And after hearing the sound.

The people from the various families below couldn't help but express their feelings.

Then, they began to send people to contact the elders of each tribe.

They understood that Liu Zheng was not just talking.

If you don't surrender.

Destruction awaits them.

And at the same time.

In the Tianpeng Prince's Mansion.

A vast majesty filled the entire Tianpeng City.

At this time, King Tianpeng stood in the hall with red eyes.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

Today is the time for him to take revenge.

But, just when he was about to take action.

The Lord of Tianpeng City hurriedly walked in.

Looking at his father, he spoke respectfully.

“Father, the reinforcements from the Han Dynasty have arrived, we’d better escape.

These people of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan are too strong! "

There was a look of fear on his face.

But King Tianpeng didn't pay attention at all.

And he said coldly.

"Hmph, so what if the big man can't be compared with my clan of Chaos Demon Apes.

I don't believe that a big man would abandon Tianpeng City.

I'll just wait here for him to die! "

There was a gloominess in his voice.

Then, he shot out with a palm.

The main hall of Prince Tianpeng's Mansion shattered into pieces with a roar.

Immediately afterwards, the figure walked towards the outside world.

At this time, a strong murderous intention was released from his body.


Just as he walked out of the hall.

Then I heard a violent collision in the distance.

Then, several strong men from the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan were thrown to the field.


Watching his own people die tragically at the hands of Tianpeng City Lord.

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape clan roared angrily.

The whole person's eyes even showed a scarlet color.

This scene made Tianpeng City Lord's pupils shrink.

Unexpectedly, the guards of Tianpeng City actually blocked the attack of the leader of the Chaos Demon Ape.

Then, he shouted.

"Soldiers, help me defeat the enemy!"

His voice was filled with joy.


But the soldiers rushed forward without hesitation.

Although they know it is dangerous.

But now the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

If you shrink back, you will definitely be punished.

But, how can these ordinary people be the opponents of these Chaos Demon Apes?

In just a short moment, it was torn into pieces.

King Tianpeng watched as all the brothers under his command were slaughtered.

His whole body started to tremble.

His eyes were red, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.


At this time, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape roared.

There was black mist flashing around him.

When approaching many soldiers.


A general's head exploded instantly.

Others, however, simply couldn't care less.

They could only fight like crazy.

The Lord of Tianpeng City also joined the battle.

However, each of these Chaos Demonic Apes is extremely powerful.

Even those strong men at the eighth level of sainthood are no match.


King Tianpeng's chest was directly penetrated.

Blood splattered.

"Father, be careful!"

But at this moment, Tianpeng City Lord did not care about his own life or death.

He rushed forward directly.

He punched out his fist and collided with the strong man of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan.


There was a sound of vomiting blood.

His whole body was blown away.

However, he still did not stop and continued to rush forward.

The Tianpeng King on the other side also saved a life at this time.

At this time, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He looked extremely embarrassed.

However, he said with excitement.

"Haha, okay, I didn't expect that you are actually the reinforcements of the big man.

A battle today.

It will definitely become famous all over the world! "

The voice sounded, with a fiery look in his eyes.

But the strong man of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan was also a little confused.

Because they have never heard of any big man.

However, if these reinforcements dare to block him, they must be killed.

Dang even opened his mouth and shouted.

“Who the hell are you.

How dare you stand in our way.

Today, let us all perish! "

The sound sounded, and the surroundings were surrounded by a cold aura.

The strong men of the Chaos Demonic Ape clan came forward to kill them again.

"hold head high!"

The roar of the dragon sounded.

A giant dragon emerged from the void.

Emit a dazzling light.

Shockingly, Xiang Yu arrived.

He is too strong and can compete with this clan of Chaos Demon Apes.

Just after arriving, he punched out.

A mighty strong wind surged out.

Shake the space apart.


At this time, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan also reacted.

He waved his arms and punched him.

The fists of both sides collided.

