
With a roar, the crowd was slaughtered in an instant.

Then, his figure jumped up.

It flew straight into the depths of the Scorpio Star Territory.

There was no way he could get involved in such a big battle.

However, just after his figure left.


Above the sky, two chariots flew over at this moment.

It was the national master of the Dark Night Dynasty.

See this scene.

A smile appeared on the corners of the Night King's lips.

Then, he said lightly.

"Dark Night Messenger, inform the army to go to Taurus and help the Han resist the enemy!"

"Yes, father!"

After hearing the sound, the Dark Night Messenger said respectfully.


And just after her voice fell.

The chariot was already flying out.

At this moment, the Han army, after receiving the news.

There was barely a moment's hesitation.

Most of the soldiers were heading towards the Taurus star.

After all, in the main hall of the Taurus Dynasty.

There is also a saint of the ninth level sitting there.

If they dare to neglect.

Afraid of being punished.

And at the same time.

Powerful men from all races in the Scorpio Star Territory are also gathering.

Especially those masters on the planet.

Their cultivation resources were almost plundered.

Moreover, offerings must be made.

How can this make them willing?

Therefore, Dang even gathered into a large army and prepared to encircle and suppress the big Han.

On the other hand, Liu Zheng did not know these things.

At this time, he was standing outside the city.

Looking at the dense army in the distance.

The light in his eyes skyrocketed.

This scene made him very satisfied.

If nothing else happens.

It won't take long.

Above these stars will become your own territory.

Then, he shouted coldly.


After his order was issued, all the powerful warriors around him came forward to greet him.


The sound of a sharp knife entering flesh was heard.

In a short period of time, all those alien races were killed.

Then, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Clean up the battlefield and clean up the traces!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As the sound falls.

Endless Han generals set up defensive formations outside the city.

After doing all the work, they returned to the top of the city.

Liu Zheng returned to the palace again.

This time, he plans to recuperate in the Taurus Star Territory.

Waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

But what he didn't know was.

At this time, deep in the Shenyu Galaxy.

In a huge ancient tower, a figure sat down.

Beside him, there were two figures.

These three people are all above the seventh level of saint strength.

If Liu Zheng were here.

You can recognize it.

These three people are the three leading star thieves in the Shenyu Galaxy.

at this time.

They were discussing Liu Zheng.

“This big man is too arrogant.

Such a force is not worth relying on! "

Lord Kamikaze said viciously at this time.

"Hmph, no matter what, he must die this time, otherwise how can we convince the public.

Over the years, we have been living in this Scorpio Galaxy.

This time, we must fight back! "

The speaker was Demon Flame Star Lord.

There was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

The Divine Wind Star Lord and the Divine Feather Star Lord also agreed at this time.

As for the person sitting in the center, he remained silent.

In the past, he was the deputy commander under Lord Scorpio.

But, it was also at this time.

Choose to betray the other party.

If other star kings knew about this matter.

I was afraid that I would definitely die.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

“Hey, the person I am now is no longer what I used to be.

If the star master knew about it.

I'm afraid I won't live long! "

There was a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"Hmph, I want to see how strong this big man is and how dare he be so presumptuous.

Destroy the opponent first.

Then, we join forces with Mr. Scorpio.

Completely occupy the entire Taurus Galaxy.

This time, we're not just getting a ton of treasure.

We must capture the Taurus Galaxy and strengthen ourselves! "

Dark Night Star Lord's gloomy voice came out.

Then, the three of them were ready to leave.

However, just when their bodies moved.


A burst of sound broke through the air in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Dark Night Star roared angrily.

"who is it!"

The voice was full of panic.

Because he sensed the danger coming.

I saw it at this moment.

A stream of light flew out.


Then, the table and chairs next to Dark Night Star Lord turned into pieces in an instant.

A dark bead appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

At this time, cold murderous intent was exuded.

Dark Night Star Lord's pupils shrank.

Because this is something he has never seen before.

But, he didn't wait for him to make any move.

