"Haha, soul-eating insects, they are really a bunch of beasts!

Today, I will refine you into a puppet!"

After hearing the voice of the soul-eating insect king, the Lord of Jinyang City laughed and shouted.

The brilliance in his eyes became even brighter.

As soon as he finished speaking, he shouted to the generals around him.


The momentum on his body rose in an instant, and the extremely strong killing intent spread to the surroundings.

The whole person, like a killing god, took a step and came to the front of the soul-eating insect king.


The next moment, he directly broke the neck of the soul-eating insect king.

The other party's huge head fell directly to the ground, and the resentment in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

The general of Jinyang City couldn't help but show a look of surprise in his eyes, and then he shouted.

"The city lord is mighty!"

However, after hearing his voice, the Jinyang City Lord couldn't help but frown.

Because, at the same time he killed the Soul Devouring Worm King.

Several other strong men in the city were also killed.

Not only that, there was even a ninth-level saint.

When he turned his eyes to those ordinary people, his face changed drastically.

Because he saw that there was a bloodthirsty light flashing in the other's eyes.

The temptation of the Soul Devouring Worm King's body was simply too great for them.

"You guys leave here quickly!"

After his voice fell, he slashed his forehead with a palm.

In an instant, an illusory portal condensed above his head.

And his figure burst out in an instant.

The speed was extremely fast.

And the Soul Devouring Worm Clan, who were entangled with those ordinary people, would never let go of such an opportunity.

Their bodies turned into a ball of black mist in an instant, closely following behind the Lord of Jinyang City, rushing towards the gate.

They were obviously preparing to escape.

"You want to enter my gate.

Don't even think about it, stay here!"

An elder shouted at the Lord of Jinyang City who was running fast.

The next moment, the veins on his arm emitted a faint light.

Then, it turned into a huge net and enveloped the other party.

"Get out!"

However, how could the Lord of Jinyang City be afraid of this mere net-shaped elemental device.

He shouted angrily.

As his wrist flew, he actually broke the other party's energy net directly.

Then, he fled to a distance.

These ordinary insect monsters are just a little weird.

In terms of combat power, they are even worse than humans.

Therefore, he has enough confidence to capture the Soul Devouring Insect King after escaping from the encirclement.

At this moment, those ordinary people rushed towards the Lord of Jinyang City like hungry tigers pouncing on sheep.

These guys were puppets controlled by the Soul Devouring Worm King.

After the death of the Soul Devouring Worm King.

They fell into a violent state, and their eyes were red.


A ferocious Soul Devouring Worm jumped up and jumped into the air, grabbing the head of a City Lord's Mansion guard with one claw and tearing it to pieces.

Blood rain fell.

The green light in the eyes of those Soul Devouring Worms became more and more brilliant.

However, just when those people were about to break out.


A dragon roar sounded, and it was Ji Hao leading the Dragon Bird to rush here.

"Father, save me!"

Seeing Ji Hao driving the Golden Crow to land.

The eyes of the Lord of Jinyang City showed excitement.

And those guards were frightened.

They recognized the identities of the dragon and the phoenix, and quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Your Majesty, please let us go!"

"Ah, Your Majesty, spare me!"

However, those civilians did not know them. They just felt that the other party's aura was so strong that they did not dare to stop them.

They just kept praying on the spot.

"Hmph, who dares to block the way of the person I want to kill?

Kill them all!"

After hearing the shouts below, Ji Hao said disdainfully.

Then, he rode his mount again and rushed towards those ordinary people.

And the dragon and the phoenix did not slack off at all.

The weapons in their hands were swung, and every collision.

There must be a puff of blood mist.

After a while, tens of thousands of ordinary people had died in the field.

And the Lord of Jinyang City did not care about the life and death of these ordinary people at this time. He tried his best to rush towards the cave where the teleportation array was located.


When he arrived in front of the teleportation array.

He kicked the teleportation array, causing it to shake.


Then, a crack slowly opened.

Obviously, the attack of the Lord of Jinyang City triggered the restriction of the formation.

But at this moment, a shrill scream sounded.

