
However, what greeted him was indeed a huge spear light.

The gun light pierced the sky and struck towards his chest.


Accompanied by bursts of thunder.

The spear penetrated the chest of the evil spirit leader and nailed him to the ground.

Everyone couldn't help but have a look of awe on their faces.

But Ji Hao's eyes showed satisfaction.

This battle was worthy of being rewarded by the system, it was indeed extraordinary.

If he were an ordinary eighth-level saint, he would probably not be a match for the evil spirit leader.

However, just when everyone was preparing to move on.

A thin man walked up and spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, it's time for us to set off!"


After hearing the voice, Ji Hao nodded in agreement.

The next moment, the soldiers of Dazhou followed Ji Hao and embarked on the journey.

Going to the Eastern Wasteland is not just to put down the rebellion.

They even want to drive out the demon clan and occupy that fertile land.

Ji Hao knew in his heart that Beihuang was gradually becoming unsafe.

Although the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is now strong.

However, if the powerful ones in the Monster Alliance break through the realm, no one knows what changes will happen.

While Ji Hao and others were heading towards Donghuang.

At this time, the Qingqiu Fox Clan also received the news.

The Han reinforcements that day had arrived.

Moreover, what excited them even more was the Emperor of Qin.

He also appeared here, and not only that, he also led a large number of generals.

Obviously, this time the big battle.

They are determined to win.

However, what makes the Qingqiu Fox Clan feel strange.

The royal family of Great Qin, for some unknown reason, seemed to be targeting the Qingqiu Fox Clan, and all they sent were masters.

Not only the imperial palace of Daxia, many elites were dispatched by Ji Hao.

What's even more terrifying is.

Even the nine-tailed fox clan joined the war.

You must know that back then, the Qingqiu Fox Clan helped the Nine-tailed Fox Clan to resist human attacks.

Therefore, back then, the other party owed a share of Karma.

But now, the other party actually turned back.

This made Queen Qingqiu frown slightly.

She felt there must be something wrong with this.

But now, there is no way.

Because, the Qingqiu Fox Clan is now completely under control.

She didn't dare to act rashly.

"Your Majesty, the reinforcements from the Great Zhou Dynasty have arrived in Donghuang. Now, what should we do?"

In the main hall, Queen Qingqiu slowly spoke.

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Huh, so what about Dazhou? Do you really think that with them, you can change the entire Northern Wilderness?

It's simply wishful thinking.

I want to see how strong these Zhou generals are. I hope they won’t disappoint me.

You go down! "

After hearing the other party's voice, the nine-tailed fox emperor sitting on the dragon chair said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will retire!"

Queen Qingqiu bowed and said, then retreated.

Only the Nine-tailed Fox Emperor was left standing there alone.

No matter what, no one is allowed to interfere in this duel.

Otherwise, she will be besieged by various tribes. When the time comes, even if the gods come, they may not be able to save her.

At this time, the other party felt a little uneasy.

After all, the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty opposite was so powerful that even he did not dare to underestimate it.

Moreover, it is said that the Han Emperor has also arrived.

Although it is not clear how strong that legendary figure is.

However, since he is called a hero, he must be strong.

That's why she was worried.

However, she was unwilling to reveal this secret to anyone.

We can only make a desperate move and hope that the other party can win. In this case, there will be a way to survive.

And at this moment.

A figure hurriedly walked into the hall. After seeing Queen Qingqiu, he couldn't help but show joy.

He spoke.

"Sister, you are finally here, please sit down."

After finishing speaking, he personally helped Queen Qingqiu and asked her to sit down.

"What's wrong, sister, you're so anxious.

But something happened! "

Queen Qingqiu said cautiously.

"Hey! This time my father is in retreat.

But it angered the queen mother.

She said she would sever the sisterhood with you!

Moreover, just half a month ago, I was grounded.

If my mother's birthday hadn't been coming soon, I probably wouldn't have been able to come back.

