"Thank you for your life-saving grace. I am deeply grateful!"

Yuchi Gong struggled to get up and spoke.

There was a hint of hope in his eyes.

His injuries were so serious that it would take several days to fully recover, even with the use of elixirs.

Therefore, now we can only rely on Ji Hao, after all, the opponent is relatively strong.

And he looks quite young.

Maybe there will be some adventure.

"Junior brother, you're welcome. We are brothers to begin with, and we should help each other.

Let’s heal now! "

Looking at Yu Chigong's haggard look.

Ji Hao said calmly.

Then, he took out a pill and handed it to the other party.

After seeing the elixir in Ji Hao's hand.

Yuchi Gong didn't show any pretense, he opened his mouth and accepted it.

After a while, the scars healed slowly.

Then, he sat down cross-legged and entered the breath-control state.

Mo Yu stayed by Ji Hao's side.

On the other side, when Ji Hao woke up, he found Mo Yu carefully wiping the sweat from his forehead.

With a smile in his eyes, he spoke.

"Sister, thank you for your hard work, I'll be fine!"

The voice is extremely gentle.

However, it made the other party's face blush.

But he still spoke.

"Your Majesty, you are awake.

Let me help you get up and have something to eat.

You haven't even eaten during this trip.

However, I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it.

So, just make some porridge and eat together. "

Mo Yu said in a panic.

She never thought that her Majesty would be like this.

The Han Emperor, who had kept his word in the wilderness, was now a prisoner.

If it spread to the outside world, I don’t know how many people would be shocked.


Ji Hao said lightly, and then let Mo Yu support him and walked out of the cave.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the entire mountain forest was cast in a shadow.

And in a valley thousands of miles away from here.

Groups of ferocious beasts are gathering here.

The leader was a huge python.

It is thousands of feet long and completely black.

With every step he took, billowing smoke and dust rippled beneath his feet.

The scales on his body reflected the cold light under the moonlight.

Behind him were all demon king level beings of the same level.

They are the most powerful hunting group in the vicinity, and they usually plunder other ferocious beasts for their own enjoyment.

But tonight, they discovered a magical medicine that could extend their life span for tens of thousands of years.

Although they also knew that they and others would never be able to digest this magical medicine.

However, I don’t want to miss it.


The giant python roared, his voice filled with bloodlust.

"Ancestor, do we want to attack the city?"

A ferocious beast asked.

There was a hint of fear in his voice.

Although they were powerful beings among the ferocious beasts, they did not dare to make mistakes when faced with the mighty ferocious beast city lord.

"There's no rush, let's find a suitable place first. I'm going to attract the ferocious beast city lord and let them bite each other. We'll get the best out of it!"

The giant python spoke.


After hearing his voice, everyone roared excitedly.

Then, he flew away into the distance.

However, they didn't know it.

Just after their figures left.

A figure was chasing after him.

This time, Ji Hao was going to make a big fuss to let these ferocious beasts understand how powerful the Great Zhou sergeant was.

Therefore, the speed is indeed very fast.

At this time, Yuchi Gong, although seriously injured, was not even half a point behind.

After all, his cultivation level is there, even if he is injured, he is still not an ordinary ferocious beast and can match it.

Moreover, their cultivation levels are almost the same.

Of course, you can catch up with these ferocious beasts.


A crossbow arrow shot through the air and drove into the head of a wild bull.

Nailed it directly to the ground.

This caused the other ferocious beasts to stop and look at the two uninvited guests in horror.


After the body of the barbarian bull fell, it immediately alarmed the wilder beasts deep in the forest.

It has a head, a huge body, and blood-red eyes.

Apparently, they were disturbed by the news of Ji Hao and Yuchi Gong's killing.

And just when those savage beasts were preparing to attack and kill.

Yuchi Gong was the first to charge forward.

Although these ferocious beasts are powerful.

However, it is only comparable to the realm of the Immortal Lord.