The Lord of Jinyang City looked in the direction of the sound, but found that his son was bitten on the leg by the Soul Devouring Insect King, and was corroding rapidly.

"Damn it, get out of my way!"

Looking at the Insect King so close, the corner of the Lord of Jinyang City's mouth could not help but bleed, and he yelled.

Then, he abandoned the Soul Devouring Insect King.

He rushed towards his child.

And the Soul Devouring Worm King, without hesitation, also ran away.

Its speed was extremely fast, and it reached the front of the teleportation array in the blink of an eye.

It was about to escape.


However, at this critical moment.

An arrow flew from the depths of the city.

With a sharp cold light, it made people tremble.


The next moment, the arrow was fiercely nailed into the back of the Soul Devouring Worm King.

Its body was instantly stiffened in place.

This scene made everyone stunned.

But they never thought that someone could stop the Soul Devouring Worm King.

"Who are you?"

The Soul Devouring Worm King's eyes showed a ferocious light, and he shouted hoarsely.

This person not only stopped him, but also hurt him, which made him hate him like crazy.

"I am the Golden Sun God Emperor, and I have come to capture you!"

After hearing the voice, the Soul Devouring Insect King's pupils shrank, but he still spoke coldly.

Although he knew that the Lord of the Golden Sun City was a powerful Saint of the eighth level.

But behind him was the Soul Devouring Clan.

He believed that as long as he announced his name, the other party would not dare to provoke him.

After hearing the voice, the Golden Sun God Emperor on the opposite side had a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He was a Saint of the peak master.

How could he take the Soul Devouring Clan seriously.

"Today, since you dare to stop me, don't blame me for exterminating your clan!"

As soon as the voice fell.

A vast murderous aura burst out from his body.

After hearing the voice, the Soul Devouring Insect King's eyes showed fear.

He understood that the other party was not joking, but really intended to slaughter his entire Soul Devouring Clan.

However, after a brief panic, he regained his calm.

After all, the Soul Devouring Clan is also very powerful.

The ordinary people around him all entered the teleportation array in an instant.

But the Soul Devouring Insect King was unwilling to leave.

After struggling for a while, he finally chose to leave.

Because if he continued to delay.

He might not be able to leave.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Jinyang City showed a look of joy on his face.

This time, he finally survived.

Then, he was ready to enter the teleportation array.

However, he forgot that he was still bitten by the Soul Devouring Insect.

After taking a step in, he took a breath of cold air.

At the same time, a sharp pain spread throughout his body.

He couldn't help but let out a wail.


However, just as he groaned, a sharp claw pierced his chest directly.

"Father, are you okay!"

Seeing such a scene, the Lord of Jinpeng City asked.

At this time, his eyes were red, and he almost cried.

"Haha, good, good.

The great revenge of Jinyang City has finally been avenged.

I have no regrets in death!"

The Lord of Jinyang City said with excitement.


But before he could finish his words.

The Soul Devouring Insect King pulled out his claws in an instant.

Then, the head of the Lord of Jinyang City rolled to the ground.

His eyes were wide open.

Obviously, he did not expect that it would end up like this.

Then, they closed forever.

The Lord of Jinpeng City stood there in a daze, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

But, he could do nothing.

"Father, rest in peace, I will definitely avenge you!"

Looking at the Lord of Jinyang City who was lying on the ground and had completely lost his voice, he said sadly.

"Hehe, I advise you not to act rashly!"

The Soul Devouring Insect King said.

Then, he flew out of the teleportation array.

He wanted to return to the clan and ask for the protection of the elders.

This Jinyang God Emperor was too powerful, and he could not resist at all.

Only by asking the elders to come out, it would work.

And the Lord of Jinpeng City, after hearing the voice, did not dare to hesitate.

He followed closely behind him.

However, their speed was much slower.


Just as the two of them stepped out of the teleportation array, they saw a figure appear in the sky.

But it was not Liu Zheng, who else could it be.

"You, how come you are here!"

The Lord of Jinpeng City pointed at the other party and said in horror.

