This big man's generals are too strong.

He didn't even touch the top of the city wall, and he killed his own masters on the spot.

At this time, how could they dare to stay any longer.

He turned around and fled to the city.

But it was too late.

"Bang bang!"

One by one, the strong men were knocked out by Li Yuanba's fierce power.

The whole person was seriously injured at this time.

And the King of Jinshi was even more terrified after seeing his men being slaughtered.

He swore that if he survived, he would take revenge in the future.

Therefore, on the top of the city wall, regardless of the defenders begging for mercy.

He directly drove the monster beasts and charged out.


With a roar.

Several huge monster beasts appeared on the battlefield.

These are the monster beasts raised by King Jinshi, each of which is comparable to the fifth level of Hongmeng Daozu.

And he was riding on the back of a black tiger.

There was a hint of bloodthirstiness in his eyes.

He swept downwards.

On his palm, a strong wind gathered.

"Haha, this is the price you pay for provoking me. Han Emperor, just wait for me. I must destroy your Han Dynasty. Kill!"

At this time, King Jinshi was almost completely crazy.

In his impression, no one had ever been against him, but he was actually injured by the Han Emperor.

This was too much stimulation for him.

And just after his voice fell.

Those monsters were caught on the top of the city.

In an instant, a shrill scream sounded.

The people on the top of the city were trembling.

Feeling scared.

But King Jinshi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He knew in his heart that he would win today.

"Han Emperor, I will watch you die here.


The rampant voice came out.

Everyone around was shocked.

Who would have thought that King Jinshi would be so arrogant.

However, just after he finished speaking.

In the distance, there was a billowing cloud of dust.

It was Xiang Yu and others who had arrived.

"Han Emperor, we are here to help you!"

Looking at the suppressed and defeated Han soldiers on the top of the city wall.

Xiang Yu's eyes were about to burst.

He shouted and killed them.


The long sword slashed with a dazzling cold light.

It was too late for the King of Gold and Stone to dodge.

The whole head flew out directly.

Blood spurted out.

The people around couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Then, there was a look of joy in their eyes.

I didn't expect that the Han Emperor was so powerful.

For a while, the morale on the top of the city wall was greatly boosted.

The death of the King of Gold and Stone caused the defenders of the city to completely collapse.

Under the pursuit of Li Yuanba and Lu Bu and others.

Soon, the city wall returned to calm again.

Only corpses were left on the ground, proving the previous battle.

And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun approached Liu Zheng cautiously and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Jinshi King City has been destroyed.

However, it is said that there is still a deputy city lord in the city.

The other party is the only son of the city lord.

If he can be killed, a lot of merit points will be obtained.

Moreover, it can also be regarded as weakening the strength of King Jinshi!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded.

Then he said coldly.

"Pass on my order to mobilize the army to encircle and suppress the deputy city lord.

However, remember to be careful to guard against Jinshi City Lord.

This person is extremely cunning!"

After the voice fell, he retreated to the general's tent.

Today's Han Dynasty can be said to have well-trained soldiers and sufficient food.

However, this did not let Liu Zheng relax his vigilance.

Jinshi City is the place where the Jinshi clan rose.

There must be many secrets in it.

Moreover, there are mysterious formations in Jinshi King City.

Such an army.

Can not be underestimated.

At this time in the city.

In the city lord's mansion.

King Jinshi's face was extremely gloomy.

This time, he not only failed to complete the task.

Instead, he lost two brave generals.

This battle severely frustrated his confidence.

Especially when he thought of his brother's death.

He regretted it.

He shouldn't have provoked the Han emperor.

But now it's too late to say anything.

His men are all dead.

Now King Jinshi can only pin his hopes on his brother's son.

He hopes that the other party can stop the Han army.

However, his hope is doomed to fail.

Because the young man at this time is in a very embarrassing state.

Just after escaping from the battlefield.

He was chased all the way.

If it weren't for the life-saving rune on his body.

I'm afraid he would have died long ago.


He sat in the room panting.

With anger in his eyes, he shouted.

"Where is my father? Why don't you rescue me!"

After the voice fell, he seemed extremely anxious.

This was his last resort. Without his father's protection, he would have a hard time escaping.

However, just after he finished speaking.

A maid entered the room.

She spoke respectfully.

"Master, something bad has happened. The news that your father failed in attacking the Han Dynasty has been exposed.

Now in the Jinshi Dynasty, all the princes are looking for you! "

"Damn it!"

After hearing the sound, the young man's face showed an angry look.

Then, he opened his mouth and scolded.

"Do you know how we can leave now?

Otherwise, your life will be in danger! "

"This slave doesn't know!"

The maid said timidly.

Although her cultivation level is good, she has never seen any real danger while following the young master.

Now after hearing the sound, a look of fear appeared on his face.

Then, he said.

"Hmph, trash!"

After hearing the sound, the young man snorted and said.

"I see!"

Then, he was ready to walk out of the room.

And the moment he just stepped out.


Bursts of violent explosions sounded outside the city.

Then, an endless rain of arrows fell.

He had to take refuge in his room.

And the other side.

Liu Zheng's eyes revealed a cold light.

He said calmly.

"Inform Xiang Yu and ask him to lead the army and guard the city gate.

I'm going to deal with the deputy city lord! "

Liu Zheng said slowly.

Then, a punch came out.

Fierce energy filled the entire City Lord's Mansion.


The giant ax struck down horizontally, smashing the city gate directly into pieces.

Then, leading the army, they rushed towards the outside world.

When they reached the street.

The entire street was littered with broken limbs and broken arms.

The blood gave off a strong fishy smell.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Didn't even think about it.

Liu Zheng will appear here.

Not only ordinary people, but also the deputy city lord was stunned.