Make a thunderous sound.


The strong man from the Chaos Demon Ape clan couldn't help but take a step back at this moment.

Xiang Yu, on the other hand, stood motionless.

At this time, he was arrogant.

"Who are you?

Why do you want to take care of the affairs of our Chaos Demon Ape Clan?

Are you looking for death?"

At this time, the leader of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan shouted angrily.

As a high-ranking member of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan, he had never seen such a powerful existence.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you must die today!"

Xiang Yu said lightly.

There was a hint of solemnity in his voice.

And at this moment.

A figure slowly walked into the field.

He had a slender body and an unparalleled handsome appearance.

It was like a banished immortal.

But his whole body exuded a strong murderous intent.

It turned out that Ji Hao arrived in Qingyun Tower.

"Your Majesty, I have fulfilled my mission.

These guys have been dealt with!"

Liu Zheng nodded and said.

At the same time, Tianpeng City Lord spoke respectfully.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Great Han Divine Emperor, may you have great fortune and longevity.

Today, we have offended His Majesty to protect King Tianpeng, please forgive us!"

The voice sounded with a sense of panic.

Although King Tianpeng is the king of the Tianpeng clan, he is only a rising star in the last hundred years.

Compared with old emperors like Ji Hao, the gap is too big.

And just after King Tianpeng's voice fell.

The leader of the Chaos Demon Ape clan opposite showed a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, his face was pale.

I felt that I had met an unparalleled strong man.

"Hmph, I have long expected that this King Tianpeng is the remnant of the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

I didn't expect it to be true.

However, since they dared to assassinate my ministers, they must pay the price!"

After the voice fell.

The palm stretched out, and in an instant it slapped forward.

The giant palm condensed by the vast magic power.

Covering the entire battlefield, it was extremely frightening.

After seeing such a scene.

The strong man of the Chaos Demon Ape clan showed a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Break it for me!"

The roar sounded in an instant.


The next moment, the whole sky seemed to be blown up.

Then, it was seen that endless mana turned into a huge wave and pressed towards Ji Hao.

Such a scene would be frightening to anyone who saw it.

However, for Ji Hao at this time, it was nothing at all.


Just a claw grabbed out, and it broke the energy in the sky.

And the leader of the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

was also captured at this time.

At this time, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

He did not dare to neglect it and shouted directly.

"Han Emperor, spare my life.

My Chaos Demon Ape clan has no grudges against you!"

There was a pleading meaning in his voice.

Not only him, but also several other Chaos Demon Ape clan masters present at the scene showed panic in their eyes.

After all, this is their territory.

Now, being blocked outside the door, they are naturally a little scared.

Especially after seeing the other party easily defeat the leader of their own side.

They feel even more flustered.

"Hmph, since you know that you have angered the big man, why are you still talking nonsense.

I ask you, where is the palace of the Chaos Demon Ape clan?"

Ji Hao said coldly.

After the voice fell, the face of the Chaos Demon Ape turned pale.

The other party is not only powerful, but more importantly, he also wants to find the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

What should I do.

However, before he finished thinking.

Ji Hao's figure disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already standing on the other party's shoulder.

"Tell me the location of the royal court, otherwise, you will die today!"

His voice was very cold.

The other party's pupils shrank.

Then, he gnashed his teeth and said.

"Chaos Abyss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yu's figure flew out like lightning.

His speed was extremely fast.

A moment later, when his figure appeared above the Chaos Abyss.

He discovered.

A strong demonic energy was raging in the air.

The entire Chaos Abyss was filled with a fierce aura.

Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

This demonic energy even surpassed his Nine Revolutions Profound Art.

"The great Zhou general Xiang Yu is here, why don't you roll out and die!"

At this time, he roared.

The voice contained unparalleled power.

And as the voice fell.

"Ka La!"

There were bursts of explosions in the sky.

Then, a huge tower appeared in the air.

