And while he was thinking.

The city lord has already rushed into the formation.

The giant ax in his hand swung out, creating a monstrous force.

He struck at Liu Zheng.

The Lord of Jinyang City has the ninth level of saint cultivation.

At this time, even when facing Liu Zheng, he still had no fear at all.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, was extremely indifferent.

He stood on top of Long Chu, looking down.

Immediately afterwards.

The golden smoke behind him rose into the sky.

This is the king's flag of the Han Dynasty. He is expressing his determination with actions.

And just when the royal flag was rising.

Figures were already standing beside Liu Zheng.

The leader was none other than Li Yuanba and others.

They were looking at the Lord Jinyang below.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Right at the opponent, a blow fell.

Xiang Yu behind Liu Zheng moved.

His right hand held the blade.

"hold head high!"

In an instant, endless dragon roars resounded between heaven and earth.

The bloody light was flashing with dazzling brilliance.


With a harsh collision sound.

The giant ax was cut off directly by him.

"How can it be!"

Seeing such a scene, City Lord Jinyang could hardly believe his eyes.

He is a powerful ninth level saint.

Unexpectedly, he is no match for the eighth level saint.

Not only him, but also others around him were stunned.

Don't understand why.

And the eyes of the Jinyang City Lord were even more horrified.

Then, without waiting for him to react.

Xiang Yu's figure had disappeared from where he was at this time.

when it appears again.

The palm of his hand has already grasped the neck of the Jinyang City Lord.

At this time, a cold voice came out in an instant.

"City Lord Jinyang, how do you want to die?"

The voice was filled with murderous intent.

"No, I am the lord of Jinyang City, and my father is the sect leader of Jinyang Sect.

You can't kill me! "

After hearing the sound, City Lord Jinyang showed a look of panic on his face.

And just after his words fell.

There was a hint of disdain in Xiang Yu's eyes.

Then, there was a hard squeeze.


The fragile neck was instantly crushed.

The head of Jinyang City Lord was separated from his body.


The strong men watching around all made gasping sounds at this time.

They feel that all this is like a dream.

The lord of a city died like this.

Although this does not mean how powerful Liu Zheng is.

However, this is enough to prove Liu Zheng's ferocity.

"Your Majesty, Emperor of the Han Dynasty, you can rest assured that Jinyang City will definitely submit to the Han Dynasty.

Never have two minds.

But, I don’t know what to call this strong man! "

The city lord of Jinyang City asked cautiously.

Because he knew it in his heart.

Such an existence is definitely not something you can provoke.

After hearing the voice, Xiang Yu had no intention of paying attention to him.

His steps were taken slowly.

And at the same time.

The corner of Liu Zheng's mouth was outlined with a smile.

He said calmly.

"All the people from the Jinyang Sect deserve to die!"

After the words fell.

The palm of his hand slowly reached out.

The blazing palm prints filled the entire sky.

A mighty aura filled the surroundings.

At this time, the Jinyang City Lord's pupils shrank sharply.

Because he felt the smell of death.

And the next moment.


As a roar fell.

Liu Zheng's fist punched out.

Wherever he passed, the space collapsed inch by inch.

The Lord of Jinyang City didn't even have time to evade.

It turned into blood mist.

He died where he stood.

This scene completely shocked everyone.

Such a scene is too terrifying.

Jinyang City is within thousands of miles from here.

The only city.

Now it is destroyed like this.

Moreover, what shocked them even more was that the children of Jinyang City Lord, including the elders, were all slaughtered.

And right now.

Liu Zheng's eyes flashed with sparkle.

He said to Xiang Yu.

“Send these corpses to Jinyang Sect.

Just say that I sent them on their way! "

After the sound fell.

Xiang Yu retreated respectfully.

But the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were completely frightened at this time.

They don't understand.

Why is His Majesty the Han Emperor so tyrannical?

So what if the opponent attacks the Lord of Jinyang City.

It was not wrong for me and others to surrender.

