"Puff!" Qin Minghao spat out a mouthful of blood, almost crying out of grievance, sobbing: "Don't bully me, I'll fight you!" After that, he rushed up with a knife and fought with Lin Yang.

"Bang, clang, clang..." The two steel knives kept colliding in the air, sparks flying.

Lin Yang kicked Qin Minghao in the chest and kicked him away.

"Puff..." Qin Minghao lay on the ground and spurted blood.

Lin Yang walked to his side and squatted down, stretched out his hand to grab Qin Minghao's collar and pulled him up, and said coldly: "My young master is in a good mood tonight, so I'll let you go, get out."

"Don't even think about it!" Qin Minghao struggled to sit up, gritting his teeth and said: "Not only will I not leave, but I'm going to kill you."

Lin Yang said coldly: "It seems that you are not afraid of death." As he spoke, he crushed the opponent's shoulder bone with force, causing Qin Minghao to grin in pain, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Ah! I beg for mercy, let me go." Qin Minghao wailed for mercy.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and suddenly threw Qin Minghao out with force, smashing into the depths of the dense forest, and Qin Minghao's heart-wrenching wail came.

"How do you deal with him? It's up to you. It's none of my business anyway." Lin Yang looked back and said to Shen Qimeng and others.

"Yeah." The girls nodded obediently. They were not stupid. They knew that Lin Yang deliberately helped, and they remembered this favor in their hearts.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your help." Shen Qimeng thanked sincerely.

"It's just a little effort! You girls should run away quickly. This guy is a disciple of Xuanyue Sect. There must be strong reinforcements coming. Take the opportunity to slip away." Lin Yang waved his hand to signal the beauties to leave.

"Okay! Let's go." Shen Qimeng and others agreed, turned around and left without stopping.

Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. The gang finally left.

He glanced around to make sure there was no danger, then used his body skills to run forward to find precious spiritual medicine.

As night fell, the wilderness was quiet. Except for the sound of insects, no sound could be heard, which seemed particularly strange.

Lin Yang suddenly appeared outside the cave and walked in.

The cave was dark and damp, exuding a musty smell. The interior was extremely luxurious and decorated with many decorations.

There was a stone chamber on the left, which was piled with a lot of wealth, spiritual herbs, jade, and antiques, in large quantities.

There was a strange pattern carved on the stone wall on the right. Lin Yang looked at it for a while and finally figured out what was going on.

The painting showed a mountain range, surrounded by thick mist, like a fairyland.

He suddenly became confused. Could there be a secret hidden in this mountain and river painting?

After hesitating for a while, Lin Yang decided to explore it.

"Shua!" He circulated his internal energy, swung the iron sword in his hand, and scratched on the stone wall, and many small grooves suddenly appeared.

There were silver coins inlaid in these grooves, about seven.

Lin Yang was surprised. It turned out that there were spiritual stones hidden here. No wonder it was so sweet.

The most urgent task is to get the spirit stones. In this way, even if you leave Qingfeng Mountain, you don't have to worry about not having money to practice.

"Boom..." He gathered his inner strength and punched the stone wall. With a dull roar, the thick and hard stone wall collapsed.

Lin Yang jumped in and searched carefully, and found that there were only five spirit stones here.

He couldn't wait to collect the five spirit stones.

Just when he was about to evacuate, the stone door was pushed open and someone broke in. It turned out to be Qin Haoyu with two black-robed men.

Seeing Lin Yang's presence, Qin Haoyu's face was gloomy and he said viciously: "Little bastard, I really let this elder find you."

"Haha, you came quite fast." Lin Yang smiled lightly and didn't care.

"You killed the elder of the White Lotus Sect, you deserve to die, die for me." Qin Haoyu was furious and pulled out the long whip from his waist.

"Swish!" The whip shadow filled the void, making a whistling sound that pierced the air, and its power should not be underestimated.

Lin Yang did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and hurriedly used the Red Flame Slash to fight. A blazing flame burned up, illuminating the dark space, like the sun hanging, the light was dazzling.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two fought fiercely, and the explosive power fluctuations raged, destroying everything nearby like a rotten wood.

In an instant, the cave collapsed, dust flew, and rocks flew through the air.

Qin Haoyu dodged and said in surprise: "You actually reached the level of Martial Honor, this is unscientific."

Lin Yang curled his lips and sneered: "I killed the Martial Saint, let alone you?"

"Asshole! What did you say?" Qin Haoyu was furious, bursting with endless murderous aura, waving a long whip and sweeping over.

"Bang bang bang..." The two sides fought fiercely, and the fight was very brutal.

