
But, just after he got close.

The other party spit out a ball of green light from his mouth.

It actually hit Cao Zhengchun.

At this moment, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Because, he discovered that the green light contained a terrifying aura of destruction.

If you get contaminated, you will definitely die.


It's not just him.

Even the other people around him roared after sensing the danger.

They want to stop Cao Zhengchun.

However, this scene happened too fast.


As the roar fell.

Cao Zhengchun's figure flew out upside down.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But there was determination in his eyes.

Without giving up, he continued to rush towards the mother body of the Soul-eating Insect.

At the same time, an abnormality was indeed discovered in the Soul-eating Insect's nest.


A miserable cry came out.

The body of the Soul-Eating Insect King actually sprang out from the Soul-Eating Insect's abdomen.

His injuries have healed.

Looking at Cao Zhengchun, his face was extremely gloomy.

"court death!"

There was a coldness in his voice.

Then, his wings flapped.

As the figure flashed, it turned into an afterimage in the air.


But, just when he was approaching.

A sharp sword slashed through the air.

The mighty sharp energy is suffocating.

The Soul-Eating Insect King didn't even think of it.

The reinforcements from this big man will come so quickly.

The figure couldn't help but froze at this moment.

But the sharp sword struck down with even more ferocity.


Finally, the soul-eating insect king's head was chopped off in an instant.

Then, his figure fell straight to the ground.

"His Majesty has arrived, and you still don't kneel down to greet him!"

The sound rang out, and the soldiers in the surrounding cities did not dare to neglect it.

They were all lying on the ground, not daring to move at all.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

But at this moment, Liu Zheng walked in.

When he saw the Lord of Jinyang City standing on the same spot.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Then, he said slowly.

“Since you have surrendered, from now on, this Jinyang City belongs to me, the big man.

However, to prevent you from plotting against others.

I will give you a path to choose.

Surrender or die! "

After the voice fell, the senior officials in the city were shocked.

After all, if so many strong men surrender, it will be a great help.

However, Liu Zheng now clearly intends to annex Jinyang City.

How could he be willing to let the other party join Dahan?

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but shift to the Lord of Jinyang City.

I want to know what kind of decision the other party will make.

However, just after Liu Zheng finished speaking.

But the other party spoke.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!

However, this Jinyang City is the land built by my ancestors, and I cannot betray my ancestors!

Today I would rather die than surrender! "

At this time, the eyes of Jinyang City Lord bloomed with blazing light.

Although he is greedy for power.

However, it also has its most basic dignity.

"In that case, I will make you perfect!"

Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded, and the dragon in his hand emitted a brilliant golden light.

Then, it hit the Lord of Jinyang City.

The other party was unwilling to submit, so he could only attack decisively.

Seeing this scene, Cao Zhengchun didn't hesitate at all. He pulled Jinyang City Lord and hid on the city gate tower.


A violent collision was heard.

Then, the stone at the city gate shattered.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

And just when everyone thought the battle was over.

A strong fishy smell came out.

Then, a huge snake head appeared.

The snake head is very ferocious.

His eyes were red.

It was the Soul-Eating Insect King.

However, compared to before, the strength of the opponent now has increased a lot.

At this time, you can clearly hear the beating of his heart.


With a breath of calmness.

His eyes were filled with blood vessels in an instant, and his whole person looked extremely ferocious.

"Jie Jie!"

Immediately afterwards, the other party smiled.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten human flesh. I really miss it!"

The sound sounded like it was coming from the Nine Netherworld.

It makes people's hair stand on end.

"Hmph, do you want to eat me too?"

Liu Zheng said coldly.

He waved his palm and instantly a palace appeared in the void.

The sacred aura rippled above.

The Lord of Jinyang City couldn't help but tremble.

Because the oppressive force of this palace is too strong.

However, the Soul-Eating Insect King was not afraid.

"Jiejie, so what if it's the Heavenly Palace.

