
But now, they have no way to escape.

Therefore, they can only bite the bullet and kill again.

However, it seems a bit hasty, and they can't match the fierce Great Zhou army at all.



Accompanied by a burst of blood spraying out.

The battle ended soon.

Except for a few elders, the rest of the people in the whole village all became the dead souls under Ji Hao's knife.

But Ji Hao did not stop.

After killing the people of the Four Symbols Sect, he rushed towards Qinglong City.

His figure just disappeared from the spot.

The Four Symbols God has arrived here.

His eyes were red, looking at the corpses on the ground.

Hate filled his chest.

The Four Symbols Sect, standing in the prehistoric world for billions of years, is going to be destroyed in his own hands today.

How sad it is.

"Brother, the Four Symbols Sect has been destroyed. Please accept the change!"

Looking at the miserable appearance of their brother, the four princes of the White Tiger Clan began to comfort him.

"Hmph, I will never stop fighting him to the death!"

The Four Symbols God said coldly.

He did not expect Ji Hao to be so crazy.

No matter what, the Four Symbols Sect had a blood feud with him.

And while he was talking, Ji Hao had already arrived in front of the Four Symbols City.

At this time, Qinglong City had already been beaten to pieces.

Countless soldiers were lying on the ground.

They were seriously injured, and even taking elixirs could only delay the deterioration of their injuries.

Moreover, the elders of the Four Symbols Sect were even more brave, looking down on the battlefield.

Every time they fell, soldiers were killed.

If the restrictions in Qinglong City were not strong enough, it would have fallen long ago.

And when the battlefield was in chaos,

A series of shouts and cries of killing came from a distance.

Their pupils shrank involuntarily.

Then, they turned their heads and looked.


A giant spirit god that covered the sky and the sun stood in the void.

He held a giant hammer and was covered in blood.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Behind him, endless soldiers were chasing and killing the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect.

Seeing such a scene, the Four Symbols God was stunned.

"Who are you!"

He couldn't help but ask at this time.

"I am His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ji Hao. You slaughtered the people of Qinglong City and deserve to die.

Now die!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao shouted angrily.

There was a strong murderous aura in his voice.

"Haha, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty actually came in person, it's really great.

Kill him, and my Four Symbols Sect will definitely be able to restore its former glory!"

Looking at the mighty army.

The elder of the Four Symbols Sect spoke excitedly.

His face showed a ferocious look.

The others also looked eager to try.

However, Ji Hao's words extinguished the fire in his heart.

"I said that anyone who participated in the massacre of Qinglong City will be killed without mercy!


After his voice fell, the army behind him instantly rushed forward.

Wherever they passed, they left corpses everywhere.

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect continued to fall.

"How dare you!"

The elder of the Four Symbols Sect said in disbelief.

He never thought that the army of the Great Zhou would be so powerful.

He even dared to kill the disciples of his own sect.

Isn't he worried about the revenge of the Four Symbols Sect?

However, it was too late to think about these things at this time.


The two sides collided in one place.

Spiritual weapons of various colors burst into dazzling light.

For a time, it was like a brilliant firework.


But the Four Symbols God was unwilling to continue watching and roared angrily.

He rushed towards Ji Hao.


But before he could get close to Ji Hao.

The latter's iron fist had already hit out.

He used all his strength in this attack.

The blazing golden light streaked across the sky.

The whole space was shaking.


The armor of the Four Symbols God was directly shattered.

The body retreated to the back.

A stream of blood flowed out.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

"You, you actually broke through to the second level of Taoism!"

The voice sounded with disbelief.

"There are many things you don't know!"


As soon as the voice fell, Ji Hao's attack came again.


Although the Four Symbols God didn't understand why Ji Hao's cultivation had broken through to the second level of Taoism,

but at this time it was too late to think about it.

With a wave of the treasure fan in his hand, a sharp wind swept out.

He wanted to resist Ji Hao's attack.

However, it was useless.

The strong wind had just condensed when it was crushed by Ji Hao's foot.


