
Then, a burst of blood mist splashed.

Huang Shigong, who was about to escape, was blown away.

The armor on his body shattered into pieces.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, he was completely panicked.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even have the strength to resist Liu Zheng.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life. I am willing to surrender and submit to the great man. Please spare my life!"

His voice was full of panic.

However, just after his words fell.

There was a smile on Liu Zheng's lips.

Said slowly.


Then, the painted halberd in his hand shook.

Huang Shigong's body fell to the ground instantly.

As for the other strong men in the City Lord's Mansion.

Watching Huang Shigong die tragically.

He didn't dare to step forward at all.

There was fear in their eyes.

At this moment, the army outside the city had indeed arrived.

Looking at Liu Zheng, he bowed to the ground with a respectful expression.

He spoke respectfully.

"Meet the Han Emperor!"

The voice sounded, showing strong admiration.

"Get up!"

Liu Zheng said.

Then, he commanded the army and pressed directly towards the city lord's palace.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes at this moment.

“Your Majesty, these city lords are very loyal, if we kill them.

It will definitely cause a huge shock! "

At this time, Lu Bu reminded carefully.

"Haha, don't worry, this Huang Shigong deserves death. Since he wants to kill you, then be prepared to be killed. This time, I will let them know the consequences of offending me!"

At this time, Liu Zheng had endless domineering look in his eyes.

And just after his words fell.

The generals of the Han Dynasty did not dare to say anything.

He just followed Liu Zheng.

And at the same time.

The ancestor of Huangshi City ushered in a team at this time.

"Are you the reinforcement sent by the Han Emperor?"

After seeing the person coming, the Lord of Huangshi City frowned and said.

"Yes, my master sent me to rescue General Lu. It can be said that my life is given by him. If he is in danger, even if you ask me, I will not agree!"

The voice sounded with determination.

Astonishingly, they were the troops arranged by Lu Bu.

At this time, the Lord of Huangshi City had a look of joy on his face.

Because, with the help of these people, he can definitely take down Lu Bu.

At that time, you can threaten Liu Zheng.

And at this moment.


Arrows rained out from the city again.

However, those big Han generals did not avoid it at all.

"court death!"

A general roared.

Then, he met him with a punch.

The blazing fist tore the void apart.


As the muffled sound fell.

The arrow rain exploded directly.

And after seeing such a scene.

The Yellowstone City Lord's eyes showed surprise.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng's generals were so ferocious.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Kill, follow me and kill the enemy!"

The voice sounded.

The elders of the surrounding city lord's mansion also followed behind.

Vast energy loomed in the air.


The two sides clashed, causing the void to tremble.

And the elders of the City Lord's Mansion fell on the field in an instant.

There was horror in their eyes.

But Lu Bu's army was like tigers descending from the mountain.

Shooting out in all directions.

Every strike is packed with vast energy.

In a short period of time, those elders died.

Seeing such a scene, Huangshi City Lord's eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of despair.

"Han Emperor, you have won, I surrender!"

At this time, he finally gave in.

No matter what, it's all just to survive.

As long as Liu Zheng lets him go.

He was willing to be the Han Emperor's lackey.

However, just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded at this moment.

"It's too late, no one can survive today!"

After the words fell, the painted halberd drew a bright light.

Fall directly towards the opponent.


The Lord of Huangshi City was sent flying by a halberd.

Vomiting blood.

But, most importantly, he felt that his Dantian was destroyed.

All his cultivation was actually ruined.

Then, there was a wail.

Liu Zheng was not moved at all.

He said coldly.

"Drag it down and chop it down. Remember, don't leave any traces!"

"As you command!"

Cao Xing said.

Then, the city lord was escorted out of the city.

And at the same time.

the other side.

After Lu Bu killed the lord of Huangshi City.

But he also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, his fighting power is too strong.

If this were not the case, it would really be difficult to suppress everyone.

And right now.

