After hearing these words, Tang Jingxian's figure trembled slightly.

She heard from the other party's words that the goddess seemed to have a frighteningly strong background.

If she did not do as the other party asked, it might involve a lot of secrets of the Tang family.

Immediately, she respectfully agreed.

"I understand, and I will never say anything nonsense!"

After the voice fell, Tang Jingxian turned around and wanted to leave.

However, she was stopped by Tang Mingshan.


Your cultivation is not weak.

For this period of time, stay in the Tang family.

As for that kid, don't worry, I won't stand idly by.

I just hope that your grandfather will not be too angry this time.

Otherwise, both you and your daughter will be implicated!"

After hearing her father's words, Tang Jingxian felt a little relieved.

Since he has the support of the other party.

She felt that Lin Yang would definitely turn danger into safety.

However, Lin Yang in the secret room was in a bitter battle.

At this moment, the dense flames almost enveloped him completely.

The scorching temperature even made him feel suffocated.

The essence in his body boiled at this moment.

He clearly realized that his cultivation was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Haha, the soul tempering technique is really domineering.

It can actually help me advance.


If I can successfully break through to the fifth level of the Golden Core.

With the special means of the Divine Mind Master, combined with the Xuanhuang Tower, I might still have a chance to escape!"

At this moment, Lin Yang was secretly calculating in his heart.

However, his words had just fallen.

The surrounding flames suddenly exploded.


Like a landslide, the hot flames swept around him.

As a result, Lin Yang's whole body trembled violently in the flames, as if he was scorched.

But at this moment, Lin Yang gritted his teeth and persisted.

Because he knew that if he relaxed, he would be finished.

As time passed.

Gradually, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Lin Yang's forehead.

He felt that all the bones in his body were about to melt.

Finally, at a certain moment.


He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then, he cried out in pain.

This time, he could no longer hold on.

His body fell softly on the ground.

At this moment, a fragrant breeze blew into his nose.

Lin Yang opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the delicate face with a faint charm in front of him.


He yelled in panic.

"Go away! Don't come over, I don't want to die.

I can marry you!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Lin Yang closed his eyes and prepared to welcome death.

However, he didn't know that his words made the beautiful girl extremely embarrassed and angry.

Originally, she was still hoping that this man would be sympathetic to women.

Who would have thought that he would say such a bastard.

Suddenly, he snorted coldly.

"Wishful thinking.

Lin Yang, I tell you.

You'd better know better.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!

I am the Holy Maiden of the Divine Palace.

What's more, we have already been engaged.

Even if you don't admit it, so what.

You can't escape."

After saying that, she reached out and grabbed Lin Yang's clothes.


Feeling his collar being torn, Lin Yang's face showed panic.

He struggled hard, but he couldn't resist the soft and delicate hands.

In a moment.

He was pulled into her arms.


Lin Yang roared in grief and anger.

The goddess opposite her had a cold face.

She glanced at Lin Yang coldly, and then slapped him on the chest.

In an instant, Lin Yang's chest sank.

The whole person fainted.

"Hmph, this slap is just a lesson for Sister Xuelian.

Remember, you are my future husband.

If you dare to let me down,

don't blame me for being ruthless.

Now, go take a shower, change into clean clothes, and come back with me!"

The goddess' words were extremely cold.

Lin Yang did not dare to resist at all.

He lay down in the bathtub obediently.

However, as the water splashed.

Suddenly, his eyebrows raised.

"Hey, what is this?"

Looking down at his chest.

Suddenly, he found that the sunken place had miraculously returned to its original state.

Lin Yang was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this bathtub has such a wonderful effect.

This is simply a fairy item.

Not only does it have a miraculous effect on healing.

It also has the effect of prolonging life.

"Haha, it's Lingbao Pavilion, it's really powerful.

But, I'm very curious.

How did you get these treasures?

Could it be that some extraordinary treasures really appeared in Tianxing City?

If so, I will be even more reluctant to leave!"

Thinking in his heart.

He closed his eyes and rested, silently recovering from the injuries in his body.

After a while, when he opened his eyes again.

The whole person has become vigorous and energetic, no longer weak.

This made the goddess standing on the side flash a look of surprise on her face.

Obviously, they didn't expect Lin Yang to recover so quickly.

However, they reacted quickly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the ancestor.

If you can get the skills taught, it will be of great help to you!"


Lin Yang said in a deep voice.

Then, he stood up.

The two of them were silent along the way.

They walked straight to the depths of Lingbao Pavilion.

Not long after, a magnificent palace came into Lin Yang's sight.

This is the headquarters of Lingbao Pavilion.

The gate is strict and guarded by guards.

After seeing Lin Yang and the others, they all saluted and said:

"Greetings to the goddess, and to the prince consort!"

"Yes! No need to be polite."

The goddess waved her hand lightly, motioning the other party to step back.

Then she walked into the hall with Lin Yang.

At this moment, the lights in the hall were bright.

On the high platform, sat an old man with white hair and a youthful face, wearing a brocade robe, looking very majestic.

However, the other party's eyes were somewhat gloomy.

After seeing the goddess come in.

He immediately shouted coldly.

"Goddess, you actually brought this kind of trash here, which really disgraced my Goddess Sect.

Hurry up and leave!"

Hearing the other party's scolding, the goddess said indifferently.

"Father, you misunderstood.

I came here this time to ask you to accept this young man as your adopted son."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field was shocked.

Even Lin Yang was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the goddess would actually make such a request.

You know, since ancient times, it has been very common for the royal family to intermarry with each other.

But I have never heard of outsiders joining in.

Therefore, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The old man on the main seat of the hall was furious.

"How outrageous! It's ridiculous.

