"hold head high!"

A giant python appeared and headed straight for the other party.

But no matter what, the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake is too strong.

Just as the giant python approached, her body swung its tail.

Just smash it into pieces.

At the same time, Liu Zheng's body was also severely knocked to the ground.

At this time, he felt severe pain in his chest.

This giant turtle and the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake work together in perfect harmony.

It's simply hard to resist.


It fell with a banging sound.

Liu Zheng was stepped on by the giant turtle.

The whole person turned gray in an instant.

However, just when the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake was about to completely kill Liu Zheng.

On Liu Zheng's finger, a jade pendant shattered into pieces.

This was given to him by Long Que.

On that day, after Liu Zheng left the Tianyan Star Territory, he handed this thing to Long Que.

I hope the other party can find me.

At this time, the jade pendant shattered, letting him know the news about Longque.

"Haha, Princess Longque is finally here!"

Liu Zheng's eyes showed excitement.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Save me quickly, otherwise I will die!"

After his words fell.


Immediately afterwards, a loud phoenix cry was heard.

I saw a green luan soaring upward.

The wings are spread out and are hundreds of feet in size.

As the wings vibrated, blazing flames emitted.

This is the princess of the Qingluan clan, named Fenghuang.

It is the seventh-ranked existence on the True Spirit List.

At this time, control the flames and fall towards the battlefield.

Looking at the giant turtle, it roared angrily.

"hold head high!"

However, the giant turtle was not afraid.

A bead came out of his mouth.

It turned out to be thunder and lightning shining, as if it could penetrate the heaven and the earth.


The feathers of the phoenix burned in an instant.

Finally reduced to ashes.

She roared unwillingly.

However, all this was too late.


Liu Zheng and others all fell to the ground.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake had a disdainful smile on her face.

At this time, it is obvious that he thinks he has a chance to win.

"His Majesty!"

After seeing this scene.

Cao Zhengchun shouted anxiously.

However, just after his words fell.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake said coldly.

"No one can save the Han Emperor today.

Unless your princess comes in person! "


But at this moment, the giant turtle roared.

The huge body flew up again.

It wants to devour Liu Zheng.

After all, this is a treasure.

A treasure that can increase your own cultivation.

But, just when he was about to touch Liu Zheng.

A white light burst out at this moment.

Then, a scar appeared on the forehead of the giant turtle.

Scarlet blood flowed out.

"hold head high!"

A shrill scream sounded.

The giant turtle rolled on the ground in an instant.

At this time, Liu Zheng's face was extremely solemn.

Not only because the giant turtle was injured.

The most important thing is.

This woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake is obviously from the depths of Kyushu.

How could a big man resist such a presence?


Sure enough, at this moment, bursts of footsteps were heard.

Then, a team walked outside the palace.

The leader, a bearded man, was clearly Lu Bu.

When the other party entered, his eyes were locked on the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake.

There was a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he said slowly.

"It turns out you are a snake and scorpion lady. Why are you here? Are you here to help the evildoer?

Today, I advise you to retreat quickly.

Avoid making mistakes! "

There was a warning in the voice.

However, the snake lady at this time couldn't help but chuckle.

"Haha, you back then couldn't defeat me.

Just relying on you now, what can you do to me!

Now that you are here, come with your life! "

After her voice fell, the sharp claws in her hands waved in an instant.

He directly met Lu Bu.

Vast energy was emitted, almost shattering the entire sky.

At this time, Liu Zheng, after seeing such a scene.

But he couldn't think too much about it.

He ordered to Cao Zhengchun.

"Take me out of here quickly.

I don’t believe she would kill me! "

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

After Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, he didn't care.

He just hugged Liu Zheng and retreated towards the rear.

As for the other soldiers, they had already fled.

After all, the aftermath of the battle was too terrifying.

Their level is too low.

If you continue to stay, there is only a dead end.

But at this moment, the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake made a cold voice.

“Want to escape.

dream! "

Then, the giant turtle also roared.

The figure is like a dark cloud, extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, they were chasing after him.

Their speed was so fast that Cao Zhengchun was shocked.

At this time, let alone protecting Liu Zheng, it was too late to even resist.

Just when their figures were only a short distance away from Liu Zheng.


A roar came out, and then he saw the golden roc flying across the sky.

A roc eagle soars straight into the sky.

Extremely fast.

Wherever he passed, the monster beasts that followed him perished in an instant.

They are no match for this Peng Diao.

Had to retreat.


But just as the Peng Diao fell, Cao Zhengchun let go of Liu Zheng.

Blood spewed from his mouth.

His whole soul was trembling.

Obviously, he couldn't hold on for long under such a powerful attack.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

At this time, Cao Zhengchun said with difficulty.

"Don't worry, I'm fine.

Go quickly! "

There was a hint of exhaustion in Liu Zheng's voice.

However, he still gritted his teeth and said.

Then, Cao Zhengchun nodded and prepared to leave.

After all, Liu Zheng's safety is the most important.

Just, right now.

A voice came out.

"Jie Jie, how dare you ruin my good deeds.

Die to me all! "

There was a sinister flavor in the voice.

Cao Zhengchun couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He knew that he was probably going to die today.

But, it was just when he was desperate.


A huge momentum surged out.

But it made Cao Zhengchun extremely frightened.

Then, he saw a palm stretched out.

Shoot toward the front.

Wherever they passed, those ferocious monsters instantly shattered into pieces in the void.

Anyone who sees this scene will be extremely shocked.

And just after retracting that palm.

Liu Zheng looked up and saw the Han army standing on the city wall.

At this time, it actually appeared on top of the city.

These people are extremely physically strong.

