The Dragon King of the East China Sea stood there with a cold look in his eyes, and he said slowly:

"My son, Emperor Han, do you really think that I, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, am afraid of you?"

As he spoke, an extra halberd appeared in his hand.

"call out!"

A sharp sound broke through the air.

Then, a spear light flew out.

He actually chose to challenge Cao Xing.

This is something no one expected.

However, after seeing the other party's actions, he couldn't help but shake his head.


The two finally collided together.

Vast energy spread at this time.


Next, the location of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The ground is caving in.

And his body was smashed into the deep pit.

This scene was something that no one had expected.


At the same time, a burst of exclamation sounded.

I saw a woman running from a distance.

When she got closer, she discovered that the man who fell into the pit was not her father, but a strange young man.

Her expression instantly became extremely gloomy.

Then, he shouted fiercely.

"You are so brave. If you dare to hurt my father, I will kill you!"

The woman is surprisingly Ao Yujing, the fourth princess of the Dragon Clan.

After hearing the voice, Cao Xing's face showed the slightest disdain.

"Humph, it's just a little loach. I still need to be afraid of him. If it weren't for the sake of Your Majesty and Your Majesty, do you think you can survive today?"

Cao Xing said coldly.

Although he used all his strength in the attack just now, he also spared a lot of effort.

Otherwise, the other party simply cannot hold on.

Now, it's just an injury, it doesn't count at all.

And just after his words fell.


Then, in the sky, a giant claw grabbed Cao Xing.

The speed is extremely fast.

Showing the mighty strength of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Feel the breath coming from behind you.

A dignified look flashed in Cao Xing's eyes.

Then, there was a roar, and the weapon in his hand was slashed straight out.

In an instant, the blazing sword light bloomed in an instant.

It made the entire void seem to be torn apart.


As a banging sound fell.

The two sides collided.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the East China Sea Dragon King flew backwards.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

At this time, his eyes were dim.

He didn't expect that he would be defeated by a mere Jindan martial arts cultivator.

As for Cao Xing, he did not stop attacking.

He drew out the sword from behind with his backhand.

Cold light flickered.

He took another step forward.

Kill towards Ao Yujing.

At this moment, the other party's pupils were shrinking.

Because Cao Xing's attack was too terrifying.

Infinite fear emerged from the bottom of her heart.

She felt that as long as she resisted a few attacks, she would definitely die in Cao Xing's hands.

"hold head high!"

However, at this moment, she couldn't retreat.

Just when her figure just retreated.

Cao Xing stabbed out with one sword.

The sharp sword light pierced the sky.

With unparalleled power.

Ao Yujing's pretty face turned extremely pale in an instant.


The long sword pierced Ao Yujing's shoulder.

Severe pain echoed in her mind.

However, he still said stubbornly.

"You are not a human, you are a devil, a devil!"

The voice is hoarse, even crying.

"Haha, devil? Devil!"

"Do you know the devil world?

You know why we humans are enslaved on the Fairy Continent.

Don't these things have nothing to do with us! "


Cao Xing's voice just fell.

Ao Yujing just collapsed on the ground.

At this time, she understood that she had offended the wrong person. The young man in front of her was not an ordinary human being, but a more ferocious existence.

However, at the last moment, she raised her head and said.

"I'm willing to work as a cow or a horse for you, I just ask you to spare me!"

At this time, Ao Yujing didn't look arrogant at all.

"Being a cow or a horse is no good. I like to do it myself. It is the most basic belief of us humans to eradicate the weeds!"

Cao Xing said with a smile.

However, just after his words fell.

The leader of the Dragon Palace guards on the side came out.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, this matter is due to our Dragon Palace's negligence, please forgive me.

Please leave these four princesses to me! "

After hearing the sound, Cao Xing nodded.

"Since it is an internal matter within your Dragon Palace, I will not participate.

But this Ao Guang wants to be captured by me, and no one is allowed to stop him! "

After the voice fell, he left towards the distance.

