
Without hesitation, the old man slapped the young man on the cheek.

Said coldly.

"Nonsense, you dare to worry about the goddess, get out of here immediately."

The young man covered his face, glanced at Lin Yang resentfully, and ran away in despair.

At this time, Lin Yang, who was held by the girl, suddenly asked.

"What did you call him just now?"

The goddess was slightly stunned and said in surprise:

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's Lin Yang I'm calling, not him."

"Oh, then I just heard that he called you father!"

Lin Yang continued to ask.

After hearing this, the goddess blushed slightly, but still shook her head firmly.

"That's false. You heard it wrong."

At this time, the old man was watching from the side and couldn't help but interject.

"Well, that's right, Nephew Lin, you did hear it wrong.

He called me senior brother. "

After hearing this, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

No wonder, that guy is obviously several years younger than me, and he calls himself his junior brother. It turns out he is a fake.

However, although he figured it out, he was not ready to expose it. After all, he was a married man.

He immediately smiled awkwardly.

"Ahem, if that's the case, let's forget it.

I just hope you don't force me. "

"Huh, don't worry, I promise you a thousand dollars and I will definitely not go back on it.

Just wait to be my husband. "

After saying this, the goddess took Lin Yang and left Lingshan Sect directly, returning to the imperial city.

Only a handful of senior members of the sect were left. In the main hall, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally sighed again and again...

In the palace, Lin Yang and the goddess were cuddling together in an attic, quietly enjoying the peaceful afternoon.

Lin Yang was enjoying tea and chatting under the care of the goddess.

But at this moment, the maid's voice sounded outside the room door.

"Princess, Your Majesty has summoned you!"

Hearing this, the goddess couldn't help but frown.

"What's the matter with my father looking for me? He has never paid attention to my education over the years. Why did he suddenly summon me today?"

Having said this, the goddess got up and walked out of the house with a hint of anger.

But at this moment, Lin Yang keenly caught a cold light flashing across the corner of the maid's eyes.

It seems that there are some secrets hidden.

This made him feel shocked.

Could it be that this maid has other agendas?

So, Lin Yang quickly followed behind the goddess.

Soon, the two of them came to the imperial garden under the guidance of the palace maid.

"Father, why did you summon me?"

As soon as they entered, the goddess bowed respectfully and asked.

The old man sitting on the dragon chair scolded.

"Naughty girl, I ask you, do you know your guilt?"

While speaking, he even threw a copy of the imperial edict to the ground.

When the goddess saw this, she immediately bent down and picked it up.

Then, after reading the imperial edict for a while.

Her face was as pale as paper.

"No, I am not a rebellious girl, and I did not murder my father.

It was those thieves who wronged me. "

The old man said expressionlessly.

"Hmph, do you think I'm stupid? If you don't believe it, you can search it now to see if the things inside are real."

As he spoke, he even said hello to the hall.

In an instant, dozens of martial arts cultivators filed in, rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the goddess's room.

Within a moment, the martial arts cultivators came back to the main hall carrying a wooden box.

The old man snatched the wooden box.

Immediately, after opening it, he took out the contents.

I was surprised to find that there was a letter inside.

The old man opened it and took a look.

Dang even became furious and shouted harshly.

"Nie Zhan is indeed not a good thing, and he actually colludes with evil spirits.

Presumably, your Gu skills were given to you by this person.

Come on, drag this rebellious woman out and behead her in public! "

As soon as he finished speaking, many men in black rushed in from all around, ready to capture the girl.


Lin Yang suddenly stopped him.

"Lin Yang, what else do you have to say?"

The sect master in the main hall stared at Lin Yang with a pair of sinister eyes, murderous intent bursting out.

"Sect Master, calm down, I think there is something fishy about this matter.

Please think twice! "

Lin Yang spoke again to persuade.

At the same time, I whispered in my heart.

This goddess must be a femme fatale.

Now, it seems that he needs to protect her well so as not to get involved by himself.

