The black-robed man grinned sinisterly, revealing a mouthful of sharp fangs, and said: "Hehe, I finally killed you. Little bastard, you are far from fighting with me."

After that, he kicked Lin Yang's body with his foot, and then jumped into the surging river.

In the blink of an eye, his figure was completely submerged in it.


At the same time, in another cave ten thousand meters away from here.


The fire flashed, and a man in black was blown away and hit the rock wall.

He coughed a few times while holding his chest, and spit out a large mouthful of dirty blood, looking embarrassed.

The man in black was Lin Yang.

At this time, he was seriously injured and was hanging on by a breath of true energy.

He was bloodshot and glared at the ancient vine opposite.

The Sky-Bearing Ancient Vine let out a series of strange laughter, "Little guy, how is it, how does it taste?"

Lin Yang snorted coldly: "Old monster, don't be arrogant, sooner or later, I will chop you into pieces."

"Haha, you have to leave alive, trash." The Sky-Bearing Ancient Vine said sarcastically.

"I will never admit defeat, and I will never let you get what you want." Lin Yang gritted his teeth and said, with a touch of determination in his eyes.

"Since you don't believe in evil, let's continue playing and see who can outlast whom in the end." The Sky-Bearing Ancient Vine sneered.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to the end." Lin Yang said in a deep voice.

He knew clearly in his heart that he would definitely not be able to survive this Sky-Bearing Ancient Vine and must escape as soon as possible.

But the surroundings are all scorching lava lakes. Unless he can turn into a bird and fly away, he can't think of leaving safely from it.


Just then, a violent suction force came and imprisoned him firmly.

Lin Yang's heart sank suddenly, thinking that it was not good. Sure enough, he still underestimated the weirdness of the ancient vine. It was impossible for him to escape from its cage.

Then, he felt the blood boiling in his body, and his cultivation began to improve crazily.

After a short struggle, Lin Yang's legs gradually became longer and harder, becoming like iron, extremely tough.

"Roar!" He roared, shaking the void, and the whole cave was buzzing.


Lin Yang turned into a residual image and ran straight towards the ancient vine.

In an instant, a destructive momentum filled the air, which was extremely oppressive.

The ancient vine was shocked and shouted in panic: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?"

Lin Yang turned a deaf ear and slapped it hard with a claw.

"Bang!" The ancient vine was beaten back three feet away, and its branches and leaves shook.

"Little bastard, are you looking for death?" The ancient vine scolded angrily.

"Old monster, today it's either you or me who will die." Lin Yang said domineeringly, and attacked again.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

In a split second, the two fought for thousands of moves.

Finally, Lin Yang seized the opportunity with a thunderous force and hit the trunk of the ancient vine with one palm, causing it to wail miserably. Black smoke billowed from the surface of its body, and it was in great pain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yang chopped several palms in succession, causing the ancient vine to retreat step by step and die.

Lin Yang chased after it in one go, stepped on its body with his foot, and angrily shouted: "Old beast, I warn you, send me out of the secret realm quickly, and I can still spare your life."

"Dream on. Boy, I am the ancient vine of the sky, the guardian spirit of the secret realm. If I let you out, when you become strong, you will become a disaster. By then, who will subdue you?" The ancient vine of the sky snorted coldly.

"Haha, it turns out to be a poisonous snake, no wonder it wants to eat me." Lin Yang said coldly.

"I can't help it, I'm too hungry, just treat it as alms." Qingtian Ancient Vine said shamelessly.

Lin Yang couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, let Chu Yunyao go first."

Qingtian Ancient Vine said disdainfully: "I will take that girl out of the secret realm, but not now, I need you to stay here for me to eat."

Hearing this, Lin Yang's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "You damn old thing, dare to harm me! Do you believe that I will crush your tree core immediately?"

Qingtian Ancient Vine said disdainfully: "Then you try it, anyway, I'm not afraid. As long as you are not afraid of death, the worst is that both sides will die."

Lin Yang gritted his teeth and finally endured it, "What do you want?"

"Simple, hand over my children, and I will let you and that girl leave." Qingtian Ancient Vine said.

"Okay, you can!" Lin Yang agreed without hesitation.

After all, as long as Chu Yunyao is not dead, everything else can be discussed.

"Then you hand them over."

"Sorry, you have to let me out first."

"Okay, I promise you." The ancient vine said.

The next moment, its huge body burst into a dazzling green light, wrapped around Lin Yang, and soon swallowed him.

In an instant, Lin Yang fell into a coma and was taken into a dark passage.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up slowly.

He found himself in a dense jungle, surrounded by silence.