Now, Da Zhou's reinforcements have arrived.

I am afraid that my father will be released from seclusion soon.

Sister, what should we do! "

The girl said anxiously.

This time, she went through all kinds of hardships to escape from her family.

Now, the fate of the Qingqiu Fox Clan depends on our immediate future.

“Don’t worry, as long as we sisters work together, everything will be fine.

Moreover, Dazhou has more than one or two reinforcements. If they really fight, they may not lose! "

After hearing the other party's voice, Queen Qingqiu spoke.

She believed that Ji Hao was definitely capable.

If there is a real fight, at least her safety can be guaranteed.

As for the other clan members, she couldn't care less.

If it doesn't work, then kill yourself, it's better than dying.

However, while the two were talking, a majestic voice sounded outside the door.

"The elder wants to see His Majesty!"

"Well, let her in!"

After hearing the voice, Queen Qingqiu said lightly.

And the woman retreated.

A moment later, an old woman in black pushed the door open.

Just after entering the hall, she fell to her knees on the ground with a plop.

There was a look of panic on her face.

"Elder, what happened? Didn't you go with your father to attend the birthday banquet of the Nine Heavens Black Fox!"

Seeing the other party come in, Queen Qingqiu couldn't help but shout.

At this time, she was very nervous.

The Nine Heavens Black Fox is the guardian spirit beast of the Four Elephants City.

Among the four divine beasts, it ranks high.

His cultivation is profound and unparalleled, even comparable to gods and demons.

And this elder was one of the people who followed the Nine Heavens Black Fox at the beginning.

Although it is an ordinary monster, its cultivation is also very amazing.

Now, the other party has come here.

How can she not be frightened.

"Princess, the reinforcements of the Great Zhou have arrived near the Sifang Mountains.

Now, I am afraid that they have surrounded the Sifang City!"

After the voice of the elder fell, he spoke again.

"What, these bastards dared to do this.

Elder, you go down and rest first, I will report this to my father!"

After hearing the voice, the Queen of Qingqiu spoke.

However, the anger in her beautiful eyes became more and more intense.

These foreign races are too much.

Originally thought that this time, as long as the people of the Great Zhou came, everything could be solved.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

At the same time, on the top of another giant peak.

In a magnificent hall, an old man in a white robe sat at the top.

At this time, strands of golden light bloomed in his eyes, as if there were thunder and lightning.

The whole palace was filled with a depressing atmosphere.


When the lightning dissipated.

The hall fell into silence.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?

If we can't stop the attack of the Great Zhou, the reputation of our Four Divine Beasts will be gone.

Not to mention, the Nine Heavens Black Fox is also in the Four Symbols City. If something happens to her, we will be in trouble!"

The generals standing below spoke respectfully.

At this time, they looked extremely embarrassed, their bodies were broken, and there were injuries on their bodies.

In this battle, they tried their best to stop the attack of the Great Zhou soldiers.

But the enemy was numerous.

In the end, they were still defeated and retreated step by step.

"Hmph, it's just the Great Zhou.

Our Four Elephants City has stood in the Four Elephants Domain for hundreds of millions of years. How could we be afraid of a newly-crowned overlord?

Even if he has a hundred times more soldiers, so what?

Don't we have any helpers?"

After the old man finished speaking, a sinister look appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, he spoke.

"Gather everyone and follow me to the battle.

This time, I want to see who the reinforcements of the Great Zhou are.

Is it worth it for our Four Elephants City to make friends with them!"

After hearing the voice, all the generals below responded.

Then, they turned around and left the hall.

They understood that if they didn't win this time, the Four Elephants City would be in danger.

Therefore, they didn't dare to neglect it.

And just after these generals left.

In the hall, only the great elder was left.

She showed a solemn look in her eyes.

She sat down slowly on the chair, thinking whether she should follow the emperor to fight this time.

Although the emperor was well prepared this time, he didn't know what the result would be.

