
As the two sides came into contact.

A violent roar sounded in the sky above the Four Symbols Sect.

The body of the demon king exploded in an instant.

The blood exuded an extremely foul smell.


At this moment, the dragon roar sounded again.

I saw a golden dragon that was a thousand feet long, lingering between heaven and earth.

The scorching temperature turned the whole world into a furnace.


Then, an even louder dragon roar was heard.


As the sound fell, another phoenix cry sounded.

Then, a ball of fire fell towards the Four Symbols God.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were wide open.


As the roar fell.

The Four Symbols God was directly slapped on the ground.

At this time, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this mission to kill Ji Hao.

In this way, one can enhance his own strength a lot.

But now, it is counterproductive. Not only did he fail to complete the mission.

Instead, he lost his life.


Strands of blood flowed out and meandered on the ground.

The Four Symbols God felt his vitality slipping away, and the unwillingness in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

At this time, Ji Hao slowly walked out of the city.

When he appeared, everyone in the field showed fear in their eyes.

Because they knew in their hearts that they could not be Ji Hao's opponent at all.

The other party only needed to reach out, and they would be dead.

At this time, Ji Hao did not pay attention to the people of the Four Symbols Sect.

His only target was the Four Symbols Sect Master and the fleeing Liu Zheng.

I saw his cold voice rang between heaven and earth.

"Do you two remember the oath you made to fight for the rise of the Four Symbols Sect at all costs!

If you betray the enemy on the battlefield, you can't blame me!"

After the voice fell, the whole person burst out with dazzling murderous aura.

All the elders and disciples of the Four Symbols Sect below looked extremely ugly.

They knew in their hearts that Ji Hao was ready to settle accounts.

But, do they really want to fight with him?

After all, the Four Symbols Sect is now seriously injured.

"Your Majesty, spare my life, we are willing to submit to your Majesty!"

Just after Ji Hao's voice fell, the Four Symbols God said.

As an elder of the Four Symbols Sect, he was unwilling to fight to the death with Ji Hao.

After all, there are only two people left in his lineage.

If all are destroyed, there will be no hope of turning over.


After hearing the voice, Ji Hao nodded to show his approval.

And the others, after seeing that he agreed to the other party,

He was also relieved.

Especially the leader of the Four Symbols Sect, who did not hesitate at this time and spoke immediately.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

As soon as the voice fell, he knelt down respectfully on the ground.

Such a scene made Ji Hao frown.

However, he did not stop it.

After all, he knew in his heart that since he ascended the throne and became emperor, it would be impossible to take back the sect.

Otherwise, he would lose the trust of the world.

However, when the people of the Four Symbols Sect bowed one after another.

A voice suddenly sounded:

"Humph, the dignified Lord of the Great Zhou actually dared to slaughter my Four Symbols Sect, it's simply courting death!"

This voice was made by the demon king.

The other party's figure was tens of millions of feet tall.

He was wearing black armor.

The whole body was wrapped in thick black mist.


Then, a punch came towards Ji Hao.

The power of this punch was too overbearing.

The world became extremely dark in an instant.


The void was actually blasted through by the opponent's punch.

Then, the whole world turned into chaos.

After seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao's pupils shrank.

He did not dare to neglect it and directly summoned the Four Symbols Holy Beasts to block him.

This time, he wanted to use this five-clawed golden dragon to test the power after his strength was improved.


The dragon roar sounded between heaven and earth.

I saw the golden dragon flying out and meeting the black fog.


The next moment, the two sides collided in one place.

As the roar fell.

A burst of strong wind swept out.

The Four Symbols God was pale, although he had already known the power of the Four Symbols Holy Beasts.

However, at this time, he still couldn't help but be shocked.

And the figure of the demon king did not retreat but advanced, and continued to rush over.

Every step he took, the world shook.

The aura emanating from his body became more and more terrifying.


However, just when his fist was about to hit Ji Hao's body.

A sharp blade was suspended in the air.

It was Xingtian's axe that chopped down.

The axe exuded a destructive aura.

It seemed to split the world apart.


And the demon king's eyes showed surprise.

He didn't believe that an ant's attack could hurt him.

When he wanted to dodge, it was too late.


Just a face-to-face, half of his shoulder was chopped off.

Scarlet blood spilled all over the sky.

"Haha, good man, you are indeed worthy of being my beloved minister. I will kill you today!"

Looking at Xing Tian, ​​Ji Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the voice, Xing Tian spoke respectfully.

There was excitement in his eyes.

He had never fought with anyone before.

Now, it felt very exciting.


At the same time, the army on the other side also started fighting.

At this time, Liu Zheng led the army to surround him.

Behind him, several great saint nine masters stood on his left and right.

And, what was even more terrifying was.

In the front of the army, a huge city stood in place.

On the city wall.

Endless soldiers and horses stood.

In their eyes, there was a sharp murderous aura.

This city was built by Liu Zheng in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it was named Zhen Yao Pass.

It can be said to be the most solid defensive fortress on the entire continent.

Now, Ji Hao personally led the army to come.

How could these ferocious demons be matched?

In an instant, they were completely crushed.

And while fighting.

In a cave somewhere deep in the ancient battlefield.

A figure was sitting on a piece of bluestone.

The other person's appearance looked extremely young.

The gleam in his eyes flashed, giving people a fascinating feeling.

He was a peerless genius who was trapped in the ancient battlefield when the Great Zhou Dynasty fought with the demons.

His name was Tianpeng God King.

At this time, he was practicing and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, a bloodthirsty look appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, I can finally leave this ghost place.

When I get out, I will make the Great Zhou pay the price!"

After that, he disappeared on the spot.

At this time, the war in the Great Zhou Dynasty was completely over.

Ji Hao's methods were powerful, and with the help of the Four Symbols God.