A mere mortal family dares to cling to the imperial power.

I will never allow this!

If it weren't for the deep affection between you two siblings, I would kill you now.

Get out of here, don't make me angry."

As soon as the voice fell.

A strong momentum emanated from the other party.

In an instant, Lin Yang groaned and fell to the ground.

However, at this time, he was not depressed at all.

He looked up at the goddess, shook his head slowly, and then said.

"Little sister, although I am not talented, I still hope that you will consider it carefully.

My Lin family has few people, and now, I am the only one left.

I absolutely don't want you to marry a stranger."

Hearing this, the goddess's pretty face flushed instantly.

She stomped her feet, stared at Lin Yang hatefully, and said coldly.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs.

Now, I just ask you one question, do you agree to be my husband?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall widened their eyes.

This scene was the first time they had seen it.

In the past, the goddess was not polite to anyone.

Today, she brought back a wild boy.

She also wanted him to be her husband.

How could this be believed.

Both Lin Yang and the old man on the main seat of the hall were slightly stunned and could not react for a while.

Even Lin Yang himself did not know how to answer the other party.

However, all this had nothing to do with him.

He did not like to owe favors to others.

Especially, such a beautiful and excellent girl as the goddess was worth cherishing.

So, he could only smile bitterly and said.

"This... let's forget it.

I have no plans to get married for the time being.

Also, you don't have to make it difficult. I came here this time just to ask for a set of cultivation techniques.

As for other things, it won't affect our relationship."

The goddess frowned, seeming a little annoyed.

But her temper was originally gentle and peaceful.

Since Lin Yang said so, she didn't force him.

But turned to the old man on the main seat of the hall and said.

"Dad, just take a look at him, maybe it can help him.

After all, he saved his daughter's life.

You won't refuse, right?"

Hearing this, the old man frowned immediately.

But in the end, he still sighed.

"Oh, forget it.

Since you said so, what reason do I have to stop you."

After saying that, he took out a jade talisman from his arms and threw it to Lin Yang.

"Take it, it contains the cultivation techniques.

It depends on your own luck to which realm you can cultivate to."

Hearing this, Lin Yang was overjoyed.

He immediately bowed, thanked the old man, and quickly took the jade talisman.

However, when he carefully observed it, his brows furrowed deeply.

It turned out that the jade talisman contained a set of exercises.

However, after flipping through it for a while, he was disappointed.

Because the cultivation method in the jade talisman was only at the advanced level of the Xuan level.

Even worse than the Huang level exercises.

Therefore, after Lin Yang put the jade talisman in his arms, he bowed to the old man on the high platform and said.

"Thank you, old sect master."

However, the other party waved his hand and said lightly:

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me.

My lineage had withered a thousand years ago.

After so many years, you are the only person with a different surname.

According to the rules, I should hand over the position of sect leader to you.

But now I've lived long enough.

I don’t want to work hard anymore, the position of the sect leader will be handed over to the goddess sooner or later.

Therefore, let you sit for a while instead of her. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him took a breath.

You must know that everyone present, except the goddess, has received great kindness from the old man.

It can be said that the other party is the backbone of the Lingshan Sect.

Once he falls, the huge Lingshan Mountain may become leaderless.

Therefore, many people present showed anxious expressions on their faces.

At the same time, they all knelt on the ground and began to persuade the goddess.

"Great Elder, you absolutely cannot do this.

Our Lingshan sect lacks a leader.

If you die, what will we, the Lingshan Sect, do? "

"Yes, Great Elder, you are still young and strong, why bother working for a young boy?"

"Yes, Great Elder, think twice!"

Even the goddess herself, at this moment, said to the old man apologetically:

"I'm sorry, father, I shouldn't have made the decision without permission, please punish my daughter!"

Hear your daughter’s plea.

All the clan elders in the main hall breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the goddess woke up in time.

Otherwise, today's matter may be really difficult to solve.

However, the old man's reaction surprised everyone present again.

"That's it!

You all get up. Since my goddess insists on choosing him as my consort, let her be. "

"What, Great Elder, how can this be done!"

"Great Elder, you must not be confused!"

For a moment, everyone in the hall stood up.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, looked confused.

He didn't know what was good about him that made him worthy of being stalked like this by the goddess.

But the situation at this time did not allow him to think too much.

He immediately cupped his fists and saluted and said.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

After saying that, he grabbed the goddess's tender pancreas and was about to leave the hall.

However, he was severely thrown away by the other party.

And, he said with an angry accusation.

"Lin Yang, you bastard. I traveled all over the empire to find you. But you left just as soon as you said you wanted to. You are too ungrateful. Don't think that I don't know. You just dislike me and are pretending to be reserved. I tell you. , There is no way. I must let you marry me."

As he spoke, the girl put her arms around his neck.

Two delicate lips were placed directly on Lin Yang's mouth.

In an instant, a strange feeling spread throughout Lin Yang's body.

This taste is really wonderful.

He was so intoxicated that he couldn't bear to let go.

After a long time, the girl finally let go of the other party.

After shyly taking two steps back, he said to Lin Yang.

"From now on, I am committed to you. You don't even think about leaving me to live alone. I'm warning you, don't think about leaving me alone."

As she spoke, she actually reached out and took Lin Yang's arm.

Among the crowd outside the main hall, a young man's eyes flickered after seeing this scene.

He stared at Lin Yang and the two of them without blinking.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, the goddess is willing to give up her position as the sect leader for this guy. This is simply unforgivable. Lin Yang, just wait and see. I will repay today's insult tenfold and a hundredfold."

As he spoke, he quietly squeezed into the hall from the crowd.

After getting close to the old man, he whispered.

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