
Lin Yang casually flicked out a finger and tapped the steel knife.

Instantly, there was a "crack" sound of breaking.

The tip of the knife fell off and broke into several pieces.

The leader was horrified and turned around to run away without caring about snatching the treasure.

"Want to run?" Lin Yang sneered, chased after him with teleportation, stretched out his left arm and grabbed the enemy's throat.

"Uh... Spare my life!"

The leader was so scared that his face turned pale and begged for mercy with a trembling voice.

"Who are you, why did you break into my cave, and what is your intention?" Lin Yang shouted loudly, and his wrist suddenly exerted force.


Blood splattered, the leader's brain burst and died, and he refused to explain the mastermind behind the scenes before he died, and died with his eyes open.

"Humph, you deserve to die!"

Lin Yang curled his lips and said disdainfully, picked up the opponent's sword, and prepared to go out to kill people and grab treasures.

He was very fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The outside of the cave was in a mess, with continuous screams.

It turned out that a group of men in black sneaked into the valley to pick spiritual herbs, found the ten thousand year spiritual vine, and guarded the cave entrance, strictly preventing outsiders from approaching, and even set traps.

After Lin Yang came, he avoided the trap with the Jinghong step, killed the guards in one second, and killed them all, obtaining a batch of spiritual herbs and storage rings.

"Hehe, I made a fortune!"

At the entrance of the cave, Lin Yang grinned, opened the storage ring to count the wealth inside, his eyes widened, and his breathing was rapid.

"Fuck! There are actually 300 Qi Gathering Pills, what an unexpected harvest!"

Lin Yang was ecstatic, and quickly swallowed the Qi Gathering Pills, and his cultivation level returned to the fifth level of Wuzong, and his strength improved a lot.

This time he learned his lesson, sneaked into the valley, and killed all the guys guarding the spiritual herbs.

A total of 68 Qi Gathering Pills were obtained, which made him very happy.

"It's worthy of being a fairy-hero plane. There is actually a strange pill like the Qi Gathering Pill." Lin Yang exclaimed.

Then, he left the valley and returned to Qinglong Mountain. He found a secluded place to practice until night fell, then stopped practicing and continued to move towards Yunzhou Continent.


Yunzhou Continent, Northern Region.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Tianxu County, it is located in the plain area, vast and boundless, with beautiful mountains and rivers and shady trees.

In a certain ancient and majestic hall, more than a dozen men and women with good auras were sitting and discussing things.

Chief disciple Li Haoran had a solemn face and spoke loudly.

"Today, we have summoned all the brothers and sisters to come here to discuss important matters."

Everyone stopped discussing and looked at Li Haoran.

"Please give your orders, brother. We are willing to obey your orders!" Everyone said with a fist.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, I won't be polite!"

After a pause, Li Haoran said solemnly: "After my many inquiries, I learned that treasures appeared on Qingniu Peak, attracting many people to fight for it. There are many forces in our Yunzhou Continent, and there are many masters. We should not confront them head-on."

"Brother is wise!" Everyone agreed.

"Well, I decided to lead my brothers and sisters to Qingniu Peak to find opportunities."

Li Haoran changed the subject, looked around, and said in a firm tone: "If so many of us go to Qingniu Peak, we will definitely be targeted, and we must be fully prepared."

Someone raised a question: "Brother, to be honest, although we are the best in Yunzhou Continent, we are at the bottom compared to other sects. It may not be appropriate for us to go to Qingniu Peak?"

"Yes! After all, it is Qingniu Sect, one of the four major sects, with powerful strength and many strong people. I think we should not provoke them." Someone echoed.

"Haha, you are timid, so stay here!"

"Brother, we are just talking, we should follow your footsteps without hesitation."

Everyone expressed their opinions in unison, Li Haoran nodded slightly, and said: "In this case, you should disperse and establish strongholds around Qingniu Peak, and be on standby at any time. If I need support, go immediately."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed, and acted quickly to do things according to the plan.

Li Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes deep, thinking about how to deal with Qingniu Sect, he couldn't just rush over stupidly.


On the other side, Lin Yang shuttled through the jungle and galloped like a monkey. He soon came to the outskirts of the valley, slowed down to observe, and made sure there was no ambush, then jumped into the valley.


A giant python flew over, opened its ferocious mouth, spewed fishy wind, and bit Lin Yang's throat.

Lin Yang had expected it, and swung his sword and stabbed it, hitting the giant python seven inches.

The giant python wailed and fell to the ground, completely dead. Its huge body twitched twice and then stopped moving. It was dead.


Suddenly, the ground shook and a huge rock rolled over from the side.