A cold voice sounded at this moment.

"Who are you!"

There was endless indifference in his voice.

"This is something from my Dark Night Star Territory, hand it over to me quickly!"

Lord Dark Night Star shouted sharply at this time.

Although he knew in his heart that the value of this bead was extraordinary.

But there is no way.

After all, they are now facing an unknown strong man.

Don't dare to act rashly.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng smiled.

There was a trace of bloodlust on his face.

Then, he said.

“I have never had the habit of handing over my things.

You will all die here today! "

There was a strong murderous intent in the voice.

Even Dark Night Star Lord's eyes revealed a look of horror.

Because the pressure released from Liu Zheng was really too shocking.

"Bang bang!"

Then, the guards around him.

It was actually exploded in an instant.

Such a scene, after anyone sees it.

They will all be extremely shocking.

"How can it be!"

Lord Dark Night Star exclaimed.

These are his most loyal subordinates.

Just after the sound fell.

Liu Zheng said again.

"Since you are seeking death, don't blame me for being rude!"

"hold head high!"

The vast roar of the dragon sounded in the sky.

At the same time, Na Dijiang's figure appeared in the void.

Holding a bronze stick, he smashed forward.

The blazing brilliance illuminates the entire planet.


A crack spread at this time.

The entire planet turned into powder almost instantly.

Lord Dark Night Star was also seriously injured.


He vomited blood from his mouth and shouted in fear.

However, Liu Zheng is not as fast as Liu Zheng.

His body just flew up.


The head was chopped to pieces on the spot.

And right now.

In Liu Zheng's ears, the system sound rang again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission and attacking the Taurus Star Territory.

Reward 500 million experience points and receive a special reward, a mythical beast egg! "

After hearing the voice, a smile appeared on Liu Zheng's lips.

Then, he shouted coldly behind him.

"Chase me!"

After the words fell.

The Han army followed Liu Zheng into the sky.

They were like locusts, paddling towards the distance.

Everyone's eyes were flashing with cold light.

When blocking an area, Liu Zheng waved his hand and ordered.


The sound sounded, and the battlefield was instantly dyed red.

The soldiers of the Han Dynasty had no intention of retreating.

Their bravery is unparalleled.

Plus Liu Zheng's command.

In a short period of time, he actually killed a lot of enemies.

And at the same time Liu Zheng entered the star field.

On the other side, in the Dark Night Star Territory and the Scorpio Galaxy, a quarrel attracted the attention of various princes.

"You guys are talking about how strong that big man is, and how dare he be so arrogant.

This time, do you want to send troops to support Lord Dark Night Star? "

A figure said slowly.

This person's whole body is exuding a faint blue light.

It was the Viper Star Lord.

He practiced the art of poison, and no grass grew wherever he went.

There was resentment in the voice at this time.

And after hearing the sound.

Lord Scorpio's eyes flashed.

Then, he said.

"Don't you still know Dark Night Star Lord's character? If you are not sure about something, you will never do it.

How about we observe it for a while first.

Let's see how powerful this Han Emperor is.

If you can recruit them, that would be the best.

Moreover, it is said that the son of Lord Dark Night Star is also among the big men.

Maybe let him take action.

After all, Lord Dark Night Star is very powerful.

If you can get his service.

The two of us can definitely dominate the universe! "

Scorpio Lord's voice was filled with excitement.

And just after his words fell.

Other princes from all walks of life also expressed their approval at the same time.

Therefore, this hunting has come to an end for the time being.

And at this moment.

Within the Taurus Star Territory, a new enemy has ushered in.

Dark Night Star Thieves Group.

It is also quite famous in the Taurus Star Territory.

Their leader is the Dark Night Star Lord.

The strength of his body is extremely powerful.

The brothers under him are also extremely vicious.

No matter where he goes, he makes other forces fearful.

This time, it was stationed directly outside the Taurus Star Territory.

At this time, the Dark Night Star Lord was sitting on the first seat.

His body exuded waves of evil aura.

