In a short period of time, it became extremely prosperous, attracting countless strange beasts to seek refuge.

From then on, the Chaos Demonic Ape clan became truly powerful.

However, no one knew it.

Now, within the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

"Haha, these elixirs are enough for me to break through to the ninth level of sainthood!"

Above the main hall, a heroic voice came out.

Then, a burly figure appeared in the hall.

He is the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan.

Today, the other party's cultivation has reached the eighth level of a saint.

However, his fighting power is extremely powerful.

When a giant hammer was swung out.

It has great majesty.

"Meet the clan leader!"

At this moment, outside the palace door, two rows of Chaos Demon Apes stood and shouted in unison.

This scene made the Chaos Demonic Ape Commander's face show a look of joy.

After all, his own ethnic group has not been lost in time.

"Haha, you did a good job, these things are given to you!"

After laughing, he distributed the elixir in his hand.

When these ordinary chaos demon apes take the elixir and go into seclusion.

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape came to the main hall.

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly.

"You said there is an Emperor of Zhou who wants to conquer us?"

"Yes, clan leader, the other party should be the emperor of Great Zhou.

Now, it has penetrated into our clan.

But don't worry, we'll get it sorted out soon.

Those monsters can't stop us at all! "

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape said with a flattering tone in his voice.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll go back quickly. No matter what, I must delay the Emperor of Zhou.

I want to reach the realm of a saint in the shortest possible time! "

After hearing the voice, the commander did not dare to neglect it.

He spoke respectfully.

"I obey my orders!"

After he finished speaking, he withdrew.

On this day, the entire Chaos Demon Ape was startled by a cry of surprise.

It turned out that it was just when their clan leader was in retreat.

Hundreds of monsters broke into the cave where they lived.

However, they haven’t waited for them to react.

The other party rushed forward.

In an instant, the entire mountain peak was stained red with blood.

Although those monsters are weak in strength, they are more powerful and brave.

In a short period of time, most of the powerful members of the Chaos Demon Ape clan were killed.

As a result, it can be said that all the Chaos Demon Apes were shocked and angry.

"Damn humans!

How dare you attack us.

I'm going to tear him apart! "


After hearing the voices of the tribesmen.

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape clan roared angrily.

The figure flashed out in an instant.

He stretched out his hands, and in an instant, endless claw marks appeared in the void, grabbing hard at Ji Hao.

Fierce energy filled the entire void.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

And just when his claws were about to touch Ji Hao.

The other party's eyes were filled with frightening light.

Then, the right arm was covered with scales.

It collided with the leader's sharp claws.


A clear voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out upside down.

But needless to say, the opponent's body was torn apart by the impact.

The rain of blood was falling, making the entire mountain range even more miserable.

At the same time, the system voice in Ji Hao's mind also sounded in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The Chaos Demon Ape clan has surrendered.

Obtain 10,000,000 merit points! "

After hearing the voice, Ji Hao couldn't help but reveal a slight smile.

This time, I made a lot of money.

Not only did he gain endless power of luck.

Moreover, he also received the support of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan.

If other people knew about it, they would probably become jealous and jealous.

You must know that the Chaos Demonic Ape clan was notoriously unruly in the wild.

How can you be willing to succumb to others?

But now, he still chose to follow Da Zhou.

How could he not be happy about this.

At this time, in the village of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan.

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan is sitting in the main hall.

With a solemn look in his eyes, he asked.

"Now, what should we do? Dazhou's men and horses may have already entered the clan!"

The voice was filled with worry.

He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong.

"Father, this is our clan's only chance. If we don't leave, we will never have any hope of making a comeback!"

The young master of the Chaos Demonic Ape spoke.

After hearing the sound, the Chaos Demon Ape Clan Leader showed a look of struggle in his eyes.

After a moment, he said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, today I will bet the last dignity of my Chaos Demon Ape clan and fight against Da Zhou!"

With that said, he took out the command talisman and prepared to summon the master.