He did not expect that at this critical moment, Emperor Han would appear in front of him.

At this time, Liu Zheng said disdainfully.

“The King of Gold and Stone is dead.

Now I announce that the city will change its flag! "

After the voice fell.

The deputy city lord felt his head buzzing.

This Han Emperor was simply ferocious.

How dare you seize your own city.

But then, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

The Jinshi Royal City is much larger than the City Lord's Mansion.

Over the years, it has been controlled by the deputy city lord.

If it were anyone else.

He was still a little worried, but Liu Zheng said.

Then there is no problem.

After all, the other party dared to kill even his own father.

Moreover, the other party has never broken his promise.

Therefore, even if you open your mouth and shout.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The voice sounded with the slightest respect.

Liu Zheng saw this scene with a smile on his face.

Then he spoke.

"Well, from now on, Jinshi City will be under your management.

But I hope to build a larger city.

I don’t know if you are willing or not! "

"I obey the decree!"

After hearing the sound, the deputy city lord said respectfully.

Since the other party has given the opportunity.

Of course he wouldn't refuse.

At this time, Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Send an order to the entire army to follow me to level Jinshi City.

Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy! "

His voice sounded, causing everyone to be startled.

But no one refuted it.

If such a vast offensive cannot capture a single city.

It’s really unreasonable.

And at the same time.

Cao Zhengchun's voice came again.

"Your Majesty, the city guards from Jinshi King City have arrived. They said they can help us defeat the enemy!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng nodded.

Then, move forward.

Cao Zhengchun, on the other hand, followed closely behind him.

As for the Han soldiers, they were like tigers and leopards, charging into the battle.

Screams kept ringing throughout the city.

At this time, no one from the Jinshi Dynasty would have thought of this.

In a short period of time, the situation will change to such an extent.

Nowadays, their old nests are occupied by others.

However, along with the shock, there was also a strong sense of fear.

They don't know what they should do.

But at this time, Liu Zheng didn't care.

Leading the army.

Keep killing.

In one day, the entire Jinshi City was purged.

King Jinshi's city lord's palace was surrounded by Han soldiers.

And right now.

The deputy city lord stood on an attic.

Looking at the captured army in the distance, he spoke.

“The Emperor of Han was really too cruel, leaving no one behind.

However, now we have a great chance of winning, because we have the help of the city's elite! "

After the voice fell.

There was a look of madness flashing in his eyes.

“Haha, these elite soldiers are the elite in the city.

They were all trained by King Jinshi and were extremely loyal.

This time, as long as we can win, we will definitely be able to unify this place! "

King Jinshi said.

The other generals also agreed.

However, just after his voice fell.

In the distance, a group of cavalry flew over.

It was the vanguard army.

At the head was a general wearing armor.

The armor on his body emitted a dark light.

At this time, he looked at everyone and roared.

"You are so bold, you dare to betray the dynasty!"

The sound resounded throughout the void, and everyone was startled.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted angrily.

"Be presumptuous, I'll take refuge with the big man.

Now he has been canonized as a king.

Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy! "

Each of these generals is murderous.

And after hearing the sound.

The general frowned and said slowly.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Hmph, no matter who you are, we will kill you today to avenge the city lord!"

The deputy city lord said coldly.

Then, he waved his hand to signal his generals to take action.

In an instant, the battle began.

And the general, after seeing such a scene.

The cold look in his eyes flashed away.

Then he started to curse angrily.

"You deserve to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he went straight to greet him.

The two sides collided in an instant.


Someone died on the spot.

Just, right now.

There was indeed a sinister look in the deputy city lord's eyes.

A sharp blade appeared in his hand.

Go straight to the general and stab him.


The sharp tip of the knife slashed across the general's chest.

Blood spattered out, causing the general's pupils to shrink.

Then, the body fell to the ground.

Obviously, he can't survive.

Then, he looked around and shouted.

"Everyone, follow this city lord to raid the royal city!"

As soon as the voice sounded, a thick mist of blood filled the air.

And just after his words fell.

The generals of the Han Dynasty followed closely behind.

Jinshi City is only a small city.

But there are still millions of lions.

The moment the Han army arrived, a fight broke out.

Especially the deputy city lord was protected by thousands of experts.

Each one is at the ninth level of cultivation of the Divine Lord.

There is even a strong person who is a quasi-third level saint.


At this time, it was crushed all the way.

However, Liu Zheng didn't care.

Because, in his opinion, this Jinshi City will belong to the Han sooner or later.


Just after his words fell.

There was a thunderous sound in the sky.

Then, there was sight.

Endless Han armies are gathering here.

This situation made the deputy city lord shocked.

I don't understand why Liu Zheng has so many troops.

And right now.

A carriage slowly entered the field.

When he saw Liu Zheng, he shouted directly.

"Han Emperor, my lord wants to negotiate with you. Please withdraw your troops quickly.

Otherwise, I'm afraid your life will be in danger! "

This time, the person who appeared was none other than an old acquaintance of Liu Zheng.

It was Lu Bu.

Originally after receiving Liu Zheng's order.

There was a ferocious look on the corner of his mouth.

He just drove his mount and flew towards here.


As soon as he landed, he kicked him out.

Then, he stepped onto the city wall.

Look at the deputy city lord.

He said coldly.

"The Emperor of Han has an order to kill this man.

All the people in Jinshi City must be eradicated! "

After the words fell.

The army behind Lu Bu moved in an instant.

A blazing cold light bloomed.

Heads flew up one after another.

"You are seeking death!"

The deputy city lord roared angrily, trying to escape.

It's a pity that there is no way he can be faster than Lu Bu.


The spear penetrated directly through his heart, causing the other party to fall unwillingly in a pool of blood.

Then, he shouted: "My father is the King of Gold and Stone! You can't kill me!"

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