But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yi was furious: "You are so outrageous. How can some monsters be scared away by me? Someone must be doing something secretly."

He said coldly.

At the same time, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

However, no clues were found.

Just when he was about to look away, his eyes suddenly widened.

But he suddenly discovered that Lin Yang was standing not far away.

At this moment, he was squinting his eyes slightly and looking around.

"Boy, why are you here!"

Zhou Yi shouted angrily.

You must know that the hunting rules this time prohibit people except those who are relatives of the emperor from entering.

If discovered, the consequences would be unpredictable.

As for Lin Yang, in his eyes, he was still just an ant.

Therefore, even if it is scolded.

"Humph, why are you not allowed to come? Do you think you are a member of the royal family?"

After saying that, Lin Yang retreated to the side.

No matter who the other party is, he cannot afford to offend him.

After all, the other party is the sect leader's younger brother.

If you really offend the other party, you will definitely be implicated.

And just after Lin Yang left, the princes and nobles behind him followed him into the jungle.

They were gearing up one by one, ready to show off their skills.

However, I don't know what price I will pay for entering the hunting ground this time.

After Lin Yang avoided Zhou Yi.

Just step into the depths of the mountains.

Under his feet were endless ancient trees.

The thick branches covered the entire sky, making it look extremely eerie.

It’s daunting.

However, Lin Yang did not show any fear.

Instead, he walked forward with a solemn expression.

Because he felt it.

Above the dense tree canopy, there were waves of strong aura fluctuations.

Obviously, there are still many ferocious beasts lurking in the mountains and fields.

Now it is almost mature.

If you don't pick them quickly, it will be much more difficult to catch them when they mature.

As he thought about it, his speed increased several times.

In the blink of an eye, all obstacles were overcome.

Finally, he appeared in front of a towering ancient tree.

At the top of the tree crown, a red fruit the size of a baby's fist was hanging among the branches, exuding an alluring aroma.

When Lin Yang saw this, his face showed an expression of ecstasy.

He raised his legs and stepped forward, ready to pick.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The surrounding area that was originally calm suddenly became filled with boundless murderous intent.

Immediately, a green-black python as big as a water tank popped out of the void.

Opening his mouth and spitting out, he bit directly towards Lin Yang.

"The beast is looking for death!"

Lin Yang roared angrily.

He raised his hand and took the shot.

With a loud "bang", the two collided, and the ferocious giant poisonous python was immediately blown away.


The severe pain caused the poisonous python to suffer endlessly.

But it aroused its violent character even more.

It neighed and came back again.

"Bang bang..."

Lin Yang jumped up.

Put both feet on the python's body and kick continuously.

Every attack caused blood to fly everywhere.

Just a few breaths of time.

The huge body crashed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was shocked.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Especially the princes and nobles stared at Lin Yang with horrified faces.

This guy can actually fight with his bare hands a poisonous python comparable to the level of a Transformation Realm martial artist?

Moreover, he still looked at ease.

This is too scary!

Moreover, what puzzles everyone the most is that he is obviously about the same age as himself. Why is his strength so powerful?

It’s simply unreasonable!

Just a moment.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Lin Yang.

Even Zhou Yi frowned slightly.

A cold light flashed across his eyes, and he snorted coldly.

"Boy, if you dare to show off your power in front of me, you are seeking death! Take it down for me."

Along with his command.

Many soldiers who had been eyeing Lin Yang for a long time waved their weapons and surrounded and suppressed Lin Yang.

"Stop it."

Suddenly, the Han Emperor Liu Zheng glanced around and shouted in a cold voice.

In an instant, the originally tense scene suddenly came to a standstill.

Everyone looked at the Han Emperor in surprise.

"Your Majesty, how do you..."

Zhou Yi was even more stunned.

Full of suspicion.

It stands to reason that he would lead an army to attack.

Liu Zheng shouldn't be ecstatic.

How could he act so angry?

Could it be that this old guy knew about Lin Yang and deliberately targeted him?

