But at this moment, Ji Hao's figure appeared again.

Looking at the mess all over the ground, his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

"Your Majesty, these Chaos Demon Apes are too arrogant.

You have to give them some color to see.

If not, they will not dare to kill people and buy goods in the future! "

Di Jiang said.

There was a fierce light flashing in his eyes, and he wanted to tear all those Chaos Demon Apes apart.

"Well, that's true. Let's do this. After you join the Sanqing army with your army, you can directly attack Dahuang City.

Remember, my intention is to make the Chaos Demonic Ape disappear completely and never exist again! "

After hearing his voice, Di Jiang did not dare to neglect and responded quickly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then, he turned around and left.

It can be said that they have gained a very rich harvest this time. Behind each of them, there are more than a hundred Chaos Demon Apes as slaves.

Moreover, there are all kinds of elixirs and treasures, so how could they not like it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Hongmeng Purple Qi given to them by Ji Hao is enough for everyone to condense the Hongmeng Golden Pill.

If this is the case, it is natural to return immediately.

After all, in Hongmeng, cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort, and I don’t want to waste such a good opportunity.

As for Ji Hao, he was in no hurry to return to Dazhou.

He planned to find his father first.

This time, if something really happens.

The other party will definitely participate, so it is better to go back early.


When Ji Hao just returned to Dongyue Mansion.

Yang Jian, who was responsible for protecting his safety, came up to him.

He spoke respectfully.

"His Majesty!"

However, when he looked up, a smile appeared on his face.

This harvest made his strength increase rapidly.

Now, he has reached the peak of the eighth level of the saint, and is not far from the bottleneck of the ninth level.

However, even so, compared with ordinary ninth-level saints, they are still far behind.

But when he was about to speak, Ji Hao waved his hand to signal him to leave.

"Let's go back to the palace!"

With that said, he walked straight towards the main hall.

This time, he had many questions to ask Laojun.

The other party had said that there was a secret about the Chaos Demon Ape.

At this time, the Great Zhou Dynasty was finally beginning to rise.

Ji Hao naturally didn't want to give up.

After he returned to his bedroom.

Just walk directly towards the Royal Garden.

This is where Lao Jun usually rests, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter at all.

At this time, the other party was drinking tea in the courtyard.

After seeing Ji Hao coming, he smiled and said:

"Haha, not bad, boy, you have improved a lot in a short period of time.

I don’t know, do you know the origin of those visions? "

Laojun's eyes flashed.

For those Chaos Demon Apes killed by Ji Hao.

He didn't care. The Chaos Demon Ape was notorious in the wild.

However, he was more concerned about the meaning behind those visions.

"I don't know where these come from!"

Ji Hao shook his head and said.

Although he knew that those Chaos Demonic Apes came from another universe.

However, he did not tell Laojun because he did not know why these Chaos Demonic Apes attacked them and even wanted to kill him.

Therefore, he had to pretend to be confused.


After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Lao Jun's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

However, he spoke after a moment.

“The origin of these visions is your previous life, that Pangu’s body.

And your mother should have been conceived in chaos, but her identity is not simple.

Once, she was Pangu's maid, but she was unwilling to be lonely and left her secretly.

Then, he carved his own way out of the chaos and established the Hunyuan Sect.

Among them, there are these visions. It is said that she also has a younger brother named Xingtian, who is even more terrifying.

However, the specific details are unknown! "

Laojun said slowly.

However, Ji Hao couldn't help but be startled. He didn't understand why the other party suddenly told him this.

However, he didn't wait for him to react.

The next moment, a strong pressure hit his face.

It made his breath hitch.

Then, it swept towards the outside of the hall.

But when he rushed to the door.

A luxurious and domineering car stopped at the door.

An old monk stood next to the chariot, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was dozing off.

However, it made Ji Hao feel extremely fearful.

And just when he was about to ask about the other party's identity.

An old voice came from the chariot.

"You are the king of Great Zhou, Ji Hao!"