Lin Yang looked around and suddenly remembered that this was the location that Chu Yunyao told him before entering the secret realm.

"Is Chu Yunyao still alive?" He couldn't help but mutter to himself.


A gust of wind blew past, and a slight noise sounded in Lin Yang's ears, as if something was moving.

"Who's there?" Lin Yang asked vigilantly.

Then, a bright red petal floated down from not far away and landed in front of Lin Yang.

This flower is very beautiful, crystal clear, and exudes an alluring fragrance.

Lin Yang looked at it carefully for a moment, frowning slightly, always feeling that this thing is very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere?

He was puzzled, and reached out to take the red flower in his hand to check.

The next moment, he suddenly woke up.

Damn, isn't this the blood demon fruit? It actually grew on the stem of the ancient vine, which is really puzzling.

"Crack, crack..." The ancient vine made a chewing sound, and it was actually eating the blood demon fruit.

Lin Yang was horrified, and hurriedly threw away the blood demon fruit, then rose from the ground and soared into the sky, trying to escape.

But the Sky-supporting Ancient Vine let out a sharp hissing sound, "Boy, where are you running to? Stay here obediently and be my blood food."

In an instant, a huge group of vines swept over at an incredibly fast speed, like a tornado, covering the sky and the sun.


Lin Yang was caught off guard and was whipped away more than ten feet away, smashing a rockery.

Then, the Sky-supporting Ancient Vine pounced on him as fast as lightning.

Lin Yang did not dare to neglect it, and punched desperately to meet the enemy. The two fought evenly.

"Boom boom..."

The fierce fight lasted for a long time, and Lin Yang was beaten all over his body, with broken bones and tendons.

Finally, the Sky-supporting Ancient Vine stopped attacking and shouted grimly: "You are dead, you dare to break in here and act wildly, the ancestor will eat you."

As soon as the voice fell, its main body drilled into the deep soil and disappeared, and there was no trace of it again.

Lin Yang stood up with difficulty, and his whole body was in great pain.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and cursed with gritted teeth: "Damn, sooner or later, I will come to the place where the ancient vine is and take your head."

In fact, he completely misunderstood the ancient vine and did not harm Chu Yunyao.

Because the ancient vine had long noticed that Lin Yang was hiding a great fortune. If Lin Yang escaped, wouldn't it be a bargain for this kid?

More importantly, the Chu family is the enemy of the ancient vine. It must be eradicated as soon as possible. The Chu family must not be allowed to rise, so as not to threaten its dominance.

Lin Yang returned to the Chu family all the way. After experiencing the trials of life and death, his cultivation became more exquisite and reached the peak of refining the spirit.

Chu Yunyao was still sealed in the crystal coffin and had no intention of waking up.

Lin Yang placed Chu Yunyao on the bed in the room and prepared to continue to practice with concentration.

Suddenly, a picture emerged in his mind.

A golden pagoda came out of nowhere, exuding a monstrous and murderous aura, suppressing the world and making all things submit.

"Hey, isn't this Xuan Xiao's Nine-story Linglong Pagoda?"

"No, why is it a little different from what I remember? Is it a fake?"

"I can't care so much, I'll enter Xuan Xiao's Nine-story Linglong Pagoda first."

Thinking of this, he was filled with joy and decided to try to enter the pagoda.


In an instant, a terrifying and vast force surged.


Lin Yang spurted out blood, flew backwards, and fell outside the door. He stared at the closed door with a shocked face, and his heart was full of waves. He muttered to himself: "What a powerful force."

Although he was injured, he smiled with relief.

"It seems that Xuan Xiao didn't lie to me. There really is a Nine-story Linglong Pagoda, and there is a legacy in it. Haha! This time I'm going to make a fortune."

After calming down a little, Lin Yang cleaned up his embarrassed appearance and pushed the door open and walked in.

The lights inside were brilliant, reflecting the entire pagoda, filled with rich spiritual energy, making people breathe comfortably.

At the same time, the situation inside the tower appeared in his mind.

"Huh? Xuan Xiao is not here." Lin Yang showed a puzzled expression.

Immediately, he understood that Xuan Xiao's Yuanying clone must have fallen, and the original body must have suffered serious injuries.

At this time, Lin Yang's sight was focused on a ball of light.

The ball of light was hanging in the air, flowing with colorful rays of light and releasing an extremely strong fragrance.

Lin Yang's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "Is this the inheritance?"

He walked forward quickly, stretched out his hand to touch the ball of light, and felt the powerful power contained in it. His heartbeat accelerated.


