After being stunned for a long time, Lin Yang slowly let out a breath, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

This Sky-Qing Ancient Vine is indeed worthy of its reputation. Just a seedling can produce such appalling miraculous effects. If it is truly refined, what kind of fortune will be obtained?

Thinking of this, Lin Yang's eyes flashed with fiery brilliance.

At this moment, he was on the top of a mountain hundreds of miles away from him.

There are four figures standing in the sky, looking down.

These four people were all wearing black clothes and covering their faces, and their bodies were boiling with murderous intent.

They looked coldly at Lin Yang below, with sinister smiles on their lips.

The leader said even more indifferently: "You three have been following this kid for a while, right? How about it, has he discovered us?"

Hearing this, the three men in black next to them shook their heads.

The leader of the men in black robes frowned and asked: "How could it be possible? Haven't you been exposed?"

The leader is a young man about twenty years old.

His name is Wang Tao, and he is the top disciple of the younger generation of the Wang family.

His cultivation has reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he is very powerful.

Behind him, stood a man in black robe, who was worshiped by the Wang family.

This person's cultivation has also reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

In addition to the two of them, there was an old man in black robe standing on the other side.

At this moment, the man in black robe could only be heard saying respectfully: "Reporting to the young master, he should have discovered it, but this guy is too cautious."

After hearing these words, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows and asked calmly: "Oh, if that's the case, what will he do now?"

"Uh..." The old man in black robe hesitated slightly, and then said: "We are monitoring secretly. This guy seems to want to get closer, but he has not entered the domain of Qingtian Ancient Vine."

Hearing this, Wang Tao's pupils narrowed, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Haha, interesting, this kid is quite courageous."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around, raised his hand and grabbed it behind him, and immediately held a sharp blade that was completely black and exuded a blue cold air.

"Let's go, I want to try tonight to see how powerful this Qingtian Ancient Vine is." Wang Tao snorted coldly.

"Hehe, yes, young master, I will accompany you there right now." The old man in black robe quickly bowed and said.

Another man in black robes said flatteringly: "Master, in my opinion, no matter how strong a disciple of the Xuanming Palace is, how can he do anything to you?"

Hearing this, Wang Tao's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm, and said lightly: "What do you know? The reason why I dare to go into danger alone is because I am sure to surrender this ancient vine that holds the sky. Otherwise, what do you think? , Why do I dare to break into this Qingtian Ancient Vine?"

"This is."

The man in black robe was immediately shocked when he heard this, and quickly shut up and said no more.

Just like that, following Wang Tao's order, the two of them performed escape techniques together and flew towards the distance.

After a few breaths, the two of them crossed the distance of thousands of feet and arrived five or six miles away from Qingtian Ancient Vine.

Stopping, Wang Tao turned his head and looked at the sky-holding ancient vine.

You can see that it has lush branches and leaves, like a giant python coiling on the earth, swallowing snakes and constantly making hissing sounds.

After they arrived here, the sky-supporting ancient vine shook suddenly, and in an instant, hundreds of green vines burst out of the ground, overwhelming the sky and sweeping towards the two men in black robes.

"not good!"

The expressions of the two men in black robes changed drastically, and they quickly used their magic weapons to face the enemy.

However, the two of them used various methods.

But under those vines, it was as fragile as paper.

In just a moment, their weapons were shattered by the vines.

"Puff! Puff..."

Immediately, the vines were like breaking bamboo, and in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two men in black robes were pierced.


The two of them stared wide-eyed, full of regret and unwillingness.

However, they had no time to cry out and died completely.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yang felt deep fear on his face.

He had long heard of the Ancient Sky-Qingtian Vine, which was a rare treasure from heaven and earth that could only be encountered but not sought.

However, once this thing matures, it will be coveted by many people.

But now, he saw it with his own eyes, and it was indeed terrifying.

Especially the pressure possessed by the Qingtian Ancient Vine made Lin Yang horrified.

"Oh my god! No, I have to get out of here right away."