"The poor monk's name is Wuliang Buddha, and he has seen the Buddha!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao did not dare to neglect, bowed and spoke.

"No need to be polite, this car can take me into your big week, it is considered a blessing for you!"

The other party said slowly.

"Yes, I obey your order!"

After hearing the voice, Ji Hao did not dare to refuse.

Dang even spoke.

Immediately afterwards, the convoy set off again.

When he arrived at the palace, Ji Hao respectfully spoke to Wuliang Buddha.

"I don't know where Buddha is going, I will make arrangements for you!"

At this time, Ji Hao seemed very polite.

"Go to the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West!"

When the voice sounded, he sat directly on the cart.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, drove the chariot and flew towards the palace of the Queen Mother of the West in an instant.

When Ji Hao's figure appeared in the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

The other party also came up to him immediately.

"Meet the Buddha!"

After seeing the other party, Ji Hao spoke respectfully.

At the same time, I felt relieved that this giant Buddha was finally delivered.

Otherwise, the matter of these Chaos Demonic Apes may never be resolved.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here today to see Your Majesty. I wonder if your mother and concubine are in the palace!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Wuliang Buddha said calmly.

Although there was a look of compassion on his face, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"My mother is in Fengqi Palace. Buddha, please come with me!"

Ji Hao spoke carefully, no matter what the other party's purpose was.

As long as this big boss can be sent away, that would be the best thing.


However, after hearing his voice, the Infinite Buddha snorted, obviously dissatisfied with Ji Hao's attitude.

However, when they arrived at Fengqi Palace, the Buddha changed his appearance.

He said to Ji Hao with a smile.

"Since your Majesty's mother is resting in the palace, I don't want to disturb her.

The poor monk is waiting here. I believe that your majesty’s master will summon the poor monk! "

"Then I'll take my leave. I don't know when Buddha can leave Dazhou!"

After Ji Hao's voice fell.

Just say it directly.

However, the other party did not reply at this time.

Not only did he not leave, he actually sat down and drank tea.

Looking at Ji Hao, he couldn't help but say.

"If your Majesty doesn't mind, please chat with this poor monk!"

The sound sounded, making Ji Hao smile bitterly.

I don’t know what kind of medicine the other person is selling in the gourd.

However, after all, the other party is a guest, and as the host, it is not easy for him to just leave.

He had no choice but to sit down in front of the other party.

"Your Majesty, you have been practicing for only a few hundred years, but you have actually established an imperial dynasty. What a joy and congratulation!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Infinite Buddha spoke.

There was a look of admiration on his face, but he had forgotten that the young talent in front of him could kill even three thousand demon apes in the wild.

"It's just luck. If it weren't for the spiritual treasure given by the Buddha, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so smooth!"

After hearing the other party's voice.

Ji Hao said modestly.

However, I couldn't help but feel a little angry. If the other party asked me this, wouldn't there be no topic?

"Haha, Your Majesty is too humble. I heard that these ancient tribes worship you as their emperor.

This actually surprises me! "

"This is a rule I have set myself.

I don’t know why the Buddha came to see me today! "

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao said calmly.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

At this time, Wuliang Buddha was deep in thought.

"To be honest with Your Majesty, the poor monk came here specifically to ask for help today.

I hope the Great Zhou Dynasty can save the hundreds of millions of living beings in our Buddhist land! "

"I wonder if Buddha can elaborate!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao frowned and said.

He didn't know the Buddha's intention of coming here.

"Your Majesty does not know something, but there is a monster deep in the wilderness.

They are of the Chaos Demon Ape lineage.

At first, we thought it was a chance encounter.

But who would have thought that these evil obstacles would constantly invade the surrounding cities.

Hundreds of millions of lives have been killed and injured.

Now the attack has reached Xiniu Hezhou, and I have to come to His Majesty for help! "

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Hao's eyes showed a terrifying light.

He had long heard that Xiniu Hezhou was the domain of the ninth level saint in the entire northern part of the wilderness.

Unexpectedly, it was actually occupied by the Chaos Demon Ape.

