"Bald Donkey, we will fight to the death today. Kill me!"

After hearing the voice of Infinite Buddha, the ferocious beast spoke again.

In an instant, the endless ferocious beasts flew towards the infinite Buddha.

The vast momentum makes people feel suffocated.

"Hmph, I don't believe it anymore, you evil beasts dare to offend my Buddhist sect!"

Kill each other when you see them.

Infinite Buddha said coldly.

Then, a palm was shot, and the fiery palm prints drew brilliant arcs in the sky, covering those ferocious beasts.

And Ji Hao also took action instantly.

He exerted the power of merit and virtue in his body without any reservation.

It turns into a huge pillar of light and impacts the surroundings, helping the Infinite Buddha to resist the enemy.

When his attack collided with those ferocious beasts, there was a shocking roar.

Immediately afterwards, boundless energy ripples spread out, causing Ji Hao and his two figures to retreat continuously.

However, he was not injured. After all, he has now broken through to the third level of the Saint.

Although it has only just broken through.

But in fact, the combat effectiveness is much higher than that of monks of the same level.

What's more, there are countless Buddhas to help.

At this time, several of those ferocious beasts were killed by the two of them.

Finally no more progress.

Because they understand that if they continue to advance, they may all be left here.

Looking at the two people standing in the void, their eyes became more and more sinister.


After seeing such a scene, Infinite Buddha proclaimed a Buddha name.

With his eyes widened like an angry lion, he looked at the ferocious beast and cursed.

"You and other demons and ghosts actually dare to invade Buddhism. You are really tired of living!"

When the voice fell, he was ready to take action again.

Ji Hao, of course, was not to be outdone. Although he was only at the third level of saint cultivation, with the blessing of endless mana, the combat power he unleashed was something that even the strongest at the fifth level of saints did not dare to underestimate.


Looking at the two people who were about to take action, the beast headed by them roared.

The next moment, his body became even larger, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

Then, there was a straight attack.

Extremely fast.

Fortunately, both of them have strong fighting abilities.

He could only barely escape, otherwise, he would definitely die.

Seeing the other party's actions, Ji Hao dared to neglect him.

The emperor sword in his hand was swung out, and it collided with the ferocious beast.


The violent sound of gold and iron echoed.

All living beings around him turned pale.

Such a horrific battle aftermath is simply not something they can bear.


And the Infinite Buddha is not inferior at all.

He punched out with unparalleled power.

Pierce the beast's chest.

"hold head high!"

As a dragon roar sounded.

The originally ferocious beast dissipated in an instant.

The prototype was revealed, and it was a black dragon that was a hundred feet long.


At the moment when his body collapsed, the figure of Infinite Buddha flashed and appeared next to him.

He grabbed it in his hand and spoke.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I, the old monk, would eat dragon meat one day, so I'll let you be my meal today!"

As soon as the sound fell, the scales of the black dragon were torn apart, and large pieces were eaten.

The strong smell of blood wafted in the air, making it extremely disgusting.

However, Ji Hao didn't care about so many things, he couldn't care about anything.

He sat directly next to Wuliang Buddha, picked up a piece of roasted dragon meat in his hand, put it in his mouth and started chewing it.

This is a dragon. Even ordinary dragons are very powerful, let alone a real divine beast.

At this time, Ji Hao just took a bite.

The rich juice overflowed the corners of his mouth, making him unable to help but close his eyes and be intoxicated.

After seeing such a scene, Wuliang Buddha also stopped swallowing.

He looked at Ji Hao and said.

"You guy, how can you learn to eat meat like a poor monk?"

There was a hint of smile in his voice.

However, Ji Hao did not pay any attention to it and continued to eat the dragon happily.

"Hehe, boy, tell me what the outcome of this battle will be.

What should we do if those ferocious beasts win?

What if you lose? "

After hearing the voice of Infinite Buddha, an idea flashed in Ji Hao's mind, and then he spoke.

