This guy was just knocked unconscious, not killed.

"Who are you? Why did you break into the temple?" A deep and deep voice sounded.

I saw a man wearing luxurious robes and having a good temperament standing in the center of the hall.

He stared at Lin Yang with cold eyes and snorted coldly: "You are so courageous, you dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​the palace without permission. This crime cannot be forgiven!"

"So much nonsense! I'm here to seek revenge. Are you Xuan Xiao's master?" Lin Yang asked lightly, but he was a little confused in his heart.

He had just advanced, so he should have reacted, but there were no signs, which was very strange.

"Hmph, that's right! Let me make it clear to you today that I am the King of the Southern Territory, and I have been ordered to arrest this thief like you. If you are wise, you will catch me, otherwise I will not kill you!" The man in rich clothes said proudly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"As expected, you are Xuan Xiao's master." Lin Yang squinted his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Since you are Xuan Xiao's master, I will deal with you first!"

After the words fell, Lin Yang stepped towards the other party, filled with overwhelming fighting spirit, murderous and heart-stopping.


The South Territory King's face darkened, and he said slyly: "You, a humble mortal, do you really think you are invincible?"

Instead of retreating, he advanced and took the initiative to attack. His figure passed by like a ghost and punched Lin Yang.


Lin Yang responded with a fist.

The fists and palms collided, making a deafening sound, and a ball of sparks burst out.

"Deng Deng..."

Lin Yang took two steps back, but the Southern Territory King was as steady as a mountain, still staring at Lin Yang menacingly.

"How can you be so strong?" Lin Yang was shocked and looked at the other party in shock.

"Haha... I will kill you sooner or later with my own hands." The King of the Southern Territory said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared on the spot and turned into an afterimage and rushed toward Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eyes narrowed, and he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.


In the blink of an eye, he and the Southern Territory King fought head-on, retreated again, stepped on the hard stone slab with both feet, and plowed a half-foot-deep ravine.

Lin Yang sucked in a cold breath. This palm was rushed. Although it offset most of the pressure, it was still a little injured and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha... You're no good either!" The Southern Territory King laughed wildly, with disdain on his face.

"You old man, don't be so arrogant!" Lin Yang was furious, his eyes widened, and he punched him.

The King of the Southern Territory was not afraid and waved his fist seal to fight against him.

"Bang! Bang..."

In an instant, the two fought dozens of times, with fists roaring and tables, chairs and benches overturning.


Finally, the South Territory King showed a flaw, his chest was collapsed, blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Lin Yang glanced coldly at the Southern Territory King lying on the ground. Immediately, he took out his dagger, cut several cuts on the guy's body, and squeezed out all the blood and essence.

"Ah..." The King of the South Territory suddenly woke up and flew into a rage on the spot. He gnashed his teeth and cursed angrily: "You bastard, I will cut you into pieces with a thousand knives and crush your bones into ashes."

"Noisy!" Lin Yang snorted coldly and struck fiercely, kicking the opponent on the waist.

"Ouch..." The Southern Territory King screamed, the pain was unbearable and he almost fainted.

Lin Yang took out the silver needle from his sleeve and inserted it into the opponent's acupuncture point.

"What do you want to do?" The Southern Territory King shouted in horror, an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yang devoured the essence and blood of the Southern Territory King.

Then, he pricked more than a dozen needles on the Southern Territory King.

In an instant, the Southern Territory King's vitality was rapidly declining, and he seemed to be dying at any time.

"Don't...please spare me." The King of the South Territory wailed in panic, with sweat breaking out all over his head.

Lin Yang shook his head expressionlessly and rebuffed coldly: "I'm sorry! You caused my wife and daughter to die tragically, which is even more heinous. Only by washing away your sins with blood can you protect their reincarnation."

"What? You killed Qin Xue and destroyed my disciple's body." The Southern Territory King's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was extremely sad. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill you to avenge them."

"Then give it a try." Lin Yang was not afraid.

The King of the Southern Territory suddenly knelt down and knelt down, begged and begged: "Senior, please let me go. I am willing to be a bull and a horse to pay for my sins, and I will be absolutely loyal to you in the future."

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "No need!"

The King of the Southern Territory became anxious, "You old man, my disciple is Xuan Xiao. If you dare to kill his master, you are finished!"

Lin Yang was unmoved and said indifferently: "He who killed my wife and daughter is my sworn enemy and must be eliminated."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the Southern Territory King's neck, and pulled him out suddenly.

"Uh ah..." The Southern Territory King screamed, unable to break free, his face turning the color of pig liver.

