
A crisp sound was heard.

Lin Yang's shoulder blade was broken directly.

He could not help but groan.

Then, a sharp blade cut across his abdomen.

Blood gushed out, and Lin Yang's face turned extremely pale.

He ignored the pain and continued to resist the attacks of the guards.

At the same time, he shouted.

"Goddess, save me!"

He knew that if he did not get out today, he would die.

However, what Lin Yang did not expect was that the goddess was standing there at this time, watching everything indifferently.

Even when she heard the other party calling her.

There was a hint of disdain on her face, and then she said slowly.

"Don't worry about him, let him die, who let him be so smart.

He actually dared to save me.

This time he hurt himself."

Hearing the sarcasm in the voice, Lin Yang couldn't help but feel sad.

Is it worth it for me to do this?

After all, the person in front of him is the goddess.

I shouldn't have offended the other party.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot.

Since I chose to save the other party.

I can't give up halfway, otherwise, am I still a man?

So, Lin Yang decided to fight to the death.


The weapon in his hand swung open.

There was madness in his eyes.


Sparks flew everywhere.

Lin Yang took advantage of this opportunity.

He flew directly to the goddess.

Reached out and grabbed the other party's wrist.

"You are presumptuous!"

The goddess' eyes showed an expression of shame and anger.

Not only because of Lin Yang's actions.

But because Lin Yang touched her wrist.

This is a rebellious act in the Shadow God's Mansion.

However, before Lin Yang could explain.

An inexplicable force of suppression came to crush him.

This feeling made him tremble with fear.

Although there was no spiritual power fluctuation.

However, he believed that his premonition would not be wrong.

The identity of this mysterious woman was extraordinary.

And at this moment.

The goddess' figure was graceful and dodged his grasp.

Then, she kicked out with both feet violently.

One leg swept out, and two afterimages appeared in the air.

It went straight to Lin Yang's throat.

Obviously, this move did not use all his strength.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

Lin Yang's body was kicked out directly.

And on his chest, there were deep scars that could be seen to the bone.

At this moment, Lin Yang's heart was completely cold.

Now it seems.

His luck is too bad.

He actually ran into the eldest lady of the Shadow God Mansion here.

"Haha, you're finished.

This goddess is mine, get out!"

At this time, Liu Yong's voice came out, his face full of excitement.

He didn't expect that he could actually hold the beauty.

Thinking of this, he was ready to leave.

However, at the moment he turned around.

A piercing cold light flashed across his neck.

Then, his whole head flew up.

At the moment of death, Liu Yong's face was full of disbelief.

He was the eldest son of the Shadow God Palace.

How could he die here?

Then, his body collapsed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Shadow God Palace drew their swords.

Prepared to kill Lin Yang.

However, at this moment, the voice of the goddess came out.

"All of you retreat, let me end his life with my own hands!"

As she spoke, she slowly approached Lin Yang.

At this time, Lin Yang's face was not afraid at all.

He stared at the goddess and said with gritted teeth.

"Don't you want to live?

Well, I can let you go.

But you need to follow me!"

As she spoke, her eyes were fixed on the goddess.

She was not sure whether she could leave alive.

But he still wanted to give it a try.

"Humph, wishful thinking!"

The goddess looked at Lin Yang with disdain.

However, her voice had just fallen.



The whole temple shook.

A figure appeared outside the hall.

It was the elder of the temple who took action.

At this time, Lin Yang's face showed excitement.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the elder actually arrived.

Looking at the goddess, Lin Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, save me quickly!"

Then, he shouted to the elder at the door.

He hoped that the other party could save him and leave.

However, after hearing his voice, the goddess' pupils couldn't help but shrink.

She knew how powerful this elder was.

Unexpectedly, she had just escaped and hadn't even taken a breath, and the other party came over.

And the Shadow God Lord didn't seem to intend to intervene.

Therefore, she gritted her silver teeth.

She said to Lin Yang coldly.

"You want me to save you? That's just wishful thinking. I won't save you.