With a muffled sound, the opponent's figure flew backwards again.


A mouthful of blood was spit out.

His face was as pale as paper.


His voice just sounded.

A huge head was thrown high.

The Four Symbols God is dead!

The strongest person of the Four Symbols Sect.

He also died, which no one expected.

Ji Hao, who was watching all this, showed no pity.


When the figure of the Four Elephants God Lord fell to the ground, Ji Hao gave the order.


After the voice fell, the army roared in and entered the remaining battlefield.


A black turtle appeared in the void, its huge body covering the sky and the sun.

A claw shot out, grabbing an elder of the Four Elephants Sect and blasting him away.

On the other side, nine giant pythons were hovering in the void.

There is mist coming out of their mouths.

It exudes an eerie smell.

It feels creepy.

"hold head high!"

At the same time, the dragon's roar sounded in the heavenly palace.

Zhu Rong's figure has appeared in mid-air.

The fire-tip spear in his hand bloomed with dazzling red light.

A spear passed through the chest of an elder.


As a roar fell.

That elder was completely dead.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Tian also arrived.

He carried a snake spear that was eight feet long in his hand, like a killing god.

A spear thrust out can pierce the enemy's throat.

In a short period of time, many disciples of the Four Elephants Sect have been killed.

The other elders of the Four Elephants Sect were struggling hard on the battlefield.

However, it is obvious that they cannot leave today.

Because, Ji Hao not only sent a large number of reinforcements.

He even ordered Mo Qilin to guard the void and prevent the elders of the Four Symbol Sect from escaping.

Under such circumstances, there is no way to escape the enemy's encirclement and suppression.

Soon, the screams stopped.

There was silence in the originally noisy battlefield.

Almost all the disciples of the Four Symbol Sect were killed.

Only a few hundred people were left, hiding in a corner and shivering.

However, there was no trace of mercy in Ji Hao's eyes.

He said coldly.

"Everyone, no one left!"

After hearing his voice, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty all responded respectfully and started to kill the disciples of the Sixiang Sect.

Their speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, everyone was minced into pieces.

The bloody scene is terrifying.

Ji Hao, however, did not say much and slowly fell from the void.

The battle here should be over.

However, what he didn't expect was that just when he was about to leave.

In the sky, a huge pressure came.

Immediately afterwards, a man in black robe appeared in the field.

Outside his body, there were billowing clouds rising.

It made the entire void become a little darker.

This made the Four Elephants Divine Lord and others couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

I don’t know the origin of the person coming.

"Greetings to the Emperor!"

When the man in black robe landed.

The Four Elephants God Lord spoke respectfully.


After hearing his voice, Ji Hao nodded and spoke.

However, his face was still extremely cold.

He felt the strong blood-evil aura in this black-robed man.

This is a peerless demon king who is not even weak to the ancestor Zhu Rong, but why did he come to the Four Symbols Sect?

“Master Sixiang, my young master wants you to do something.

Otherwise, you will definitely be destroyed today! "

The man in black robe said in a hoarse voice.

This caused a flash of brilliance to appear in the eyes of the Four Elephants God Lord.

"I don't know what your young master wants me to do!"

At this time, he knew clearly in his heart that the Four Symbols Sect would never provoke such a force if it were not for big trouble.

Therefore, he did not care about the disciples of his sect and asked.

"My young master asked you to capture Donghuang Taiyi and Nuwa Empress.

If this is accomplished, your lives will be spared! "

After hearing the sound, the Four Elephants Divine Lord could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter who it was, when they heard the words Donghuang Taiyi and Nuwa.

I'm afraid everyone will be afraid of three points.

After all, those two are the top masters on the ancient continent.

"I wonder if your master is the leader of the Four Symbols Sect?"

Thinking of this, the Four Elephants God asked cautiously.

"Exactly, aren't you ready to take action?"

The man in black robe said coldly.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

After receiving the confirmation, the Four Elephants God Lord did not dare to neglect.

