"Nah!" Lin Yang turned pale with fright and hurriedly swung his Qingfeng sword to attack.


The snake's head and trunk were separated, blood was spilled, and the smell was extremely fishy.

Lin Yang breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was glad that he reacted quickly, otherwise he would definitely be in trouble.

He looked around and saw no one around, and couldn't help but shudder. The giant python just now almost killed him. It was so scary.

"Hiss..." The giant python twisted its body and entangled itself again. Now Lin Yang had no choice but to escape desperately. Unfortunately, he was far inferior to the giant python in strength and was eventually entangled.

"Beast! You are looking for death." Lin Yang cursed angrily and struggled hard to get rid of the giant python.

A frightening scene happened. The giant python opened its mouth and sucked Lin Yang's blood. After a while, it fainted.

Before falling into coma, Lin Yang roared in his heart: "System, come out and help me deal with this beast."

The system prompt sounded: "Master, please wait a moment. I have locked it and will destroy it soon, but it will take some time. Do you want to redeem the reward?"

"Yes." Lin Yang said urgently. At this juncture, he must find out where those spiritual herbs are.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining five body tempering pills. Each pill triples the power. Please check it carefully."

"Fuck, that's good stuff!" Lin Yang was so excited that he couldn't wait to swallow it.

"Boom!" In an instant, a majestic force surged forward, filling every part of his body. Instantly filling his bloated Dantian, it flowed endlessly like rivers and lakes. When it hit the sixth tendon, he encountered a problem. It's stuck and can't be penetrated.

Although he was a little regretful, Lin Yang still gritted his teeth and persevered, working hard to use Xuan Gong, hoping to penetrate the sixth tendon and advance to the middle stage of energy transformation as soon as possible, so that he could easily kill Qin Haoyu.

On the other side, the Qin family.

Qin Haoyu was lying on the bed in a state of embarrassment, recovering from his injuries. His eyes were blazing with anger, and he said in his heart: "Lin Yang, you bullied me too much and even destroyed me. I will never let it go."

"Ahem..." Suddenly, he coughed violently and spit out several pieces of internal organs. His chest collapsed, as if he was seriously injured and could no longer get up.

Lin Yang walked out of the cave and looked at the familiar trees, flowers, grass and stone steps. He couldn't help but burst into tears. It was so kind. He remembered how he had gone through so much trouble to escape from the mountains in order to survive. , is back again today.


Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps in front of him, and when he looked around, he saw seven or eight disheveled young people running towards him, both men and women, with weapons in their hands and looking fierce. appearance.

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but frown, and said in his heart: Damn it! It’s these grandsons again!

As expected, this group of young people were stunned for a moment when they saw him, and then cheered: "Senior Brother Lin, why are you here too?"

"Hey, we finally found you."

"That's right, hurry up, let's join forces and kill the boy named Lin first."

"Yes, kill him."

"Kill him, and I can join the sect master's sect and enjoy all the glory and wealth."

A group of young people gathered around Lin Yang eagerly.

Lin Yang squinted his eyes and observed, and recognized that the leader was a martial arts disciple. He couldn't help but suddenly realized that he was here for his own reward. No wonder.

"Senior Brother Lin, are you stupid? Run away quickly." The leading disciple reminded.

Lin Yang said calmly: "I have no interest in fighting with you. Please get out of the way. I want to go back to my room to practice."

"Ouch! Senior Brother Lin, we know you have been wronged, but we can't just walk away. You have to hand over your reward." A sinister guy sneered.

Hearing this, Lin Yang knew in his heart that the sentimental people were worried about his savings. In this case, why should he say anything more? He snorted coldly, raised his legs and prepared to walk to the cave.

When everyone saw this, they became furious and shouted: "Boy, if you dare to disobey our wishes, believe it or not, I will kill you."

"Damn it, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be punished with a drink. I have to beat you up today."

A group of guys rolled up their sleeves and got ready to take action.

"call out!"

Lin Yang jumped up and rushed towards the leading disciple like a ghost. He raised his hand to grab the opponent's collar, picked him up like a chicken, and threw him to the rest of his companions.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Ah! It hurts me to death."

A series of wailing sounds sounded, and seven or eight young people fell into a pile, wailing and unable to get up. Only the young man who was thrown over was okay, but his eyes widened in surprise.

Lin Yang clapped his hands and mocked: "A bunch of idiots want to fight with me, but you are not qualified yet."