I'll give you a ride instead."

After saying that, she flashed away.

She punched Lin Yang in the chest.

This goddess was at the second level of Mahayana cultivation.

Even Lin Yang, caught off guard, was no match for her.


A violent explosion sounded.

Lin Yang's figure was directly smashed and flew out.

This was the first time he was injured in his life.


Blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth.

But, even so.

The fighting spirit in his eyes was extremely strong.

"Haha, Lin Yang, you still can't beat me after all.

The goddess is mine, no one can take her away.

Give me your life!"

Looking at Lin Yang who was seriously injured and vomiting blood.

Liu Yong showed a ferocious smile on his face.

Then, he pounced on the other party again.

He couldn't hold back and wanted to take revenge.

But, at this moment.

The goddess's voice suddenly came out:


The voice was extremely cold.

And Liu Yong's figure also stopped in place.

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

At this time, the other party seemed a little angry and asked with an embarrassed face.

He really didn't understand why the master stopped him.


The next moment, a loud slap was heard.

Then, the goddess's cold voice was heard.

"From now on, you will have nothing to do with my Goddess Mansion, and I will not marry into your family.

From today on, you are no longer my disciple.

Remember, you are my servant.

Never forget this."

As she spoke, she flicked her finger.

In an instant, a strong wind came.

It went straight through Liu Yong's forehead.

In an instant, the other party didn't even leave a corpse.

"Lin Yang, are you willing to be the male favorite of my Goddess Mansion?

If you agree, I can spare your life.

Otherwise, there is only one way to die!"

The goddess's faint voice sounded.

And the disciples of the Shadow God Mansion around them, after hearing the order.

All drew out the swords at their waists.

Lined up in a row, staring at Lin Yang with a covetous look, as if they would take action at any time.

"Haha, I'm really not afraid of the Shadow Palace!

If you weren't a woman, you would have died today.

If you want to be my woman, you have to win me first!"

Lin Yang said indifferently.

At this moment, he had a great power in his body.

Even the goddess didn't dare to approach easily at this time.

So, he became bolder.

"Okay, since you are stubborn, I will fulfill your wish!"

After saying that, she rushed towards Lin Yang.

However, when she was about three feet away from the other party.


A dragon roar came out.

A ball of blazing flames suddenly emerged from the void.

The scorching temperature swept around.

The goddess was even more frightened.

She never expected that Lin Yang's methods were so diverse.


The next moment, the scimitar in her hand fell to the ground.


Watching the flames enveloping her.

The goddess' eyes showed a look of horror.

Her delicate body was almost half scorched by the terrifying temperature.

Not only that, under this high temperature burning.

Even her skin was cracking inch by inch.

This peerless beauty finally cried out in surprise.

"Lin Yang, let me go, otherwise, you will die without a burial place."

At this time, she felt that her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Even her spiritual consciousness had dissipated a part.

Not to mention other things.

If it was just physical strength, it would not last long.

"Hehe, I'm waiting.

But, I really want to see who dies first!"

No matter what the other party said, Lin Yang did not change his attitude.

Now, his only thought was to kill this woman.

But, just when he was about to continue.

In the eyes of the goddess, a touch of cruelty appeared.

"Lin Yang, you shouldn't force me.

I want to kill you.

I want to suck your blood.

Only in this way can I ensure my survival!"

After the voice fell, the other party stretched out his hand to grab his Dantian.

Lin Yang was very anxious.

At the same time, he swung a punch.


The two collided, and Lin Yang's offensive was forced to collapse.


A ray of dim light shot straight into his shoulder blade.

He groaned and stepped back several steps.

The goddess behind took the opportunity to escape.

Looking at Lin Yang's miserable appearance, she smiled with a conspiracy.

"Little bastard, your luck is a little worse.

Otherwise, I really can't do anything to you!"

As she said this, she turned and left.

But, at this moment, the change happened again.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would meet you after waking up from my retreat this time.

It's really a pain in the ass to find it."