In a flash of thought, Lin Yang made up his mind to leave here.

Unfortunately, he had just moved a few meters away when the sky-holding ancient vine suddenly roared, and immediately, large groups of green vines rushed out of the ground.

In an instant, the vines that covered the sky formed a sky net, covering this area.

At the same time, a roar as loud as thunder suddenly came.

"Whoever dares to step into the restricted area of ​​Qingtian Ancient Vine will be shot without mercy!"

This is the warning issued by Qingtian Guteng. It is domineering and shocking.

Lin Yang's heart suddenly twitched violently.

Damn it, this Qingtian Ancient Vine can actually talk?

You know, even though he has seen a lot of monsters and ferocious spiritual beasts in the sect.

But it is unheard of to be as intelligent as the Qingtian Ancient Vine.

"What on earth is this guy?" Lin Yang turned pale with horror.


Suddenly, a sinister smile suddenly sounded.

The next moment, the black-robed man approached and said sinisterly: "Boy, you are lucky to have found such a heaven-defying artifact as the Sky-lifting Ancient Vine. Now, you are the only one alive here. Are you willing to surrender and return to the family with my young master? Maybe you can save your life."

Lin Yang was shocked when he heard this and blurted out: "What? Are you talking about Wang Tao? I don't know him at all. Why does he want to kill me?"


The black-robed man howled to the sky, and then said coldly and sarcastically: "Boy, do you think my young master will kill you for no reason? That's because you touched his forbidden zone. Now, you are dead!"

As the last few words came out of the other party's mouth, his body expanded rapidly in an instant, and he turned into a hideous and terrifying monster.

Its head was huge, its face was hideous, and there were limbs on its back.

The whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, like armor protecting the body.

On its body, there were dense green thorns wrapped around it, like poisonous thorns, sharp and shining with dazzling cold light.


As it roared in a low voice, it instantly turned into a blurred afterimage.

In the blink of an eye, it came close to Lin Yang.


A claw swung out, bringing with it a whirring wind, faster than imagined.

Lin Yang was extremely shocked, and at the moment he didn't care about anything else, he tried his best to use his body skills and quickly retreated.

There was a muffled sound of "bang".

The sharp claws brushed Lin Yang's chest and swept past, and immediately set off a violent gust of wind.

Lin Yang only felt a burning pain in his heart, and even bleeding, looking quite embarrassed.

And he finally understood the fate of the two black-robed men.

Although the black-robed man was a master of the second level of the foundation-building period,

However, he was completely unable to withstand the aftermath of the monster's attack and was directly torn apart.

Watching the body of the black-robed man fall, Lin Yang's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time.

This ancient vine was too terrifying.

The vine alone easily killed a martial artist at the second level of the foundation-building period.

This is simply a terrifying killing weapon.

Unconsciously, a layer of fine sweat had seeped out of his forehead.

Moreover, as he fled, the green vines around him were getting closer and closer.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped Lin Yang's heart, making him feel cold all over.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely be entangled by these green vines.

At that time, there would be no hope.

What to do?

Lin Yang was in a state of confusion.

"Hehehe... kid, are you running? Why don't you keep running?" The black-robed man sneered triumphantly.

At the same time, the green vines released by the ancient vine also accelerated.

Lin Yang suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

"Damn it! If that's the case, let's fight." Lin Yang cursed secretly with gritted teeth.

Immediately, he took out a purple gold purgatory cauldron from the space ring.

Then, he clapped his palms and injected the spiritual energy in his body into it frantically.


The purple gold purgatory cauldron made a trembling sound, and then it burst into brilliant light and floated in the air.

Moreover, rolling red flames emerged from the surface of the cauldron, and the scorching temperature spread.

Lin Yang smashed the purple gold purgatory cauldron on the ground without hesitation.


With a loud bang, the whole hill shook three times.

Those green vines that were originally chasing Lin Yang actually retreated one after another. Obviously, they were very afraid of the red flames burning on the purple gold purgatory cauldron.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Yang's figure flashed, and he went straight into the purple gold purgatory cauldron and disappeared.

