He has a huge body.

At this time, he slowly spoke.

"Palace Master, actually he has no choice but to do it.

That mysterious woman's strength is so unpredictable that we are no match at all.

If you don't obey orders.

As long as she moved her fingers casually.

We will definitely be killed!

I have been following you for many years! "

After hearing the sound, the Shadow God Lord fell into silence.

However, at this moment.

Beside the Shadow God Lord.

Another elder shouted.

"Shut up, Palace Master, you are not the one to comment!"

The voice sounded.

Then, he saw the Shadow God Lord and waved his hand to indicate that he did not need to continue talking.

Then, he stared coldly at the elder who spoke.

"Do you know your guilt?"

There was no doubt in his voice.


The elder immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

Then, he said respectfully.

"Please forgive me, Palace Master!"

There was a shrillness in the voice.

“Hmph, you were all promoted by me, but you actually betrayed me.

Die! "

There was a coldness in his voice.

Then, he swung the long knife in his hand.

When the blazing cold light emitted.

The elder didn't even have a chance to react.

It just fell directly to the ground.

Then, the body exploded at this moment.

And the eyes of the Shadow God Lord revealed a bloodthirsty light.

These people usually show off their power in the palace.

But today, he personally killed an elder.

How could this not make him angry?

And just when the Shadow God Lord showed a sinister look in his eyes.

The other disciples had looks of horror on their faces.

At this moment, no one dared to speak.

They didn't understand why their father suddenly became so angry.

And right now.

A group of people came over.

The leader is wearing a black robe.

The moment he walked into the hall.

The expression of the Shadow Lord couldn't help but change.

Because the person who came had a special status, he was a divine general under the command of the God Emperor.

It is powerful and highly used.

Moreover, in the database of their shrine, it is recorded that this person likes beauty.

Every time I see a beautiful woman, I want to take her for myself.

If you annoy the other party, it will be dangerous.

Therefore, he quickly went up to him and bowed to the ground.

Then he said respectfully.

"See the Lord God General!"

"Haha, I heard something big happened in the shrine, I came over to take a look!"

After hearing the sound.

There was a hint of flattery on the face of the Shadow God Lord.

Then, he said cautiously.

"Master God General, this is the son of the villain.

However, in recent times, I have accidentally offended you.

Please forgive me! "

At this time, the Shadow God Lord seemed extremely humble.

But the divine general showed no mercy at all.

A cold voice sounded.

"Oh, weren't you careful?

In that case, take it.

It just so happens that I also need a maid to warm my bed.

You gave me your son so that I could help you with your work.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

There was a ferocious tone in the general's voice.


Then, he punched the Shadow Palace.

The speed is as fast as thunder.

At this time, everyone in the Shadow Palace was so frightened that they collapsed on the ground.


But, just when they thought they were certain to die.

A roar came from the air.

Then, a giant palm pushed forward.

He actually blocked the divine general.


A deafening roar came out.

The entire sky seemed to be shattered.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the void.

Then, a figure caught everyone's eyes.

This is an extremely majestic figure.

The muscles all over the body are bulging.

The metallic luster flashed in his eyes.

The Golden Retriever Lion King, who looked like a big man, arrived.

After he appeared.

The Shadow Palace disciples watching around were all extremely excited.

Because the big man is a myth in their hearts.

Back then, when the Shadow God Lord fell.

It was the other party who saved the disciples from the Shadow Palace.

Everyone escaped.

Although there are some doubts about the strength of the big man, the people in the Shadow Palace at this time can no longer find a more reliable force than the big man.

At this time, after seeing the appearance of the Shadow God Lord, everyone was full of expectations.

The Shadow Lord also breathed a sigh of relief.

He said respectfully to the golden-haired lion king.

"Thank you, General, for the rescue!"

There was gratitude in his voice.

After all, if it were not for the big man, the fate of the Shadow Palace could be imagined.

"Haha, you're welcome, we can be considered old friends.

We brothers used to fight side by side.

I’m so happy to see you are fine now! "

Lion King said with a smile.

After hearing the sound, the Shadow God Lord did not dare to neglect.

"General, please come inside!"


The Lion King nodded in agreement, and then walked towards the main hall.

At this time, he didn't know that his actions would cause a huge disaster to the Shadow Palace.

His figure had just entered the hall.

The Shadow Lord ordered.

"From today on, the Palace will be sealed.

No one is allowed to enter or leave.

Those who violate the order will be killed!"

The voice sounded, full of coldness.

Then, he retreated.

But the Golden Lion King frowned.

He felt that the Shadow Lord seemed to have become a different person.

At the beginning, the other party was not like this.

However, thinking of Liu Zheng's instructions.

He still chose to stay.

However, Liu Zheng at this time had already appeared at the edge of the God's Domain.

There was a trace of brilliance in his eyes.

Then, he said.

"Let's go and see what happened in this Palace!"

After his voice fell.

The figure turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance.

After a moment, their figures stopped in the void.

Then, a vast city appeared in front of him.

This place was actually a city in the God Realm.

It was called Tianshen City.

It was given to the Shadow Lord by the God Emperor.

At the beginning, the other party had rescued Liu Zheng.

Now, it was also a return of favor.

At this time, outside Tianshen City.

People of various races gathered.

There were people from the Demon Dragon Clan.

There were people from the Monster Beast Clan.

There were also people from the Human Clan.

However, what attracted Liu Zheng's attention the most.

It was indeed a line of figures standing on the city gate tower.

Behind this line of people, there were hundreds of guards.

They were wearing armor.

Each of them had reached the realm of God.

In front, there was a young man.

He had a proud look on his face.