However, at this moment, the young man continued to speak.

"Father, there is no need to call for reinforcements, we have no time!"

"What's the meaning?"

After hearing his son's voice, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape frowned and said.

At this time, he already felt that there seemed to be an army from Da Zhou approaching.

"Father, look around carefully!"

The young man pointed to the foot of the mountain and said softly.

Then, the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan Leader looked over.

I saw a figure walking rapidly in the center of those monsters.

Wearing a Gun dragon robe, he is obviously the monarch of a country.

However, I don’t know which general actually dared to attack the Chaos Demon Ape Clan.

Moreover, there were many corpses left along the way.

This made the Chaos Demon Ape's eyes almost narrow into a straight line.

Because among these corpses, there were actually members of the Chaos Demon Ape clan, and even the leader had died.

I have to say, they are quite miserable.

Now, in the entire Chaos Demon Ape clan.

Apart from him, there are only three ancestors left.


While the two of them were talking.

A sound of thunder suddenly came out.

The Chaos Demon Ape clan lives outside the giant mountain.

Countless soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty gathered between heaven and earth.

They wore black and yellow battle armor and held sharp blades in their hands.

It exudes a cold light.

Like a tidal wave, it was rushing towards the valley.


The general who had just entered the valley shouted directly.

"hold head high!"

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous dragon roar sounded.

The next moment, a huge golden dragon fell from the sky.

Its whole body is covered with ferocious scales.

On the head, a pair of dragon eyes bloomed with bright golden light.

The sharp dragon tail moved in the void with a terrifying momentum.

Wherever it passes, the heaven and earth are shattered.


When his figure collided with the eldest son of the Chaos Demonic Ape.

The opponent's body exploded directly.

The entire body turned into a ball of blood mist.

The scene was extremely tragic.


After seeing this scene, all the members of the Chaos Demonic Ape clan took a breath of air.

There was fear in their eyes. They did not expect that Zhou's army would be so powerful.

It is indeed an existence that can suppress all major races.

However, they don't know. They don't understand at all what kind of cultivation the generals under Ji Hao's command have, and how can they be matched by ordinary people.

Even Taoist Hongjun would have been instilled with boundless luck if he had not been on the list of gods.

How is it possible to become a master of the third level of saints?

At this time, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan could not help but shine with a gleam in his eyes.

He was considering whether to cooperate with Da Zhou.

On the other side, Liu Zheng has returned to Tiangong.

At this time, in the main hall of Tiantian Palace.

The faces of all the generals showed excitement.

"Your Majesty, now our troops of Great Zhou have entered the range of the Chaos Demon Ape Clan. I believe they will be completely pacified soon!"

Marshal Zhennan said respectfully.

"Well, that's right. You've worked hard. Go down and rest first!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order, all the generals retreated respectfully.

But what they didn't know was that when they walked out of the hall.

The Chaos Demon Ape clan is facing a disaster.


Everyone who had just left the hall saw that a disciple of the Chaos Demon Ape was killed by the general of the Great Zhou Dynasty with a knife when he failed to dodge.

"Asshole, you're looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, a roar was heard.

It turned out that it was the general of the Great Zhou who was preparing to evacuate after killing the Chaos Demon Ape clan.

But he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

However, at this time, Ji Hao's eyes showed a cold and murderous look.

"Humph, now that you're here, don't leave.

Sooner or later I will destroy you bunch of bastard fishes! "

After the cold voice fell, it flew into the distance.

Then, he stood on top of the clouds, looking down at the Chaos Demon Apes.

Although now, the clan of Chaos Demonic Apes is powerful.

However, in his opinion, as long as the generals of the Zhou Dynasty work together to attack.

This time, they can definitely wipe out the opponent.

At this time, the valley was also exploding in an instant.

The eldest son of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan was beheaded.

Moreover, he was a general sent by Zhou Dynasty.

How could this not make the Chaos Demon Ape angry?