After all, if something unexpected happened to him.

Sixiang City would be in real danger.

Not only her, but also the Queen of Qingqiu, was full of worry at this time.

Because she couldn't fail.

Otherwise, she, the Queen of Qingqiu, couldn't continue.

At this time, Ji Hao didn't know that a large number of masters had gathered in the Four Directions Divine Beast City.

They were preparing to welcome him.

At this time, he was already driving a chariot and traveling in the void.

Moreover, a part of the soldiers would be sent every day.

To patrol around.

His speed was very fast. It only took a few days to cross the entire Four Directions Divine Beast Ridge.

At this time, he had already walked halfway.

"Your Majesty, there is a deserted village ahead, let's stay here.

Now it's spring, and it's the right time to pick food. Why not harvest it and use it as a reserve food!"

Just after stepping over a valley, Ji Hao heard a noisy voice.

Then, a large army camp rushed forward.

It turned out that a large number of farmers gathered at the edge of the Four Divine Beasts Ridge.

Although there were no ferocious beasts around.

But this ordinary life still made these simple farmers feel happy.

Therefore, Ji Hao found these people after approaching this place.

His heart was moved.

He knew that the current situation of the four divine beasts and the various tribes was unstable.

If we can win over these simple people.

Perhaps, we can gain considerable benefits in the short term.

Immediately, he waved his hand to signal the chariot to stop.

Then, he ordered people to come forward to greet.

"General, we are just short of food here, why don't we stay for dinner!"

Looking at the soldiers of the Great Zhou who had just arrived, the leading general asked.

"Haha, in this case, I will be disrespectful to you!"

After hearing the other party's voice.

The general said with a smile.

Then, he ordered his soldiers to set up tents.

Prepare for dinner.

However, just after they started to act.

Several powerful figures flew over from a distance.

It was the general of the Four Elephants City who had just arrived.

This time, the leader was called Baihu, and his strength was at the fifth level of the Saint.

He was the deputy city lord of the Four Elephants City.

At this time, his cold voice sounded.

"Haha, you bunch of natives, are you worthy of sharing a table with us?

Get lost!"

After saying that, he directly commanded his soldiers to rush towards the working people.

For a while, screams resounded through the sky.

And the general who was responsible for maintaining order was unable to stop him at all.

Because his cultivation was only the eighth level of the saint.

Facing the white tiger, he was no match at all.

Instantly, he was blasted away by a palm.

There was anger in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the people of the Four Elephants City were so arrogant.

But now they couldn't care about anything else.

Because those soldiers had already rushed over.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Especially the white tiger, holding a sharp sword.

Under the sunlight, it reflected a dazzling cold light.

It was extremely shocking.


In just a moment, the general's head was thrown up.

The blood mist was everywhere.

The faces of ordinary people turned pale.


Then, a huge black bear jumped up.

It rushed towards the soldiers.

Its huge body was like a mountain.

The soldiers of the Four Elephants City did not dare to approach at all.


A soldier was scratched by the opponent's claw.

In an instant, his chest was split open.

He died on the spot.

These black bears are worthy of being the bravest among the four sacred beasts.

After killing them with one blow, they did not stop.


Then, they roared and rushed towards the next general.

Such an attack method was very fierce.

It made the ordinary soldiers extremely timid.

However, when the two sides were entangled in one place.

A burst of shouting and killing was heard.

Then, several dragon sedans appeared in the distance.

The first car was carrying a beautiful woman in a phoenix robe.

The golden long skirt dragged on the ground.

She exuded a strong aura of majesty, but it was hard to look at her.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

When the generals of the Four Elephants Divine Beast City saw the queen, they were all excited.

"No need to be polite, please stand up!"

The queen said lightly.

Then, she continued, "What's going on!"

After hearing the other party's voice.

The city lord of the Four Elephants Divine Beast City did not dare to be negligent.

He immediately told the story.

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