In the camp, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Report, Your Majesty, the Dragon King of the East China Sea has led a million navy troops to attack Huangshi City. Now the guards on the city have been cleared.

Your Majesty, please enter Yellowstone City! "

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng nodded.

Then, he, Zhuge Liang and others walked towards the city gate.

As soon as I arrived, I saw a strong man.

Behind him were hundreds of ships.

At this time, it was the Dragon King of the East China Sea who led the fleet and arrived here.

"I have met His Majesty!"

After seeing Liu Zheng, Ao Bing spoke respectfully.

Then, he opened his mouth and said.

"Your Majesty, I finally fulfilled my mission and killed all the lords of Yellowstone City, leaving only the lord's wife and son.

Please forgive me, Your Majesty! "

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

His eyes sparkled at this moment.

Then, he gave the order.

"Send the order, massacre the city!"

After the words fell, the army behind them began to take action.

Various shouts of killing were heard.

The entire world was almost filled with blood mist.

In Yellowstone City, screams, neighing, and even crying could be heard.

This is a city of murder.

And on the other side.

The Yellowstone City Lord’s eyes were about to burst.

At this moment, he wanted to rush out of the city.

However, he was stopped by the deputy general beside him.

He spoke to comfort him.

"The city lord does not need to worry. Although the Han army is powerful, it will not be able to break the city.

Just wait for reinforcements.

I believe they will be here soon! "

After this person's voice fell, Huangshi City Lord slowly stabilized.

But, just after he sat down.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air came out.

Immediately afterwards, his head was abandoned high.

A headless body fell to the ground.

At this moment, the city lord of Yellowstone City fell.

After seeing such a scene, the deputy general in the city lord's palace.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

He wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Then, the head was chopped off and flew out.

Blood was sputtering.

But this scene also attracted the attention of the Han soldiers.

There was excitement in their eyes.

"Han Emperor, I am the elder of Xuanyin Sect.

If you dare to kill me.

The entire Xuanyin Sect will definitely not forgive you! "

The voice sounded, and it sounded extremely anxious.

After hearing the sound, the woman in white standing on the left side of Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Hmph, what can the mere Xuanyin Sect do.

If Your Majesty is afraid, leave you to me! "

As he spoke, he waved his hands.

A burst of black mist flashed.


The elder of the Xuanyin Sect let out a miserable scream.

Finally reduced to ashes.

And just after his figure disappeared from the place.

Cao Xing's respectful voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, the Xuanyin Sect is hundreds of millions of miles away from here.

How did they get here! "

The voice was full of doubts.

"Haha, you don't need to ask.

From today on, we will occupy Yellowstone City! "

After hearing the sound, Cao Xing did not dare to neglect.

"As you command!"

After the voice fell, he retreated.

After a while, the Han army gathered at this moment.

Moreover, he also led all the supplies in Yellowstone City.

Running towards the distance.

Wherever he passed, he left stumps of limbs and broken arms all over the ground.

And just when the Han army had just retreated.

Above the East China Sea at this time.

On a huge building ship, the Dragon King of the East China Sea stood proudly on the deck.

Beside him were several elders.

In fact, if a Xuanyin Sect disciple goes there alone.

Even with the help of the Lord of Yellowstone City, it is very difficult to destroy Yellowstone City.

After all, the other party is not stupid either.

But now, with the addition of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, it's completely different.

“Haha, the people from Yellowstone City are quite courageous.

How dare you resist my rule in the East China Sea.

This time, I will let him die without a place to die! "

The Dragon King of the East China Sea said with a smile.

And on the other side.

Liu Zheng's army has already arrived at the gates of Huangshi City.

Looking at the densely packed crossbowmen on the city wall.

A ferocious look appeared on Cao Xing's face.

He said coldly.

"Open the city gate to me. Those who surrender will not be killed!"

After hearing the sound, the soldiers responsible for guarding the city walls showed hesitation in their eyes.