Who would have thought that the old man ignored him at all.

Directly ordered.

"Lin Yang, if you dare to protect a rebellious girl, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing the other party's firm attitude, Lin Yang could only sigh helplessly.

Said the heart.

That's all, just do whatever you like, it has nothing to do with you anyway.

Therefore, Lin Yang simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Just like that, half a while passed.

The maid was full of joy and rushed in from the main hall.

"Your Majesty, I have found it."

After hearing this, Lin Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at what the maid was holding, she couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"What is this? Could it be that it is a relic of the goddess?"

After saying that, I’m going to grab it.

But the maid dodged it and said.

"No Lin Yang, this is your blood.

Moreover, there is also a jade pendant. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he handed the two things to Lin Yang.

Hearing this, Lin Yang suddenly felt confused.

He stretched out his hand and caught the blood in his hand.

After taking a closer look, he was surprised to find that the blood was purple-gold in color, and a phoenix was carved on it.

As for that jade pendant.

It is silver in color.

The whole body is crystal clear.

It even emits a faint fluorescence, as if it is made of crystal, and is extremely beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yang suddenly felt extraordinary.

"Is there anything weird about this jade pendant?"

he asked casually.

After the goddess heard this, her expression became complicated.

"This is what my mother-in-law carried with her when she was alive.

Legend has it that it is a rare treasure that has magical functions, but I have never seen the specific functions. "

Hearing this, Lin Yang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

It seems that this jade pendant should be extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would not have remained smooth and moist on the goddess's body for so long.

At this moment, the old man above the main hall said coldly.

"Lin Yang, do you know your guilt?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire palace suddenly became solemn.

The goddess standing at the bottom of the steps was even more pale.


She hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged.

"Father, please forgive me, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Don't you understand, haha, okay, then let me remind you, do you know why I suddenly got sick?

In fact, someone used poison and took the opportunity to poison me while I was taking the elixir, which caused the consequences.

How dare you quibble! "

After saying that, the old man turned into the goddess glaring down.

"What, you dare to poison my father, I will kill you."

In the main hall, when the prince heard this, he became furious and prepared to take action.

However, Lin Yang stepped forward and blocked the way.

"Hmph, the goddess is your father and my master, how can I allow you to hurt her!"

As he spoke, Lin Yang punched him in the face.

In an instant, a muffled sound was heard.

Each side takes three steps back.

When the goddess saw this, she couldn't help but be stunned.

She never expected that Lin Yang's fighting power would be so terrifying.

Especially, the moment I just fought with the opponent, I felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth.

This is simply appalling.

You must know that her skills are extremely powerful, and ordinary masters will never be able to withstand a blow.

Even if he is in the quasi-sage sixth heaven realm, he will be killed on the spot.

But Lin Yang only took three steps back.

You know, although Lin Yang currently only has the peak cultivation level of Quasi-Saint Fifth Level.

However, when it comes to true offensive power, it is no worse than any quasi-sage seventh or eighth level monk.

"You...good boy, I didn't expect you to be so strong.

However, you, a young boy, dare to meddle in my own business, and you are seeking death! "

On the side, when he saw his son being defeated, the minister suddenly became furious.

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his sword and rushed towards Lin Yang.


The swords collided with each other, making a clanging sound.

Lin Yang's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light.

He has no interest in playing with the other party.

After a slight tip of his toe, the minister's sword fell from his hand.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, struck out with a palm.

There was a loud bang.

The minister and his sword were sent flying away.


After a heavy blow to the ground, the minister opened his mouth and spit out blood.


This scene couldn't help but make the sect disciples watching outside the main hall take a breath.

You know, that big man's cultivation is not weak.

The quasi-sage seventh heaven realm.

He was actually defeated by the opponent's palm.


The sect leader sitting on the dragon throne couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Then, he said to the goddess.

"Nie Nu, I remember the love between father and daughter in the past, and I will give you one last chance.