At this time, he had completed what Liu Zheng had asked him to do, so naturally he had no reason to stay.

And at the same time.


On the other side, Ao Guang opened his eyes in an instant.

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because, Liu Zheng's order had just arrived.

Let him lead an army of millions to the East China Sea.

He must win this battle.

Otherwise, you will definitely lose face and even your life.

Therefore, there is no way you dare to neglect.

Just after they appeared, they began to mobilize the army.

"Drive the flying boat and follow me!"

With a burst of loud shouting, dozens of warships sailed out of the East China Sea.

Ao Guang's eyes showed a look of madness.

In this battle, only victory is allowed and failure is never allowed.

At this time, he was like a demon god.


And it wasn't long before he set off.

There was a roar, and a huge water ape rushed towards him.

The whole body exudes a strong evil spirit.

It turned out to be a monster in the form of a beast.

"court death!"

Watching the water ape fly by.

A coldness flashed in Ao Guang's eyes.


As a roar sounded.

This punch landed directly on the opponent's body.

In an instant, the aquatic ape's chest was shattered.

There was an incredible look in his eyes, but he never had a chance to speak again.

And at this moment.

On the other side, Ao Run also encountered trouble.

The people from the East China Sea Dragon Palace have already gathered here to wait.

Not only did they show no intention of repenting, they were even preparing to attack the Dragon Palace together with the Dragon King.

After all, Ao Run is the only son of the Dragon Emperor, and the other party died.

The entire East China Sea was in complete chaos.

In particular, among the generals sent to the Dragon Palace this time, there was also the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

“What do you want to do, how dare you besiege the Dragon Palace.

It’s really a life-threatening situation! "

After seeing such a scene, the guardian of the Dragon Palace showed anger in his eyes and cursed.

"Hmph, old guy, stop talking nonsense and hand over Ao Run's body.

Otherwise, I will destroy you all! "

The Dragon King of the East China Sea stood in the air and said coldly.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

"Haha, this is simply wishful thinking. I, the Dragon Palace, must avenge Ao Run.

Just wait, you beasts, you will pay the price one day! "

the guardian shouted.

However, what greeted him was indeed the cold snort of the Dragon King.


Then, he shot out with a palm.

In an instant, the guardian was knocked away.

At this time, the other party was covered in blood.

With a malicious light in his eyes, he looked at the Dragon King in the sky and wished he could eat his flesh and drink his blood.

However, he understood that he simply did not have this ability.

Dang even opened his mouth and shouted.

"Remember this!"


After the sound fell, he fell to the ground.

And right now.

Ao Run walked out of the palace.


He shouted respectfully.

However, Ao Run looked extremely embarrassed at this time.

The whole person's eyes turned scarlet.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes.

No one believes it.

The once magnificent second prince of the Dragon Palace would have fallen into such a state of decline.

"Nie Zhan, all this is because my father didn't take good care of you.

Let you be framed by an adulterer.

Before your mother-in-law passed away, she asked your father to take good care of you.

How could you become like this! "

There was a trace of sadness in Ao Bing's voice.

But Ao Run said slowly.

"I can't think of it either.

Those people can be so mean.

Even I dare to assassinate you! "

The voice was full of irritation and anger.

"Haha, you are responsible for all this. If you hadn't snatched the treasure, how could you be hunted down?

Don't worry, kid.

My father has contacted your three brothers and will send them on their way tonight.

When the time comes, our family will be reunited! "

After hearing the sound, Ao Bing breathed a sigh of relief.

This brother of my own.

Although his temper is a bit old-fashioned.

But he loves and protects his brothers very much.

As long as he takes action.

Presumably, all this is no problem.

And at the same time.

On the east coast, Liu Zheng also appeared with an army.

A brilliant light bloomed in his eyes.

The body exuded vast coercion.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Looking at Liu Zheng, the Dragon King of the Four Seas spoke respectfully.

