"Jie Jie, even a mere ant is worthy of shouting at me!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng showed a cold smile.

Then, he said slowly.

"Everyone will go out with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rode on the back of the green bull and headed forward.

The mighty iron cavalry meanders under the sky.

Wherever he passed, the entire void was dyed red.

On this day, almost all of the Dark Night Star Territory fell on the battlefield outside the Heavenly Palace.

Even the Dark Night Star Lord was killed.

There were only a few hundred members of the Dark Night Family left.

Escaped back to the dark night planet.

However, this war really angered the people in the Dark Night Star Territory.

Therefore, a large number of soldiers and horses were once again mobilized to attack the Taurus Star Territory.

And at this time.

However, the Taurus Star Lord also led the army.

Arrange in formation above the stars.

Standing next to him was the Golden Crow Star Lord. At this time, the other party had a solemn look in his eyes.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that you, the Lord of Taurus Star, would actually take refuge in this big man.

It is simply a disgrace to my universe.

Don't worry, I promise you.

As long as you take down the Dark Night Galaxy, I will leave this Dark Night Star Lord to you to kill.

After all, you are the youngest Supreme Elder in the Star Alliance.

If it fails, it will make the world laugh at it. "

The Lord of the Universe stood in the void and spoke.

There was a touch of teasing in his voice.

At the same time, the body bloomed with dazzling light.

But the Golden Crow Star Lord on the other side did not hesitate and shouted directly.

"Dark Night Star Lord, I will definitely take your life today!"

The sound sounded, and the whole person's momentum instantly rose.


As the sound falls.

The two huge stars instantly turned into meteors and smashed downwards.

The blazing brilliance made the sky seem to be burning.

After seeing such a scene.

The Dark Night Star Lord's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

These two people are both high-ranking Supreme Elders in the universe.

The strength is impressive, and the methods are very strange.

Didn't even think about it.

The Lord of Taurus actually made such a choice.


A huge collision resounded between heaven and earth.

Then, the dust spread all over the sky in an instant.

The creatures around were trembling even more at this moment.


At this moment, Liu Zheng gave an order.

His body has already rushed out.

Behind him, there were three thousand dragon elephant guards following closely.

This time, he was ready to make a quick decision.

Only in this way can this dark night galaxy be quickly solved.


Then, another round of attacks came down.

This Dark Night Star Lord is nothing to today's big man.

But the master of the Dark Night Family had collapsed at this time.

There was fear on their faces.

How dare you compete with such a powerful army.

But, just when they were about to escape.

Liu Zheng will not let it go.

A punch was thrown.

Heavenly Palace suppressed.

"hold head high!"

A golden dragon roared out at this moment.

From his mouth, a blazing beam of light came out.

Wherever it passes, any existence is irresistible.

The screams of the Dark Night Family members were heard.

In just the blink of an eye, they were all slaughtered.

The Dark Night Star Lord was also blasted into pieces.

And after seeing such a scene.

The soldiers of the Han Dynasty became even more crazy.

They are killing indiscriminately.

On this day, the entire Taurus Star Territory was covered with blood.

And in the mansion of the Dark Night Star Lord.

The children of the Dark Night Family who had escaped gathered here at this time, and the fear on their faces became more and more intense.

This day is destined to be an eternal nightmare.

The brave appearance of the big man made them frightened.

"Why is the master of the house not out of seclusion yet? This Dark Night Star Master may not be able to hold on for long!"

A voice sounded from the Dark Night Family.

This is the son of Dark Night Star Lord, named Dark Night Nebula.

He is the most beloved son of the Dark Night Star Lord.

Now, he is extremely anxious.

"Hmph, these damn big men, sooner or later, we will take revenge.

However, what worries me is that the big man will attack so viciously this time.

Will our dark night galaxy be thrown into a pot? "

On the other side, An Ye Fengyang, the eldest young master of the An Ye family, spoke.

"Yes, this time, I'm afraid it will be extremely dangerous.

Moreover, it is said that His Majesty has sent an envoy to our Dark Night Family, hoping for peace talks! "

"Peace talks?

