
The three-pointed two-edged knife in Yang Jian's hand was drawn out.

They met each other, and they collided with each other in an instant.

Fiery energy swept out in an instant.

Yang Jian's figure kept retreating.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

But the ancestor of the Chaos Demon Ape didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Yang Jian was originally stronger than him.

Now, it has broken through the realm.

Where is the enemy easily?

But, he simply couldn't care about anything else.


After dodging the opponent's attack, he roared angrily.

The two palms were shot out with a roaring wind.

"hold head high!"

However, at this moment, Xiang Yu leaped up from the side.

The drum, urn, and golden hammer in his hand swung out.


Violent noises were heard.

The Chaos Demon Ape Ancestor was hit and turned into a blood mist.

Everyone in the field watched this scene.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

Among these people, the lowest cultivation level has reached the realm of Hongmeng Golden Immortal.

In addition, the special attributes of the Chaos Demon Ape family are added.

Enough to compete with any strong person.

But now, in front of Da Zhou, he was completely crushed.

How can this not surprise people.

For a moment, he couldn't resist.

"Do you still want to resist?"

Looking around Liu Zheng with disdain in his eyes, Xiang Yu said lightly.

He didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, at this time, these Chaos Demon Apes can no longer think with ordinary thinking.

That's why I asked.

Sure enough, after his voice fell.

No one spoke, and everyone's expressions were extremely ugly.

"Han Emperor spare my life!"

At this moment, an old man said slowly.

Then, the figure fell to his knees on the ground.

And with his movements.

The others hesitated for a moment.

Also followed closely.

After all, they knew that the Chaos Demonic Ape had no power to resist at all.

In this case, it is better to surrender early.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a dead end.

As for the Chaos Demonic Apes, they dare not neglect them.

Although they are powerful.

However, the Chaos Demon Ape at this time was not worth mentioning in Ji Hao's eyes and could not make any waves at all.

Therefore, they all prostrated themselves.

The uniform voice made everyone's pupils shrink.

They had never seen such a scene before, not even the strong men of the Human Alliance in the wilderness.

It won't be done to this extent.

This Dazhou is really too domineering.

However, this is not something that the Chaos Demonic Apes should care about.

They only want to protect themselves, as long as they don't provoke themselves.

Even if you die in the hands of others, it has nothing to do with you.

At this time, all the Chaos Demon Apes chose to surrender.

This is because they know in their hearts that if they are stubborn now, they will cause a massacre in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Haha, okay, I welcome you all to join Dazhou!"

After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng said with a smile.

He had no reason to reject these Chaos Demon Apes.

As long as such masters are cultivated, they will become an elite army.

It can even help Da Zhou conquer various states.

After hearing the sound, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he said.

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty. We are willing to follow you to the death in the future!"

He said respectfully.

There was fear in his eyes.

At this moment, Ji Hao spoke again.

"May I have your name!"

At this time, he was quite curious about the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan.

"For the record, Emperor Han, I am the second elder of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan, my name is Qingtian!"

After hearing the voice, Ji Hao nodded noncommittally, and then spoke slowly.

"Qingtian, right? Now that you have surrendered, it will be easy.

From now on, you will stay under my command.

As for the secret techniques of our Chaos Demon Ape clan, I will also leave them to you to practice.

I hope you won't disappoint me.

Remember, a great disaster is coming. If one day, I need you.

Don't let me down! "

After hearing the sound, Qingtian quickly agreed.

Not only because Dazhou is stronger than them.

Also because of Ji Hao's words.

Let him feel that the other party is not deceiving him.

But seriously.

As long as the other party is in need, they will definitely not refuse.

And at this moment.

But there was another voice coming from the distance.

"Haha, everyone from the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan has gathered here as expected. Let me see where you are going to escape!"

There was a ferocious tone in the voice.

Then, a group of strong men were seen coming through the air.

He is clearly the master of the Demon Court.

Behind him, there are a large number of masters.

Just after arriving on the field.

