Liu Zheng immediately smiled and said, "You're welcome. This is what I promised you. However, are you sure you can stop the alien demons? It is said that these alien demons are very powerful. I don't want any damage!"

Liu Zheng's voice sounded at this time.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that as long as I am here, I will not hurt innocent people!"

The Shadow Lord said firmly.

And at this moment.

The Shadow Son under the city wall roared.

"Father, you actually killed me, you are so cruel, you actually killed me, I will fight you.

I want revenge!"

This time, the Shadow Lord can be said to have completely angered the other party.

His eyes were about to burst.

At this time, his figure jumped and turned into a residual shadow and rushed to kill.

But when he approached.

He found that.

Everyone present was watching him quietly.

There was pity on his face.

These people were all his uncles and brothers, and he could not resist at all.

Then, a fist smashed into the void, making a deafening roar.

Such an action made the contempt in the eyes of the strong men of the Shadow Palace even stronger.

"Shadow God Son, your strength has improved a lot, worthy of being the God Son.

However, in front of His Majesty, you are still extremely weak.

Go back now.

Don't let me down again!"

The Shadow Lord said lightly.

After the voice fell, the figure disappeared from the spot.

Only the Shadow God Son with a face full of grief and anger stood there.

However, at this time, he did not dare to say much.

He could only return to his mansion and wait for the opportunity to come.

However, at this moment, in a secret room in the ancient secret realm.

The two old men opened their eyes that had been closed for countless thousands of years.

There was a gleam in their eyes.

The space around them was rippled.

"Hehe, finally woke up, we have regained our strength!"

A cold voice sounded.

The Shadow Clan leader below was stunned.

However, after a moment, he shouted excitedly.

"Two elders, you two elders finally woke up.

You must avenge us.

We must not let the Shadow God Lord have an easy time!"

The voice sounded with a hint of urgency.

"Hehe, your son is not doing well, so we will naturally come out of seclusion!"

The two elders said coldly.

Then, they stood up and prepared to come out of seclusion.

After seeing such a scene.

The face of the Shadow God Lord also showed joy.

After all, the strength of these two elders.

Can fight with the fifth level of God King, as long as they come out of seclusion.

In this Shadow Palace, who can stop him from becoming the God Emperor.

On the other side, in the Shadow Temple.

At this time, it also fell into silence.

Because the Shadow God Lord has fallen, all the major families have chosen to join the eldest son.

After all, this action was commanded by the other party.

But they didn't expect it.

This eldest son was killed by someone.

In an instant, the supporters of the Shadow God Son were all excited.

They gathered outside the temple, hoping to find the Shadow God Lord.

To avenge the eldest son.

However, what frustrated them was that the God Lord had already left the Shadow Temple.

They didn't know where he was hiding.

As for the Shadow God Son, although he also wanted to avenge his brother.

However, his strength was low.

And he was only a third-level God King.

It was not enough.

He couldn't even escape.

In the end, he could only endure the pain and return to the temple.

At this time, tears fell from his eyes.

At the same time.

The Shadow God Lord also returned to his own temple.

He sat on the throne.

He spoke to the people below.

"During this period of time, everyone should keep a close eye on me.

The Shadow God Son is still a God Son no matter what.

My Shadow Temple cannot be without an heir, do you understand!"

The voice was extremely cold.

The subordinates below retreated respectfully.

They were obviously following orders.

As soon as the Shadow Lord finished speaking.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Then, the tall and mighty man said slowly.

"Lord, I feel a special fluctuation in our temple.

Is it the blood of the Shadow God Son that is calling us?"

After hearing the voice, the face of the Shadow Lord changed, and then he said coldly.

"Let's go and see if it is really the blood.

I want to see.

Who is that goddess who forced my son to such a point.

If I can't find her, I will kill her to death!"

There was a hint of ferocity in the voice.

Following closely, the two Shadow Lords walked towards the depths of the temple.

And the Shadow God Son returned to the room.

This time, he suffered too much of a blow.

Thinking of the extremely tall man.

Thinking of the other party's terror, he felt scared.

He couldn't imagine.

If the other party wanted to kill him.

How easy would it be.

And at this moment.

In the hall of the Shadow Lord.


The Shadow Lord took a deep breath.

Then he said slowly.

"An Yi, send a message to the other guardians, let them return as soon as possible.

This time, I am ready to go all out.

Since that goddess king dared to bully my son, be prepared to be slaughtered!"

After the voice fell.

"Yes, Lord!"

An Yi said respectfully, and then turned and left.

When he just entered the secret room.

There was a vast energy emanating from all around.

Four figures gathered together in an instant.

"Haha, old friend, we finally meet!"

A rough-looking man said with a smile.

"Yes, old friend.

Your cultivation has improved again!"

Another person echoed.

And just when the two Lords were reminiscing about the past.


A figure appeared outside the secret room.

It was the dark guard sent by the Shadow Lord to investigate the news.

At this time, he was full of horror and knelt on the ground.

"Lord, it's bad, there's an enemy attack!"

The voice sounded, causing the Shadow Lord to frown.

Then, a palm was slapped out.

A blazing light burst out.

The dark guard was slapped away directly.

But his eyes were filled with fear.

Then, he shouted again.

"Lord, help me, it's a human master!"


As the voice fell, the Shadow Lord rushed out.

When he came to the door.

There was a shock in his eyes.

At the door of the secret room, a figure was standing at this time.

He was wearing a black robe and carrying a long sword.

Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he gave people a very dangerous feeling.

And the words of the dark guard further confirmed his guess.

Then, the Shadow Lord's voice suddenly became extremely cold.