This king can break it! "

After the sound fell.

The Soul-Eating Insect King actually charged forward directly.

He's extremely fast.

While flying through the sky.

Black mist spewed out of his mouth.

Obviously, within a short period of time, the other party actually used a secret technique to improve his own cultivation.


Seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

Then, the seal in his hand moved.

"hold head high!"

As a roar fell.

The giant dragon instantly condensed in the air.

"hold head high!"

Then, he went straight towards the soul-eating insect king.

The two sides intertwined in an instant.


As bursts of roaring sounds fell.

The entire world seemed to be enveloped in flames.

The huge body of the Soul-eating Insect King was trembling constantly.


And right now.

The tail of the soul-eating insect king was actually torn apart.

Then, Liu Zheng ordered.

"Siege the city!"

He did not expect that in such a state, the Soul-Eating Insect King could still resist.

Moreover, it is so powerful.

So don't be prepared to delay it any longer.


As a roar fell.

The soul-eating insect king finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The body collapsed suddenly.

At this point, the backbone of the Soul-Eating Insect Legion had been completely wiped out.

After seeing such a scene, Jinyang City Lord's eyes were about to burst.


Blood spewed from his mouth.

His eyes were filled with despair.

But there was a hint of coldness on the corner of Liu Zheng's mouth.

He said calmly.

"Lord Jinyang City, you should be lucky that you didn't surrender to me!

Otherwise, we will definitely make you unable to survive and die! "

The voice was full of murderous intent.

"Haha, His Majesty the Han Emperor is wise.

I admire you! "

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City said respectfully after hearing the voice.

It’s not just that he didn’t become angry.

Even showing a flattering look.

Liu Zheng saved his life this time, and all this was enough to compensate.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng's brows furrowed.

Because, just after Jinyang City Lord finished speaking.

The guard next to the other party shouted.

"City Lord, please don't forget that you promised our young master that you would help us seize the territory of the Han Dynasty!"

After the voice fell, he was ready to leave.


However, just after his words fell.

The long knife in Jinyang City Lord's hand flew out.

It was nailed directly to the guard's chest.

There was a look of madness in his eyes.

Then, he said coldly.

"get out!"


It fell with a banging sound.

The guard fell to the ground, and his body had become stiff.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City.

But at this moment, he looked at Liu Zheng and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, I still have hundreds of years of savings in Jinyang City. I hope you can accept it!"

After the words fell.

He handed it over directly.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zheng nodded and did not refuse.

Now he needs money.

Then, he opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, I accept it.

However, from now on, the surname of Jinyang City is still Liu! "

"According to the order!"

After hearing the sound, City Lord Jinyang said excitedly.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng asked again.

"By the way, I heard that there is a secret vault in Jinyang City that stores many treasures.

Can you give it to me for a look? "

"Your Majesty, please come with me!"

After hearing the sound, City Lord Jinyang did not hesitate at all.

Said directly.

At the same time, walk towards the outside of the city.

Soon, he stopped in a courtyard deep in the city lord's palace.

At this time, Liu Zheng looked at the mountains of treasures with a smile on his face.

"Haha, you are indeed King Jinyang, and your wealth exceeds my expectations.

With these things, my strength will probably skyrocket.

When the time comes, the Soul-Eating Clan will be destroyed.

I'm afraid not many people in Tianyu City would dare to provoke him! "

The sound sounded, and the surrounding maids fell to their knees.

They did not expect that their city lord actually had so much wealth.

This is simply appalling.

But, at this moment.

Lord Jinyang City indeed said slowly.

"Han Emperor, actually you don't know.

In addition to these precious materials and elixirs.

The soul-eating insect king from back then left a map behind.

It is said that it is the location of a treasure house, which contains various elixirs, exercises, etc.

Moreover, there is a token.

It is said that it is an innate treasure called the Yin-Yang Mirror.