The cold light in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

Looking directly at the members of the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

"Hmph, Demon Commander, why are you here with my clan of Chaos Demon Apes?

We have surrendered to Dazhou! "

Qingtian said coldly, with a look of resentment on his face.

The losses were heavy this time, and their entire clan was almost wiped out.

How can I not hate it.

However, after hearing the sound, the leader of the demon clan couldn't help but sneer.

"I'm afraid you won't have that chance if you take refuge in Dazhou!"

After the words fell, he actually waved his hand and gave the order.

"Kill all the Chaos Demonic Apes, leaving no one behind!"

The voice fell, and hundreds of masters of the ninth level of saint rushed up behind him.

Obviously, these guys are preparing to take credit in the big week.

And after seeing such a scene.

Qingtian roared with his eyes about to burst.

"you dare!"

Just, in the face of the other party's scolding.

The leader of the demon clan has no intention of stopping.


As his voice fell.

The people around him charged directly forward.

The cold light flashed in his hands.


The giant ax struck down, directly cutting a Chaos Demon Ape into pieces.

Then, the fight continued.

The battle became fierce in an instant.

But Qingtian was trapped in the center, unable to move even an inch.

At this time, his eyes were red.

However, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

In a short period of time, the body was beaten to pieces.

Finally, a huge head fell to the ground.

Such an ending makes people sigh.

The Chaos Demonic Ape clan was once famous in the ancient world.

But now, it has been destroyed.

However, this also gave Ji Hao more information.

That is, the Chaos Demon Ape clan has powerful secret skills.

And, quite a few.

This was what made Ji Hao the happiest.

After all, if you have such a powerful foundation by your side.

Dazhou's strength will definitely increase a lot.

And at this moment.

A sound broke through the air, but it came from a distance.


The next moment, the void shook, as if the sky had collapsed.

I saw a battleship flying past above the sky.

Exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

When the battleship stopped.

Countless figures came out.

They were all wearing golden robes and had cold eyes.

With boundless majesty.

This time, reinforcements from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty arrived.

At the same time, groups of soldiers appeared.

Standing on the deck.

The leader's eyes were filled with wisps of brilliant light.

It was the Dragon and Phoenix Emperor.

At this time, he was tall and tall, wearing a golden-scaled python robe, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

And beside him, there was an old man.

The aura on the opponent's body was unparalleled.

It makes people feel suffocated.

However, no one paid attention to this person.

Instead, he fixed his gaze on Ji Hao.

There was greed in his eyes.

At this time, Ji Hao's eyes were filled with light.

Because, he felt the throbbing of blood from the breath of the other party.

This person should be from the same clan as Zulong.

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Unexpectedly, I met someone of the same race here.

Really lucky.

However, now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke calmly.

“I don’t know who you are.

What do you mean by coming here? "

After Ji Hao's voice fell.

The Dragon and Phoenix Emperor said with a smile.

"I am the Great Emperor of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and I am here to defeat the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan under orders!

These people are all elite children of our clan.

I just didn't expect to encounter these Chaos Demon Apes on the road.

However, don’t worry, after today, the Chaos Demon Ape clan will no longer exist.

Your Da Zhou is very powerful.

I'd love to work with you.

Now, the entire Chaos Demon Ape clan has surrendered to Great Zhou.

You can definitely use this to increase your strength.

If so, wouldn’t it be beautiful! "

After hearing the other party's voice.

Ji Hao's lips showed a smile.

At this moment, even Qingtian's face showed excitement.

This is the hope of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan, if they have his protection.

The Chaos Demon Ape clan will continue.

But, just when they were expecting it.


Ji Hao's right foot stamped down hard.

In an instant, the Dragon and Phoenix Emperor was trampled to the ground.

Fierce energy waves rippled.

The leader of the demon clan almost bulged his eyes out.

But Ji Hao's voice sounded again.

"I said that after today, the Chaos Demon Ape clan will completely disappear!

You don’t have to dream! "

At this time, although he was still extremely calm on the surface.