In front of Yu Chigong, it was still not enough.


The spear passed by.

A rhinoceros was stabbed in the head.

Blood sputtered out, staining the ground red.

Mo Yu, on the other hand, was guarding Ji Hao.

The dagger in his hand is like a butterfly piercing a flower.

In an instant, four more ferocious beasts fell to the ground.

But, just after she killed a wild bull.

Suddenly, he saw a smelly liquid falling on his body.

In an instant, she couldn't help but frown.

Because, the liquid actually exuded a disgusting smell.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Mo Yu said, then jumped up.

Want to push the other person away.

However, at this time, Yuchi Gong could not take care of this at all, because in his heart, he had completely lost the courage to fight.

The scene in front of me was too weird.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the other party's entanglement.

As long as the place is contaminated with those venoms, death is almost certain.

He never thought of it.

There is such terrifying poison in this world.


Screams rang out, but it was Mo Yu who accidentally got the venom splashed all over his body in order to pull the opponent away.

The originally snow-white clothes turned purple-black in an instant.

It was a little difficult for him to even stand.

As for Yuchi Gong, he was already paralyzed on the spot with fear.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly, even I can't survive!"

Mo Yu shouted miserably, and at this moment she felt herself going weak.

Even moving his body seemed impossible.

But the venom became more and more intense.

In fact, even the ground beneath her turned black and blue.

If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will die here.

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao finally reacted.

Looking at Mo Yu's painful expression, there was no room for hesitation.

Dang even rode the Yunlong chariot and flew out.

And Yuchi Gong, naturally followed closely behind.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly!"

Seeing Ji Hao approaching, Mo Yu shouted.

The voice was extremely hoarse.

"I can't leave you alone!"

Ji Hao said in a deep voice, with a look of determination on his face.

Even Ji Hao felt helpless against these toxins.

His elixir couldn't solve it at all.

And the dose Mo Yu took was much larger.

Now, the only thing he hopes for is that these toxins will only erode his skin instead of spreading throughout his body.

Otherwise, the consequences would be simply unimaginable.

Just after the two of them landed, Mo Yu's lips were dry and cracked, oozing out traces of blood.

The whole person couldn't hold on anymore and slowly lay on the ground.

In his eyes, a look of despair gradually appeared.

As for Yuchi Gong, after seeing Mo Yu's unconscious state, he couldn't help but have a look of anxiety on his face.

Just when he didn't know what to do.

In his ears, there was a voice.

"General Yuchi, please give up struggling. This poison is extremely poisonous. No one can save her unless a strong person at the eighth level of the saint takes action!"

Ji Hao's voice sounded, but it made Yu Chigong's figure startled.

He didn't expect that the emperor he just met would have such medical skills.

However, seeing Mo Yu's painful look, tears fell from his eyes.

"Your Majesty, please save her!"

He said to Ji Hao, who was kneeling on the ground.

There was a pleading look on his face.

"Yuchi Aiqing, stop talking. You are weak now and you can't help at all!"

After hearing Yuchi Gong's voice, Ji Hao shook his head and said.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and placed it on Mo Yu's bright wrist, pouring pure vitality into her body.

However, this was only a drop in the bucket. It temporarily prevented the spread of toxicity, but it could not be driven away.


Just when Ji Hao wanted to try it again and continue to deliver life energy.

A cold sword light struck towards him.

He had to withdraw his right arm to resist.


The next moment, a violent collision was heard.

It not only caused splitting pain in his arm.

Even within the chest, it felt like the river was turning upside down.


Then, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

The opponent's strength exceeded his expectations. If he hadn't been physically strong, today would have been really dangerous.

"Haha, boy, now you know how powerful the ancestor is.

Today, you can’t escape even if you have wings! "

The ferocious spirit's wild laughter echoed throughout the world.

This made Ji Hao extremely angry.

When did he, the majestic leader of a country, suffer such humiliation?

However, I had to admit it at this time.