I don’t know what the other party will do to me and others next.

And right now.

Beside Liu Zheng, Cao Zhengchun shouted respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Sect Leader Jinyang and others have been executed.

Do we go on the offensive.

If this is the case, the road to the Great Xia Dynasty will definitely be opened! "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded, and then ordered.

"Okay, let's go.

You have worked hard over the years. From today on, you will follow me.

This Jinyang Sect is left to you to deal with! "

"Thank you for your appreciation, Your Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun said excitedly.

After his strength improves.

I can't wait to make great achievements.

Now I finally got my wish.

But it was at this moment that Liu Zheng stepped onto the flying boat.

Drive towards the distance.

And just when Liu Zheng's flying boat flew out.

The people in those cities cheered for joy.

Especially after seeing the miserable situation of the Jinyang City Lord.

They think this is the big man saving himself.

But those city lords were a little frightened.

After all, he and others have done a lot of evil.

There is no guarantee that His Majesty, the Han Emperor, will not settle accounts later.

Therefore, I want to stop it, but I dare not.

A moment later, when they returned to Jinyang Sect.

The entire sect was already boiling.

All the disciples knelt down and worshiped on the ground at this time.

"I have met His Majesty the Han Emperor!"

There was excitement in his voice.

There was reverence in their eyes.

After all, where is the strength of the Jinyang Sect Leader?

All of them actually died.

"Well, let's get flat.

This time, your Jinyang Sect suffered greater damage.

This is the elixir I have prepared for you.

After taking it, you can recover! "

As he spoke, a bottle of elixir was thrown into the hands of Sect Master Jinyang.

This time, the fighting power of Sect Leader Jinyang was still very strong.

But in the end, he was defeated by Xiang Yu.

This is enough to show how powerful the opponent is.

"Thank you for your grace!"

Sect Leader Jinyang couldn't help but speak.

However, just after he finished speaking.

Lu Bu on the side spoke.

"You're welcome, Master Jin Yang, you are powerful and worthy of respect.

From now on, you will follow His Majesty and be responsible for escorting him.

In addition, here are five million pills, take them! "

The voice sounded.

This made the Jinyang Sect Master's eyes almost burst.

I originally thought of joining the big man.

As a result, now it's better, the other party bought him directly.

Not only that.

He also gave himself high rewards.

"Thank you, Commander Lu!"

After he took the jade bottle, he spoke.

Then, his eyes looked at Liu Zheng.

Obviously, he also hoped that Liu Zheng would agree to the other party's request.

And right now.

Liu Zheng said.

"Since Master Jinyang has decided to be loyal to me.

Then help me properly.

Remember, no matter who wants to shake the morale of the military in the future.

Kill without mercy! "

There was a trace of murderous intent in the voice.

And just after his words fell.

The Jinyang Sect Master said respectfully.

"Yes, I obey your order!"

How dare you neglect at this time.

Then, he led the army and returned to his own force.

However, he did not dare to slack off.

Send out a large number of disciples.

Help the major families to reorganize the resistance.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Liu Zheng.

After he returned to the palace, he summoned the ministers to discuss a plan to deal with Daxia.

Although Liu Zheng today is not afraid of any provocation.

However, you also need to be well defensive.

We cannot give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of us.

Just after he had just secured his throne.

The civil and military people below did not dare to hesitate.

"General, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

Their voices sounded, and their faces were full of respect.

"Come on, let's talk about the progress this time!"

"Your Majesty, this time I conquered seven counties.

Every place has gathered a large number of casual cultivators.

Training now.

Just wait for the army to arrive and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop! "

Xing Tian stood below and said respectfully.

During this time, he worked almost day and night.

However, he is becoming more and more mature.

"good, very good.

Pass the order.

Three days later, the entire army came to the border! "

There was infinite majesty in Liu Zheng's voice.

This time, he will use iron hoofs to tell people across the continent.

How ferocious the Han army was.

And just after his words fell.

Others did not dare to hesitate at all.

