
However, this soul-eating insect king is not close yet.

The long sword in Ji Hao's hand was slashing down.

The cold light caused goosebumps to appear on his skin.


With a sword strike, the Soul-Eating Insect King could no longer hold on and was cut in half.

At the same time, it is collected by the other party.


On the other side, the escaping Wuliang Buddha was also in trouble.

He was running in the void, but he discovered that the ferocious bird was faster.

Almost every second, he would be hundreds of miles ahead of him.

If this continues, he will be caught up in less than half an hour.

"Why don't you take action yet?

If we don't take action, we will definitely die! "

After hearing the anxious voice of Wuliang Buddha, everyone stopped.

At this time, he had to take action.

Because the words of Infinite Buddha cannot be wrong.

Moreover, their goal this time is to seize the opponent's opportunity. If the mission really fails, the losses will be heavy.

When I think of this, I feel like I am meeting it.

Prepare to join forces to fight against the ferocious beast.


A shrill chirping of birds sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a wing covering the sky and the sun appeared in the sky.

These wings were like steel swords, shining with a dazzling metallic luster, making everyone's pupils shrink involuntarily.


And when they were extremely vigilant, the wings that covered the sky swayed down.

A series of sharp feathers roared down with overwhelming momentum.

Although Wuliang Buddha had already prepared his defenses, he was just an ordinary ninth-level saint.

Under the siege of these people, it was impossible to resist.

A moment later, he was directly killed on the spot.

However, after all, he is the supreme god in the Brahma world, but his physical body is comparable to the innate spiritual treasure.

Even destruction will take some time.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, had no time to wait at all.

"hold head high!"

At this time, the leader of the ferocious beast had arrived, and his roar shook the entire world.

A pair of sharp claws, like millstones, clawed at Ji Hao.

After seeing such a scene.

How dare the other party show the slightest slightness.

The figure burst out into the distance.


As the roar fell, the body of the ferocious beast hit the ground hard.

The whole world was shocked at this moment.

I saw that the ferocious beast, although injured, still stood on the spot without flinching at all.

Ji Hao also revealed his figure at this time.

He almost fell to this ferocious beast just now.

"How dare you kill him!"

The leader of the ferocious beast looked at Ji Hao standing opposite him and said angrily.

"Hmph, I want to kill him, who can stop me!"

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao shouted coldly.

Then, he spread his wings and rushed towards the ferocious beast.

At this time, he already understood that the intelligence of this ferocious beast was probably not low.

If this is the case, then there is only one battle.

I saw that the other party sensed Ji Hao's threat.

The wings flapped violently, and endless strong wind swept out.

"hold head high!"

A giant dragon phantom spit out from the mouth of the fierce beast and flew straight over.

Wherever it passes, the space is even broken.

This is the opponent's secret skill. Once hit, even an eighth-level saint will surely perish.

Ji Hao's eyes couldn't help but show a solemn look at this time.

And in that phantom, the moment is about to come.

The opponent's fist was shot straight out.


It fell with a banging sound.

That phantom actually turned into a stream of light that filled the sky and dissipated in an instant.

Ji Hao was also having a hard time.

His figure retreated violently.

Blood overflowed from his mouth.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

Although the Soul-eating Insect King has reached the sixth level of the Saint, it is still far behind compared to this ferocious beast.

I didn't expect that the gap between the two would be so huge.

"Jie Jie, your cultivation level is not bad.

But compared with the Soul-eating Insect King, it is still far behind! "

Looking at Ji Hao, the ferocious beast screamed.

After the sound fell, another attack came.

This time, Ji Hao didn't dare to make a big move. He used his body skills to the extreme in order to avoid it.

However, the speed of the Soul-Eating Insect King was several minutes faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ji Hao and bit his shoulder.

The fiery venom left along Ji Hao's arm.

It made his face distort.

But at this time, he couldn't care less.

After being dragged by the opponent for a distance of about a kilometer.