With a look of horror in his eyes, he said in disbelief.

"Humph, a mere little Soul Devouring Insect King dared to offend my majesty, it's simply seeking death!"

The voice was filled with strong murderous intent.

And after hearing his voice.

The Soul Devouring Insect King did not hesitate and ran away.

Only an arrogant voice was left.

"Just wait, the Soul Devouring Clan will soon send a more powerful existence to kill you!"

After the voice fell.

The body turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated on the spot.

It was obvious that he was hiding.

But Liu Zheng's face showed a cold meaning.

I didn't expect that the Soul Devouring Clan would actually make a sneak attack on his subordinates. It was really hateful.

Then, he spoke to Lu Bu beside him.

"Marshal Han, you lead the army to chase the Soul Devouring Insect King. You must kill him and never let him escape.

In addition, order the various armies of the Han Dynasty to assist the Lord of Jinyang City in clearing out the traitors, leaving no one alive!"

"I obey your order!"

After hearing the voice, Lu Bu retreated respectfully.

His cultivation level had long been broken through to the realm of virtual immortals, and his combat experience was even better than before.

After hearing Liu Zheng's order.

He immediately led the army to chase far away.

For a while, the whole Jinyang City was bustling.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City met with the other Lords.

"Lord, this Soul Devouring Clan is really despicable!

We shouldn't agree to their proposal. Why do you want to save the Soul Devouring Clan!"

A Lord of the City said angrily.

"Alas, if it weren't for my low strength.

There would be no need for you to sacrifice!"

The Lord of Jinyang City said bitterly.

At this time, he showed a trace of regret in his eyes.

However, at this moment, the city lord spoke again.

"City lord, I heard that the Soul Devouring Clan has an immortal grass that can prolong life for tens of thousands of years.

Why don't you take it, maybe you can survive!"

The city lord suggested.


However, just after he finished speaking, the Jinyang City Lord slapped him without hesitation.

He cursed.

"Are you crazy?

The immortal grass can cure the toxins of the Soul Devouring Worm.

However, there is no antidote for the Soul Devouring Worm King.

If you take it, it will increase the toxicity and even be fatal.

So, my Jinyang City will never refine the immortal pill!"

After hearing the voice, the city lord showed a touch of embarrassment on his face and dared not speak.

Then, he retreated to the outside of Jinyang City.

However, just after leaving.

In the Soul Devouring City, endless soul devouring insects emerged.

Each of these soul devouring insects is as thick as a thumb.

Densely covering the ground.

Wherever it passed, even the earth was corroded.

The Lord of Jinyang City looked at all this unwillingly.

The Soul Devouring Insect King smiled triumphantly.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful.

Fortunately, he did not take the immortal grass today.

Otherwise, it would take a hundred years to recover.

And just after he relaxed for a moment.

The face of the Soul Devouring Insect King changed instantly.

Dozens of figures slowly gathered around the city.

The leader was a woman.

Her face was exquisite.

Her figure was exquisite and curvy.

Although she was wearing a palace dress, she still couldn't hide her charming demeanor.

It was Liu Zheng's queen, Cao Zhengchun.

At the beginning, her son also went to the Soul Devouring Clan for help.

Moreover, when the Soul Devouring Insect King severely injured him.

She arrived in time and intercepted him.

Now, after seeing the other party.

The Soul Devouring Worm King was shocked.

Then, he shouted.

"Who are you? You dare to block the way of the Soul Devouring Clan. Aren't you afraid of being exterminated?"

The voice sounded, full of ferocity.

"Hehe, do you think you can escape!"

Cao Zhengchun said lightly.

Then, he slapped out with his palm.

The huge palm print flew out like a sky-covering sun.

It blasted towards the Soul Devouring Worm King.


This palm contained unparalleled power.

The body of the Soul Devouring Worm King exploded in an instant.

The blood mist filled the air, and everyone in the field was shocked at this time.

But Cao Zhengchun did not stop attacking.

He moved his footsteps and went straight to the Soul Devouring Worm mother body.

Prepare to seize the immortal grass.

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