Are you willing to be my queen? "

"I don't want to, and I will never want to."

The goddess replied coldly.

At this moment, Lin Yang already understood.

It turned out that the sect leader's illness was related to the goddess.

Moreover, it is very likely that it was the other party who did it.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

As he spoke, the sect leader suddenly waved his sleeves.

In an instant, a large number of black shadows rushed towards Lin Yang like locusts crossing the border.

Obviously, these are martial arts secrets.

Lin Yang frowned slightly.

"call out!"

The next moment, he flicked his finger.

A wisp of strong wind surged out.

Wherever they went, those men in black exploded instantly.

"You...you are actually a martial artist?"

The sect leader was shocked.

After all, before this, he never thought that his daughter would be a martial artist.

At this time, the goddess had also reflected.

"Lin Yang, thank you for saving me.

After this incident is over, I will definitely give you an explanation. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Seeing her disappearing back, the sect master finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He quickly walked down the hall and came to Lin Yang.

"Who are you?"

In the wilderness, Liu Zheng was sitting on the imperial chariot.

His face was expressionless.

Behind him, a group of civil and military officials gathered tightly.

“Your Majesty, this year’s autumn hunting is about to begin.

May I ask if we set off for the hunting grounds? "

The Minister of Rites bowed and asked.

"Well, get ready and leave immediately!"

Liu Zheng nodded slowly.


The Minister of Rites received the order.

Immediately, he gave the order.


As the trumpet sounded.

Liu Zheng rode the royal chariot and led his ministers out of the capital in a mighty manner.

This trip was accompanied by thousands of guards.

Among them, Lin Yang and the sect leader also participated.

After the group of people drove out of the capital, they went straight to the hunting ground in the Nanman Mountains.

As usual, Liu Zheng chooses to hold every hunting here.

Along the way, inside the chariot, Liu Zheng silently practiced cross-legged.

What he needs to do most now is to be promoted to the quasi-sage ninth level as soon as possible.

After all, the one month left as agreed with Ji Hao has become less and less.

On the other side, deep in the Nanman Mountains, in front of a wide river.

A dense group of people were gathering at this moment.

In addition to those royal children and people from several major sects, there were also more monsters from the Nanman Mountains.

They are all extremely ferocious and murderous.

Therefore, every year when autumn hunting comes, there will be bloody killings.

These monster beasts are huge in size, covered in armor, and their strength is extraordinary.


At this moment, a roar was heard.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw a giant crocodile with a completely black body coming across the sky.

"The evil beast shall die!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout.

The general Zhou Yi rushed over with a spear in his hand.

Behind him were thousands of elite soldiers, all shouting.

Suddenly, the iron hooves rumbled with great momentum.

"Stab it!"

As the spear cuts through the void.

A piercing cold light shot out, heading straight towards the giant black crocodile.


There was a crisp sound, and the giant crocodile's hard scales were unable to withstand the sharp attack and instantly shattered.

Scarlet blood splashed out, making Zhou Yi suddenly excited.

"Okay, okay, kill!"

As he shouted violently, the cavalry behind him poured into the jungle.

I saw the giant black crocodile, howling in agony, quickly turned into flesh.


There was another deafening roar.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a bright golden light bursting out.

The giant crocodile's body turned into billowing smoke and dissipated.

"Haha, this year is really extraordinary. In just one day after entering the Nanman Mountains, I got two demon pills."

Zhou Yi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his face full of pride.

Behind him, all the soldiers were also inexplicably excited.

Everyone knows what the two demon pills represent, which means that they can use these things to improve their cultivation, and even break through the shackles of their cultivation.

Therefore, under the leadership of Zhou Yi, the team continued to march deep into the jungle.

However, what they never expected was that even after they entered the depths of the jungle, they still did not encounter any monsters after half a day's work.

For a moment, everyone was confused.

Could it be that all these monsters were scared away?

"General, it's not because you are so powerful that you scared these monsters into silence."

At this moment, a deputy general suddenly said.

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