Lin Yang let go lightly, and the Southern Territory King fell to the ground and coughed repeatedly.

"Cough cough cough..." He panted violently, raised his head with difficulty, looked at Lin Yang with resentment, gritted his teeth and said: "Lin, if you dare to kill me, aren't you afraid that my disciple will cause trouble for you?"

Lin Yang snorted coldly and said: "If he dares to come, I will kill him without fail." After a pause, he continued: "Get out of here, otherwise, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the wolves."

"You..." The Southern Territory King was trembling with anger and gritting his teeth in hatred, but there was nothing he could do because he was no match for Lin Yang.

"Hmph! Let's ride on donkeys and read the songbook and see." Leaving these harsh words behind, the King of the South Territory dragged his scarred body and slowly moved away.

Looking at his embarrassed back, Lin Yang raised his lips and sneered: "Want to escape? No way."

He used Lingbo Weibu to chase him and appeared in front of the King of the South Region in an instant.

The King of the South Region was startled and warned: "Don't push too much, otherwise it will be a fight to the death."

"Then you can try and see if you can get an advantage from me." Lin Yang said calmly, his tone full of disdain.

"You..." The King of the South Region was angry and sighed.

Normally speaking, Lin Yang is only at the initial stage of Wu Zun, and is definitely not as good as him, a master of the third level of Wu Sheng. However, Lin Yang's weird skills make him very afraid.

Especially this guy knows the sword control technique, which is simply impossible to defend against.

After thinking for a moment, the King of the South Region gritted his teeth and said: "What do you want?"

"Take out all your treasures to redeem your life." Lin Yang said lightly, staring at the other party with burning eyes.

Hearing this, the face of the King of the Southern Region turned dark, veins on his forehead bulged, and he roared: "Little bastard, you are going too far. Do you know where all my cultivation resources are?"

Lin Yang smiled disapprovingly: "Isn't your treasure the Qiankun bag that stores spiritual medicine? Give it up obediently, maybe I can consider sparing your life, otherwise you will be killed."

Hearing this, the King of the Southern Region hesitated for a moment and finally compromised.

After all, he was seriously injured and was no match for Lin Yang, and the other party also knew how to control the sword. Killing is not enough, and it is better to be alive than dead.

He trembled and took out the Qiankun bag and handed it to the other party, saying bitterly: "This is all my property, I hope you keep your promise."

"Don't worry!" Lin Yang accepted the Qiankun bag and did not break his promise. He directly lifted the blockade of the other party.

"Swoosh..." The figure of the King of the Southern Region flashed and fled to the distance. The speed was very fast. After a few jumps, he disappeared in the vast night.

Looking at the direction where the other party left, Lin Yang frowned and muttered to himself: "Damn it! Let this guy run away."

Soon after, Lin Yang found a secluded forest, set up a formation to cover it, and ambushed a large number of bombs around it, then sat cross-legged and prepared to take the elixir to restore his strength.

"Ding Dong..."

The system sent a prompt sound: "Host, congratulations on obtaining an elixir 'Ju Yuan Dan', grade: medium-grade!"

"Wow! Finally, I have gathered all five materials. It is just a matter of time before I can be promoted to an ancient alchemist. By then, I can refine a super-ordinary elixir, and my cultivation will be able to break through, my true energy will be transformed, and my combat power will soar a hundred times. Even if I meet a martial emperor, I will not be in vain." Lin Yang cheered excitedly.

"Huh? That's not right. Why is there one ingredient missing?"

He observed carefully and found that the one missing was the Yin Yang Ginseng, with only a quarter of the medicinal effect left. It should have been used just now.

This is a precious herb that can save the lives of Li Susu and her mother, and it must not be wasted.

Since he couldn't find it, Lin Yang had to put it aside for now and find a way to find it tomorrow.

He sat cross-legged, silently chanted the method of alchemy, and began to refine the Juyuan Pill.

Juyuan Pill is a medium-grade healing pill. For ordinary warriors, it has extraordinary effects and magical effects. It can not only restore true qi, but also nourish the internal organs and meridians. It is a good recipe for healing and replenishing physical strength, and it is very valuable.

At this moment, Lin Yang is running the Juyuan Pill technique, guiding the innate flame in the dantian, condensing the medicine liquid, and following the order required for refining pills, and finally gathering into a round and crystal pill the size of a longan.


Accompanied by a crisp explosion, the pill turned into a puff of smoke, floating in the air, filled with a rich fragrance.

"Hehe... This time it should be successful." Lin Yang said confidently, his palms flying and slapping on the Juyuan Pill.

