
The spear in his hand collided with the Black Cloud Lord in an instant.

Then, the two of them fought together.

And the flying crossbows on top of the city were pouring down like rain.


At this time, Lord Heiyun knew that he had to get rid of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

If you are entangled, you will definitely perish here in the end.

Thinking of this, he retreated towards the rear.


However, it was already too late to leave at this time.

A flying crossbow fell directly from the sky.

It hit him hard on the back.

His figure was stunned for a moment, and then a tearing feeling came, but his whole body rushed forward.


Blood splattered out.

At this time, he was already seriously injured.


But the tiger and leopard rider showed no mercy at all.

Zai Ci drove the flying sword downwards.

His eyes were red, and he was about to kill the Black Cloud Lord.

"Stop, if you dare to hurt my brother, I want you to die!"

Just when the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry approached the Black Cloud Monarch.

An indifferent voice sounded at the same time.

Then, just when the tiger and leopard rider were about to fall.


Clap it with one palm.

In an instant, the opponent was blown to pieces.

Then, a group of soldiers appeared on the field surrounded by a burly man.

His body exuded terrifying coercion.

It was the old monster from Montenegro.

At this time, he had a ferocious look in his eyes.

Then, he said coldly.

"Lord Black Cloud, no one can save you today!"

After he finished speaking, he actually rushed towards the Black Cloud Lord.

"court death!"

And after seeing such a scene.

The Black Cloud Lord did not show any signs of weakness and directly faced him.

The fight between the two began to break out instantly.

Wherever he passed, the surrounding void was shaking.

Especially the old demon from Montenegro.

Although his cultivation level has not reached the Hongmeng realm.

But it's enough to crush anyone.


The fist swayed down.

On the arm of Lord Black Cloud, blood flowers bloomed.

Obviously, he was defeated in the previous confrontation.

Then, prepare to escape.

However, he was still stopped by the old demon from Montenegro.

"Heiyun, my master back then can also be considered as your master uncle.

Now I will avenge him.

Send you back to the west! "

After the words fell.

Punch out again.

This time, the vast fist light covered the world.


The body of the Black Cloud Lord exploded directly.

He died where he stood.

When other people around him saw this, they backed away one after another.

Because, when I saw the old demon from Montenegro.

They knew that they were no match for each other.

"Everyone in Heishan Village, listen to your orders. Those who surrender will have their lives spared!"

At this moment, the henchman of the Black Cloud Lord shouted in an instant.

After hearing the sound, the faces of those in Black Village showed hesitation.

But right now.


A stream of arrows shot out of the air.


A man in black robes was shot directly through the chest.

Then, the body fell towards the ground.

He was dead, completely dead.

Seeing such a scene, the people in Heiyun Village around them couldn't bear it anymore.

They fell to their knees on the ground.

He said to the old demon from Montenegro.

"Meet the leader of Black Mountain Village!"

These people know in their hearts that if they don't take refuge, they will only die.

After all, there are so many elites in the Han Dynasty. If they don't surrender, they will definitely be killed.


After hearing the sound, the old demon from Montenegro said calmly.

Then, he said slowly.

"Follow the leader of this village to destroy Black Wind Village. Just pretend what happened today never happened!"

"Yes, Village Master!"

After the voice fell, both the bandits from Heifeng Village who had surrendered and those who had not surrendered followed the old demon from Black Mountain forward.

At this time, they did not dare to show any slightness.

After all, these people are more brave than the pioneer battalion.

And watching all this on the city wall.

Liu Zheng's mouth showed a smile.

There was excitement in his eyes.

I didn't expect that I would capture the entire city like this.

This Black Wind Village Master is indeed powerful, but unfortunately he is too greedy.

But at this time, the other party had no idea that he had fallen into a trap.

Still feeling complacent there.

He thought that as long as he could block the opponent's attack and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Black Wind Village can still be preserved.

And just when the leader of Heifeng Village was proud.

The Black Cloud Lord on the other side was extremely angry.

Most of the vanguard battalion he led was killed.

Moreover, even the Black Cloud Lord himself was severely injured.

