At this time, he had a look of fear on his face.

However, Liu Zheng ignored him at all, and the generals of the Han Dynasty had no intention of holding back.

And just after his words fell.

He was killed on the spot by random swords.

These people are the most top-notch beings in Jinshi City.

Being killed now would be a devastating blow to Jinshi City.

A general shouted outside the city gate.

"I surrender!"


Then, he knelt down on the ground.

When others saw this, they also followed suit.

After all, they felt that this big man was too strong and they had no room to resist.

After a while, everyone surrendered.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Clean up the battlefield and prepare to attack the City Lord's Mansion!"

The voice was full of killing intent.

After hearing the sound, the soldiers around did not dare to neglect.

Everyone performed their duties and quickly made preparations for the war.

Even the city gate was pushed aside.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, stood with his hands behind his back.

Waiting for the army in the city lord's palace to appear.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Now, he is absolutely sure to capture the city lord's mansion.

Because, during more than a year of conquests, the strength of the Han Dynasty could not be matched by a mere golden stone city.

Just after Liu Zheng finished speaking.

In the hall of the city lord's mansion.

An old man sat on the chair with a gloomy face.

There was endless anger in his eyes.

At this time, he gritted his teeth and said.

“Han Emperor, Han Emperor, I didn’t expect that you would dare to lead an army to attack our Jinshi City.

If anything happens to my son, I will cut you into pieces! "

There was a ferocious tone in his voice.

Then, he spoke.

"Notify the general, gather all personnel, and prepare for a decisive battle.

No matter what the cost, Emperor Han must be killed! "

After hearing the sound, the deputy city lord said respectfully.

"Yes, sir!"

At this time, he seemed very excited.

Because the generals of Jinshi City are all his uncles and brothers.

Just summon the opponent out.

No matter how many soldiers the Han Dynasty has.

Not enough to resist.

Just after the words fell.

The deputy city lord's figure disappeared from the spot.

Sweeping toward the distance.

And the other side of the city lord's palace.

In a palace, a middle-aged man's face showed a solemn look.

Sweat dripped down his forehead.

However, there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Father, do you think Emperor Han will find us? After all, we are well hidden.

If he knew that we were plotting to seize Jinshi City, he might be in danger! "

The man spoke carefully.

This person is the young master of Jinshi City.

He is only about twenty years old now.

But his talent is amazing and he is considered the best among his peers.

After hearing the sound, the city lord said calmly.

"It doesn't matter, the big man is really far away from here.

Even if someone recognized him, he wouldn't be able to arrive in time! "

The voice sounded somewhat arrogant.

But, at this moment.

Outside the gate, a rush of sound came out.

"Report to the city lord, it's not good, a big Han army is coming to kill you.

The city has been captured! "

As soon as the voice fell, the whole room fell silent.

The young master couldn't believe his ears.

However, not waiting for him to speak.

Waves of screams were heard.

Then, the big man was dragged out by the strong man who rushed into the room.


The shrill screams resounded in the room, making the city lord's face turn extremely pale.

Then, he said slowly.

"Notify the General!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

A steward said respectfully.

Then, he turned around and left the hall.

At this time, the entire city was filled with soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

And, what’s even weirder is.

Their bodies exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Such a scene made the city lord shrink his pupils.

The Han army is truly worthy of its reputation.

But, just when he was preparing to face the enemy.

A burly man fell from the sky.

The body is covered with scales.

There was a scarlet color in his eyes.

It was Lu Bu.

And after seeing each other.

The people in Jinshi King City had a look of horror in their eyes.

This Lu Bu's strength actually reached the fifth level of a saint.

How could they not panic.

However, immediately afterwards, he didn't care much.

The city lord shouted.

"All the generals will follow me to fight!"

After the voice fell, he took the lead and walked forward.

He is at the peak of the fifth level of saint cultivation.

Although I don’t know what level this big man’s general has reached.

However, he also understood that the other party was not something he could resist.

And after seeing such a scene.

Lu Bu snorted coldly and moved the halberd in his hand.

"call out!"

Like lightning.

In an instant, it hit the city lord's chest.


A deafening sound sounded.

The city lord was stunned.

Then, a strong smell of death filled the air.


It fell with a banging sound.

The city lord's body was reduced to debris.

And Lu Bu did not stop, and continued to wave his halberd, sweeping around.

In an instant, the entire Jinshi City was completely enveloped in the flames of war.

The people in the city even cried for their father and mother.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, stood on top of Long Chu.

Looking at the scene in front of him, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

At this time, he finally understood why the Lord of Jinshi City could be so arrogant and domineering.

This Jinshi City can dominate several states.

There must be something to rely on.

And at the moment his thoughts flew out.

But a general stepped forward and said respectfully.

“Your Majesty, these people from Jinshi City are extremely cunning.

The subordinates suspected that they had already escaped.

Now how to do? "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded but did not speak.

If this is the case, then the entire city can only be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Everyone obeys the order and is killed by me!"

After the order was given, everyone rushed into the city.

In a short period of time, the entire city was submerged in blood mist.

Within Jinshi City, shouts of killing were intertwined with screams.

The entire city has become a hell on earth.


At this moment, Liu Zheng popped out with one finger.

The blazing wind directly penetrated the city lord's head.

There was disbelief in the other party's eyes.

He never dreamed that the big man would be so strong.

He actually dared to act like this.

This made him a little unbelievable.

However, now he was not allowed to think too much.

His head exploded instantly.

Then, the whole person fell to the ground.

As for the ordinary generals and people in the city, they are even more miserable.

The death of the city lord left them no chance to resist.

In a short period of time, there were countless casualties.

