Ao Run's figure was agile.

He really looked heroic and extraordinary.

And just when he stepped out of Longmen Inn.

He was surrounded by thick fog.

The army that was originally preparing to attack stopped in an instant.

Ao Bing's eyes were red.

At this moment, he was furious.

His mother died in front of him.

His father was captured and he was imprisoned here.

All this was because of this group of traitors.


Then, there was an angry roar.

A palm was slapped.

The whole body was full of rich flames.

The blazing energy spread around.

The eyes of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals around were all horrified.


Some people were even knocked away.

They couldn't understand why these cowardly young masters who were usually cowardly.

would suddenly burst out with such powerful fighting power.

Moreover, these flames seemed to contain special laws.

It was difficult for people to resist at all.

"Bang bang!"

At this moment, Ao Bing on the other side also showed his power.

With a flick of his fingers, the soldiers of the Dragon Palace were shot and killed one by one in the field.

They were quite strong.

It was a pity that they met Ao Bing, whose fighting power soared after taking the elixir.

In a short period of time, he killed dozens of soldiers.


The screams were endless.

"The eldest son is mighty!"

A general of the Dragon Palace shouted excitedly.

If they win this battle.

It will definitely make them proud.

And the others also echoed.

But just when they thought that victory was just around the corner.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky.

And then, they saw endless monsters appearing in the city.

They were very powerful, with tens of millions of people.

It was the demon from the West.

"Hehe, is the East China Sea finally going to submit to us?


The troll in the lead was extremely rampant.

"Hmph, a mere demon, you want to get involved in my East China Sea Dragon Palace.

I will kill you all today!"

The Four Seas Dragon King said coldly.

Then, he rushed towards the giant demon.

Ao Bing followed behind him, waiting for an opportunity to move.

But Liu Zheng did not move at this time.

He knew that it was not the time to take action.

After all, Ao Run had just ascended the throne, and it would be inappropriate for him to take action.

If it aroused public anger.

I am afraid he would suffer a great loss.

However, Ao Bing could not wait any longer.

He shouted immediately.

"Brother, you take the brothers away first, I will stay behind to cover you!"

The voice sounded.

He rushed towards the giant demon.


As the two sides collided.

A deafening roar sounded.

Ao Bing's figure flew backwards.

But the giant demon did not get any benefit.

A punch smashed his shoulder.

Blood flowed out.

It looked extremely ferocious.

After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance.

At this time, Ao Run was furious.

"Father, you go to protect my mother, and I will delay time!"

As he said this, he rushed to the top of the city.

At this time, he was covered in blood and was obviously seriously injured.

However, he was not afraid, and swung the spear in his hand.

He knocked the enemies away one by one.


When he just landed.

He roared.


Then, he jumped up.


As his voice fell.

A lightning struck him.

In an instant.

Ao Run's body fell heavily on the ground again.

At this moment, the scales on his body shattered.

The whole person was in a mess.

And Ao Bing's eyes were red at this time.

"Father, I will accompany you!"

After the voice fell, he met those shrimp soldiers and crab generals here.


There was a flash of lightning on his body.

It was as if he had turned into a thunder god of war.

The long sword in his hand slashed.

One by one, the soldiers were torn into pieces.

Among these people, the lowest realm had reached the ninth level of Hongmeng Saint.

But at this time, there was no way.

Facing the surge of Ao Bing, they were too weak.

They were simply unmatched.


When the last shrimp soldier was killed by Ao Bing.

The other party stood on the top of the city and shouted loudly.

"Why don't you bow your heads!"

There was a cold meaning in his voice.

"My king, spare my life!"

After hearing the voice, a group of shrimp soldiers knelt on the ground and cried out.

Then, they surrendered to the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

At this time, Ao Bing was extremely excited.

He knew that his revenge was avenged today.

"Haha, so happy!"

At this time, he laughed loudly.

Then, he came to Ao Bing's side.

