It turns out that these people are themselves people of the vassal country, and their ancestors brought them into the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge when they fled the war in the early years.

These people can be considered loyal.

Moreover, the products here are rich, so they survived.

Now, a great disaster is coming, and the commanders of each city want to rob these people for their own use.

So, there is the current scene.

"Hmph, a mere four-elephant beast ridge dares to rob the people under my rule. It's just asking for death.

Tell them that anyone who dares to act recklessly will be shot without mercy.

Plus, give rewards! "

When the Queen's voice fell.

The deputy general's face showed excitement.

This is what he likes to hear most.

Immediately he opened his mouth and said: "I will obey your orders!"

Then, he retreated.

After a while, he returned again.

At this time, Ji Hao had already led his soldiers into the greenhouse.

At this time, his eyes showed satisfaction.

I saw smoke rising from the inside of the greenhouse.

There is an alluring fragrance floating in it.

This time, in order to reward Ji Hao, the lord of Sixiang City spent a lot of money.

It made him quite satisfied.

And those captives became his slaves.

Help them make a fire.

However, when Ji Hao walked into the barracks, he did find something unusual.

At this time, the barracks were filled with drinks, all of which were exotic.

There are not only exotic dishes.

Even the drinks are extremely unique.

It was obviously specially prepared for Ji Hao.

However, his brows furrowed.

Because, from the moment he came in, it was an obvious discovery.

These prisoners were not very happy about their arrival.

Instead, he was filled with fear and even disgust.

Obviously, it was the result of being forced to take pills.

"Your Majesty, please take a seat!"

While Ji Hao was thinking, the white tiger had already come to him and spoke.

However, the other party's tone revealed a sense of flattery.

"You seem to be afraid of me!"

Ji Hao said calmly.

Although the opponent's strength in this Four-Elephant Divine Beast Ridge is stronger than his own, he is still a strong person in the eighth level of sainthood after all.

How could they be afraid of each other?

"Haha, Your Majesty is joking, you are the master of destiny, how can I be afraid.

However, within this Divine Beast Ridge, the jungle has always been dominated by the weak.

You are new here, so it is not appropriate to fight with them.

Otherwise, it will be detrimental to His Majesty’s reputation! "

Bai Hu said cautiously.

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao nodded.

"Well, if that's the case, I won't embarrass you.

I wonder if you can answer my question! "

"You can tell me, as long as I know it, I will tell you everything!"

After Ji Hao's voice fell.

Bai Hu said.

“I heard that there are still some Four Elephant tribes living on the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge.

Don't know if this is the case.

I also hope you can introduce it in detail! "

There was a touch of politeness in his voice.

After all, this is my first time here.

If you don’t know anything clearly, you really need someone to guide you.

"Oh, it turns out you were asking about the Four Elephant Clan.

It is said that there was a huge peak in the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge, which was called Tianzhu, and the four major races lived on it.

They are Golden Crow, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin.

And their strength is very tyrannical.

Every ten thousand years, there must be a feast.

Invite all the surrounding tribes to participate.

But the rules here are different from theirs.

We, the Four Elephants Divine Beast, only recruit disciples from the Four Elephants Sect.

However, they must pay tribute every year.

Otherwise, resources will not be obtained! "

After hearing Ji Hao's inquiry, the white tiger spoke.

"Four Symbols Sect? Could it be the rumored emperor!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao said slowly.

"Haha, your majesty is really knowledgeable. Yes, the Four Elephants Sect is older than the four major families.

It is said to have been passed down from ancient times to this day.

In the Four Elephant Divine Beast Ridge, it can be said to be invincible.

Not only are there top-notch monsters, but there is also a half-step master of the ninth level of quasi-sage.

Apart from him, no one in the entire Four Elephant Divine Beast Ridge can shake his status! "

After hearing Ji Hao's voice.

The white tiger spoke respectfully.

At this time, the other party also felt a little more confident in an instant.

But after hearing his voice, Ji Hao's mouth showed a hint of coldness.