How could he be willing to do this?

Then, he shouted to the bottom.

"Heifeng, get out of here!"

The voice sounded with strong hatred.

However, just after his voice fell.


Several more figures came from a distance.

When they appeared in the center of the battlefield, they were filled with powerful aura.

All of them have actually reached the Hongmeng realm.

The leader was a young man wearing silver armor.

He is tall and tall.

When he stood in the middle of the battlefield.

The whole person's temperament seems to be integrated with the surroundings.

He is like the stars in the nine heavens.

Brilliant and dazzling.

It made it difficult for everyone to breathe.

After the Lord Heiyun saw the incoming person.

Almost growled.

"How come the people from the Blackwood Royal Court got involved in the affairs of my Black Wind Village!"

“Haha, Brother Heiyun, I have heard of Heifengling’s name a long time ago.

However, we have never had the chance to meet.

Since we met today.

Even if you risk your life, you still have to take a chance! "

Prince Kuroki said slowly.

There was a hint of relaxation in his voice.

Although his cultivation level is not as good as Lord Heiyun.

But it's not weak either.

The most important thing is that he is a master of formations.

This made his men feel confident.

And just after his words fell.

"Haha, Prince Blackwood, your cultivation talent is very good.

If you are willing, I can accept you as my apprentice.

Even teach you magical skills! "

Lord Black Cloud said.

There was a hint of fiery color in his eyes.

This is someone from the royal court.

If he joins Black Wind Village, he can also use the other party's relationship to obtain better resources.

"Hmph, if you want to accept me as your apprentice, it's up to you, but I'm afraid it's still far from enough!"

Prince Kuroki said coldly.

There was a look of disdain in his eyes.

What is he.

He is the prince of Black Wind Village.

In this chaotic place, apart from the major village leaders, who else can convince him.

After seeing such a scene, the anger in the eyes of the Black Cloud Lord became more and more intense.

However, he did not speak at this time. He felt that Prince Blackwood was very difficult to deal with.

It cannot be solved by oneself in a short period of time.

And just when the two sides were in a stalemate.


Another group of cavalry is coming here.

They are fast.

He exuded a fierce aura.

When they arrived, they stopped outside the battlefield at the same time.

The leader is a tall and muscular man.

A full face of whiskers.

When he saw the leader of Heifeng Village.

He shouted directly.

“Old ghost Black Wind, you are very courageous.

How dare you attack Heifeng Village! "

There was a ferocious flavor in his voice.

The knight behind him also had a solemn face.

This caused a solemn look to appear in the eyes of the leader of Black Wind Village.

"General Tieshi, I, Black Wind Village, have no enmity or enmity with you.

Why block it! "

The leader of Black Wind Village said coldly.

"Jie Jie, my young master from Black Stone Village was robbed by Black Wind Village.

My father just wants justice.

Stop talking nonsense and hand over the person, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless! "

“General Tieshi, do you really think that I, Black Wind Ridge, am afraid of you?

Between the two of us, we don’t know who will win or who will lose.

Moreover, do you think it’s just me, Black Wind Ridge? "

The voice of the leader of Black Wind Village sounded.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, if there is a fight.

Even if you can't defeat Black Stone Village, you still have to delay for a while.

Because, if you are defeated.

Black Wind Cliff is doomed.

But, at this moment.


A deep voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a giant eagle was seen falling from the sky.

When he came closer, he turned into a human form.

It was the commander of the Pioneer Battalion.

At this time, he was followed by more than a hundred people.

They are all wearing silver armor.

When he landed, he glanced around with a fierce light in his eyes.

Then, he said respectfully.

"General Qi, the enemy has fled!"

"Well, well done!"

After hearing the sound, the general of Black Stone Village spoke.

There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Lord Heiyun couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Among the black wind bandits who came this time.

Although he has an absolute advantage.

However, in terms of combat power, he is no match for the leader of Black Wind Village.

Now, the opponent was beheaded.

That means that Black Wind Village has been completely wiped out.

Thinking of this, he is no longer entangled.