A strange laugh sounded.

Then, a skinny old woman appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, she had a head full of white hair.

Her face was covered with wrinkles.

However, her aura was strong.

Even Lin Yang, who was standing in the middle of the field, had his pupils shrink suddenly after seeing the old woman.

"Peak of Nascent Soul!"

He whispered in surprise.

I didn't expect that this old woman actually had such a strong cultivation.

However, what puzzled him was that.

The other party looked to be eight or nine hundred years old.

How could she have such a cultivation.

"Yes, that's right.

The old woman is the last master of the magical realm in Golden Lion City.

However, my cultivation method is very strange.

So, let alone you, even the old guys in the Palace of God can't do anything to me!"

As the voice fell, a trace of ferocity appeared on the face of the skinny old woman.

Then, her eyes locked onto Lin Yang's neck and sneered.

"Your blood must taste delicious!"

As the voice fell, both palms were raised.

In an instant, the surging fire attribute aura covered Lin Yang.

The blazing pressure imprisoned Lin Yang firmly in place.

No matter how hard he tried, it was useless.

At this moment, his heart was filled with regret.

If I had known that the goddess would gather such powerful helpers.

He would never come even if he was beaten to death.

However, it was too late to say anything now.

As the old woman's voice fell.

The flames that filled the sky had already reached his head.


With the deafening explosion, he was instantly submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

The goddess quickly left the secret room.

Her injuries were too severe, and she needed to find a hidden place to recover.

"Ah... what's going on?"

"What kind of martial arts did that woman just use!"

"Run, the goddess is going to kill people!"

At the same time, the guards outside the entire temple shouted shrilly.

However, no one paid attention to them.

While Lin Yang was in crisis.

On the other side, in the room where Tang Jingxian lived.

A middle-aged man sat upright on a chair.

It was Tang Jingxian's father Tang Mingshan.

His eyebrows were tightly knitted, showing the unique majesty of the person in charge of the overall situation.

He just listened to him slowly asking.

"Are you telling the truth? Lin Yang was invited by the goddess to be a guest?"

Hearing this, Tang Jingxian nodded.

"Well, I saw it with my own eyes. He followed the goddess to the backyard.

Father, what should we do now? Are you just going to sit back and do nothing?

That's your son-in-law!"

"Alas, Jingxian, I also want to save him, but the goddess is very powerful.

Unless your grandfather personally goes out, even if our Tang clan sects are combined, they can't stop the goddess's move.

After all, this is the God's Mansion, not the residence of our Tang clan sect.

Moreover, even if our Tang family goes out in full force, I am afraid that we may not be able to take down the goddess.

By that time, it will bring trouble to ourselves!"

At this point, Tang Mingshan sighed.

Obviously, he was also very afraid of the goddess.

However, what Tang Jingxian didn't expect was that

Her own father refused to take action.

She said unwillingly.

"Father, how can you bear to watch Lin Yang die in this matter!"

Tang Mingshan shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to either, but there is no way."

"Why!" Tang Jingxian shouted angrily: "Father, although the strength of our Tang clan is not as good as that of the Divine Mansion, it is far superior to ordinary people. Why don't you take action? Is it because you are afraid of the Goddess?"

At this moment, Tang Jingxian was emotionally agitated and had a hysterical impulse.

She liked Lin Yang, so she didn't want to see him being killed by the Goddess.

"Oh, what do you know? The Goddess is the Saint of the Divine Mansion. Even I dare not offend her easily. If it weren't for this, do you think I would sit and watch Lin Yang die in the hands of that woman?"

At this point, Tang Mingshan's face showed helplessness.

"Jingxian, you have to understand that there is a huge gap between us and the Goddess. Even your grandfather has to treat her with courtesy when he sees her. You should understand the pros and cons!"

When he said this,

Tang Mingshan suddenly raised his head, stared at his daughter, and said solemnly.

"Don't tell anyone about what happened today. Especially those civilian disciples, otherwise, our Tang family will never have peace."

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