The young man lowered his head in shame and muttered to himself: "How could he be so powerful? It's over, it's over, offending him will not end well." As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind blew by and blew him away.

The other young people were stunned and shocked by Lin Yang's terrifying strength. They did not dare to continue provoking and ran away in despair.

"Haha..." Lin Yang looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling very happy.

This feeling has been absent for a long time. Since his parents died, he has become a loner. He has been squeezed and exploited by the Qin family. His life is miserable. Now he is finally proud and proud.

Lin family, Qin family, I will not forgive you, just wait and see.

He walked towards the villa with steady steps, ready to look for traces of his grandfather, but was stopped by the guards.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?" the guard scolded unceremoniously.

Lin Yang frowned and said coldly: "I am a direct descendant of the Lin family. Get out of the way and don't stop me from finding my grandfather."

"Lin family?" The two guards looked at each other, and the taller one asked doubtfully, "What's your name?"

"Lin Yang." Lin Yang replied indifferently.

"You are the young master of the Lin family. Why haven't I heard of you? Could it be that you are an illegitimate child?"

"That's nonsense. My father is the eldest son of Lin. If you dare to insult me, you may be expelled from the family." Lin Yang warned coldly.

"Ah! Is your father the eldest son of Lin?" another guard curled his lips.

Lin Yang nodded, his face became even colder, and he said in a deep voice: "My father is the current head of the Lin family."

"Pfft..." The two guards almost wet their pants, trembling all over, and stuttered: "Are you really Master Lin Yang?"

"Hmph! Besides me, who else dares to contradict the Qin family." Lin Yang said proudly.

The two guards were completely convinced. After all, the Lin family's reputation was there and they would not allow outsiders to blaspheme it.

"It turns out to be Master Lin Yang. I'm sorry, please forgive me." The two guards were afraid of apologizing, with fawning expressions on their faces. They wanted to kneel down and kowtow.

"Go away and don't mess with me anymore." Lin Yang waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, yes, we are leaving immediately." The guard nodded hastily and backed away without daring to stop him.

Lin Yang walked around, but still found no trace of his grandfather. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seemed that his grandfather was not here.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Yang turned around and returned to the stone house. He sat down cross-legged and began to practice martial arts. He did not dare to slack off because he knew that the Qin family would not let him go. There were also other forces such as the Wang family and the Ye family. Once they were targeted, they would die. Undoubtedly, we must seize the time to strengthen ourselves.

At the same time, Qin Haotian returned to his residence, immediately summoned brothers Qin Haoran and Qin Haofeng, and ordered with a solemn expression: "Second brother, third brother, I just received news that the good-for-nothing young master of the Lin family is back."


"No way?"

The Qin Haoran brothers looked suspicious. They obviously didn't expect that this guy could come back alive. Logically speaking, he should be dead. How could it be possible?

Qin Haotian lit a cigar and took a puff, and explained: "It's true. Not only did he not die, he became very powerful. All the guys I sent were defeated by him."

Qin Haofeng frowned and said, "Brother, why didn't you inform us of this in advance?"

Qin Haotian rolled his eyes and said depressedly: "You think I am happy. I was originally going to teach him a lesson for being so angry, but none of you came back, so I had to give up. Now that he is back, he will definitely take revenge on us."

Qin Haoran sighed and comforted: "Brother, don't worry, the news of his return to the family has been confirmed, and he will not return to the capital in the short term. I estimate that he should stay in the mountains to practice in the recent period. Let's take the opportunity to kill him." ”

"Well, this is the only way we can do it. This time I must personally twist off his head to commemorate the hatred of my eldest brother, his wife, his second uncle, and you brothers." Qin Haotian smiled sinisterly, with a cold look in his eyes. Strobe.

Lin Yang did not stop practicing. He had reached the peak of the fifth level of the Qi Lian Realm and needed to break through the bottleneck, so he did not stop for four days and finally successfully advanced to the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.


Suddenly, Lin Yang opened his eyes and stood up, feeling the abundant spiritual power in his body. He couldn't help but laugh, "Haha... I have made a breakthrough again. At the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, I now have a fragment of the law, and my combat power has skyrocketed. Even if you encounter a strong person in the virtual training stage, you won’t be afraid.”

All this stems from the mysterious beads in his body. Every time he breaks through the realm, it will produce magical changes, doubling his cultivation speed, which is simply unbelievable.