"Then let's run away.

Anyway, our current combat power is enough to rival an ordinary leader. As long as we act carefully, it shouldn't be a problem! "

Ji Hao said calmly, with a sense of relaxation in his voice.

After all, he also knew how powerful this beast was.

It would be okay if he won, but if he lost, it would not be difficult to escape.

"Good boy, you are really brave!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Wuliang Buddha said with a smile, but there was also a solemn look on his face.

After all, this is a battle involving two people's lives.

If they fail, the fate of the two of them will be extremely miserable.

However, after Ji Hao's words fell, those ferocious beasts did not give them a chance to breathe.

"hold head high!"

Another roar came out, and a ferocious beast flew from a distance.

On his forehead, there is a single horn standing upright.

The skin all over his body is extremely dark.

The body is ten thousand feet long, as if steel is poured into iron.


When he arrived, the roar from his mouth shook the world.

A dazzling black light bloomed from his body, like a demon god.

He hit Wuliang Buddha hard.

With every stamp of his foot, mountains and rivers were shattered.


As a roar sounded.

The black light fell directly on the body of Wuliang Buddha.

In an instant, the opponent flew out upside down.

Another ferocious beast was attacking Ji Hao.


However, he didn't wait for the ferocious beast to get close.

Ji Hao struck out with an axe, and instantly, blood mist rose.

The ferocious beast fell under the light of his axe.

On the other side, the Infinite Buddha also killed the last vicious beast.

At this time, he had transformed into a giant of a thousand feet.

The whole body exudes boundless evil spirit, which is intimidating.

In his hand, he held a huge snake head.

This was a ferocious python, but it was already dead at this time, and its blood-stained body hung from its neck.

Looking at the ferocious beast that he killed.

Wuliang Buddha couldn't help but be extremely excited.

He never thought that one day he would kill a vicious beast with his own hands.

You must know that these ferocious beasts are all extremely powerful, and there are even a few whose strength is not much different from his.

Now, in front of his own eyes, he was being killed like a chicken or a dog.

How could this not make him happy?

Looking at the excited Wuliang Buddha, Ji Hao frowned and said.

"What do you plan to do with these things!"

There was a coldness in his voice. Obviously, he didn't want the two of them to be trapped here.

"Don't worry, these ferocious beasts are all intelligent. As long as they can be persuaded to surrender, they can become my disciples of the Buddha Sect!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Infinite Buddha spoke slowly.

Then, without waiting for the other party to react.

The figure swept away and flew into the distance.

At the same time, he shouted loudly.

"Every sect and sect, come and see me quickly, I am the Infinite Buddha!"

The sound rippled in the void, awakening countless powerful people who were watching.

After they felt the power of the ferocious beast, they did not dare to neglect it.

Especially the forces from Dahuang Ridge rushed here quickly.

"See you, Lord Buddha. I wonder what you want to say to us!"

When they arrived, they spoke respectfully.

There was a look of awe in his eyes.

Looking at the Infinite Buddha, it was completely opposite to before.

Not only were there no scars on his body, but there was also a faint glint of sunlight.

The pupils of the people from all the major forces could not help but shrink.

Because, behind the immeasurable Buddha, a magnificent Buddhist kingdom emerged in the void.

Among them, there are the Buddhas of the gods sitting cross-legged.

"I need your help.

These ferocious beasts are too strong. Although I killed them all, I was also seriously injured!

So, I hope you can give me a helping hand! "

Infinite Buddha spoke.

There was a trace of tragedy in his voice, and he was obviously ready to risk his life.

However, these ferocious beasts are so powerful that if they don't try their best, they will definitely not be able to win.

Therefore, everyone was summoned to help.

However, he didn't know how difficult the task would be this time.

Moreover, the existence of the Holy Emperor is also involved. If the other party succeeds, the entire chaos will be destroyed.