"The Great Zhou Divine Emperor has arrived, the Chaos Demon Ape Clan, why don't you surrender!"

A figure in armor appeared beside Xiang Yu.

His body was covered with black and red flames.

It was Yang Jian, the commander of the Yanyang Army.

As soon as he finished speaking,

a figure shot out from the tower.

The figure was extremely tall and majestic.

He held a golden long stick in his hand.

Every time he struck,

the dark clouds in the sky were instantly shattered.

This showed his terrifying strength.

After seeing such a scene,

the eyes of Tianpeng King could not help but flash with brilliance.

At this time, he finally understood why the Chaos Demon Ape clan could compete with Tianpeng King and occupy the Chaos Demon Ape lineage.

The opponent is not only powerful, but also has a lot of reinforcements.

"Haha, it turns out that Brother Yang Jian is here.

I haven’t seen you for many years, but I didn’t expect you to be alive! "

Yang Jian is also a famous figure in Chaos.

Therefore, it was not surprising that King Tianpeng knew each other at this time.

However, after hearing the sound, Yang Jian couldn't help but smile.

At first, the two had a very good relationship, but later they separated due to various reasons.

Now that I see my old friend, I can't help but feel a lot of sadness.

"Tianpeng, is this how you treat guests?"

But, just when he was about to speak.

A cold voice sounded instantly.

This is the ancestor of the Chaos Demon Ape family.

He exuded a violent aura.

At this time, he was standing in the void, looking down and speaking.

The cold look in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Back then, if I hadn't arrived in time.

I'm afraid that the Chaos Demon Ape clan is about to be exterminated.

Moreover, the other party also robbed him of dozens of innate spiritual treasures.

This hatred is simply irreconcilable.

"Ancestor, help me.

This Han Emperor bullies the juniors, I don’t accept it! "

After hearing the sound, King Tianpeng shouted with a sad face.


But at this moment, the ancestor of the Chaos Demonic Ape clan let out a cold shout.

Then, point out.

The blazing energy gathered into a blood line.

Falling downward.

Extremely fast.


However, how could he resist the Peng King that day? His head was pierced in an instant.

Blood spurted out.

Then, he fell to the ground.

But at this time, Liu Zheng showed no mercy at all.


Under his punch.

The ancestor of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan was also smashed into pieces.

This scene caused a look of horror on everyone's faces in the chaos.

I didn't expect that Ji Hao's strength would be so tyrannical.

And right now.

There were bursts of footsteps all around.

I saw groups of Chaos Demon Apes walking out, all wearing animal skins.

They are all armed with sharp swords.

His whole body was filled with strong evil aura.

His eyes showed a scarlet color.

The body is exuding a breath that makes people tremble.

These are the Chaos Demon Apes, they are cruel and aggressive in nature.

However, at this time, they were also aroused with fierceness in their hearts.

Because, this Tianpeng King is the backbone of their clan.

He was actually killed.

Moreover, he was still beheaded by a mere Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

At this time, they could hardly hide the bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

"Kill, kill them all and avenge Tianpeng!"

The uncle of King Tianpeng roared angrily.

The next moment, the figure rushed into the battle circle.

Although his strength is not weak, he has reached the fifth level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

But when facing everyone in Dazhou, the gap is indeed too big.

However, he is worthy of being a strong person among the Chaos Demon Ape Clan.

In a short period of time, he killed several masters in the realm of great saints.

But, just when he was preparing to continue the attack.

Ji Hao's figure has already rushed forward.


The vast real dragon crashed into his body in an instant.

Where is Tianpeng King's opponent?

In an instant, he was knocked out.

There was bleeding from the mouth and nose, and a look of despair appeared in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

In Ji Hao's hands, he couldn't even hold it together.

And the ancestor of the Chaos Demonic Ape was not to be outdone at this time.

He rushed towards Yang Jian.

As the mace in his hand danced, there were gusts of wind.

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