But anyone could feel that he was angry, very angry.

Although these Chaos Demon Apes are not close to themselves.

But he didn't offend himself.

However, after hearing Ji Hao's voice, he directly chose to betray.

He even almost risked his own life, how could he not be angry?

Therefore, even if you open your mouth and shout.


Sooner or later, the Chaos Demon Apes will become the slaves of our Demon Clan.

You, Dazhou, are no exception! "

Just after the demon clan leader finished speaking.

He was the first to attack Ji Hao.

The other demon clans also rushed out at the same time.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

Ji Hao's eyes showed a hint of coldness.


Then, a roar came out, and then a huge Chaos Demon Ape appeared in the field.

A frightening and ferocious look burst out from his eyes.

Every hair stands on end like a steel needle.

Above the body, thick blood mist filled the air.

It makes the mana all over the body surge.

Then, the palm of his hand reached out.


Just one claw out.

The demon king who came forward was torn into pieces in an instant.

Rich blood spurted out, and everyone in the field was stunned.

I never expected that the strength of this Chaos Demonic Ape would be so terrifying.

Even the leader of the demon tribe turned gloomy.

He wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't escape at all. The oppressive force was too terrifying.

Just when his heart trembled.

The Chaos Demon Ape's punch had already hit his head.

The other party's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Then, prepare to use your magical powers to resist.

However, even if he tried his best, he was still like an ant in front of the strong man of the Demonic Ape Clan.


It fell with a roar.

The opponent's entire body exploded in an instant.

The breath of death enveloped the entire battlefield.

Such a scene made the eyes of the demon clan experts who were watching burst with tears.

This commander is considered a first-rate master among the demon clan.

I didn't expect that he would fall so easily.

Only then did they understand why Ji Hao said that the Chaos Demon Ape clan would be completely extinct.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, we are willing to surrender!"

The leader of the demon tribe completely perished amidst the screams.

The remaining demon kings could no longer hold on.

He fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

"get out!"

After seeing such a scene, Ji Hao said lightly.

And after his voice fell.

All the demon clans did not dare to neglect.

Flee directly towards the outside world.

Such a scene was something they did not expect.

And after seeing such a scene.

Qingtian's eyes flashed with excitement.

Unexpectedly, Ji Hao saved himself with just one sentence.

How could this not excite him.

However, Ji Hao seemed calm and relaxed at this time.

“Now that you’re here, there’s no need to leave in a hurry.

Stay, I will let you know the consequences of provoking me! "

There was a coldness in the voice.

Then, he signaled Qingtian to go to the Dragon and Phoenix Army.

He wanted to see how his parents were doing now.

On the other side, Qing Ba led Zhou's army to the area where the Chaos Demon Ape Clan was stationed.

At this time, their bodies exuded a strong evil spirit.

"Report, Your Majesty, we just occupied this place when there was a sneak attack from the demon clan.

However, they were all killed by us! "

After hearing the sound, Qingtian spoke respectfully.

"Yeah, well done.

Tell the brothers to rest for a while and then continue to move forward! "

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao said slowly.

Then, he led the troops and continued towards the Chaos Demon Ape Clan.

However, the Chaos Demonic Ape family at this time.

It has indeed been slaughtered.

They did not expect that the masters of the Dragon and Phoenix clans would arrive so quickly.

Therefore, we were not prepared to face the enemy at all.

Coupled with the fierceness of Dazhou's cavalry, they were even more powerless to fight back.

A few years later.

Ji Hao finally arrived at the Chaos Demon Ape Clan.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

With one palm strike, a demon clan of the seventh level of saint was sent flying directly.

Then, in the eyes of the other party's disbelief, he said slowly.

"Where are the clan leaders of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan!"


Just after the voice fell, the monster turned into a ball of blood mist and disappeared forever.

After seeing such a scene, Ji Hao's eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

Today's Chaos Demon Ape clan has become his private property.

Moreover, there are many treasures in the opponent's ethnic group.

Therefore, it was here that the new city was built.

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