Lin Yang frowned and dodged quickly. "Boom..." The huge rock hit the wall of the cave and exploded. Dust flew and blocked his sight.


He soared into the air and flew into the air, concentrating on scanning the surroundings.


There was a rampant laughter in the distance, and more than 30 people were seen running over. Each of them was wearing a black gown with white lotus embroidered on the cuffs and a sharp blade painted on the chest.

Lin Yang's pupils shrank slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you the White Lotus Sect?"

The leader shouted arrogantly: "Nonsense! Are you Lin Yang?"

"So what?" Lin Yang said indifferently.

The White Lotus Sect is the top sect in the Northern Territory. It has innate masters and should not be underestimated. However, Lin Yang is not afraid at all, because the strongest of this group of people is only the first level of the Martial King, which is not worth mentioning.

"It is you!" The leader showed a ruthless look on his face, waved his hand, and ordered: "Catch Lin Yang for me, don't hurt him, capture him alive!"

"Yes!" More than 30 White Lotus disciples agreed in unison, and attacked Lin Yang with weapons. The moves were exquisite, and they were obviously well-trained.

"Just in time!" Lin Yang was not afraid, his eyes were cold, and he waved his silver spear decisively.

In just a few breaths, most of the White Lotus disciples were killed or injured, and the remaining few were also seriously injured.

The leader was terrified and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy: "Master Lin, I am blind and offended you. Please spare my life. I am willing to offer the spirit stone and hope you can spare my life."

Lin Yang sneered and said contemptuously: "You trash are not qualified to negotiate with me. If you know what's good for you, just surrender, otherwise... die!"

He is not a good person, how could he be soft-hearted?

"Master Lin, spare my life!"

The guy cried for his parents and led the remaining disciples to escape, trying to save his life.

It's a pity that they underestimated Lin Yang's strength. Under his crazy killing, they were killed in just a moment.

After getting rid of these people, Lin Yang saw a snow-white medicinal herb not far away.

"Snow ginseng?"

He was secretly surprised. This is a precious medicinal herb with rich medicinal effects. It can prolong life for twenty years and is very rare.

"No wonder someone dared to break into Qingniu Peak. It turns out that these medicinal herbs are here!"

Lin Yang stepped forward and reached out to grab the medicinal herbs.


Who would have thought that a cold light would shoot out and go straight to his neck.

Lin Yang was shocked and quickly let go of his hand and moved two feet to the side, barely avoiding the sneak attack. His cold eyes fell on a black shadow and shouted angrily: "Who?"


The black shadow quickly flashed and instantly circled to Lin Yang's left side, holding a curved hook and stabbing fiercely.


Lin Yang raised his sword to resist, sparks flew, and was shocked by the opponent's strength and retreated several meters, his face was uncertain.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to have some weight! However, I advise you to hand over the snow ginseng and spare your life." The black shadow said coldly.

"Haha, old man, do you think this is a vegetable market? What are you thinking?" Lin Yang said sarcastically.

"Hmph, you are looking for death!" The black shadow was furious and attacked with all his strength. He used the top-grade magic weapon - Flying Dragon Claw, which was extremely powerful.

Lin Yang held the silver spear to resist, and poured his true energy into it, which increased his power and made him fight the man in black on equal terms.

The fight became more and more intense, with gravel flying on the ground and dust filling the air.

Suddenly, the man in black used a strange skill, and his right hand turned into an eagle claw, which was extremely sharp and slapped towards Lin Yang's chest.

At the critical moment, Lin Yang tilted his head back and avoided the disaster, but his right arm was scratched and bleeding.


The man in black scratched Lin Yang's protective qi, and the wound was so deep that the bone was visible, and blood flowed like a column.

"Asshole, you deserve to die!" In the severe pain, Lin Yang was furious and launched a thunderous attack, kicking the man in black in the chest with a whip kick.


The man in black screamed and flew more than ten meters away, falling into the weeds, with blood oozing from his mouth and nose.

Lin Yang approached, looked down at him, and said lightly: "Who are you?"

The man in black wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, staring at Lin Yang with resentment, and said viciously: "Boy, you don't deserve to know, wait to bear the wrath of the White Lotus Sect, haha..."

As soon as the voice fell, he drew the long sword at his waist, cut the rope, jumped into the pool and disappeared.

This guy can actually swim, no wonder he could sneak over and attack him quietly just now.

"Damn, he ran fast!" Lin Yang cursed inwardly, and quickly used his skills to recover from his injuries, while vigilantly checking the surroundings.