"Second brother, from today on, you are my second prince.

I hope you can revitalize my East Sea Dragon Clan!"

After hearing the voice, Ao Bing nodded.

However, just after his voice fell.


A golden knife came through the air.

It instantly pierced into his chest.

This scene made people feel terrified.

And Liu Zheng's face became even gloomier.

He said slowly.

"What's going on!"

After the voice fell, his eyes shifted to the woman next to Ao Bing.

The other party showed a bitter smile at the corner of her mouth, and then spoke.

"Han Emperor, don't ask me, it's her, she did it all!"

As he spoke, he pointed at his mother.

At this time, Ao Bing's mother was already stunned.

She never thought that her most beloved child would dare to betray her.

"You rebellious son.

I will kill you!"

The voice sounded, wanting to kill his son.

However, he was no match for Ao Bing.


A palm fell directly on his head.

In an instant, Ao Bing's mother completely lost her life.

This scene made the Four Seas Dragon King's eyes burst.

At this time, Ao Bing had recovered.

He looked at his father and said respectfully.

"Father, don't worry, I will always be the second prince of the East China Sea Dragon Clan and will never betray you!"

There was a hint of firmness in his voice.

After hearing the voice, the eyes of the Four Seas Dragon Kings could not help but show relief.

At the same time, he secretly sighed that his son was doing well.

Otherwise, he would not have inherited the Dragon Ball.

However, at this moment.

A cold voice sounded at this moment.

"You despicable reptiles, get out of here, or you will die!"

The voice was full of undisguised contempt and tyranny.

At this moment.

The Four Seas Dragon Kings also noticed the situation outside the city.


A golden dragon appeared under the city.

As its body swayed, it exuded a fierce smell.

And under his feet, countless soldiers followed.

It turned out that the reinforcements from the East China Sea Dragon Palace had arrived.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, we are late to save you!"

The Third Prince of the East China Sea said.

At this moment, although he was unwilling, he was helpless.

Under such circumstances, he had no choice.

"Haha, I know you are here, but you shouldn't wreak havoc in my East China Sea!"

After hearing the voice, the Dragon King of the East China Sea laughed and said.

However, at this moment.

Waves of screams kept ringing.

It turned out that Ao Bing's mother was also killed at this time.

Looking at the scene in the field, Ao Bing's eyes were filled with tears and he shouted in grief and anger.

"Father, you have to avenge your mother!"

Then, he twitched and fainted on the ground.

These days, he has experienced too many hardships, and his mind has become extremely fragile.

If it weren't for Ao Bing's mother, I'm afraid he would have died here long ago.

Now that the other party has fallen, his faith has completely collapsed.

And looking at all this in the field.

Ao Run was also stunned.

I don't know how to explain it.

At this moment.

Liu Zheng frowned.

He didn't expect that there were so many forces in the prehistoric world.

If so, he would have to conquer again soon.

Then, he shouted.

"All generals, gather, I'm going to the Southern Continent.

Eliminate the demons!"

After the voice fell, he rushed out of the city gate.

His speed was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As for the other generals, they didn't dare to neglect it and followed closely.

However, they didn't understand that the Dragon Court of the East China Sea had been occupied.

Why Liu Zheng wanted to leave again.

However, they also knew it in their hearts.

Now that it was the order of the Han Emperor, it naturally could not be refused.

Therefore, they followed closely behind the other party.

Liu Zheng was used to such things.

After all, he was powerful and his words were decisive wherever he went.

Moreover, he also needed to deter those demons.

If he didn't do this, I'm afraid those guys would not be afraid of him at all.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng's figure just stepped onto the warship.

The system voice came out.

"Ding, system prompts, the Demon Emperor Palace mission is open.

Please select the mission reward!

The first stage mission: kill all the high-level officials of the Demon Empire.

The time limit is one year.

The mission reward is 500 million merit points.

If the mission fails, 10 billion merit points will be deducted!"

After hearing the voice.