He shouted to the elder of the Four Elephants Sect behind him.

The next moment, the other party just controlled the magic weapon and disappeared from the place.

And after seeing them leave.

The man in black robe had a look of joy in his eyes.

He gave instructions to the demon disciples behind him.

"Follow up and take a look.

If you have the chance, help them and don't let them die in the Four Symbols Sect! "

After the voice fell, the whole body was wrapped in thick black mist.

The figure turned around and swept away into the distance.

At this time, Ji Hao was standing on the city wall, watching the changes in the battlefield.

"Report to Your Majesty that someone is approaching the battlefield!"

When Ji Hao finished speaking, Zhu Rong spoke respectfully.

There was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

"Oh, someone is coming, I want to see who it is!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao chuckled and said.

A bright golden light shot out from his eyes.

In an instant, he locked onto the black shadow.

"Hmph, a mere city can't trap me!"

After the other party's voice fell.

The body is like a sharp arrow, cutting through the sky.

But, he hasn't gotten close yet.

A long halberd was placed in front of him.

It was Nezha.

Although his strength is not as good as the Four Elephants God Lord.

However, there is still no problem in blocking the opponent at the critical moment.

Moreover, the city wall at this time was already covered with restrictions, preventing the man in black from crossing the thunder pool.

The distance between the two sides widened again.

However, the opponent's attack was still extremely sharp.


When it collided with the city wall, it exploded directly.


Seeing this scene, the Four Elephants God Lord shouted angrily.

However, he did not dare to get even closer to the city, fearing that the restrictions on the city would harm his disciples.

And the man in black was not impatient.

Just like that, they were stuck in place.

Although most of the disciples of the Four Symbol Sect died.

However, those who are still alive are all the chief disciples of each peak.

They did not dare to stay where they were for fear of being accidentally killed.

"Master, help me!"

At the same time, everyone in the Four Symbol Sect was retreating in all directions.

A familiar voice came out, but it made the elders look horrified in their eyes.

"Evil beast!"

Just when they want to come to the rescue.

Swing out a palm.

The mountain gate of Sixiang Sect collapsed instantly.

"Haha, this time I will cut you into pieces!"

Then, a burst of wild laughter rang out.

Then, he saw a young man covered in blood leaping out of the ruins.

This person is the last disciple of the Four Symbols Sect.


Then, there was another explosion.

Near the gate of Sixiang Sect, hundreds of disciples were completely killed.

These are all his relatives and friends.

"My son, no..."

And after seeing his son being killed.

There was a crazy light in the eyes of the Four Elephants Sect Master.

At this moment, he wanted to rush into the city and tear Ji Hao into pieces.

However, facing the fierce Sixiang Sect people, he did not dare to act rashly at all.


At the same time, a thunderous roar sounded in Ji Hao's ears.

Little did he know that while they were fighting.

In the demon army on the other side.

The demon king finally came over.

When he stepped into the territory of Da Zhou, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes bloomed with terrifying light.

At this time, he has decided that today he will bloodbath the entire Great Zhou.


When the demon king appeared on the battlefield, he roared.

Then, the sword in his hand was pointed directly at the two sides fighting.

In an instant, boundless demonic flames surged out.

It made the disciples of Sixiang Sect feel their livers and gallbladders bursting.

"Damn it, why would a demon king come again!"

Seeing such a scene, even the Four Elephants Divine Lord couldn't help but shout.

There was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"hold head high!"

At this time, Ji Hao, who was fighting, also discovered all this.

A violent killing intent spread instantly.


The next moment, a golden dragon that covered the sky and sun appeared in front of everyone.

He opened his ferocious mouth and bit down on the Demon King.

The huge body covers the sky and carries great majesty.

"Break it for me!"

After seeing Ji Hao's attack, the demon king was not only unafraid.

Instead, he was furious.

His cultivation is extremely powerful.

Who would be afraid of a mere golden dragon? He swung his sword in his hand and faced it.

But at this time, the corners of Jin Long's mouth showed a ferocious look.

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