However, the Soul-eating Insect King was heavily guarded.

My father died in it decades ago.

Now, the Soul-eating Insect King has been killed, but our Jinyang City is no longer guarded.

I don't know if you can open it for me! "

Lord Jinyang said cautiously.


After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng didn't hesitate at all.

I agreed directly.

And right now.

However, the Lord of Jinyang City took out the key and opened the treasure house directly.

As soon as the eye enters, rows of shelves are neatly arranged.

Each layer is filled with pills.

Although it is not a scarce item.

However, taking any of them out will cause a bloody storm.

Especially on the highest level, a purple elixir shines brightly.

Exudes vast energy.

It was the legendary elixir.

“Your Majesty, this is the Yin-Yang realm.

It is said that the phantom of the Yin-Yang Mirror can be summoned.

However, I don’t know whether the Soul Devouring Worm King put it here.

After all, this Yin-Yang Realm is of great importance.

As long as it can be found, the gods and demons in the Yin-Yang Realm can be summoned to descend.

However, I don’t know this.

After all, no one has seen that magical treasure for so many years! "

"Well, whether it is or not, let’s try it!"

Liu Zheng said.

His goal is this Yin-Yang Realm.

At this time, it cannot be missed.

And just after his voice fell.

The Lord of Jinyang City standing aside did not hesitate at all.

He stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I will open the door right away!"

As he spoke, he inserted the key into the keyhole.

"Crack! "

Accompanied by a series of noises.

The door slowly opened.

At this time, Liu Zheng was refreshed.

Then, he stepped inside.

However, just when his foot just stepped in.

Instantly, he felt a strong sense of danger.

Then, he quickly stepped back.

Then, a huge axe was chopped out.

The blazing flames bloomed in the air.

Liu Zheng's figure appeared.

At this time, he had scars on his body.

If it weren't for the protection of the system, he would have been killed long ago.

Looking at the Lord of Jinyang City in the distance, anger appeared in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually wanted to assassinate himself.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City was surprised and felt fear at the same time.

Because he recognized Liu Zheng's identity.

"Han... His Majesty the Emperor of Han!"

There was shock in his voice.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded.

"Die for me! "

As soon as the voice fell, a palm was slapped out.

This palm contained the breath of destruction.

"Ka La!"

As the voice fell.

The body of the Lord of Jinyang City shattered directly.

He did not expect that the other party would really dare to take action.

However, it was too late to say anything now.

How could Liu Zheng forgive him?

Then, he ordered Cao Zhengchun to clean it up.

Just when he returned to the hall.

But he found that.

The palace maids had all fainted.

And the Lord of Jinyang City was lying on the ground, with a weak breath.

Obviously, he was dead.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Han, please save me.

It's all because of that rebellious son.

I don't know where he got the secret book from.

It's said to be the secret book of the Soul Devouring Clan.

I only practiced for a short day.

I fell into obsession.

I can't control myself at all! "

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City was extremely miserable.

His eyes were filled with regret.

However, after hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's mouth showed a hint of playfulness.

Then, he said lightly.

"Hmph, since you have done it, you must take responsibility.

This secret book is not suitable for you!"

After hearing the voice.

The body of the Lord of Jinyang City was trembling.

Tears flowed in his eyes, but he couldn't help shouting.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Han, please spare me!"

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City completely collapsed.

However, Liu Zheng's face became more and more ferocious.

"I asked you to swallow the secret book, so you must eat it.

This is your choice, you can't blame others!"

The voice sounded.

"Tsk! "

Then, he waved his hand and pointed.

Instantly, blood gushed out.

The Lord of Jinyang City was killed on the spot.

At this time, Liu Zheng slowly walked towards the pavilion.

When he approached the shelf, he found that the location of the Yin-Yang Mirror was not on the shelf.

However, just when he was about to investigate.

A fierce aura came out.

It made his pupils shrink.

Then, he stepped back.

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