The more he thought about it, the uglier Zhou Yi's face became.


However, Liu Zheng ignored him at all. Instead, he turned to look at Lin Yang: "My dear nephew, are you okay?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, I'm fine."

Lin Yang shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. Otherwise, I can't explain it."

Although the words were relaxed, the depression in Liu Zheng's heart was difficult to dissipate.

After all, Zhou Yi led a million lions to attack, how could he not be worried.

When Lin Yang heard the other party's words of concern, he was quite moved in his heart.

He immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, but there is no need to worry, Your Majesty. My cultivation is more than enough to deal with these ferocious beasts."

Liu Zheng smiled bitterly and sighed.


He knew what Lin Yang meant.

This kid wants to hunt these spiritual fruits alone.

I just don't want to get him involved.

However, as the emperor's uncle, how could he stand by and watch.

Therefore, after a slight hesitation, Liu Zheng loudly ordered Zhou Yidao.

"Since my nephew wants to challenge the beast alone, I will send a team of elite assistants. Remember, don't hurt your nephew..."

"According to the order!"

Although Zhou Yi was not angry, he did not dare to disobey Liu Zheng's will.

When all ten elite masters were gathered together, they followed Lin Yang and flew straight towards the tree crown.


And the giant python that was defeated by Lin Yang.

It roared crazily and chased him.

It seemed that he wanted to fight him desperately.

"The evil beasts will not be allowed to flourish."

Seeing this, Lin Yang snorted coldly and stepped forward to greet him.


A heavy blow landed at the python's seven-inch position.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce force of energy burst out and struck the giant python's neck.

In an instant, blood spurted out.

The giant python howled miserably, rolled and struggled for a moment, then stopped completely.

At this moment, Lin Yang slowly landed.

"How was the harvest?"

Looking at the python skin bag in his hand, Zhou Yi couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad! This python skin is very tough.

Moreover, it actually contains a strong medicinal flavor.

It seems that there must be something good in it. "

Lin Yang's face was filled with joy.

He didn't hesitate at all.

Dang even stretched out his hand to tear the python skin and took out the python meat inside.

Then, he put it into his storage ring.

"Haha, I got rich this time."

As he spoke, Lin Yang wrapped all the remaining python skins outside his robe.

After doing all this, he searched around again.

After confirming that nothing was missing, he turned around and flew away into the distance.

Zhou Yi, on the other hand, led a large number of guards to follow closely behind.

This time, their trip was full of goods.

Not only did he get a lot of spiritual herbs, he also hunted a giant python and hundreds of ferocious beasts.

After returning to the camp.

Lin Yang began to refine the elixir.

Nowadays, he is already proficient in alchemy, and he can produce the elixir with just a few movements of his hands.

At the same time, elixirs are used to temper the muscles and bones.

Makes the body stronger.

Nowadays, it can be said that Lin Yang's combat effectiveness has skyrocketed.

Unless Zhou Yi takes action himself.

Otherwise, even if there are ten times or a hundred times more soldiers, he will not be afraid.

Just like that, the days flew by.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed by.

Late that night, Lin Yang was sitting cross-legged in the tent.

With his arms spread wide, his whole body took on a mysterious posture, like a sculpture.

The whole body is filled with a faint golden aura, which vaguely condenses into a dragon shape.

And on his chest, a crystal-clear metal pill the size of a thumb cap emerged.

Obviously, this is the pulse nourishing pill that Lin Yang refined.

And the moment the elixir took shape, bursts of majestic aura spread out.

These auras were integrated into Lin Yang's internal organs, making his entire temperament ethereal and otherworldly.

Unknowingly, Lin Yang entered a strange realm.

He forgot everything around him and where he was.

The only thing that existed in his mind was the Pulse Nourishing Pill.

Gradually, Lin Yang felt that the surface of his skin began to slowly seep into a golden luster.

A trace of fine lines spread quickly.

And, as time goes by, these lines gradually increase.

Finally at a certain moment, it exploded violently.