He held all kinds of weapons in his hands.

Although his cultivation level is not very high, it is enough to deal with these monsters.

Then, I saw a majestic figure walking out of the crowd.

The scales all over his body were shining brightly.

There is a pair of dragon tails behind him, which are swinging constantly.

"Meet the Holy Emperor!"

When everyone knelt on the ground, he spoke respectfully.

But the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake was livid.

"Han Emperor, you designed this!"

At this point, she would be really stupid if she couldn't guess what happened.

Liu Zheng was clearly planning this.

Let her fight Nalu Bu, and then take the opportunity to leave.

"Humph, I already knew that you and the big man would definitely be at odds with each other, so I was prepared for it.

Today you must die.

Otherwise, you will become a serious problem for me in the future.

Do you understand! "

Liu Zheng said coldly.

Then, move your fingers.

"Kill her for me!"

When the order came out, the generals of the Han Dynasty rushed forward to kill them.

At this time, the battlefield was filled with a strong killing spirit.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake also did not expect it.

This Han Emperor was actually so ruthless and wanted to kill himself at the expense of a large number of soldiers.

However, it is too late to regret it now.

She felt a little dizzy in her mind.

At the same time, the man in python robe beside him also took action.

A sword slashed out.


The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake was directly blasted away.

In her mouth, she spat out a mouthful of blood again.

Then, a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

He shouted to Lu Bu.

"Lu Bu, I will send you on your way today!"

After the words fell, the figure disappeared from the place in an instant.

Then, he appeared behind Lu Bu.


He punched out directly, trying to kill Lu Bu on the spot.

"court death!"

Seeing that the other party actually dared to sneak attack on him.

Lu Bu's eyes showed a violent look.

Fang Tian waved his halberd in his hand.

In an instant, he bumped into the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake.


Such power is simply not something that an ordinary Immortal King can match.

The other party was penetrated instantly.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake was extremely angry.

Then, a faint mask of light appeared on his body.

Apparently, this is her secret skill.


Then, a roar was heard.

Lu Bu's body flew backwards.

At this time, there was a look of horror in his eyes.


But, at this moment.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake rushed towards him again.

Fierce energy is blooming.

This made Lu Bu look solemn in his eyes.

However, it is simply impossible to escape at this time.

Because the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake has blocked all his escape routes.

At this point, the only option is to give it a try.

"hold head high!"

A growl came from his mouth.

The war spear in his hand stabbed out in an instant.

Fierce edges rippled all around.

However, in the face of such an attack.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake did have a look of disdain on her face.


Then, she kicked Lu Bu on the chest.

This caused the other party to fly backwards instantly.


But at this moment, the woman was rude.

The jade hand reached out.

It was buckled directly on Lu Bu's shoulder.


Then, Lu Bu's bones were broken inch by inch.

There was a look of pain on his face.

But the woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake showed no mercy.

He grabbed Lu Bu directly and threw him into the city.


A dull voice sounded.

The other party fell to the ground.

At this time, the power of resistance has been completely lost.

But, just when he was about to land on the ground.

A sharp arrow shot into the center of his eyebrow.

It was a small and exquisite woman, holding a treasure bow in her hand.

It's a spiritual bead.


With a sneer sound falling.

The woman with the head of a human and the body of a snake slowly fell to the ground.

There was a look of reluctance in her eyes.

But there is no way to change his ending.

At this time, hundreds of strong men from the Han Dynasty had gathered around Liu Zheng.

Each one is extremely powerful.

"Your Majesty, the general will live up to his command!"

Lu Bu struggled to stand up and spoke.

At this time, the armor on his body was even damaged, revealing hideous scars.

But Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction and said.

“Well, very well done.

If that's the case, let's take everyone back to rest.

Wait for my call! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the voice, Lu Bu said respectfully.

Then, he retreated.

And not long after he left.

The city gates of Dahan are closed.

This place has become a death zone.

No one can enter or exit except Liu Zheng.

And on the other side, outside Honghuang City.

Lord Heiyun, however, led his generals and continuously launched fierce attacks on the city.

However, the defenders at this time were not afraid at all.

On top of the city, dense ballistae kept erupting destructive flames.

The great formation in the prehistoric city was also activated at this time.

"Haha, I think this big guy can't hold on any longer. As long as he works harder, he can break the city in no time!"

Lord Black Cloud said with a smile.

And just after his voice fell.


Above the city, a huge boulder flew out.

It actually enveloped all those men in black.

This kind of attack is too fast.

The men in black were almost not given a chance to react.

At the moment the boulder fell.


The leader of the Black Cloud Lord's guard didn't even have time to scream.

The whole person turned into blood mist in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded from above the city.

This is what a general of the Han Dynasty is shouting.

He is a tough guy.

When he just left the city to fight, he was targeted by the Black Cloud Lord.

The opponent is so powerful that it is simply difficult to match.

At this point, the only option is to avoid.

And just after he hid in the dark.

He was just waiting for an opportunity to break out, but who would have thought that he would be right where he had just avoided.

A flying ax whizzed out in an instant.

Then, his entire body was chopped into pieces.

This makes other people not surprised.

Not only that, the attacks on the top of the city have not stopped yet.

Various sharp weapons pierced the sky.

Falling towards the black cloud monarch.

"Damn it!"

The other party didn't expect that this big man also had a hidden master.

Now, all of his men have been slaughtered, if he also falls here.

Black Wind Stronghold is afraid that it will be destroyed.

Even if he cursed angrily.


Then, the body leaped backwards in an instant.

At this time, he was really scared.

And after seeing such a scene.

How could a big Han general let him go so easily?

A tiger and leopard rider came forward directly.

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