Turn around and prepare to leave.

At the same time, other people in Heifeng Ridge also reacted.

They all ran away.

Lord Heiyun had a look of anxiety on his face.

He didn't expect that the other party actually had an elite force hiding in the dark.

At this moment, I finally understood why the reinforcements from the Blackwood Royal Court came in such a timely manner.

However, his speed was too late.

Under the leadership of General Blackstone.

One by one, the guards in black rushed forward to kill them.

In the blink of an eye, screams could not stop coming out.

But Lord Heiyun has no way to worry about it.

At this point, all we can do is resist.

"Bang bang!"

His fists kept punching out.

Every time he falls, one of the Black Wind Ridge bandits will die in his hands.

However, the Lord of Black Wind Ridge has too many people.

In a short period of time, a large number of people fell.

Lord Black Cloud's eyes were about to burst.

These men in black robes are all his subordinates who have worked hard to recruit.

If it is a loss.

It will cause great trouble for him in the future.

However, General Blackstone would not let him go.


At this time, he roared angrily.

The sledgehammer in his hand swung away.

In an instant, it hit the Black Cloud Lord.


Blood mist sprayed out.

The opponent's body was pierced and his body died.

However, just after the death of the Black Cloud Lord.

The leader of Black Wind Village did not dare to fight.

Directly control the monster under your seat to escape.

He knew that if he continued to stay, there would be only one ending waiting for him.

That is when the body dies and the Tao disappears.

General Blackstone, however, did not pursue him after killing Lord Black Cloud.

Instead, go to the other side.

Originally, this time I came to Heifeng Ridge.

Just to rescue the leader of Heiyun Village.

After all, after his son disappeared, he sent his elite troops to search for him for a full month.

However, there are still no clues.

Therefore, we are preparing to attack Heifeng Ridge.

Now, since the leader of Heiyun Village was killed, he naturally had to go back to rescue him.

At this time, the leader of Heifeng Village.

Looking at the captured bandits, there was madness in their eyes.

There is no way for these people to survive.

It is impossible for Heiyun Village to protect them anymore.

And at this moment.

The leader of Black Wind Village shouted from the city wall.

"You bastards of Black Stone Village, if you dare to attack me, Black Wind Mountain.

I will make it difficult for you to move even an inch! "

At this time, he had already made up his mind to die together.

On this Black Cloud Peak, anyone can die, but he cannot.

And just after his words fell.

General Blackstone stood aside and said.

"Tread down the city wall for me!

No one left alive! "

He didn't believe that a group of captured bandits could still produce flowers.

And after getting the order.

There were smiles on the lips of those soldiers.

Everyone was extremely excited.


Immediately afterwards, he roared and rushed forward.

This is the simplest and most violent way.

Use the simplest but most deadly method to destroy the entire Black Wind Village.

"Bang bang!"

Blood splattered, and the strong smell of blood wafted in the air.

At this time, the battle has entered the day-to-day stage.

The general of Blackstone Village did not miss it after the battle.

He led the army and left slowly.

This time, they can be said to be the victors.

However, they don’t know that the people in the Black Wind Stronghold.

They had already been slaughtered.

After all the dust has settled.

The leader of Black Wind Village did not pause at all.

His face was full of exhaustion.

This time, it can be said that the losses were heavy.

Moreover, one can imagine how he felt when his only legitimate son was captured.

However, just when he was about to go back to heal.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Then, several horses appeared in front of the mountain gate.

On horseback, stood several young men and women.

The leader was a scribe in blue shirt.

His face is like a crown of jade, and he wears a golden crown on his head.

There was even more arrogance between his brows.

And beside him was a pretty maid.

I saw that her appearance was extraordinary and her eyes were as bright as stars.

At this time, he was looking at Heifeng Village, with an indifferent arc at the corner of his mouth.

However, just when the leader of Black Wind Village was about to greet him.

A gatekeeper disciple quickly stepped forward to report.

"Greetings, Miss!"

The sound sounded, but it made the leader of Black Wind Village not dare to neglect.

He quickly bowed and said.

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