"Damn bastard, you actually ran into that cauldron?"

The black-robed man was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but get furious.

Immediately, he stretched out his withered and skinny right hand and fiercely grabbed the purple-gold purgatory cauldron.

However, before he could get close, the purple-gold purgatory cauldron spewed out a ball of blazing flames and swept towards him.

"Chi La..."

The black-robed man was caught off guard and was immediately wrapped in flames, instantly turning into a wisp of green smoke and disappearing.

Lin Yang sat cross-legged in the cauldron, breathing heavily, and finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise, he would probably be buried here.

But he was still worried, with a look of worry between his brows.

"No, this ancient vine is too powerful."

"I'm in danger now."

"If this continues, let alone finding my mother, even my life is not guaranteed, how can I find my mother and avenge my hatred?"

"Am I really going to die in this ghost place today?"


Just when Lin Yang was thinking about it, the vines of the ancient vine, like a python, stretched out rapidly and trapped him tightly.


With a crisp cracking sound, the storage bag on Lin Yang's wrist was actually strangled and fell off.

Then, the figure of the man in black robe fell out from it.

He looked at the giant vines of the ancient vine with a look of astonishment, and couldn't help screaming: "Damn it, my storage bag."

"Haha, you rubbish, there's no use keeping it. Hurry up and tell your last words, otherwise I'll eat you right away." The ancient vine said teasingly.

"You bastard, I'm a disciple of the Black Magic Cult, how dare you hurt me?" The man in black robe threatened angrily.


With a whip sound, the ancient vine swung a vine and knocked the opponent to the ground.

The man in black robe wailed and said with a face full of panic: "Don't... Sir, spare my life! The boy just attacked me. If you want him to die, please eat me first."

The ancient vine laughed and said: "You are not worthy, your blood is stinky, I hate it."

The man in black robe was frightened and begged: "Sir, please be kind and let me go. You don't know how hard I worked. It took me a lot of effort to collect enough blood essence..."

While speaking, he took out a fist-sized, round and crystal ruby ​​like a baby's head and handed it to the ancient vine.

"What is this?" The ancient vine asked.

The man in black robe hurriedly explained: "This is what I got in a cave. It is said to be a dragon ball, which contains huge energy."

As he spoke, he put the ruby ​​on the ground.

In an instant, the Sky-supporting Ancient Vine swayed violently and quickly retracted into the lava river.

After a while, a small sapling with a green body slowly rose into the air.

With a "swoosh", it flew towards the dragon ball.

Soon, it swallowed the dragon ball and then took root in the lava river.

Then, its branches quickly forked and explored in all directions.

After a while, all the branches were hanging with a few drops of crystal clear milky white juice.

"Hahaha, this is ambergris, which is extremely beneficial to my recovery. Help me pick it quickly." The Sky-supporting Ancient Vine said excitedly.

How dare the black-robed man neglect it?

He rushed over, picked up the few drops of ambergris, and respectfully presented them to the ancient vine, saying, "Thank you for the reward, sir."

"Well, not bad." The ancient vine nodded, threw him a jade bottle, and said, "You are lucky this time. But remember to be diligent in the future. I don't like lazy people."

"Yes, I will follow your instructions."

The man in black nodded and took the jade bottle.

As soon as the cork was opened, a mighty medicinal power surged out, making people feel refreshed.

He couldn't wait to raise his head and drink it. In an instant, he felt warm all over.


He sighed, closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath.


Accompanied by the roar, a group of extremely dense black air escaped from the black-robed man's head.

After only half an incense stick of time, the black-robed man opened his eyes, and two terrifying black rays shot out from the depths of his pupils, which were breathtaking.


A sharp dagger suddenly appeared in his hand, flashing with cold murderous intent.


The next moment, he waved his arm and chopped Lin Yang's head off with one blow.

Then, Lin Yang's headless body collapsed to the ground.

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