"Don't worry, Buddha, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter.

However, I still don’t know clearly right now.

I wonder if the Buddha can explain the specific situation in your Buddha land in detail! "

Looking at the other party, Ji Hao said respectfully.

There was a hint of sparkle in his eyes.

And Wuliang Buddha also knew what the other party wanted to know.

Dang even told everything that happened.

It turns out that this is not the only family of Chaos Demonic Apes.

They can be found in several large states around it.

There are even masters of the second level of Saint.

This made their power grow stronger.

However, the only thing they fear is the Buddha.

After all, this family of Buddhas are not ordinary Buddhas, they are real Bodhisattvas.

It is so powerful that even among the Chaos Demonic Apes, only a few high-level officials can compete with it.

If it weren't for fear of the Buddha, how could they be willing to hide in this wilderness.

"What about those ferocious beasts? Aren't they also very powerful? Why not join forces with your Buddhist sect!"

After hearing the voice of Infinite Buddha, Ji Hao couldn't help but frown and said.

"Hey, those ferocious beasts are also unruly, and they formed an alliance with us in the beginning.

It was also because the Chaos Demonic Apes were weak and they simply looked down upon them.

Moreover, those ferocious beasts must eat blood food every hundred years.

Otherwise, there will be riots, and there is really nothing we can do! "

Infinite Buddha said as if sighing.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Then what Buddha means is that you want me to send troops to help!"

Ji Hao said.

"Yes, I have many disciples in Buddhism, but my strength is too low.

And the strength of the Chaos Demon Ape is unparalleled, if it is not stopped as soon as possible.

I'm afraid there's going to be a big mess! "

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Infinite Buddha spoke without hesitation.

"Okay, I will issue an order to mobilize the army.

However, I don’t know where those Chaos Demonic Apes are hiding now.

Where to attack from? "

After Ji Hao's voice fell, he spoke.

"This poor monk doesn't know. He just knows that they seem to be hiding on the edge of the wilderness, but no one knows their specific location!"

Infinite Buddha shook his head and said.


While the two were playing chess, the sound of thunder suddenly came from the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, guards rushed in to report.

"Your Majesty, a great disaster is coming to Hezhou, Xiniu!"

"Oh, what a disaster!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao spoke.

But Wuliang Buddha's expression changed. He did not expect that this disaster would come early.

However, before he spoke, Ji Hao spoke again.

"If that's the case, then I'll go and see for myself. I hope nothing happens!"

After saying that, he walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Your Majesty, you can't. This matter is unusual. Let the poor monk go!"

Seeing Ji Hao about to leave, Wuliang Buddha hurriedly spoke.

However, the other party ignored him and simply disappeared.

When he rushed to Xiniu Hezhou, he found that the anxiety of the war was beyond his expectation.

The entire western continent has been dyed red with blood.

Not only the corpses of mortals, but also the remains of immortals and gods.

The strong smell of blood makes people feel sick.

Ji Hao was just standing on the empty grassland.

Endless evil aura came to his nose.

It's chilling.

At the same time, it also made his eyes look murderous.


And just after Ji Hao stood still.

A cry of killing came out, and then, a group of guys covered in black hair, like giant apes, appeared in the distance.

And beside them, there were many alien beasts following them.


The first person looked up to the sky and roared.

The entire sky was shaking.

"Magic Ape!"

After seeing the ferocious horn above the head of the ferocious beast, Wuliang Buddha opened his mouth and shouted.

"Haha, Infinite Buddha, I didn't expect that you are still alive.

Since you are here, I will devour you today! "

Looking at the other party, the ferocious beast spoke.

There was greed in his eyes, obviously staring at the body of Infinite Buddha.

"Hmph, you dare!"

Seeing the other party's arrogant look, Infinite Buddha said coldly.

The golden light in his eyes exploded, causing the ferocious beast to take half a step back.

Although, his strength ranks low among the Chaos Demon Apes.

But when facing the Infinite Buddha, he still lacked confidence.

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