The evil spirit in front of him was extraordinary.

Although his cultivation level was only that of a third-level God King, the magic weapons and secret techniques he controlled made him extremely fearful.

"Hmph, even a mere evil beast dares to be arrogant in front of me!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao said calmly.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

The next moment, the sword gang spread around him.

Under the shroud of sword light, the entire space seemed to be frozen.


But the evil spirit was imprisoned on the spot at this time.

He stared at Ji Hao in inexplicable horror, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He could kill any master of the fourth level of the God King, but he didn't expect it.

The young Han Emperor in front of him actually had such fighting power.


The next moment, his head exploded.

Turned into blood mist.

But Mo Yu's situation also eased at this time.

Ji Hao led the army away without hesitation.

After all, this place is too far away from Dahan. If Mo Yu doesn't treat him, it will be delayed for at least a while.

Therefore, he could only leave first.


Not long after Ji Hao and others left, there was a roar in the valley.

It turned out that it was Mo Yu who was under the ravages of poison.

Finally, it couldn't hold on anymore and burst.

Only a pool of blood was left, floating in the air.

At this time, Ji Hao had returned to Dazhou.

After learning about Mo Yu's death, he couldn't help but sigh.

However, this did not give him much time to feel sad.

Soon, the entire Zhou Dynasty was in motion.

Armies from all walks of life began to prepare to conquer the Eastern Wasteland.

Because Ji Hao knew it in his heart.

Regardless of success or failure in this catastrophe, I must try my best.

Otherwise, if it fails, not only the soldiers of Zhou Dynasty will perish.

Even the entire Northern Wilderness is probably not guaranteed.

All of this was thanks to Ji Hao's original kindness.

If he had been more cruel and ruthless back then, how could Da Zhou be in such a situation now.

However, now that it has happened.

But there was no room for Ji Hao to regret.

Therefore, after giving the order, the armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty were assembled and marched towards the Eastern Wasteland.

In this battle, Ji Hao personally led 365 crossbows and thousands of giant cannons.

Each one is thousands of feet tall.

The dazzling metallic luster is daunting.

These bed crossbows are the latest weapons developed by Da Zhou.

It is extremely powerful and can destroy everything.

Especially when combined with giant crossbow arrows with a longer range, they can almost sweep across the sky.

Therefore, there is such momentum.

Ji Hao was also the first person to stand in front of the crossbow.

When he looked at the enemy camp in the distance, there was a hint of bloodthirsty in his eyes.

Point it out.

In an instant, the overwhelming crossbow arrows flew away.

Wherever it passed, the sky was torn apart.


Looking at the whizzing sharp arrows.

The evil spirit leader let out an ear-splitting roar.

As his fists danced, a huge black shadow rose into the sky.

Want to intercept the crossbow arrows.


Two strong winds met between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a roar came out.

Then, the evil spirit leader was knocked backwards.

But those bed crossbows, after crushing the opponent's attacks, are still extremely fast.

"Bang bang!"

With bursts of banging sounds.

The ferocious beast didn't even have time to scream.

He died an unexpected death and turned into a thick mist of blood in the air.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's eyes widened.

I don’t understand where Da Zhou got these sharp weapons.

You know, even within the Eastern Wasteland.

These sharp weapons are also extremely precious. How could they be used as bed crossbows?

For a time, the entire Donghuang was boiling with excitement, and everyone speculated whether there was a powerful sect or family hidden behind the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But the evil spirit leader was not to be outdone.

After Ji Hao and others just paused.

Just launch another attack.

Outside his body, a jet black armor was revealed.

The runes on it were densely covered, as if they were living creatures.

Emit a bright light.

Moreover, the corners of his mouth outline a ferocious arc.

Obviously, this attack is more sharp than the previous one.

"hold head high!"

I saw his punch thrown out.

The blazing fist hit Ji Hao straight.

Wherever it passes, the space collapses.

It makes a harsh friction sound.


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