Haha, how is this possible? We will never compromise! "

Dark Night Nebula retorted.

At this time, his eyes flashed with ferocious color.

"Brother, no matter what, we need the head of the family to come forward now, otherwise, this dark night galaxy will really be doomed!"

An Ye Fengyang said again.


However, just after his words fell.

The door was kicked open in an instant.

The Dark Night Star Lord walked out of the room in embarrassment.

Above his head, there was a mass of mist rolling incessantly.

Obviously, this retreat did not go well.

However, his expression was still terrifying.


Dark Night Nebula and others exclaimed.


But the Dark Night Star Lord knelt on the ground.

At this time, he had a look of regret in his eyes.

Although his son cannot be considered outstanding under the Dark Night Star Lord.

However, they can definitely be called elites.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter such a disaster this time.

“It’s all my father’s fault, I didn’t expect the big man to make a surprise attack.

Otherwise, you would not have suffered such a huge loss.

Blame me.

Why! "

There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

However, just after his words fell.

Dark Night Nebula said eagerly.

"Dad, you don't have to blame yourself, things have reached such a state now.

If we want to remain alone, I am afraid it will be difficult! "

The voice was full of bitterness.

At this moment, he felt that Dark Night Star Lord was really old.

"Do not worry.

I will definitely avenge you! "

After hearing the sound, Dark Night Star Lord gritted his teeth and said.

However, just after his words fell.

A group of figures in the distance flew by.

The leader is the Golden Lion King.

When he saw everyone in the field, a cold look appeared in his eyes.

"Master An Ye, you can leave!

My master, please go to Lingxiao City to meet me! "

There was murderous intent in the voice.

This is Liu Zheng's order, the An Ye family leader must be left in Lingxiao City.

After hearing the sound.

There was a sneer on the corner of the other party's mouth.

Then he said solemnly.

"What a big man, I don't believe it, you can keep besieging me and waiting!"

After the voice fell, it disappeared in place.

The members of the Dark Night Family also followed behind him.

However, no one knew that at this time, the Dark Night Star Lord was quietly gathering the forces of the Dark Night Family.

In addition to the clan leaders of the major branches, his subordinates also have some hidden masters in the dark night galaxy.

He believes that he only needs to return with these trump cards.

You can definitely fight Liu Zheng.

On the other side, the golden armored general had already finished his report.

At this time, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Tell the army to all return!"

The order was given.

Hundreds of generals retreated respectfully.

Then, Liu Zheng stood on the dragon chair and said calmly.

"Cao Zhengchun, send the order to Lu Bu!"

"I will obey your orders!"

After hearing the sound, Cao Zhengchun stepped back respectfully.

At this time, Liu Zheng was deep in thought.

This time, he was going to have a good game with the Dark Night Star Lord.

If this dark night galaxy could be destroyed.

The Dark Demon Emperor will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

And when the time comes, he can take advantage of it.

But, just when he was thinking about his plan.

A burst of noisy footsteps sounded at this time.

But they are soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, he had returned to Dahan.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

As he approached, Lu Bu, who was beside Liu Zheng, bowed and saluted.

This time, he led an army of five million to conquer the entire dark night galaxy.

The effect is good.

In a short period of time, half of the planet was occupied.

Such an achievement can be called dazzling.

"Haha, not bad, I'm very satisfied!"

There was a bit of joy in Liu Zheng's voice.

Then, he asked.

"This time, have you found out where the Dark Night Star Lord is?"

After hearing the sound, Lu Bu did not dare to hesitate.

He spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, we have searched every corner of the dark night galaxy.

The Dark Night Star Lord was not found at all.

However, Dark Night Nebula's body was found! "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's eyes flashed with sparkle.

Said slowly.

"Okay, since the Dark Night Star Lord is unwilling to appear, then we will force him to appear.

You mobilize your troops immediately.

Block the entire dark night galaxy.

Anyone who dares to disobey will be shot without mercy.

At the same time, envoys were sent to the Dark Night Family.