At the same time, the innate flames in Lin Yang's body burst out, like a sharp blade, piercing into the elixir, refining it frantically.

Strands of golden elixir liquid were extracted, gradually merged, condensed together, more and more, and finally became the size of an egg.

These elixir liquids have extremely strong vitality and medicinal power, which can repair physical and mental damage.

Lin Yang opened his mouth and absorbed the elixir liquid into his stomach, and suddenly felt warm all over. The whole person was as comfortable as bathing in a hot spring. A layer of rosy luster appeared on his originally pale face, and he looked a lot younger.


When he opened his eyes, he released an amazing edge, magnificent and shocking.

Lin Yang excitedly waved his fist and shouted: "Haha, breakthrough, martial honor second level!"

He felt that he had become extremely powerful, and the surging true energy in his body seemed to be able to destroy everything.

This is the peak state of the first level of martial saint, equivalent to a mid-level martial saint, enough to sweep across the first-class sects.

Lin Yang couldn't wait to check the things in the Qiankun bag. Except for the spiritual stones, all of them were piled up on a huge stone slab.

The stone slab was translucent, and you could vaguely see a purple-gold plant lying inside, about one foot long, with buds about to bloom, revealing a hint of spiritual charm.

This is the ten thousand year spiritual medicine - the purple gold spiritual vine!

According to records, this thing was nurtured by spiritual energy for thousands of years, reaching saturation, and naturally produced purple gold spiritual buds, and then grew up and matured, and finally produced spiritual fruits, which are ten thousand year spiritual fruits.

The purple gold spiritual fruit is a very rare spiritual fruit. Eating one can increase your lifespan by hundreds of years, and it is priceless.

More importantly, after taking the purple gold spiritual fruit, not only can you practice with half the effort, but it can also improve human qualifications.

If you have poor qualifications, even if you have spiritual fruits, it is useless. On the contrary, if your qualifications are against the sky, it is another matter.

Lin Yang knew this very well, so he took the Purple Gold Spirit Fruit with him for fear of missing it.

"Huh? Something's wrong! Why is this thing so wilted?"

"Is he dead?"

Lin Yang muttered twice and hurriedly took out a wooden stick and poked it, but there was no response.

"Ouch! I'm really dead! What should I do? Is my hard work refining Yuan Dan going to be in vain?" Lin Yang was extremely depressed.

He thought for a while, then continued to pour a large amount of flames into the stone slab and continued to burn it.

This was indeed useful, but it still could not awaken the dead Ten Thousand Years Spirit Vine, which made Lin Yang extremely depressed.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Lin Yang gritted his teeth, took out a pill furnace, placed it on the ground, and then pressed the seal with his hand to control the flame to burn the stone slab.


The alchemy furnace shook violently, exuding terrifying pressure, but there was no movement. Lin Yang scratched his head and thought, "What happened? Could it be that the flame is too weak?"

Suddenly, a mysterious aura escaped from the alchemy furnace and filled the cave. It was creepy, as if he was in danger, and made Lin Yang feel terrified.

"No, there's something wrong with this alchemy furnace!"

Lin Yang was startled, and quickly covered the lid of the alchemy furnace. He immediately gathered his mind, closed his eyes, and was immersed in cultivation, not daring to move rashly.

This is a barren mountain. Who knows what monsters may be lurking in the dark. You must ensure safety before you can calm down and practice.

After about a stick of incense, he slowly opened his eyes, showing a puzzled expression.

"It's weird, how come my cultivation level has been reduced to the martial arts level, and my body has undergone abnormal changes. My flesh and blood are blurred, my skin is dry, and I look like a corpse."

Lin Yang shook his head and laughed at himself: "Never mind this, let's kill those bastards first!"

He stepped out of the cave, looked up, and saw a team of about thirty people appearing in front of him. They were all wearing black robes and covering their faces. They looked sneaky, like charlatans.

"Stop! This is the forbidden area of ​​our Yinsha Sect. Get away, all the rest!" The leader yelled at Lin Yang, with a look of greed in his eyes. He obviously thought he was a fat sheep, and as long as he was killed, he would be richly rewarded. .

Lin Yang snorted coldly: "My name is Lin Yang. I advise you to retreat immediately, otherwise you will be shot without mercy."

Hearing this, the leader was stunned for a moment, and then he became furious and cursed viciously: "You brat, even the first level of Wuzong dares to behave wildly in front of me. You don't know how high the world is. It seems you don't want to live anymore."

He held a steel knife in his hand and slashed at Lin Yang's neck fiercely, intending to kill him. His intention to seize the treasure was clearly revealed.

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