Ji Hao's eyes also showed a solemn look at this time.

Such a battle, even with system assistance, would put him under great pressure.


Just after the words of the Infinite Buddha fell.

In the distance, a bright stream of light burst towards him.

"No, get back!"

Feeling the fierce wind, Wuliang Buddha's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the figure retreated violently.

However, how can it be so easy to dodge the opponent's attack.


The next moment, the stream of light penetrated the body of Infinite Buddha.

Fierce blood spurted out, and his figure stood in the void, and was blown to pieces in an instant.

The eyes of other people around him were filled with horror.

I don’t understand what happened, why this Infinite Buddha suddenly died.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, didn't care what other people thought.

His eyes widened, looking at the direction in which the stream of light disappeared after crossing the void.

At this time, Zai couldn't control the anger in his heart.

"Damn bastard!"

He shouted through gritted teeth, his eyes bursting.

Then, it rushed into the sky.

In everyone's frightened eyes.

The Xuanhuang Pagoda is held in hand and stands across the sky.

The vast majesty filled the air, making people suffocating and lowering their heads involuntarily.

At this time, Ji Hao's eyes became more and more murderous.

In his mouth, while muttering to himself, he spoke.

"Today, I will do justice for heaven and completely slaughter these evil beasts like you!"

After the voice fell, Ji Hao slapped it with one palm.


The whole sky was shaking.

Countless stars were shaking, as if they would collapse at any time.

In the next moment, Wuliang Buddha and others finally woke up.

There was a look of horror in their eyes.

At this moment, they realized the mistake they had made.

It turned out that there were no weaklings among the fierce beasts.

No wonder even Wuliang Buddha had no power to fight back.


Wuliang Buddha, the moment he woke up.

He roared and turned around to escape.

Only the other strong men were left, stunned in the same place.


Just when they were at a loss.

A figure had already hit the chest of a strong man.

The opponent had no power to fight back at all.

He turned into a ball of blood mist.

Ji Hao was still chasing the remaining fierce beasts at this time.


Another palm was slapped.

This time, the entire void was filled with infinite energy.

The ferocious beast was blasted to death in an instant.

However, Ji Hao did not stop his actions at this time.

He continued to walk towards the depths of the void.

Because he knew that the leader of the beast must be watching him in the dark.

Otherwise, these beasts would not gather together.

Moreover, the strength of this beast is indeed too strong.

Wuliang Buddha and others are not its opponents at all.

If he cannot kill it when the other party is not paying attention, he will definitely die this time.

After seeing this scene, the ferocious look on the face of the leader of the beast in the dark became more intense.

He did not expect that this time, it was just an ordinary beast, but it was made so embarrassed by Wuliang Buddha.

This made him angry.


Accompanied by a roar.

A huge monster appeared in the field.

His body was ten thousand feet long, with a prominent head and horns, limbs as thick as pillars, and black scales all over his body.

He emitted a faint black light, like a demon god.


He took a step forward, and the whole space trembled violently.

Ji Hao's eyes lit up in an instant.

This was the Soul Devouring Worm King he had been looking for.

"Haha, there really is a Soul Devouring Worm King!"

He said with a smile on his lips.

This Soul Devouring Worm King is one of the most powerful insects in the universe.

Not only does it devour spiritual energy, but it can also suck blood.

It is said that even Hongmeng can devour it.

However, it is very difficult to deal with.

At this time, Ji Hao was also very excited when he met it.

"Devour it for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he went straight to meet it.

After the Soul Devouring Worm King found Ji Hao approaching, a pair of copper bell-sized eyes showed a bloodthirsty light.


The huge tail whipped at the other party.


Instantly, the two collided.

There was a deafening sound.

But the Soul Devouring Worm King, after feeling the pain, did not dare to neglect.

It opened its huge mouth and bit towards Ji Hao.

A faint blue light emanated from his mouth, as sharp as a blade.

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