Just say that I invited the An Ye family master to come and discuss the matter.

Remember, be careful not to arouse enemy suspicion.

In addition, I want you to lead an army to guard the Dark Night Family.

No one from the Dark Night Galaxy is allowed to leave.

After three days, if there is no news.

Just break into the Dark Night Family.

This time, I want to see what the An Ye Patriarch is capable of.

How dare you block my big man's attack! "

"I humble my duty and obey my decree!"

After hearing the voice, Lu Bu retreated respectfully.

After a while, he disappeared into the hall.

He understands his responsibilities.

And right now.

Those disciples of the Dark Night Family were completely panicked.

Dark Night Nebula is their legitimate son.

Now that they were beheaded, how could they not be angry.


A roar sounded in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the dark night nebula rushed towards the sky.

His speed is very fast, even rivaling that of ordinary saints at the ninth level.

At this time, the stars in the dark night had a look of madness in their eyes.

"Everyone listen to my orders, hunt down Liu Zheng and kill all these thieves!"

There was a strong murderous aura in the voice of Dark Night Star.

Now, his son was dead.

Dark Night Star Cloud was also killed by the big man, how could he bear it.

And just after his voice fell.

The strong men of the Dark Night family around him also rushed to the distance.

Especially the uncles of Dark Night Star Cloud.

They led strong men from all walks of life.

They were ready to avenge their nephew.

Not only Dark Night Star, but other members of the Dark Night family also came at this time.

It looked like a gathering of heroes.

Dark Night Star Cloud fell, and they thought it was Dark Night Star who robbed the other party's things.

This matter must be dealt with justice.

And Dark Night Star, at this time, also summoned the clansmen and came in a mighty manner.

The entire Dark Night family was instantly disrupted.

However, just as they were rushing towards the big man's military camp.

The face of the Dark Night Star Lord was extremely livid.

His son actually died, how could he be calm?

At first, he chose the Dark Night Star Lord as his successor.

And let the other party suppress the Dark Night Galaxy to buy enough time for himself.

But in the end, he failed, and instead sent himself in.

Now, his son was killed.

Although he had expected it, he did not expect Liu Zheng to be so decisive.

However, there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"Hmph, you want to kill my son, even if I risk my life, I will drag you down with me!"

There was a ferocious look in his voice.

Then, he walked towards the palace.

At this time, he had made up his mind to fight Liu Zheng to death.

However, at this moment, the Dark Night Star did speak.

"Father, don't be reckless.

Liu Zheng is not simple, we should first figure out his intentions!"

There was a worry in his voice.

Because he was afraid that his father would be impulsive and do something.

After hearing the voice,

A gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the Dark Night Star Lord.

He finally shouted.

"Don't worry about his intentions, let's take him down first.

This Liu Zheng must die.

Otherwise, our Dark Night Family will never have peace!"

After the voice fell, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Dark Night Nebula, but he is his most beloved son.

Now he has fallen, how can he endure it.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng has already come to the big tent.

During this period of time, his injuries have recovered very quickly.

Now his cultivation has recovered to the sixth level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This time, Zhuge Liang was summoned to come, naturally to ask about the war situation.

Just after entering the big tent.

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"Kong Ming, has the Dark Night Star Lord agreed to surrender?

What is his attitude, has he compromised?"

The voice sounded, but it showed Liu Zheng's fear of the Dark Night Star Lord.

After all, the other party is a seventh-level saint.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Although the Dark Night Star Lord did not agree on the surface, according to the spies, he seems to be planning something big!"

"Oh, that's good!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the other party does not surrender, he is not afraid.

After all, he has an army of 20 million.

As long as there is enough time to develop, all this is nothing.

And while they were talking.

The Dark Night Star Lord appeared beside Liu Zheng.

Said coldly.

"Han Emperor, you are bullying too much.

Today, I will definitely kill you.

Let everyone know that my Dark Night Family is not easy to mess with!"

The voice was extremely cold.

And just after his voice fell.

The palm of his hand slapped downwards.

The blazing mana surged.

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