Just when Lin Yang was ecstatic, he suddenly found a man and a woman standing not far away, staring at him with sinister eyes.

"Are you Lin Yang?" A thin man asked through gritted teeth, with a hint of fear hidden deep in his eyes.

Lin Yang frowned slightly and asked in a cold voice: "Who are you, do you want to find trouble?"

"You little bastard, you are so bold. You dare to hurt the Lin family. If I don't show you some color today, do you really think you are nothing?"

After the thin man finished speaking sinisterly, he drew his sword and struck at Lin Yang.



With the sound of bone cracking, the blade was broken.

"You..." The thin man was stunned for a moment, hurriedly stepped back and distanced himself, and looked at the half-broken blade in his hand in disbelief. Damn, how is this possible?

You must know that although his dragon-slaying sword is not a treasure on the fairy sword list, its grade is definitely stronger than ordinary treasures. Even so, it is still no match for the opponent's physical fist.

Involuntarily, a look of fear appeared in the skinny man's eyes. He did not dare to take action easily anymore and said to his companion next to him: "Boss, this guy is very weird. I can't see through him."

Hearing this, the man in black narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Yang, snorting coldly: "Are you at the peak of the sixth level of Qi training?"

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Exactly, who are you?"

The man in black said proudly: "I am Wu Tianhua, the deputy head of Black Feather Hall, and I am responsible for protecting the young master's safety."

Lin Yang suddenly realized that no wonder the opponent could destroy the Dragon-Slaying Sword with one strike. He turned out to be the deputy master of Black Feather Hall.

Black Feather Hall is a killer organization in the capital. It usually helps the Qin family eradicate dissidents and works for the Qin family. It is notorious in the capital and can be called a devil.

Seeing Lin Yang's thoughtful look, Wu Tianhua shouted angrily: "Looking at your character, you must be that good-for-nothing from the Lin family, right? That's right, our young master is in seclusion. Get out of here, otherwise don't blame me." You're welcome, I'm going to screw your head off."

A stern look flashed in Lin Yang's eyes, and he said coldly: "I don't care who your young master is. If he dares to deal with my parents and kill my sister and father, I won't be able to spare him even if I chase him to the end of the world."

"Haha..." Wu Tianhua raised his head and laughed, and said disdainfully: "Little bastard, with your little strength, you still want to compete with our young master, just dream."

After the words fell, Wu Tianhua took the lead and struck Lin Yang's chest with his right palm with the sound of howling wind, as fast as lightning.

Lin Yang had already taken precautions. He raised his hand to face the opponent's attack. His fist and the opponent's palm touched together, making a "bang" sound. Then, a majestic force hit him. He was shocked and took three steps back before he managed to escape. He stabilized his body and stared at Wu Tianhua in horror.

"Hiss... Such strong strength." He secretly gasped, shocked. He didn't expect that the other party was young but had the cultivation of the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. No wonder he could easily crush Liu Yuntao.

Seeing Lin Yang being repelled, Wu Tianhua smiled proudly and said sarcastically: "Little bastard, you are no match for me. Just surrender and capture him, otherwise I will send you back to the west."

"Don't even think about it. If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and instantly activated "Xuan Iron Power". A ray of cyan spiritual power attached to his fingertips, flicked in the air, shot out and penetrated the air, and arrived in front of Wu Tianhua's head in the blink of an eye.


Blood splattered, Wu Tianhua screamed and covered his left ear, with a look of pain on his face, and said angrily: "Asshole!"


He swung the broken machete towards Lin Yang's head, causing strong winds.

"call out……"

Lin Yang couldn't dodge, and his head narrowly avoided the attack, but a piece of his scalp was shaved off, which caused burning pain and almost made him fall down.

The two of them fought fiercely, back and forth, and no one had the upper hand. It was a stalemate for a while, and neither one could take advantage of the other, and could only test each other's bottom line.


Lin Yang saw the right moment, suddenly reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist, and twisted the opponent's arm with a little force, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to move.

"Ah..." Wu Tianhua screamed miserably in pain, his eyes filled with fear.

He had been pampered since childhood. When had he suffered such abuse? He was so frightened that half of his soul was lost. He said in a trembling voice: "You, you can't kill me. My father is the head of the Qin family. If you kill me, you will definitely get into trouble." trouble."

"Bah! If I don't kill you, won't I just let you do whatever you want? You know what your young master has done."

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