His eyes looked arrogant, as if no one could get into his way.

At this time, he was talking and laughing with the person next to him.

On the other side, the sky was submissive.

He kept apologizing and introducing himself to the young man.

"Prince, this is Shadow God Lord, the Palace Master of Shadow Palace.

He saved His Majesty the Great Han.

And this time, he saved us.

You must have a good relationship with him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid no one will want to be friends with you!"

Tianqiong said flatteringly.

And just after his voice fell.

The Shadow God Lord spoke to Tianqiong.

"You go back to the Palace and wait.

After I deal with this matter, I will definitely report to His Majesty.

As for the matter of the Son of God, it should be resolved!"


After the voice fell, he disappeared from the spot.

At this time, he was very clear in his mind.

The Son of God has a cruel personality and ruthless means.

If the other party continues to grow.

He must rebel.

However, just after he left.

Inside the Shadow Palace, a brilliant murderous intent burst out.

Figures rose into the sky and gathered towards the hall.

Their bodies exuded a fierce aura.

The leader was wearing a battle robe.

He was extremely burly.

It was the Shadow God Lord.

At this time, a strong murderous aura appeared in his eyes.

He shouted coldly.

"Bring out the Shadow God Son and go with me to see the God Son!"

"Yes, Palace Master!"

After hearing the voice, those disciples dared not hesitate.

They flew directly into the hall.

The God Son at this time did not know what happened.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He said disdainfully.

"You are just a human race, why should I go out?

Don't you know.

In this God Realm, no one can set foot without the order of my father!

Otherwise, it is a provocation to the majesty of the God Court.

Do you know!"

The Shadow God Son was extremely arrogant.

He exuded a strong pressure.

And just after his voice fell.

Those disciples of the Shadow Palace could not help but feel bitter.

The Shadow Lord is their belief.

Now that the Lord is not here, how dare they provoke him.

"God's son, spare my life!"

An elder knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Spare my life, why should this young master spare my life!"

After the voice fell, his face still showed impatience.

At this moment, the Shadow Lord finally appeared.

His body stood in the clouds.

A wave of cold chill rippled from his whole body.

The Son of God was shocked.

Then, he hurriedly said.

"Father, why are you here!"

The Shadow Lord is the person he fears the most.

"Huh, rebellious son, you still know that I am your father.

After so many years, you are still so stubborn and unrepentant.

Are you going to force your father to give up the position of the Palace of God!"

There was a hint of anger in the voice of the Shadow Lord.

"Father has misunderstood. How can I bear to do that!"

The voice said cautiously.

However, just after he finished speaking.

Unexpectedly, the Shadow Lord's voice became more gloomy.

"Hmph, there is no one else here, so there is no need to pretend.

Aren't you just tired of staying here?

Sooner or later, I, your father, will lead everyone away.

When the time comes, you can go wherever you want!

But you must shut up now.

Because I now represent the Divine Court!

Do you understand! "

After the words fell, the Shadow Lord stopped talking.

And the Shadow God's Son was also frightened.

He did not dare to speak again at this time.

He did not expect that the Shadow Lord would be so heartless.

However, he knew in his heart that since the other party said so, it was really possible.

He lowered his head at this time.

Although his strength has surpassed the Shadow Lord.

But the other party is his father.

Moreover, there are many people in the Shadow Palace who support the other party.

Thinking of this, he slowly spoke.

"Yes, father! "

There was helplessness in his voice, but more of it was resentment.

And at this moment.

The other disciples around him couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Shadow Palace, the son of God of this generation, is very difficult to deal with.

His mother, although the Virgin Mary.

But, she is also not favored.

If the other party continues to make trouble, the entire Shadow Palace may be destroyed.

And at the same time, the figure of the Shadow Lord leaped onto the city wall.


With a loud noise.

His figure landed steadily on the top of the city.

Looking at the Shadow Son of God below.

A hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.

Then, he said coldly.

"You can go back, and you are not allowed to step into the Palace from now on!"

The voice was full of unquestionable meaning.

After hearing the voice.

The face of the Shadow Son of God couldn't help but change.

Then, he said without hesitation.

"Father, how can you put me under house arrest? Have you forgotten that I am your child! "

His eyes showed madness.


Just as the Shadow Lord finished speaking.

A slap was slapped on the other party's face.

This made the Shadow God Son feel extremely humiliated.

"You are really too courageous, you dare to be so rampant.

No wonder your mother died in the hands of others.

Now, go back immediately, I will send someone to send you back.

Otherwise, stay here. "

The Shadow God Lord said lightly.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes.

It seemed extremely cold.


After hearing the voice.

The Shadow God Son said with hatred.

But, just when he wanted to say something.

"Swish! "

The sound of a sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood rang out.

Then, everyone saw.

The Shadow Lord, holding a sharp sword in his hand, nailed the Son of God directly to the top of the city.

This scene made everyone around extremely surprised.

However, they did not doubt that their Lord did all this.

Because, in the eyes of the Lord, the Son of Shadow God was nothing at all.

The other party's mother was like grass in the eyes of the Shadow Lord.

"From now on, whoever dares to bully my daughter.

I will kill his whole family!"

The voice of the Shadow Lord rang out.

Everyone was trembling.

Dare not to be negligent.

And at this moment.

The Shadow Lord walked to Liu Zheng's side and said respectfully.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor of Han! "

As soon as the words fell, the guards around him all exclaimed.

There was a look of disbelief on their faces.

After all, on weekdays, the Shadow Lord was high above, overlooking the world.

When had he ever been so respectful?

This simply overturned everyone's understanding.

But at this time, Liu Zheng was not surprised at all.

After all, the other party had helped him before.

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