Not long after, a burst of footsteps sounded, and someone came here, dozens of people, all white-robed disciples, led by Qin Minghao, the son of the White Lotus Sect.

"Hahaha... I guess Mr. Lin has succeeded."

Lin Yang looked up and glanced at Qin Minghao, curled his lips, and sneered: "Not bad, you are smart, leave the things and get out!"

Hearing Lin Yang's arrogant tone, Qin Minghao's face suddenly darkened, and he snorted coldly: "If you don't accept the toast, you will be punished. Brothers, kill them!" He waved his hand and gave an order.

"Kill!" The White Lotus disciples shouted in unison, waving swords and rushing over.

Lin Yang showed disdain and raised his sword to fight.

In an instant, the two sides fought in a group. Lin Yang fought ten people alone and completely took the upper hand. In a short moment, all the White Lotus disciples died.


A punch hit Qin Minghao's head. The latter groaned and rolled his eyes and fainted. Lin Yang retracted his iron fist and sneered: "Is this all you White Lotus can do? It's so weak!"

Then he picked up the storage ring that Qin Minghao had missed and put it on.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, a roar sounded in the valley.

"Oh no, someone is coming, let's leave quickly." Lin Yang's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly urged the women to leave.

Soon after, a group of men in gray robes appeared nearby, led by the head of Xuanyue Palace, Mu Yunyan, who led her disciples to come here for training.

"Huh? There are traces of fighting here, it seems to be a disciple of the White Lotus Sect." Mu Yunyan frowned and murmured.

"Palace Master, there seems to be a treasure here." Another Xuanyue Palace disciple pointed to a crystal clear medicinal plant on the ground and said.

"It seems like it. Come over and have a look. It might be a treasure." Mu Yunyan ordered many disciples to go and check.

"Yes, Palace Master." The disciples bowed and agreed, rushing forward one after another, ready to dig out the treasure.

At this time, Lin Yang, Shen Qimeng and others arrived and happened to encounter this scene.

Seeing that someone had taken the lead, he was very angry and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

A Xuanyue Palace disciple stopped moving, turned around and asked: "Boy, this elixir belongs to our Palace Master. If you are wise, leave quickly, otherwise..."

Before she could finish speaking, Shen Qimeng shouted: "Nonsense!"

"Where are you bastards from? You dare to steal things from us. You will die!" The other Xuanyue Palace disciples roared angrily.

The two sides were at war with each other.

Lin Yang shouted angrily: "Shut up! If you dare to be nagging again, do you believe that I will destroy you?"

This guy is quite domineering, he actually dares to provoke the disciples of Xuanyue Palace, he is so bold.

Shen Qimeng and others had dull faces, and they felt like they no longer recognized Lin Yang.

On weekdays, Lin Yang was gentle and courteous, but now his behavior was totally different.

Shen Qiling was especially surprised. She vaguely guessed that her cousin might practice demonic skills, so his temperament changed drastically and he became moody.

"Looking for death, take your life!" The Xuanyue Palace disciple was furious and slashed at him with his sword.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

Lin Yang was not afraid and slashed with his iron sword. Every time he collided, there was a sound of metal and sparks flying.

Blinking his eyes, after ten moves, he struck the Xuan Yue Palace disciple in the chest with a palm, sending him flying more than thirty meters.

The girl swayed, spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, and fell to the ground unconscious.

"Junior sister!" A sister called out sadly, staring at Lin Yang angrily, gritting her teeth and yelling: "You go too far, I'm going to kill you."

After saying this, she swung her sword and rushed towards Lin Yang, but Lin Yang counterattacked fiercely and was beaten back again and again.

Not far away, Qin Minghao got up from the ground. His face was red with embarrassment. He felt that he had lost all face. He shouted angrily: "You losers, why are you still standing there? Come on together!"

In an instant, the disciples of the White Lotus Sect swarmed in and surrounded and suppressed Lin Yang.

He was not afraid at all and launched a crazy attack with his iron sword.

"Kacha, kacha..." Cold light flashed one after another, and miserable howls could be heard endlessly.

In just half a cup of tea, more than two hundred White Lotus disciples died, leaving Qin Minghao standing alone, looking at Lin Yang in horror.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and he walked slowly towards Qin Minghao.

Qin Minghao was so frightened that he trembled and said in a trembling voice: "Don't come over here. My father is Qin Haoyu, the elder of Xuanyue Sect. If you dare to touch me, the consequences will be very serious."

"Pah!" Lin Yang slapped Qin Minghao on the face and scolded: "Young special mother-in-law is trying to scare me with the Xuanyue Sect. I don't care if he is the son of the King of Heaven, so I will beat him anyway."

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