"Who dares to break into my Shadow Temple!"

The voice sounded.

In the entire temple, all the shadow masters came out.

Their figures emerged in the void, and each of them exuded a powerful aura.

This Shadow Temple was originally a super power.

Unfortunately, since the death of the Shadow God Lord, its strength has been declining.

At this time, looking at that figure.

"Hmph, a group of ants!"

The man said indifferently.

Then, his right arm stretched out.

"Bang bang!"

A sound like a cannonball exploding sounded.

Those strong men of the Shadow Temple were actually smashed directly on the spot.

A strong smell of blood filled the air in the blood mist.

After seeing such a scene.

The pupils of the Shadow God Lord shrank.

He did not expect that the reinforcements he was waiting for today.

Would be such a powerful existence.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose in coming to my Shadow God Court!"

The Shadow God Lord asked.

However, after hearing the voice, the figure remained silent.

In his eyes, a faint light appeared.

The Shadow God Lord did not dare to neglect it.

Then, he took out a jade talisman.

Crushed it instantly.

A moment later, a violent energy surged.

Then, one after another, figures appeared outside the Shadow Temple.

These people exuded a cold aura.

They were the secret guards of the Shadow Dynasty.

Moreover, each of them was very powerful.

"Meet the God Lord!"

Many powerful people said.

Then, the Shadow God Lord spoke.

"This gentleman wants to see the goddess.

Bring her up!"

After the voice fell.


The leading secret guard said respectfully.

Then, he walked away.

Soon, a girl in green appeared in the field.

It was the goddess.

Her pretty face was pale.

Looking at the Shadow God Lord, he said carefully.

"Shadow Lord, I'm here to deliver medicinal materials!"

The voice sounded, with a sense of uneasiness.

"Oh, what's your name!"

The Shadow Lord said lightly.

His words were plain.

But anyone could hear the anger contained in them.

"Reporting to the Lord, my name is Lu Zhu!"

The goddess said in a low voice.


But, just after her voice fell.

The teacup in the hands of the Shadow Lord fell to the ground.

Because he knew what this meant.

"You have been following my son for millions of years, right? Do you remember the scene when I taught you to make pills!"

The Shadow Lord's voice sounded.

At this time, it was a little hoarse.

"Disciple will never forget your kindness to me!"

The goddess said.

And just after her voice fell.

The Shadow Lord said slowly.

"It doesn't matter if you can't forget it, but do you know your sin?"

"Disciple, I don't know!"

After hearing the voice, the Shadow Lord showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he pointed at the green bamboo and shouted.

"How can the holy medicine of my Shadow Temple be given to a slave? It's simply a disgrace to me.

Today, I will abolish your divine body and grant you death!"


After hearing the voice, the Shadow Godson couldn't help but shout.

A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

After all, she was the maid who had accompanied him since childhood.

"Why, do you want to disobey your father!"

The Shadow God Lord said sternly.

"Shadow God Lord, if you force the young lady, don't blame me for turning against you!"

After hearing the voice, Lu Zhu said stubbornly.

Beside her, the guard also stood beside Lu Zhu.

These guards have followed her since childhood.

They have long developed a sincere brother-sister relationship.

"Stubborn, do you know what you have done!"

The Shadow God Lord said coldly.

At this time, his eyes even turned scarlet.

"Shadow God Lord, I am willing to pay the punishment for my mistakes.

Just don't vent your anger on others!"

Lu Zhu said firmly at this time.

At this time, a handsome face flashed in her mind.

That was her lover.

However, the voice of the Shadow Lord continued:

"Hmph, you think you are still qualified to negotiate with me.

I give you a choice.

Either surrender to my son and become his forbidden descendant.

Otherwise, your ending is only death!"

After hearing the voice, the Shadow Lord did not hide his threat.

He knew in his heart that if the other party did not agree, he could only fight to the death.

Even if he died, he had to protect his son and leave.

"Haha, you actually let a slave be your daughter-in-law, it's ridiculous!"

Just after the Shadow Lord's voice fell.

The figure opposite the Shadow Lord laughed.

There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Looking for death!"

The Shadow Lord's voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, brilliant golden light burst out from his body.

A punch was thrown out, and a hot gust of wind.

It was like a river flowing down.

It hit the figure directly.

But, the other party did not seem to resist.


The fierce attack directly hit the figure.

The opponent's figure retreated three times in a row.

But, he finally stopped.


After seeing such a scene.

The pupils of the Shadow Lord couldn't help shrinking.

Because he found that the other party was not injured at all, which was too weird.

Then, he said coldly.

"Since you are unwilling to surrender, there is no point in staying!"

There was a bit of ferocity in his voice.

The next moment, he stepped across the void.

He grabbed the figure.

The speed was extremely fast.


Just when his palm was about to touch the other party.

The other party let out a roar.

In an instant, a strong wind raged in the whole hall.

And the body of the Shadow Lord was shattered at this time.

It turned into powder and disappeared on the spot.

Such a scene made everyone's eyes burst.


An old servant exclaimed.

At this moment, his eyes were extremely red.

"God Lord!"

Then, he rushed into the battlefield.

Looking at everything in front of him, his eyes showed madness.

And the Shadow God Son on the other side also had tears rolling in his eyes.

This time, their Shadow God Clan suffered too much loss.

Especially the loss of masters in the God Lord realm, which was simply unbearable.

And at this moment.

The figure standing in the original place.

At this time, he spoke.

"The strength of the Shadow God Lord is not to be feared.

However, we can use his hand to detect the layout of the God Lord Palace!"

After his voice fell, he sat down again.

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