
And right now.

There was a roar throughout the hall.

Then, he saw it in the center of the hall.

An extremely dark passage appeared.


Then, a low roar came out.


Then, I saw that the passage was moving.

Finally, a huge thing appeared in front of everyone.

It was a soul-eating beast.

It is all dark in color.

The limbs are extremely thick, and the body is covered with scales.

After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng's brows couldn't help but frown.

Soul-eating insects are an extremely ancient insect-like creature that is extremely bloodthirsty.

Moreover, they like to live in groups.

Ordinary practitioners must escape as soon as possible after encountering one.

But Liu Zheng had no intention of escaping.

Instead, he walked slowly forward.

He wanted to see what secrets this soul-eating beast had.

Just when he was only a hundred meters away from the opponent.


A roar came out.

Then, the entire space became solidified at this time.

There was even thicker mist surrounding Liu Zheng.

And at the same time.

The soul-eating beast was already charging towards Liu Zheng.

This is its innate skill.

Everywhere he passed, everything came to nothing.


However, when colliding with Liu Zheng.

But it is of no use at all.

The opponent's figure did not move at all.

Immediately afterwards, a punch was thrown out again.

The body of this soul-eating beast exploded directly.

And Liu Zheng also obtained a soul-eating secret book.

Look at the text above the secret book.

There was a smile in his eyes.

"Haha, it is indeed something left by the Soul-eating Insect King.

In this case, it would save a lot of trouble! "

The voice sounded.

Then, it disappeared in place.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City had a look of horror in his eyes.

Because, he discovered.

His own son was actually killed.

This is his only son.

Now, he was killed.

He knew in his heart that he was finished and the entire family would be destroyed.

And the other side.

After Liu Zheng solved the soul-eating insect king.

Then, he walked towards the outside world.

As long as you have the soul-eating secrets left by the soul-eating insect king.

Then, it will be enough to defeat the enemy.

Thinking of this, I was extremely excited.

However, he was not happy for long.


The door was kicked open.

"Who are you to dare to break in here?

Don’t you know the rules? "

The person who spoke was the deputy city lord of Jinyang City, Jin Yuansheng.

This person's strength has reached the seventh level of ancestral spirit.

And after hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng's face turned cold instantly.


At the same time as the sound sounded, a sword struck directly.

The vast sword light flashed.

Jin Yuansheng didn't even have a chance to resist.

The whole person was sent flying out.


Blood spurted out, and the body flew out in an instant.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, he never expected it.

The Liu Zheng in front of him would be so ruthless.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng had no intention of stopping.

His figure moved.

"hold head high!"

The shadow of the dragon elephant flashed behind him.

It hit the chest of Jin Yuan Sheng directly.


As a roar sounded.

Jin Yuansheng's body exploded directly.

Blood mist filled the air.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng moved his arms.

Another sword swept out.

Blazing light bloomed in the sky.


Huge heads flying in the air.

This scene is too terrifying.

If someone sees it.

It will definitely be shocking.

After all, although there are many powerful people sitting in Jinyang City today.

However, compared with the Han Emperor in front of him, he was still far behind.

Especially when we were attacking the wilderness.

Liu Zheng was famous for killing dozens of Ancestral God Realm experts.

But at this moment, Liu Zheng's eyes were directed towards another palace.

There is the retreat place of Jinyang City Lord.

As long as he kills the opponent, the entire Jinyang City will surrender to him.

Think of this.

The corners of Liu Zheng's mouth couldn't help but reveal a slight curve.

Then, they walked towards the palace.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City was sweating profusely.

He felt danger coming.

Dang even shouted angrily.

"Whoever, get out of here!"


Just after his voice fell.

The door was kicked open.

Then, the Soul-eating Beast King actually appeared in front of the door.

Looking at each other, there was greed in his eyes.

Then, he said slowly.

"You are very lucky, tell me your last words!"

After hearing the sound, City Lord Jinyang's expression finally changed.

Then, he roared angrily.