Just shoot it with one palm.

Vast mana surged.

It shattered the surrounding space.

The Soul-eating Insect King couldn't help but be startled, and took advantage of this short period of time.

Ji Hao's figure fell downwards.


When his legs touched the ground, they fell directly into the soil.

Then, it shuttled through the depths of the ground.

He wanted to get rid of the soul-eating insect king, but he didn't know why.

He always felt a sense of fear towards this beast and was unwilling to fight with it.

But the Soul Devouring Worm King did not seem to give up.

It flapped its wings again and followed Ji Hao closely.

It wanted to devour it completely.

"Damn it, why can't I get rid of this guy!"

When he entered the earth vein, Ji Hao cursed.

Only then did he know how powerful this beast was.

And the Soul Devouring Worm King, after hearing the voice, showed excitement in his eyes.

On Ji Hao's body, it smelled the rich smell of blood.

If it was devoured, it would be enough to improve its strength.

However, Ji Hao obviously did not want to be chased by the other party, so he sped up again.


When he rushed out of the ground, the beast behind him could no longer bear it.

With a roar, it swooped down again.

The huge body covered the entire valley.


Ji Hao was at the moment when the opponent's attack fell.

The whole person was knocked to the ground.

But the Soul Devouring Insect King did not hesitate at all.


His wings flapped and he wrapped around Ji Hao.

He wanted to tear him apart and eat him.

But the other party was not willing to be outdone.

He swept his arms.

For a while, the two sides fought hard.

However, in the end, Ji Hao was suppressed by the Soul Devouring Insect King and couldn't breathe.

Then, he could only escape in embarrassment.


Just as he left the valley.

A brilliant dragon roar was heard.

I saw a thousand-foot-long green dragon across the void.

A pair of huge eyes stared at the Soul Devouring Insect King, revealing a bloodthirsty light.


At the same time, the other two also roared.

In an instant, the three beasts entangled together again.


Ji Hao's face was gloomy. Everything happened so fast that he didn't have time to react.

He could only watch helplessly as the Soul Devouring Insect King was torn to pieces by the three beasts.

Then, three ferocious heads came to devour him.

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

I saw a figure in the sky rushing towards Ji Hao at a very fast speed.

As it approached him, a sharp blade slashed at the beast.


The sword energy whistled out with a cold light.

Almost in an instant, it cut the beast's throat.

But the owner of the blade had no intention of stopping and continued to swing the blade.

Every time he chopped it down, it would bring up a large puff of blood mist.


When the last knife fell.

The beast was chopped to the ground in an instant.

Scarlet blood flowed out.

The surrounding space was filled with a strong stench.

At the same time, the Soul Devouring Worm King let out a shrill wail.


Then, with a flash of his figure, he fled into the distance.

After seeing such a scene, the faces of the people in the field changed drastically.

Because they knew that the person coming was a Soul Devouring Worm at the Saint level.

At this time, the Soul Devouring Worm King had run away.

How dare they be enemies with him?

Immediately, they turned around and fled into the distance.

However, the Soul Devouring Worm King was even faster, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of the two.

He opened his mouth and swallowed.


One of the masters of the Divine Court screamed and was swallowed into his stomach.

The remaining one did not dare to neglect it.

When the Soul Devouring Worm King was about to swallow him, he exploded directly.

The blazing light burst out, causing the body of the Soul Devouring Worm King to be blown away for a moment.


Seeing this scene, the other few people dared not hesitate.

They all fled desperately to the distance.

But the Soul Devouring Worm King did not give them any chance at all.

Flacking his wings, he chased after him.

A moment later, he caught up with a master again and tore him apart on the spot.


When the Soul Devouring Worm King came behind the Soul Devouring Worm King, the other party still did not notice anything.

Although the Soul Devouring Worm King was extremely cunning.

But when facing the powerful Soul Devouring Worm King, he had no way to deal with him.

After all, their realms were originally on par.