There was an even more ferocious look in his eyes.


At this moment, a panicked figure walked in.

Then, he spoke respectfully.

"Lord Star Lord, the Han army is frantically attacking our city.

Moreover, there are several mysterious masters guarding it.

We have suffered heavy losses! "

After hearing the sound, Dark Night Star Lord frowned and said.

"What's going on? When did I, a member of the Dark Night Star Territory, become so miserable!"

"Lord Star Lord, it is said that the generals under the Han Emperor are very strong, and we are no match for them!"

At this time, the person who reported it said cautiously.

There was fear on his face.

But the Dark Night Star Lord's face was filled with anger.

"Hmph, don't be afraid, I have already prepared the panacea.

After taking it, it is enough to double their combat power.

These people can be dealt with.

Pass the order, eat them all!"

The Dark Night Star Lord's voice was full of violence.

After hearing the order.

The subordinates around did not dare to neglect.

They quickly retreated.

However, at this moment.

A burst of air-breaking sounds came out.

Then, hundreds of figures stood beside the Dark Night Star Lord.

These people, each with a deep breath.

Obviously, they are all strong.

At this time, he spoke respectfully.

"Greetings to the ancestors!"

These people are all members of the Dark Night family.

This time, the Dark Night Star Lord invited all the elders to participate.

It was to deal with the attack of the big man.


The Dark Night Star Lord nodded.

Then, he said.

"Let's go, follow me.

The Han Emperor must be destroyed.

Otherwise, we will all be in trouble!"


As the voice fell.

All the masters of the Dark Night Star Domain disappeared in the hall.

They moved very quickly.

Even the Dark Night Star Lord was no exception.

At this time, Liu Zheng.

But he didn't know what kind of danger he was about to face.

At this time, he was still leading the army and advancing forward.

And at this moment.

In a certain space in the Dark Night Star Domain, a figure was sitting cross-legged there.

He had a strong figure.

He had a beard on his face, but his eyes were extremely cold.

This person was the Dark Night Star Lord.

Now he is in seclusion to break through.

As long as he enters the ninth level of the Hongmeng Saint, he can be promoted to the Supreme.

As long as he reaches this level.

He has the confidence to destroy everything.

At that time, he can dominate the world.


At this moment, the door of the secret room was knocked open.

Then, a burst of hurried footsteps came out.

In the hall, a group of people were in a mess.

The leader was wearing armor.

It was Dark Night Star. At this time, his armor was stained with blood.

It was obvious that he had experienced a great battle.

"Father, help me, the big man is coming!"

There was a crying tone in his voice, and he was obviously very scared.


The Dark Night Star Lord exclaimed, and the whole person was stunned.

The big man actually attacked, which was something he had never encountered before.

Although he was extremely shocked, he could not retreat, otherwise, he would lose completely.

So, he shouted immediately.

"Everyone, gather for me, summon the black dragon, and follow me to resist the enemy!"

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared from the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he led a large number of masters to the city wall.

However, when they just arrived,

Only then did he realize that the strength of the people in the Taurus Star Domain did not seem to be as weak as the legend said.

Each of them was not only powerful.

Moreover, they were extremely difficult to kill.

Especially the army under Liu Zheng, which had extraordinary combat power.

Each of them could almost fight against a thousand or even cross-level enemies.

Therefore, in a short time, the people in the Dark Night Star Domain were defeated.

A supreme elder had his body shattered.

Others were injured.

Such a scene made the heart of the Dark Night Star Lord bleed.

At this moment, he finally understood the vigilance of the Taurus Star King.

The other party might have known the power of the Han Emperor.

However, he could not take care of so much.

"Everyone retreat, the people of the Dark Night Star must leave!"

After the voice fell.

He led everyone to fly up.

At this moment, in the camp of the Dark Night Star, the shouting and killing shook the world.

The voice of the Dark Night Star Lord rang.

"Han Emperor, since you are here, please leave your life behind!"

There was a strong murderous intent in his voice.

This was his only hope of survival.

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