“Damn you bastard, how dare you kill my son.

I will fight with you today! "

After the words fell.

Clap out with both palms.

In an instant, a giant python flew out.

With an air of destruction.

Obviously, this is his ultimate skill.

I saw that wherever the python passed, the space was shattered inch by inch.

This time, he was really afraid and wanted to kill the soul-eating beast king directly.

However, just when the python came to the soul-eating beast king.

The soul-eating beast king's eyes were flashing with a strange light.

He dodged to avoid the opponent's attack.

Then, he grabbed the Lord of Jinyang City with one claw.


The sharp claws exuded a cold luster.

This made the Lord of Jinyang City show a look of despair on his face.

There was no way he could match such an attack.

At this time, the Soul-Eating Beast King's attack had indeed fallen.


It fell with a banging sound.

The physical body of Jinyang City Lord shattered into pieces in an instant.

Turned into blood mist.

But the soul-eating beast king was still standing in the field.

At this time, he had a look of excitement on his face.

Because his strength is improving.

The Soul-Eating Secret Manual is very domineering.

You can grow by swallowing other people's souls and gods.

When the Soul-eating Beast King absorbed all the essence of Jinyang City Lord.

The whole figure is expanding.

His strength has also become stronger and stronger.

And just when the Soul-Eating Beast King was increasing his strength like crazy.

At this time, Liu Zheng was heading towards Jinyang City.

These days, his strength has increased a lot.

Get ready to hunt for prey.

And at this moment.

Within the city, Lord Jin Yan also got the news.

he said angrily.

"Damn thief, how dare you commit suicide in my city.

They simply don’t take our city into consideration.

Order everyone to track down the leader of the thief.

At the same time, manpower was dispatched to search outside the city.

Remember, you must not let the soul-eating beast king run away.

Otherwise, the entire Jinyang City will be doomed! "

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice.

He was afraid that he would fall here.

Therefore, how dare you neglect even half a minute.

After hearing the order, the entire Jinyang City people rushed towards the city gate.

And right now.

Liu Zheng appeared on the city wall.

Here, the guards are tight.

On the city wall, a huge puppet sits.

Holding the weapon in his hand, he looked like a statue.

However, right now.

There was a smile on Liu Zheng's lips.

Then, he said calmly.

"Our city lord should have died.

If that's the case, then I'll give you a ride! "

The sound rang out, and thunder burst out from under his feet.

His body shape is like a gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, they were approaching the defenders on the tower.

Then, he waved the war spear in his hand.

The dazzling gun light roared out.


A guard soldier didn't even have room to resist.

It was stabbed directly through the throat.

Immediately afterwards, a cold look appeared in Liu Zheng's eyes.

He rushed towards the other soldiers again.

His movements were extremely swift.

With every step he took, there was blood splashing.

Within a short period of time.

The guards on the entire city wall were almost cleared away.

And right now.

However, Liu Zheng did not stop and ran towards the other side.

He's extremely fast.

After a while, they arrived at the next city.

Along the way, I met people from Jinyang City.

No one can stop Liu Zheng even half a step.

Everyone was completely frightened at this time.

They didn't expect that they were facing such an existence.

At this time, Liu Zheng showed no mercy.

Everyone who saw it was killed.

No matter men, women, old or young, they will all be killed.

His whole body was wrapped in thick blood mist.

It made the surrounding area even darker.

Such a picture.

It lasted for five days before it ended.

Finally, Liu Zheng appeared outside the city lord's palace in Jinyang City.

Looking at the building in front of him, there was a hint of violence in his eyes.

His palms extended.


The entire hall collapsed instantly.

At this time, he was like a devil emerging from Shura Purgatory.

And at the same time.

The Lord of Jinyang City also rushed back.

When he saw Liu Zheng, the hatred in his eyes became even more obvious.

At this time, he said through gritted teeth.

"Junior, who are you? Do you really want to be an enemy of Jinyang City?

Today, if you don’t come up with an explanation.

I will definitely make your life worse than death! "

There was infinite anger in his voice.