And at this moment.

"hold head high!"

The phantom of the dragon elephant in the sky roared.

Then, he slapped it with one palm.


The huge palm fell.

The guards in the city didn't even have a chance to escape.

He was killed on the spot.

In the end, there was no living thing in the entire city, except for the city lord's palace.

Liu Zheng walked slowly towards the city lord's mansion.

After a while, they arrived at a side courtyard.

Then, he said slowly.

"The Emperor of the Han Dynasty is here, please come out quickly to greet him!"

His voice was so loud that it spread instantly.

And just after his words fell.

Two figures appeared in the house in the courtyard.

An old man with a skinny figure and sunken eyes.

But there was a strong killing intent surging through his body.

The other person's face was covered with stubble.

His eyes were red, and the muscles all over his body were knotted.

Astonishingly, it was Huang Shigong, the richest man in Jinshi Royal City.

At this moment, his eyes sparkled.

Said slowly.

"The Emperor of the Han Dynasty came to Jinshi City, I don't know what he is doing!"

There was a dignity in his voice.

"Haha, I heard that you arrested my generals.

I’m here to ask for it! "

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

But his face was extremely gloomy.

But there was a hint of disdain on the corner of Huang Shigong's mouth.

Said slowly.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, is there any general under your command who is worthy of my action?

Could it be that Lu Bu!

I advise you to leave quickly.

We can't afford to offend Lu Bu.

Otherwise, you will inevitably suffer disaster! "

There was a hint of indifference in Huang Shigong's voice.

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"Haha, you are stupid to think that I am here to cause trouble.

I came today to take your life! "

After saying that, he raised the halberd in his hand.

The mighty aura swept through the entire city at this moment.

After seeing such a scene, Huang Shigong's face turned cold and he said coldly.

"Han Emperor, do you really want to be an enemy of Huangshi City?

Don’t forget, you haven’t ascended the throne yet, so this big man may not be able to protect you! "


After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng shouted coldly.

Then, there was no more hesitation.


As the roar fell.

His body collided directly with Huang Shigong.

And after seeing such a scene.

Huang Shigong's face showed anger.

He didn't expect Liu Zheng to be so arrogant.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.


His body jumped up and punch marks were made at the same time.

The blazing wind almost tore the space apart.

This is one of the Huang family's unique skills, the Destruction Fist.

I saw that every time he took a breath, he could spit out a burst of destructive energy.

Enough to destroy anyone.

And just when his attack was about to get close to Liu Zheng.

The corners of the latter's mouth revealed a ferocious arc.

"System, I choose to upgrade!"

After the voice fell.

His side was instantly surrounded by bright light.

Then, a powerful aura emanated from his body.

This scene was sensed by Huang Shigong.

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng's strength would soar in an instant.

Then, he quickly retreated, not daring to neglect.

He knew that he was no match now.

However, at this time, how could Liu Zheng let him retreat so easily.

Just when his figure was retreating.

"hold head high!"

Liu Zheng swung the halberd in his hand and struck it down in the air.


The painted halberd slashed down hard.

That Huang Shigong was instantly blown away.

The whole person hit the wall hard.

He looked extremely embarrassed.

And then, Liu Zheng said coldly.

"No one can save you today!"

Just after his words fell.

Cao Zhengchun, who was beside him, had already led the imperial army to surround him.

Looking at Huang Shigong and the other masters of the City Lord's Mansion, he said.


The sound sounded, and countless soldiers rushed towards the crowd.

Suddenly, shouts of death rang out.

The entire Heavenly Palace seemed to be extremely lively.

And right now.

Liu Zheng arrived outside the secret room of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at Lu Bu sitting cross-legged inside, he said slowly.

"General Lu, come out of the gate, a guest is coming!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

There was a hint of playfulness in the voice.

And just after his words fell.

The door to the secret room is opened.

Lu Bu walked out.

When he saw Liu Zheng, he said respectfully.

"I will see your Majesty at last!"

"Flat body!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng said slowly.

Then, he asked.

"General Lu, I want to know where you were captured.

I will go and ask for it myself! "

"Your Majesty, that's it.

When we enter the city lord's mansion.

The city guards in Jinshi King City surrounded us.

If it weren't for the treasure armor you left me, I would have been defeated long ago.

Now, we are still outside the city! "

Lu Bu said cautiously.

After all, this Jinshi City is too terrifying.

If we provoke the Yellowstone City, it will be difficult to get out of trouble.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"Let's go, I will accompany you to ask for someone!"

Then, he led the army out of the city lord's mansion.

At this time, Lu Bu followed nervously.

At this time, he was not only afraid, but also worried that Liu Zheng would be in danger.

At this time in Huangshi City.

But Huang Shigong had already stood up from the ground.

Although he was injured, he was not afraid at this time.

If Liu Zheng dares to come, it means that the other party is confident.

However, he knew in his heart that he had to deal with Lu Bu before the other party arrived.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then, take one step forward.

His body turned into a meteor and flew directly through the sky.

Arms stretched out.

Catch Lu Bu.

"Hmph, if you want to kill my beloved general, take my halberd first!"

Liu Zheng snorted coldly, and then drew his halberd to cut through the sky.

He went straight to the chest of Huang Shigong and hit him.

The two met in the air.

Huang Shigong's face showed excitement.


The two sides collided, and Huang Shigong actually had the upper hand.

However, it still did not stop Lu Bu from charging.

Instead, he was running away into the distance.

"Humph, why are you running? Come back here!"

Liu Zheng's voice came out.

The painted halberd in his hand waved away.

In an instant, infinite light filled the air.

The entire city was illuminated with splendor.

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