Qin Haoyu became more and more courageous, holding a long whip and cruising around Lin Yang like a venomous snake, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Lin Yang snorted disdainfully, "You can't hurt me at all."

"Really?" Qin Haoyu sneered, "Do you think my attack is made of paper?"

He suddenly exerted force and swung his arm. The long whip wrapped with purple arcs turned into a phantom, crackling and whipping, making a sharp whistle, and the power was very terrifying.

"Bang!" Lin Yang slashed down with a sword, forcing the long whip back.

The next second, he swayed and approached Qin Haoyu.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a violent beating, Qin Haoyu's body was hunched, howling in pain, and there was no arrogance before.

"Little beast, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost." Qin Haoyu roared bitterly, his eyes widened, revealing a resentful look.

"Hehe, you can say this kind of threatening words for a lifetime." Lin Yang sarcastically sneered, and a fist-sized blue gem in his hand appeared, which was the spirit stone.

He was ecstatic. This thing could replenish spiritual power and pure spiritual energy. It was simply too awesome.

"Hey! No!" Suddenly, Lin Yang exclaimed in surprise and frowned.

He felt a familiar breath coming out of Qin Haoyu's body, drilling into the spirit stone and disappearing. The speed was amazing.

This guy actually has a storage ring! Lin Yang was secretly shocked. This thing had long been extinct in the earth world, but he didn't expect it to appear on Qin Haoyu.

Chapter 10 Soul Restraint

Qin Haoyu looked at Lin Yang with resentment and roared: "Little bastard, be sensible and hand over the spirit stone quickly, otherwise my father will come and you will definitely die without a burial place."

"Haha, it's really sad. You are at the eighth level of the innate realm, but you have fallen to the point of relying on your father. It's a shame!" Lin Yang laughed sarcastically.

Qin Haoyu's face flushed, and he was angry and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense. Are you going to hand it over or not?" He has been patient to the limit.

"If you want the spirit stone, it depends on whether you have the luck to get it." Lin Yang's eyes were cold, holding the spirit stone and slowly approaching Qin Haoyu, ready to kill him.

Although Qin Haoyu had a storage ring, Lin Yang didn't think he could leave here alive, so he had to solve the problem quickly.

Seeing Lin Yang approaching step by step, Qin Haoyu panicked and cursed: "Don't come over! I tell you, there are countless hidden weapons here, and you will be attacked by poison if you touch them. You'd better think carefully before making a choice."

"Hehe..." Lin Yang laughed coldly: "Who are you trying to scare? Since I dare to come in, how can I be afraid of a mere trap."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was less than three meters away from Qin Haoyu.

"You..." Qin Haoyu gritted his teeth, feeling uneasy.

"Swoosh..." An arrow shot from a distance, brushing his shoulder, deep into his bones, and blood splattered.


Qin Haoyu screamed miserably, flew backwards and fell to the ground, his face pale, sweat dripping down his forehead, and he almost fainted from the pain.

"Oh my god, help me!" The other three were all horrified when they saw this, and they ran away in fear.

"Boom!" Lin Yang kicked out his foot fiercely, making a bang, and flew out like a cannonball.

In an instant, the three people were kicked hard in the chest, and the whole person hit the rock wall like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground with blood foam.

Lin Yang walked over to check, these guys were completely dead, and their bodies became stiff and cold.

"Hey! You are good, you can kill three masters." Qin Haoyu got up from the ground and stared at Lin Yang with fear on his face.

"I said, you can't escape today, do you have any last words?" Lin Yang asked with narrowed eyes.

"You...you want to kill me, it's not that easy." Qin Haoyu retorted with embarrassment.

"Really?" Lin Yang snorted coldly, unwilling to waste time, raised his sword and slashed at him.


Qin Haoyu tried his best to resist, but still couldn't fight back. He screamed and fell to the ground, spitting blood and begging: "Wait, let's talk about it, don't be impulsive."

"What? Are you scared?" Lin Yang questioned jokingly.

"I'm not afraid of you, I want to say..." Qin Haoyu hesitated, his expression embarrassed.

"If you have something to say, just say it, don't hesitate." Lin Yang glanced at him with contempt.

"I know about the storage ring, I can tell you." Qin Haoyu smiled.

"Oh, take it out." Lin Yang stretched out his hand without hesitation.

"You have to promise to spare my life first."

"Why should I listen to you?" Lin Yang shook his head and sneered.

"You..." Qin Haoyu's anger rose, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The storage ring is in my mind, unless you kill me."

Lin Yang's eyes narrowed, and after a long pause, he said decisively: "Okay, I can not kill you, you take out the storage ring immediately."