However, after hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's lips showed a look of disdain.

“Life is worse than death!

Who do you think you are, you are worthy of talking to me! "

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Then, he opened his mouth and said.


As the sound falls.

Behind him, millions of black-armored knights roared and rushed towards them.

Their armors glowed with cold light.

Wherever it passed, the blazing sword slashed out.

It makes people feel suffocated.

At this time, the Lord of Jinyang City also reacted.

He cursed angrily.

"you wanna die!"

Then, the battle ax in his hand was struck.

The mighty ax light instantly hit the cavalry.

However, the cavalry at this time was no longer the same as before.

They have iron cavalry transformed from the Great Han Holy Court.

Although the strength is not as good as the Han cavalry.

But the difference is not too far.

Especially when Liu Zheng was recognized by the Three Emperors Sword.

This increased the combat effectiveness of this army.

It broke out at this time.

The Lord of Jinyang City couldn't resist at all.


A cavalryman directly killed the Lord of Jinyang City on the spot.

Then, keep charging forward.

Anyone who sees such a scene will be extremely frightened.

I can’t believe that someone could sweep through Jinyang City in such a short period of time.

At this time, Liu Zheng had no idea what was happening in Jinyang City.

He was slaughtering ordinary people in the city.

Now, here, only killing can make him feel safe.

But at this time, Liu Zheng didn't know.

What he had done had already spread throughout Jinyang City.

The major families in the city were shocked, even panicked.

After all, Liu Zheng is too strong.

Moreover, it is also very cruel.

Everyone is worried about retaliation from the other party.

At this time, in the meeting hall.

An elder of the family spoke respectfully.

“City Lord, this matter must be resolved.

Otherwise, our entire Jinyang City will be destroyed! "

There was a hint of trembling in his voice.

At this time, he was really scared.

"Huh, what do you know, this matter must be kept secret.

We just need to delay, and King Kong Sect Master will help us get through this difficulty! "

An elder said coldly.

At this moment, his eyes were shining.

And just after his voice fell.

Another elder spoke:

"I think it's better to report this matter to the King Kong Sect Master. This Han Emperor is too powerful.

If we continue to delay, our Jinyang City will be in danger.

Not only will the people in the city be miserable, but the city owner will also be in misfortune.

We cannot afford such a thing.

And after hearing the sound.

The elder of the family fell silent.

Finally said slowly.

"Okay, then I'll send someone to notify you immediately.

I hope the sect master will help! "

The voice sounded, and his face was full of bitterness.

After all, if the King Kong Sect Master really doesn't care about this matter.

Then they will be out of luck.

But at this moment.

Outside Jinyang City.

The leader of the Vajra Sect is standing in the void.

His stature was extremely tall.

Above the head, there is a bright divine light.

There is even more surging pressure on the body.

These days, he is practicing in seclusion.

However, I always feel that I am somewhat powerless.

At this time, prepare to seek a breakthrough.


Just after he finished speaking.

There was a roaring sound in the dantian within his body.

Then, he saw the spiritual veins converging towards his body.

And just when he was about to absorb these powers.

"Bang bang!"

The house was shattered into pieces.

A troop of cavalry appears.

The leader was none other than Cao Zhengchun.

At this time, he shouted coldly.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor of the Han Dynasty is here. Lord Jinyang City, please come out and receive death!"

The voice sounded.

The Lord of Jinyang City couldn't help but be startled.

But Random's face showed a look of joy.

"Haha, Emperor Han really came to our door.

Since you want to die.

Then I will help you! "

After the words fell.

The whole person rose into the sky.

At this time, he actually chose to challenge Liu Zheng head-on and prepared to give it a try.

And after seeing such a scene.

Cao Zhengchun's eyes showed disdain.

This Lord of Jinyang City is really a fool.

Now, His Majesty is marching in person, and even the Imperial Guards of the Han Dynasty are following.

These guards are the most elite fighting force of the big man.

It was extremely easy to deal with the Lord of Jinyang City.

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