Suddenly, the ball of light exploded, and a huge amount of information poured into his mind, making his head swell and ache.


Lin Yang screamed, hugged his head, and knelt on his knees.

"Bang! Bang!"

He kowtowed several times in a row before he gradually recovered.

The moment he opened his eyes, Lin Yang's pupils were gray-brown, which looked extremely strange.

He clearly felt that there were many more memories in his mind. It turned out that Xuan Xiao left a legacy.

Lin Yang sat up slowly, silently comprehending the information in his mind, and soon realized that this was the technique that Xuan Xiao practiced, called "Nine Heavens Thunder Art".

"Too powerful!"

Lin Yang was so excited that he sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced as if he had found a treasure.


A trace of purple thunder fell from the sky and struck Lin Yang's shoulder.

In an instant, Lin Yang's body trembled wildly, his skin and flesh were burnt, he grimaced in pain, and sweated coldly.

You know, "Nine Heavens Thunder Art" can be practiced to a high level, and it can condense thunder spells and have destructive effects.

Especially at critical moments, casting thunder spells to sneak attack the enemy will definitely have unexpected effects.

Lin Yang was not to be outdone, and he operated the technique, mobilized the true energy in his body, and tried to condense thunder.

He found that his true qi resonated with the thunder and successfully attracted a ray of lightning arc.

Although it was very little, it was enough to show that Lin Yang had a strong talent for cultivation.

Then, Lin Yang tried to control a little bit of lightning arc, which gradually increased and became more and more powerful.


Lin Yang mastered the trick, controlled more lightning arcs, gathered them on his right arm, and then suddenly blasted them out, bringing up a string of dazzling lightning.

"Boom boom..."

In an instant, the area within a radius of five or six meters was shrouded in dazzling lightning, and the scene was spectacular.

"Damn! So awesome!" Lin Yang shouted excitedly, but it was a pity that he could not control more lightning arcs.


Just as Lin Yang was immersed in the state of cultivation, suddenly, a long sword with a cold light broke through the air and flew over, carrying a sharp edge, and the speed was as fast as a meteor breaking through the void, as fast as lightning.

Lin Yang was startled, and raised his hand in panic and slapped it out to block the flying sword.

However, the flying sword continued to slash with its might, carrying a sharp and domineering edge.

"Damn it!" Lin Yang shouted angrily, and quickly soared into the air to avoid the sharp sword energy.


The flying sword passed by his clothes, leaving a deep scar.

Lin Yang was so scared that cold sweat oozed from his forehead. This flying sword was simply a deadly weapon.

Fortunately, he practiced the "Nine Heavens Thunder Art", otherwise it would have been dangerous just now.

"Damn it!" He couldn't help but swear.

"Swish, swish!"

Two whistling sounds came out of thin air, and two short swords shot out, carrying a sharp edge.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, and without hesitation, he sacrificed the Black Dragon Sword, and when he swung it, he crushed the two short swords into iron slag.

Then, he looked around and made sure that there was no danger before he dared to breathe.

"What a powerful flying sword! It is worthy of being the thing of the strong in the fairy world, and it should not be easily provoked." He muttered in his heart.

After a while, Lin Yang calmed down and began to study the "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Art". According to the method described above, he improved his strength little by little.

Time passed, and more than three years passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yang's realm successfully advanced to the peak of the initial stage of foundation building, and he was only one step away from the Danjie realm, but it was as difficult as ascending to heaven, and he could not find an opportunity at all.

Moreover, he sensed that every time he encountered a bottleneck, there was always a force pulling him in the dark, making him unable to break through.

Lin Yang knew that this was the biggest obstacle for practitioners to break through the bottleneck, and they must accumulate enough spiritual energy.

"Alas, it seems that I can only wait for the next opportunity."

Lin Yang sighed secretly, stood up and stretched his muscles, preparing to leave the secret room.

At this time, the door of the treasure house roared and was knocked open by someone, and a team of soldiers rushed in.

The leading officer shouted angrily: "Where did the thieves come from, and dared to trespass into the forbidden area!"

"Haha... Who do you think you are! You dare to stop me?" Lin Yang sneered.

The officer was furious, pointed his sword at Lin Yang, and shouted, "Asshole! Boy, give me your life!" Before he finished speaking, he had already rushed over and chopped with his sword.

Lin Yang's eyes condensed, and he shook his head with disdain, "You are just a mortal warrior, and you dare to fight me, get out!" As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed him.


The long sword in the officer's hand broke, and his body staggered, and was slapped away by Lin Yang.

Lin Yang did not kill anyone, after all, he still had to find out Xuan Xiao's whereabouts.

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