Qin Haoyu was stunned and said in astonishment: "Aren't you afraid that I will play tricks?"

"Hehe, you are not qualified to play tricks, because you have no way to survive." Lin Yang sneered a few times and continued to urge: "My patience is limited, hurry up."

Qin Haoyu was depressed and could only do as he was told. He raised his right hand and silently recited the spell. Then his eyebrows cracked and a drop of bright red blood floated out.

"Shua..." Lin Yang reached out and grabbed the blood, concentrating on observing for a long time, and made sure that this guy did not lie to him before letting go.

"You...how are you okay?" Qin Haoyu shouted in surprise.

Lin Yang glanced at him calmly and said with contempt: "Do you think I'm a fool? If I really have something to do, can you still stand here and talk?"

"You are so cruel!" Qin Haoyu was so angry that his teeth itched, his eyes were gloomy, and he said viciously: "Little bastard, I will remember this account."

After saying this, he turned around and ran away, not daring to stay.

"Want to escape? Stay here." Lin Yang chased after him, using Lingyun Nine Steps Body Skill, and caught up with Qin Haoyu in the blink of an eye, and slashed with a sword.

Qin Haoyu's heart was awed, and he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately took out a short knife to stop him.

"Dang..." The sound of metal clashing came, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Kacha!" Qin Haoyu's short knife shattered into pieces, and he retreated several feet in horror. He looked at Lin Yang with resentment and said unwillingly: "How did you do it? Your swordsmanship is obviously stronger than mine."

"You are not qualified to know!" Lin Yang said lazily.

Qin Haoyu's eyes widened and he roared, "Don't be so arrogant, you little brat. I am a martial arts genius. It took me twenty years of practice to master the Lingyun Nine Steps. Moreover, I was born with a spiritual body, so I can practice very quickly."

"It turns out that you are a born spirit, no wonder you are such a monster. However, compared with your many evil deeds, you are just scum." Lin Yang said coldly.

"You..." Qin Haoyu became furious and shouted hysterically: "I'll kill you."

"Brush..." He jumped forward and stabbed Lin Yang crazily with two daggers.

"Garbage." Lin Yang sneered and swung his sword across to drive it away.

Qin Haoyu's eyelids twitched wildly, and he finally felt how powerful Lin Yang was. He was worthy of being a peak powerhouse in the early stage of transformation, and his strength was extraordinary and holy.

"Damn it, I'll fight you." Qin Haoyu's eyes were fierce, he gritted his teeth and let out an angry roar, trying his best to attack him.

"Bang..." There was another fierce collision. Qin Haoyu screamed and was kicked away. He was hit in the corner and dying.

"Pah!" Lin Yang walked over and slapped him hard, saying in a cold voice: "You were so arrogant just now that you wanted to die. Why are you so cowardly now?"

"Wow..." Qin Haoyu spurted blood from his mouth, his eyes flashed with hatred, and he cursed angrily: "Lin Yang, if you have the ability, don't attack me secretly. If you have the guts to fight openly and honestly."

Lin Yang sneered and said: "You are worthy of negotiating terms with me. If you are not convinced, just give it a try." His tone became more and more disdainful, but he secretly muttered in his heart that if it were in the previous life, a waste like you would have burped long ago. You get the chance to show off in front of me.

"Uh..." Qin Haoyu had no choice but to compromise.

"Just be sensible. Take out your storage ring quickly and let me take a look." Lin Yang threatened.

"Okay!" Qin Haoyu sighed, stood up with his arms supported, took out an exquisite bronze ring from his arms and handed it over.


Lin Yang took the ring unceremoniously, his consciousness seeped into it, and he immediately showed an ecstatic smile. This thing is definitely a treasure! There were abundant resources stored inside, as well as valuable elixirs. It was simply amazing, and he was very satisfied.

"Thank you, I can let you go." Lin Yang gained a lot and patted Qin Haoyu on the shoulder with a smile on his face, then turned and walked out of the cave.

Qin Haoyu watched him leave, his face turned ferocious, and with an angry roar, he pulled out a short knife from his waist and slashed at Lin Yang's back.


Lin Yang reacted quickly and dodged without stopping, disappearing into the dark passage in an instant.

"Asshole..." Qin Haoyu cursed loudly, feeling regretful in his heart.

Lin Yang returned to the cave along the corridor. As soon as he stepped into the cave door, he suddenly felt that the hair on his body stood on end, as if he was being targeted by a savage beast and would die in the next second.

When danger came, Lin Yang's pupils shrank slightly, and he moved half a meter to the side without thinking. Then a fishy smell hit him, and a three-foot-long giant python wrapped around him and opened its huge mouth to bite his neck.

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