Liu Zheng's eyes burst out with brilliance.

Then, he spoke without hesitation.

"I want to complete it!"

After the voice fell, a strong murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Then, he walked away.

At this time, he understood in his heart.

If he dragged on, his men would surely die.

Not only him, but even Ao Bing would be in danger.

So, he couldn't delay any longer.

In this way, a huge fleet sailed away.

They were extremely powerful, and every ship was full of people.

And Liu Zheng sat on the deck.

His whole face looked very calm.

However, my heart became more and more anxious.

He worries about his subordinates.


At this moment, a roar came out.

A giant turtle blocked the way.


Then, punch out.

There was a bright black light all over him, just like the dark night.

The figure contains endless destructive power.

At this moment, Liu Zheng felt suffocated, as if the sky had fallen.

Not only that, there was also a smell of blood coming from all around.

He couldn't help but close his eyes.

However, the deafening sound of fighting was still heard in his ears.


At this time, Liu Zheng was unwilling to open his eyes.

He couldn't bear his brother to be hurt.

However, he knew very well that he could not back down.

If these alien races cannot be wiped out.

You will fall into a situation of no return.

Then, prepare to meet the enemy.

But, just at the moment when he picked up his spear.

The giant turtle has already arrived.

The huge minions can even tear apart space when swung.

It makes people tremble.


Then, there was a muffled sound, and Liu Zheng's body was knocked away.

Blood seeped from the corners of his mouth.

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He stood up slowly, this time he wanted to fight.

No matter how high the price is, you still have to fight.

“Your Majesty, be careful, this is a semi-saint eighth level master.

It is extremely powerful and must not be fought head-on. "

When Cao Zhengchun saw Liu Zheng was about to take action.

He quickly opened his mouth to stop him.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng said coldly.

"How dare you disobey my orders!"

There was a coldness in his voice.

This Cao Zhengchun is an old slave who has followed him all the way from the ancient times.

But at critical moments, he always blocked himself, which made him very annoyed.

Therefore, after the voice fell, he charged towards the giant turtle.

The sharp blade in his hand cut through the sky, carrying terrifying pressure.

However, just as he was approaching the giant turtle.

"Hmph, how dare a mere human being be so arrogant in front of me!"

Behind the giant turtle, a figure appeared.

This is a woman with a head and a tail.

The scales all over his body glowed with cold light, which was even more terrifying.


She struck out with a palm, and the fiery palm wind roared out.

Wherever it passed, the heaven and earth seemed to be shattered.

Liu Zheng's eyes showed surprise, but his reaction was not slow at all.


The sharp sword in his hand swept out directly.

The bright sharp energy blooms in the void.

The two are intertwined.

Such a scene made Cao Zhengchun and the fourth prince look horrified in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, within a short period of time.

Liu Zheng's cultivation has reached this level.

You know, Liu Zheng had just broken through to the sixth level of the Divine Lord.

Now, it's just a breakthrough.

However, he actually already has the combat power to rival the Half-Step Ancestral Immortal.

It's simply shocking.

Even beings of the same level may not necessarily be his opponents.

However, the two of them didn't know it at this time.

Liu Zheng is now comparable to a first-level half-step ancestor immortal.

If they knew it, they would be even more surprised.

But the battle on the other side became more and more intense.

The giant turtle kept moving and jumping during the battle.

His palm seemed to turn into Optimus Prime.

Every wave will set off an endless wave.

It's extremely frightening.

Especially on top of the giant turtle's head.

There is even a figure standing there.

It was the woman with the head of a human and the tail of a snake.

At this moment, her eyes exuded a cold murderous aura.

Looking at Liu Zheng, a ferocious smile appeared in his eyes.

Then, he spoke.

"You must be the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door.

Just enough for me to eat! "

After the voice fell, he rushed towards Liu Zheng.

At the same time, the giant turtle also grabbed Liu Zheng.

At this time, although he was a bit honest.

But the combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

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