If this Four Elephant Divine Beast Ridge is really the place where the four great mythical beasts left their bloodlines.

Then they must be destroyed, and they must be eradicated completely.

Therefore, he spoke immediately.

"Then can you introduce the Four Symbols Sect to me.

In the future, I might as well pay him a visit. "

After hearing the sound, Bai Hu didn't dare to hesitate.

He explained the basic situation of the Four Symbol Sect to Ji Hao.

But Ji Hao's expression became increasingly gloomy.

The Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge is indeed one of the most powerful forces in the Four Elephants Continent.

Among them, there are more than twenty quasi-saint-level masters.

There are three ancestors among them.

This is still during this period of time and has just broken through.

If calculated based on their strength, there may be more than one quasi-sage seventh-level master in the entire Divine Beast Ridge.

No wonder such a powerful force dares to dominate the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge.

However, what made Ji Hao strange was.

When he left, Sixiang Ridge should have been in a closed state.

But now it seems that something big has happened here.

"Your Majesty, what can I do for you?"

After seeing Ji Hao fall into silence, the white tiger asked tentatively.

"It's okay!"

Ji Hao said.

However, he immediately spoke and gave instructions.

“From now on, everyone in the Four Elephants Valley.

No one is allowed to step outside the stronghold wall, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the sound, Bai Hu didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly bowed in response.

However, what he didn't know was that as soon as these words came out.

The entire Four Elephants Divine Beast Valley was immediately in a state of chaos.

At this time, Ji Hao had already disappeared from the field.

He wanted to take advantage of nightfall to sneak into the Four Symbols Sect quietly and kill those divine beasts.

But at this time, Ji Hao didn't know.

At this time, in Qinglong City, a group of cavalry rushed towards him.

When he arrived outside Qinglong City, he stopped in the air.

"Brother, where are we!"

A knight said respectfully.

"We will arrive soon. Father must be ready to welcome us!"

The leader spoke.

"Yes, I heard that the eldest sister is marrying a prince, and we will become prosperous in the future!"

Another man had a look of envy in his eyes.

"Huh, you're just a loser, but you're worthy of marrying my sister!"

However, after hearing the other party's voice, the leader said coldly.

There are four brothers and sisters in their group.

They are all composed of the blood descendants of the Four Elephant Divine Beasts who originally escaped from the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge.

Back then, in order to protect the cubs, they allowed each other to grow up safely.

The four of them chose to leave.

But no one expected it.

After he and others left, the four sacred beasts would actually give birth to offspring again.

However, the talents of this generation's four-elephant beasts are obviously much lower.

In addition, the four sacred beasts themselves have a long lifespan.

Now, it's far from when they left.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

Therefore, after receiving the news, the Sixiang Sect was unwilling to raise him.

They even sent experts to contact the descendants of the four elephant beasts.

I want the descendants of the four great beasts to become their slaves.

However, the other party didn't pay attention at all.

Such an action made the strong men of the Four Symbol Sect furious.

However, due to the strength of the forces behind the other party, they did not dare to take action easily.

However, the target was shifted to the bloodline of the Four Elephants Divine Beast.

Now, among the descendants of the Four Symbols Sect, the one with the strongest cultivation is his eldest sister.

Although she is a woman, she is at the eighth level of a quasi-sage.

Now that they are married, their bloodline has officially entered the sight of the Four Symbols Sect.

That's why experts were sent to marry him.

At this time, Ji Hao sighed secretly in his heart.

There is no doubt about the power of the bloodline of the Four Elephant Divine Beasts, if placed in the ancient times.

I'm afraid even saints will covet him.

However, in the Gods and Demons Continent, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but flash with a fierce light.


And while he was thinking.

The sound of war drums has already sounded.

"Report, Your Majesty, the military formation of Sixiang Sect has been assembled.

You can attack at any time! "

Bai Hu stood outside the camp and spoke respectfully.

"Okay, if that's the case, let me teach them a lesson!

Let them know what awe is! "

Ji Hao's voice was extremely cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked out of the camp.