There was a look of awe in his eyes.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, waved his hands to indicate that he was lying flat.

Immediately afterwards, he said lightly.

"Where's Ao Run? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Your Majesty, Ao Run's injury is very serious. I'm afraid it will take some time to recover!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng shook his head slightly and walked directly towards the depths of the island without saying anything.

After a while, they arrived at the Dragon Palace.

"See Your Majesty!"

After seeing Liu Zheng's arrival, Ao Run's eyes showed a hint of excitement and he spoke.

However, Liu Zheng showed no expression at this time.

Looking at Ao Run, he said slowly.

“This time you suffered.

I promised your parents.

I promise to rescue you safely, and I will definitely do it! "

There was solemnity in his voice.

It made Ao Run's eyes wet and tears almost flowed out.

After being captured.

I don’t know what I went through.

He suffered even more humiliation.

However, the only motivation that kept him alive was the hope that Liu Zheng could fulfill his promise.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The voice sounded, but it was choked.

After these years of training, he has matured a lot.

"You guys go away first!"

Liu Zheng waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

And just after they left.

Ao Run spoke.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? The dragons have already broken through the West Sea, and I'm afraid they will soon invade the South Sea.

If our Dragon Palace is destroyed by then, even if we are alive, we will not be able to escape!"

Ao Run's face was extremely ugly at this time.

"I don't care about these. Tonight, I will help you ascend the throne as the Dragon Emperor.

At that time, I will make the Dragon Palace the overlord of the prehistoric world!"

As soon as Ao Run's voice fell.

Liu Zheng spoke again.

But Ao Run was shocked at this time.

Then, he asked cautiously.

"Your Majesty, this matter cannot be reckless.

There are too many masters in the Dragon Palace, and you may not be able to defeat them alone!"

"It doesn't matter, I know my limits!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

And after hearing the voice.

Ao Run no longer hesitated, and his eyes flashed with a blazing light.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, then I'll rely on your Majesty.

My Ao Run's life is in your Majesty's hands."

"Don't worry.

Since you call me uncle, you won't break your promise!"

As soon as Ao Run finished speaking.

Liu Zheng's mouth showed a smile.

Then, he spoke to the Four Seas Dragon King.

"You can leave.

Let's reminisce about the past.

No one should come near without your order!"

After hearing the order.

The Four Seas Dragon Kings didn't dare to neglect it and quickly left the room.

At this time, Ao Run's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

But Liu Zheng had already taken out a pill and handed it to the other party.

"Take this pill, it can help you stabilize your injuries!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

Each pill he refined is extremely precious.

This one contains a powerful life force.

It can heal injuries.

After hearing the voice, Ao Run did not hesitate at all and swallowed it.

The pill entered his stomach.

A huge energy was radiating.

A golden glow appeared on his body.

Then, he entered the state of cultivation.

At this time, he felt that his injuries were healing rapidly.

This made him extremely excited.

After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, a sound of footsteps was heard.

Then, the Dragon King of the East China Sea came in.

At this time, his face was full of anxiety.

After seeing Liu Zheng, he immediately said.

"Han Emperor, the Dragon God is dead, and my two brothers are still blocking the outside, I am afraid they can't hold on.

Come with me and rescue them!"

There was anxiety in his voice.


And just after his voice fell.

There were roars in the distance.

Then, several dragons soared into the sky.

It turned out to be the commander-in-chief of the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

He was majestic.

After seeing Liu Zheng, he knelt on the ground.

He spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you!"

"No need to be polite. I came here today to help Ao Run ascend the throne.

Follow me to fight.

These shrimp soldiers and crab generals, leave them to Ao Bing and Ao Bing!"

The voice sounded.

Although those soldiers were not weak.

However, compared with the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, they were indeed much worse.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The commander-in-chief said respectfully.

At this time, he had already understood Liu Zheng's intention.

He immediately stood aside.

But Ao Bing did not doubt it and walked directly to the outside world.

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