In addition to the mysterious spiritual treasure of the Soul Devouring Worm King, the Soul Devouring Worm King could not help but fall into a disadvantage.

Moreover, the other party's body became more and more transparent, and it was obvious that he could not hold on for long.


Another sharp claw stretched out, grabbing the Soul Devouring Worm King directly.


Then, the Soul Devouring Worm King's body dissipated in the air again.

Only a wisp of residual soul remained, floating away in the distance.

However, just as the Soul Devouring Worm King disappeared, another giant egg slowly emerged from the place where the Soul Devouring Worm King was.

This was the newly hatched cub of the Soul Devouring Worm King, but it was smaller than the ones just now.

However, it was very irritable at this time, crawling around in the nest.

And after he was born, the Soul Devouring Worms around him crawled on the ground one after another.

As if to welcome the return of the king.

However, the emperor of the Soul-Eating Insects was already dead.

But the newly hatched cub was not satisfied. He roared and flew towards Ji Hao.

There was a look of madness in his eyes.

Ji Hao couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He could clearly feel the power of that little insect.

If he is really approached by the other party, he may not even have the strength to resist.

And the Soul-Eating Insect King was even more crazy.

He was desperate, just wanted to find Ji Hao and devour him.


As a roar sounded.

He finally caught up with Ji Hao.

A claw reached out and slapped Ji Hao hard.

The other party couldn't help but show a look of horror in his eyes.

He wanted to resist, but it was already too late.

He could only barely raise his palms.


There was a sound of bones breaking, causing him to vomit blood.

Then, he collapsed on the spot.

"Jiejie, you can't run away now!"

At this time, the Soul-Eating Insect King said with a playful look in his eyes.

But, just when he was about to step forward and devour it.


The closed door of the cave was blasted open again.

Then, figures filed out of it.

But it's not the monk from Jinyang City, who else could it be.

"Who are you?"

The Soul-eating Insect King did not dare to act rashly and asked.

"Haha, I just want to kill you!"

A general from the Divine Court said coldly.

The voice was filled with murderous intent.

Then, he directed everyone to attack the Soul-Eating Insect King.


But the other party was not to be outdone.

He grabbed it with one claw, and immediately he was fighting with the general of the Divine Court.

For a time, a huge roar could be heard.

This made it impossible for the sect disciples around him to get even close.

I can only stand on the sidelines and watch the battle.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, hid behind a boulder.

At this time, he was seriously injured.

He had just fought against the Soul-eating Insect King and almost died.

Now it can't help at all.

The Soul-eating Insect King fought with the general of the Divine Court for about half an hour.

But he gradually showed signs of fatigue.


Finally, after being punched in the chest, he completely fell to the ground, dying.

"Haha, you will definitely die today, so suffer the death!"

And just when the general of the divine court was about to step forward and kill him.

A voice sounded, and then several figures appeared in the field.

The strength of these people is quite impressive.

Especially the leader, who is the Lord of Jinyang City, wearing a golden robe.

The whole body is exuding a dazzling light.

Behind him were dozens of guards, each with a fierce aura.

"Meet the City Lord!"

Seeing the other party appear, many people from the sect in the field bowed respectfully.

Especially the disciple who was attacked and killed by the Soul-Eating Insect King earlier.

His eyes were about to burst. He never thought that the Lord of Jinyang City would abandon him at the critical moment.

However, you can't blame others.

If the other party doesn't leave, he may not be able to escape. After all, the toxicity of this soul-eating insect king is too overbearing.

Even if you encounter a strong person at the eighth level of the saint, you will definitely fall.

And the Soul-eating Insect King, although forced to retreat, did not leave.

At this time, after hearing the sound, his eyes focused on the Lord Jinyang City.

There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

But the Lord of Jinyang City was not afraid at all.

"Do you know your guilt?"

"Hmph, what's my crime? You want to eradicate it!

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust! "

The soul-eating insect king said coldly.

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