There was a crisp sound.

Immediately, the Nourishing Pulse Pill, which contained infinite aura, exploded and turned into powder and scattered on the surface of Lin Yang's body.

The next moment, Lin Yang felt that all the meridians in his body suddenly became smooth.

It's as if everything is clear.

His breathing was filled with strong surges of air.

This made Lin Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

"Did you say I made a breakthrough?"

With his mind spinning, he couldn't help but secretly say.

Immediately, he opened his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body.

As expected, he really broke through to the early stage of Wu Zun.

Moreover, his body is stronger than before.

Today, Lin Yang's self-confidence has unknowingly increased.


Suddenly, Lin Yang frowned slightly, with a strange look on his face.

At the moment of breakthrough, he actually noticed a trace of familiar feeling from the pulse nourishing pill.

"Eh? Is that thousand-leaf lotus plant nearby?

But where exactly is it hidden? "

Lin Yang murmured.

The next moment, his eyes lit up and he looked towards the depths of the jungle not far away.

Then, with one step, he jumped over.

I saw two towering ancient trees standing in the dense forest.

The two trees were so lush that they covered the entire mountain forest.

One of the trees has a thick trunk and branches that are like a dragon, winding and circling.

The other tree has sparse branches and leaves, and some branches have been broken by the erosion of wind and rain.

However, these two trees give people an extremely mysterious feeling.

Even Lin Yang couldn't help but take a breath when he saw them.

Because he felt a mighty pressure coming from the trunk and branches.

Especially the branches, each of which is like a steel whip.

Just a slight wave will set off a burst of air-breaking sounds.



Seeing this scene, Lin Yang couldn't help but take a breath.

"Could it be the legendary ancient vine?"

He exclaimed in his heart.

You know, the ancient vine is a spiritual plant, which is said to be derived from the chaotic spiritual objects between heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that this guy still has terrifying strength.

Don't look at the appearance of an old man in his twilight years now.

But as long as he is alive, he has the chance to be promoted to the Demon Emperor.

Unfortunately, such a heaven-defying thing is very rare even in the Xianwu Continent.

I didn't expect to encounter it in this wild land.

Moreover, judging from the situation just now, this ancient vine seems to be seriously injured.

At this time, it seems to be dying.

If it can be cured...

Lin Yang was very excited and wanted to rush forward immediately to subdue the other party.

But in the end, reason told him that he must not be reckless.

After all, the ancient vine was born from heaven and earth and is not easy to be tamed.

If you pick it rashly, it may be counterproductive.

Therefore, he just watched silently.

It was not until a long time later that the ancient vine shook its branches gently.


The next moment, new buds grew on the withered trunk.

Then, the tender green buds quickly bloomed with green light.

Then, a little bit of vitality was released from the new bud.

And at the moment when this breath was filled, a fist-sized green seedling slowly rose up.

Although the seedling was young, it gave Lin Yang a feeling of extreme danger.

Even suffocating.

It was as if the seedling contained extremely huge vitality, and if he was not careful, it would destroy the world.


Lin Yang was shocked.

He quickly held his breath and stared at the green seedling.

It was not until a long time later that he sighed: "It seems that the life of this ancient vine has come to an end and is about to fall."

After saying this, he did not dare to neglect it, and quickly took out the spiritual medicine prepared in the storage ring and threw it all over.

"Bang bang bang!"

The spiritual medicine fell on the branch and immediately exploded, turning into a rich spiritual liquid and injected into the seedling.

At the same time, Lin Yang used the "Nine Heavens Sword Art" that he had practiced.

In an instant, rolling sword intent gushed out.

Under the nourishment of those spiritual liquids, the stem of the seedling began to grow slowly under the naked eye.

It spread upwards section by section.

In a short moment, it had reached a height of three feet and was still rising.

And on the green bark, colorful clouds began to emerge.

It looked magnificent.

This scene was simply too shocking.

Even with Lin Yang's concentration, he was dumbfounded after seeing such a wonder.

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