In an instant, a vast coercion filled the air.

The disciples in the Four Elephant Divine Beast Ridge could not help but change their expressions wildly.

And the person who took the lead shrank his pupils.

"This aura is, is he the emperor of the Qinglong Dynasty!"

A surprised voice sounded.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

At the same time, the disciples from other sects around him couldn't help but be startled.

He didn't expect the person who dared to provoke the Four Elephants Divine Beast Ridge.

Such a young man actually made them feel at peace.

"Kill to avenge the Four Elephants Sect and the eldest lady!"

After a moment, someone finally reacted and roared.

In an instant, various spiritual treasures soared into the sky.

The blazing light illuminates the sky brilliantly.

But when he got close to Ji Hao, he was shattered into pieces.

And the person leading the team also reacted at this time.

His face was ashen.

I didn't expect that I would be forced into such a situation by a mere big Zhou.

"Send the order and everyone returns to the stronghold.

Our Sixiang Sect will live and die with Qinglong City! "

After hearing the order, everyone couldn't help but smile bitterly.

They are just ordinary casual cultivators, how dare they compete with Da Zhou.

However, he also knew that he could not escape this time.

Therefore, we can only bite the bullet and head towards the village gate.

Not only them, but the entire Qinglong City army also gathered on the city wall in an instant.

At this time, they also knew that the Four Symbols Sect was about to be destroyed.

Although he was afraid in his heart, he could only fight to the death to resist the other party.

After all, they don't want to die.


As a roar fell.

The military formation of Qinglong City was torn apart in an instant.

People from the Sixiang Sect swarmed up.


At this time, Ji Hao had also appeared on the battlefield.

His eyes were red, like a murderous god.

Seeing all this, the four young masters of the White Tiger clan did not dare to neglect.

"You three stop the Emperor of Zhou, and the three of us go to help my elder brother-in-law!"

Although the four young masters of the White Tiger clan are also strong men at the sixth level of quasi-sage, their strength is far inferior to Ji Hao.

Therefore, at this time, only their second brother was the best candidate to deal with Ji Hao.

After saying that, he threw himself downwards.

At this time, his eyes were about to burst, and he wanted to peel off Ji Hao's skin and convulse him.


Just arrived near Ji Hao.

Not waiting for him to attack.

He was kicked out and landed on the ground.

It made his liver and gallbladder burst.

However, there is no way at this time.

He could only grit his teeth and get up, ready to run into the distance.


However, in Ji Hao's eyes, his speed was too slow.

A swing of the sword cut his neck.

He screamed and collapsed on the ground.

And right now.

Ji Hao didn't waste any time and ran directly towards the camp where the eldest lady was.

Since the Four Symbols Sect wanted to cause trouble for him, they had no choice but to strike first.

Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers.

So when he just arrived.

The war has also begun.


A sharp blade pierced forward.

However, Ji Hao grabbed it with his palm.

The other party couldn't help but be stunned.

However, Ji Hao didn't hesitate at all and threw the opponent with his backhand.

The next moment, his body transformed into a gigantic ape.

A punch swept out.


A disciple of the Four Symbols Sect was smashed and flew out.

His head was shattered.

On the other side, the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect are not weak either. Hundreds of them united in one place are enough to compete with an ordinary seventh-level master of the Great Sage.

I saw the leader, holding a sharp sword, stabbing towards the opponent.

Ji Hao was also not to be outdone.

The two sharp blades collided in the air.


A clear voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the Four Elephant Sect disciples was directly killed.

Others evacuated one after another.

Obviously he knew that with the strength of himself and others, he was no match for Ji Hao.


Seeing the disciples of Sixiang Sect fleeing.

How could Ji Hao give them a chance?

With a loud shout, he charged forward again.

Wherever it passes, blood mist splashes.

The Four Symbol Sect only had a brief confrontation, but suffered heavy losses.

No one can stop it.

Moreover, this scene was seen by the people of the Four Symbol Sect.

They couldn't help but feel fear, and even felt that death was getting closer and closer to them.

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