In a short period of time, all the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect bowed down at his feet.

As for the Demon King and Liu Zheng, they had completely disappeared on the spot.

At this time, the Four Symbols God, after gathering all the disciples in his palace.

He looked at the people below and said lightly.

"From now on, the Four Symbols Sect is a subsidiary sect of my Great Zhou.

All disciples must not disobey in the slightest.

Otherwise, the nine clans will be exterminated!"

The voice was extremely cold.

It made everyone below silent.

They didn't dare to say anything more.

At this time, Ji Hao had already come to the palace where the Four Symbols God was.

Looking at the other party, he asked slowly.

"How did you break through? Explain to me quickly!"

There was a sense of majesty in his voice.

"Report to your majesty, during your retreat.

Someone gave me three immortal medicines.

After I swallowed them, I successfully broke through!"

The Four Symbols God said carefully.

Afraid of angering Ji Hao.

"Three plants? No wonder, it turns out to be because of this!"

Ji Hao said.

He knew in his heart that this Four Symbols God was the body of the Four Symbols Holy Spirit.

It was extremely difficult to condense the Holy Spirit Pill.

And this elixir is indeed a shortcut.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and asked the other party to retreat first.

And just as he was about to rest.

Cao Zhengchun walked in.

With a look of joy on his face, he spoke.

"Your Majesty, my Great Zhou has another hundred Great Saint Six-level strongmen who have been recruited!"

At this time, Cao Zhengchun's eyes were filled with joy.

He knew that with these hundred Great Saint realm masters.

Even if the Great Zhou was against them, the major dynasties could survive the crisis safely.

After all, even a country cannot have a hundred Great Saints.

And just after his voice fell.

Ji Hao smiled and said.

"Very good, I am now in need of a strong man.

You have done a good job on this matter.

Remember, no one is allowed to leak the news of the people who surrendered today!"

After the voice fell.

Cao Zhengchun retreated respectfully.

On the other side, the spies sent by Ji Hao also reported at the first time.

A large number of demon soldiers were killed.

Even the Demon King was injured and fled.

At this time, the soldiers of Da Zhou were chasing and killing frantically.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng smiled.

He did not stop.

But gave the order.

This time, even if the Demon King survived by chance, he would be doomed.

After all, Da Zhou is no weaker than the Demons, and even better.

How can the other party resist it with just one person?

At this time, Da Zhou almost occupied all the areas of the entire Demon Clan.

Except for the last two Demon Emperors.

All the remaining demons have surrendered to Da Zhou.

Among them, there are more than a dozen who are the ancestors of the demon clan.

After Ji Hao's breakthrough.

The entire Great Zhou has received a huge supplement.

Liu Zheng's strength is constantly increasing.

In this way, even if he encounters the demon clan, he will not be afraid at all.

The commander of the demon tribe was even more angry at this time.

He knew in his heart that he was probably in danger.

However, my heart is unwilling to accept it.

This place is the foundation of the demon clan, and he doesn't want to give up.

But now there is no choice.

They can only rush towards the depths of the ancient battlefield.

Hope you will encounter help along the way.

At the same time, the devil was the same.

Although he knew it in his heart.

I'm afraid this battle will be a disaster.

However, he still holds on to his last hope.

He didn't want to die, he wasn't willing to die like this.

Because only by living can you have a chance.

At the same time, the news about Dazhou and the Demon Clan also spread throughout the ancient world.

Especially after an elder from the demon clan appeared.

The whole ancient world was shaken.

Unexpectedly, the majestic demon clan was actually defeated.

“I heard that this time, the Demon King took action himself.

Not only did they fail to capture the human race, but they suffered heavy losses and even almost died themselves.

Now, it's hidden.

What should I do? "

A Holy Emperor spoke with a look of panic on his face.

He is a veteran strongman of the human race.

This time, he was even ordered to conquer the demon clan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped onto the battlefield, he would be injured by the Demon King.

Now, I couldn't help but feel worried.

It would be terrible if the other party caused trouble for their human race.

And other people, after hearing the sound.

There was also a hint of horror in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the devil was defeated.

You know, the other party is extremely powerful.

Unexpectedly, it was a defeat.

At this moment, a figure flew by.

His full head of black hair was spread out.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Behind him, followed by the mighty demonic energy, was the demon king coming.

This time, he led his army to the human race.

But he didn't expect that he would be defeated by the opponent.

How could he bear it?

"You bastard from the demon race, you must give me an explanation today!"

When the Demon King just arrived, he shouted coldly.

Around him, there were countless masters.

Everyone exudes an amazing aura.

"Demon King, don't you know how to repent at this time? You have committed a huge disaster.

Now, you still dare to show up. Do you really think that I don’t dare to kill you? "

After hearing the sound.

Saint Taixu said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

At this time, he was already extremely depressed.

If it weren't for the fear of the other party's identity.

He had already started.

"Hmph, I know you are quite strong, but there is a powerful being behind me.

If you don’t believe it, just try it and find out! "

The Demon King spoke.


As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around.

He was ready to return to the Demon Clan for help.

However, just when his body was about to leave.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting into his chest sounded.

Then, I felt dizzy.

"You, you dare to kill me!"

There was a hint of spite in his voice.

"Demon King, since you are at the end of your rope, you should just admit defeat!"

Saint Taixu's voice sounded, and then he spoke again.

Behind him, several powerful worshipers appeared.

These people are loyal guards who have followed him for hundreds of millions of years.

Their strength has reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

For a moment, the demon king's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

However, after a while, it returned to normal.

"Haha, if you kill me today, the demons will not let you go!"

After the sound fell.

The body exploded in an instant.

The blood mist dispersed.

The rich smell of blood surged out instantly throughout the world.

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