At this time, the old man who was leading the group had completely gone berserk.

"Chase me and kill the generals of Zhou Dynasty at any cost.

Revenge for the clan leader! "

He said in a low voice.

In an instant, the clansmen of the Chaos Demonic Ape rushed out of the valley.

At the same time, a strong smell of blood also filled the air.

That was the blood energy released when the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty were killed.

"Kill, leave no one behind!"

Following the death of the eldest son, Ji Hao's order was issued in an instant.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were like a torrent.

He charged towards the Chaos Demon Ape.

These are the elite soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In particular, the Han cavalry is even more majestic.


They swung their swords and chopped off the head of a Chaos Demon Ape.

But the other party was powerless to resist.

In a short period of time, they were all killed.

This made the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape extremely heartbroken.

However, now he couldn't care less about being sad.

Because, under the siege of the ferocious beasts of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In just a moment, all the tribesmen in the valley perished.

The patriarch, at this time, fell to the ground in despair.

His own people died like this.

Although the Chaos Demon Ape is powerful.

However, with such a loss, I'm afraid it won't take long.

It will be a complete defeat.

However, just when he was desperate, there was a whistling sound in his ears.

Then, he saw a figure appearing in front of him in the sky.

Surprisingly, it was Ji Hao who had just left for a short time.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

After seeing Ji Hao, the leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape spoke respectfully.

At this time, I understood in my heart.

The other party must have discovered what happened to the Chaos Demonic Ape clan and came to investigate.

Sure enough, I saw a glimmer of light in the other person's eyes, and he said slowly.

"Your clan of Chaos Demonic Apes was actually slaughtered. Who did it?"

There was a hint of chill in his voice.

"Your Majesty, it's Dazhou, and they took advantage of the eldest son of my clan to retreat.

He suddenly came in, killed the eldest son of the Chaos Demon Ape clan, and seized the treasure.

Your Majesty, please make the decision! "

The leader of the Chaos Demonic Ape said miserably.

There was a look of pleading in his eyes.

“Although the Chaos Demonic Apes are ferocious.

But after all, they can be considered my subjects.

I don't want to see them bullied again.

Now, I will help you to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty! "

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand.


In an instant, vast black clouds surged out of the sky.


Electric arcs splashed, as if the end was coming.


But at this moment, a roar came from deep in the valley.

I saw a giant palm covering the sky and the sun, slapping on the ground.

The entire mountain range was shaking.

Obviously, it was the Chaos Demon Ape clan that summoned the ancestral spirits.

"hold head high!"

However, the moment they summoned the ancestral spirits.

Ji Hao's brows couldn't help but frown.

Because the energy emitted by the ancestral spirit at this time is really too powerful.

Even he felt a little frightened.

However, there is no other way but to continue fighting.

At this time, Dazhou also launched an attack at the same time.

Great Qin Rui Shi took the lead in rushing forward.

The sharp blade in his hand drew a dazzling light.

Wherever it passed, blood rained.

Those demonic apes simply cannot resist them.

In the end, almost all of them were killed on the spot.

"hold head high!"

A golden dragon appeared on the scene, spitting out blazing flames from his mouth.

All the members of the Chaos Demonic Ape Clan who were contaminated by the flames were burned and turned into ashes.

This is Xingtian's magical power, which can swallow the lives of all spirits.

No matter how powerful he is, there is no exception.

At this time, his eyes were red.

These are the soldiers who followed him through life and death and fought on the battlefield.

Now, he actually died here.

This made him feel angry.

At this moment, the big man's tiger and leopard cavalry were also dispatched.

Their speed was extremely fast, like a whirlwind, running towards the valley.

When approaching the mountain peak, it accelerated suddenly and crashed directly into the valley.


As a roar fell.

The entire mountain peak collapsed in an instant.

Countless pieces of gravel rolled and shot out in all directions.

For a time, the valley was turned into ruins.

As for the Chaos Demon Ape, it was also completely buried in an instant.

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