Because, at this time, they knew that once Kaicheng surrendered, they would definitely die.

However, if you continue to resist, even if you win by chance, you will definitely die.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, I would rather die to ensure the safety of the city.

Please take back your life! "

A general on the city wall shouted loudly.

There was sadness and anger in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Cao Xing's eyes did freeze.

The steel knife in his hand was raised.

He shouted coldly.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

As he spoke, he prepared to attack.

And the soldiers on the city wall.

After seeing such a scene.

But without any hesitation, he directly pulled the trigger.

In an instant, the crossbow arrows roared out.

All this is done in an instant.

However, just when the crossbow arrow was about to approach Cao Xing.


As a roar sounded.

The giant elephant behind the opponent hit the city wall in an instant.

The whole city was shaking violently at this time.


The city gate was directly shattered.

Then, Cao Xing roared.


As the voice sounded.

The cavalry behind him surged onto the city wall like a tide.

They were extremely ferocious.

They killed all the way, and the soldiers they met had no chance to react at all.

In a short period of time.

They were completely killed.

This scene was too terrifying.

The guards on the city wall were desperate at this time.

They wanted to resist, but the gap between the two sides was too big.

They were simply vulnerable.


And at this moment.

Tiangong's figure also appeared on the top of the city.

At this time, a strong cold light appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, the momentum on his body rose instantly.

The guards around felt suffocated.

Then, the cold voice sounded again.


The voice was filled with a chill.

Everyone at this moment was filled with fear.

But just when they were about to beg for mercy.

The Dragon King of the East Sea came out.

Looking at Liu Zheng in the sky, he showed resentment in his eyes.

Then, he roared.

"Han Emperor, you dare to bully my nephew.

Today, I will let you know how powerful the East Sea is!"

After the voice fell.

The figure flew up.

The palm of his hand slapped towards Liu Zheng.

The vast magic power swept the world.

This time, the Dragon King of the East Sea was not going to hide his strength.

He was going to suppress Liu Zheng with one blow.


At this time, Liu Zheng also moved.

He roared.

He was shining with golden light.

Then, he punched him.

He was so fast that in the blink of an eye, the fists of the two collided.


A deafening roar sounded.


The body of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was smashed into the ground.

At the same time, Liu Zheng did not stop.

He kicked hard downwards.

This time, he was ready to completely destroy the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

However, just when his figure just jumped up.


The iron-winged eagle behind him instantly stretched out its claws to grab him.

The sharp wings seemed to be able to cut the sky.

Liu Zheng's eyes flashed.

He pointed his fingers.

"Ka La!"

A crisp sound came out.

His fingers collided with the claws.

There was a clanging sound.

"What a strong body!"

Looking at Liu Zheng at this time, the people of the East China Sea Dragon Clan around him showed surprise in their eyes.

Then, they flew towards the bottom of the city wall.

They were ready to rescue the Dragon King of the East China Sea.


However, at this moment, Liu Zheng snorted coldly.

Then, the Heavenly Palace suddenly became larger.

It directly wrapped the entire East China Sea Dragon Island in it.

No matter how the people of the East China Sea Dragon Clan struggled.

But the weight of the Heavenly Palace was too heavy.


With a roar, it fell.

The Heavenly Palace fell on the ground.

At this time, the East China Sea Dragon Island, under the coverage of the Heavenly Palace, was like being trapped in a quagmire.

It was difficult for anyone to escape.

Especially the East China Sea Dragon King, who could hardly move at this time.

There was even a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time.

Cao Xing had also arrived.

He stared at the East China Sea Dragon King, and a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Today, I will sacrifice you!"

The voice sounded, and an axe chopped down.

The hot energy rippled in the sky.

The pupils of the East China Sea Dragon King shrank.

He shouted immediately.

"Father, save me!"

There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

He was obviously afraid that Cao Xing would kill him.

And just after he finished speaking.

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