He retreated instantly.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

This time, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty were mobilized in full force.

They were led by two generals, Xing Tian and Cao Zhengchun.

Go forward.

A huge army.

Like a torrent.

When they arrived at the territory where Jinyang Sect was stationed.

Sect Master Jinyang also received the news at this time.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor is here in person, welcome him quickly!"

Sect Leader Jinyang shouted.

Although this Jinyang Sect is considered to be the top existence in the entire Golden Crow City.

But compared with the big man, it is still far behind.


As his voice fell, a gap was suddenly broken through on the city wall.

Then, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty rushed into it.

Sect Master Jinyang felt a little dizzy at this time.

Because this scene is too shocking.

The Han army was too numerous.

The soldiers were so densely packed that it was impossible to count them.

And right now.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

“Sect Master Jinyang, these people will be left to you.

I'm watching from the top of the mountain! "

After the voice fell, he led Lu Bu towards the mountain.

As for Cao Zhengchun and Xingtian, they followed closely behind.

When a big man has just climbed to the top of the mountain.

A burst of thunder exploded again.


Then, the roar of the giant dragon came out.

The vast dragon power spreads.

This time, it was a nine-clawed divine dragon.

The eyes flashed with ferocious murderous intent.

He is waiting for prey.

"Haha, we have made a lot of money this time, and we must be full this time!"

Lu Bu said with a smile.

These mythical beasts are all real.

Their flesh and blood can be used to refine elixirs.

Now, the spirit beasts imprisoned in the space ring are eager to devour them.

After hearing the voice, Lu Bu's eyes flashed with sparkle.

At this time, he couldn't wait any longer.

Then, the soldiers were ordered to disperse.

Prepare to attack all around.

As for the Jinyang Sect Master, he looked at the Han soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

The look of horror in his eyes could not be concealed.

The big man's fighting power exceeded his expectations.

At the same time, the army was already within the mountains and began to wander.

When they encounter monsters, they are surrounded and suppressed.

If you encounter a strong person, kill him.

For a time, the entire Jinyang City was covered.

They are all filled with the strong smell of blood.

And those ordinary people suffered even more.

There were heavy casualties.

Some people were even bitten to death directly.

At this moment, those foreigners also rushed to Jinyang City.

They knew that the Han army was not far from here.

Now, we must occupy the city first.

This time, they weren't going to give up.

Because only in this way can we win.

Otherwise, their lives may be lost in this wilderness.

And just when the Han army began to ravage Jinyang City.

Elder Gongye finally reacted at this time.

"This Han Emperor actually wants to destroy our Jinyang Sect. He is simply seeking death!"

He roared angrily, with a ferocious look in his eyes.

And at the same time, it flew directly towards the top of the city.


With one palm shot, a blazing sun condensed out.

The hot temperature spread instantly.

"Bang bang!"

The soldiers below made violent collision sounds after coming into contact with the scorching temperature.

Then, the entire body turned into ashes.

And right now.

A figure appeared in the field.

It was Liu Zheng.

He held a head in his hand and said coldly.

"Elder Gongye, you are too cowardly to hide in the dark and attack!"

There was contempt in his voice.

But Elder Gongye had a ferocious face.

"Han Emperor, today is the day you fall, kill!"

Next to him were several deputy sect masters.

Now, after hearing the order, he went directly to kill Liu Zheng.

However, how could the Han soldiers be afraid at this time?

Xing Tian was the first to step out.


A cold voice sounded.

The entire figure jumped into the void in an instant.

Then, punch out.

Huge energy is gathering.

In the end, he collided hard with those deputy sect leaders.


As a roar sounded.

These deputy sect leaders of the Golden Crow Sect were actually exploded in an instant.

Blood flowed and dyed the ground red.

After seeing such a scene.

Elder Gongye's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Han's men actually hid such powerful masters.


However, at this moment, Liu Zheng on the side moved.

His body transformed into golden lightning.

The Immortal Killing Sword in his hand shines with endless sharp light.

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