the abdomen again.

Yuchi Gong's eyes were red. He had never thought that he could fight with the beast.

And he could have the upper hand.

No matter what, Mo Yu was a cultivator of the sixth level of Quasi Saint, and he was defeated.

But he was only the fifth level of Quasi Saint, but he did it.

How could he not be happy about this.


The beast was provoked again, but it was completely rampage.

As its giant tail swung, it rushed towards Yuchi Gong like a pillar of heaven.

And he did not show weakness, waving the weapon in his hand.

Fight with it.


A sound of metal clashing sounded.

Yuchi Gong's figure retreated hundreds of meters.

But the beast rushed forward again.


Yuchi Gong's eyes were red and he roared, but he still couldn't stop the opponent's attack.

However, such a scene made Mo Yu tremble with fear.

"Junior sister, run away quickly, this beast is too scary, I can't stop it at all!"

Yuchi Gong shouted, and at this time, he was almost exhausted even from speaking.

But Mo Yu was already scared silly at this time.

Standing there, not knowing what to do.


But, just when he was about to be swallowed by the beast.

A sword beam pierced through the void.

Then, the huge body of the beast exploded.

Everything returned to calm.

And Yuchi Gong's forehead was already full of sweat, and he felt that his bones seemed to be falling apart.

He raised his head with difficulty.

Suddenly, he found that not far away from him, Ji Hao was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, motionless.

But, his body was filled with a strong fragrance of elixir.

His eyes sparkled, and it was obvious that the refining was successful.

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