"I...I don't know. The young master told us not to talk about these things, so I don't know." Wu Tianhua said in a daze, pretending to be stupid.

Lin Yang sneered, "That's nonsense. If I believed you, I'd be an idiot."

"Hey, please let me go. I beg you, please don't kill me."

Faced with the begging for mercy, Lin Yang was indifferent, and instead twisted Wu Tianhua's arm harder, and a heartbreaking wail suddenly came from the scene.

This guy was completely frightened and shouted in a panic: "Don't... don't kill me. I'm telling you, your father and sister were killed by our young master and have nothing to do with me."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "What? Are you telling the truth?"

"That's right." Wu Tianhua nodded repeatedly and begged with a sad face: "Please let me go, I don't dare anymore."

"What about my sister?"

"She...she was also killed by my young master. As for why, I don't know."

After listening to this guy's story, Lin Yang became furious and roared: "Beast! I will kill you to avenge your parents." After that, he raised his fist as big as a sandbag and greeted Wu Tianhua like raindrops, showing no mercy. .

"Bang bang bang..." Wu Tianhua was beaten at an increasingly faster pace. He was covered in blood and lay dying on the ground wailing. He no longer looked as arrogant and domineering as he did at the beginning.

After all, this guy has only been practicing for a long time. How can he withstand Lin Yang's anger? Sooner or later, he will die.

Lin Yang calmed down his anger, squatted down, picked up the unconscious fat man, and went straight to the Qin family headquarters.

Along the way, I met many members of the Qin family, and they all ran away in fear. There was nothing they could do, the new heir to the family was too tough.

Lin Yang walked into the Qin family's courtyard and saw several elders of the Qin family, as well as Qin Haoyu and other core figures sitting in the meeting hall, discussing major family decisions.

"Lin Yang is here." Qin Haoyu frowned and said in a deep voice: "He has broken through to the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and he is very fast!"

Qin Tiannan's eyes were solemn and he said worriedly: "This son is too evil. I suggest that we immediately gather people to surround him. Otherwise, things will change later and the majesty of our family will be lost."

Qin Haoshan shook his head and said, "I don't think it's appropriate. Lin Yang is too strong. We, the Qin family, can't do anything to him."

The ancestor of the Lin family also stood up and said: "I think the second brother is right. Lin Yang has extraordinary potential. He will definitely be the strongest in our Lin family in the future, even surpassing the head of the family. We can't have any grudges."

After hearing their ancestor's reminder, Qin Haoshan and others nodded silently in agreement.

Qin Tiannan sighed and said: "Then we will act according to the original plan. Let the family's martial arts besiege Lin Yang first, and then send experts to round him up when he is exhausted. This time we must take his life."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Everyone nodded in agreement, and then they all performed their duties and arranged for the family martial arts to surround and kill Lin Yang according to the predetermined plan.

Lin Yang was not afraid at all, stepped into the Qin family's gate with firm steps, and went straight to the meeting hall.

Soon, he arrived at the entrance of the hall.

The guards guarding the outside hurriedly stopped him and warned him clearly: "The Qin family is an important place, and no one else is allowed to enter."

Lin Yang was too lazy to pay attention to these two guys and pushed the door straight in.

Qin Tiannan's face turned cold and he asked coldly: "Lin Yang, what do you want to do? Don't you take the Qin family seriously?"

As expected, this old guy had no good intentions and actually set a trap to trap him. Lin Yang smiled sinisterly, glanced at everyone in the Qin family, and said coldly: "Today is the day to resolve the grudge between our two brothers. Since you Qin family are unkind and unjust, Then don’t blame me for being ruthless and ruthless, I will catch you all in one fell swoop and avoid future troubles forever.”

After the words fell, he suddenly shouted, "Kill me." Before the words fell, he jumped up and pounced on Qin Tiannan, who was sitting in the chief position.

"Seeking death!" Qin Tiannan's face changed drastically. Feeling the strong crisis approaching, he hurriedly stood up to fight.

However, Lin Yang was more powerful than he imagined, and his attacks were fierce and domineering. Every punch contained destructive power, which made him feel heart-broken.

"Bang bang bang..." After a fierce fight, Qin Tiannan was defeated. His chest was kicked to pieces by Lin Yang and he fell to the ground. He watched his son Wu Tianhua being killed and felt filled with regret.

Lin Yang stepped on Wu Tianhua's neck and said with a cruel smile, "It's your turn now."

"Wow..." Wu Tianhua was so frightened that he wet his pants and begged for mercy in a panic: "No, you can't kill me. I am your brother-in-law and the son-in-law of the Qin family. If you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go." Pass you."

"You are worse than a beast and you deserve to die."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yang raised his leg and crushed Wu Tianhua's head. The dignified direct heir of the Qin family was dead.

Qin Haoshan and others cried in grief, but to no avail. They knew that Lin Yang was here for revenge, and they had no choice but to fight to the death and defend the Qin family.


The sound of falling weapons spread throughout the house. Lin Yang flew his palms and performed the Dugu Nine Swords move. In an instant, dozens of Qin family disciples were injured and fell to the ground.

"Plop, pop..."

Within a moment, all the Qin family disciples were lying on the ground wailing.

Qin Tiannan gritted his teeth and said, "Junior surnamed Lin, you are so arrogant. You dare to make trouble in the Qin family. You simply don't take my Qin family seriously."

Lin Yang laughed and said, "You are wrong. This is my territory. I have bullied others since ancient times. No one can sit on my head and shit. Anyone who refuses will be killed without mercy."

After saying that, he waved his fists and rushed into the enemy group with overwhelming force, his fist shadows flashing and raising a blood mist.

The Qin family screamed one after another, whether it was a low-level martial artist or a strong man in the foundation-building realm, they were all killed.

After an incense stick of time, the huge house was filled with blood, corpses were everywhere, and the strong and pungent smell of blood floated in the air, making people sick.

Qin Tiannan and Qin Haoshan were terrified, looking at Lin Yang with astonishment on their faces. They could never have imagined that a mere waste at the peak of physical training could have such a terrifying combat power. It was really incredible.

Lin Yang approached slowly and said in a deep tone: "You two, be prepared to die."

Qin Tiannan was so scared that his face turned pale and he rolled and crawled forward.

Qin Haoshan saw that the situation was not good, so he turned around and left quickly. As long as one person survived, it would be enough. He still wanted to survive.


Lin Yang punched Qin Tiannan's head, and the bright red blood splattered. The scene was horrifying.

The tragic death of the Qin family's patriarch shocked the Qin family. All the Qin family disciples were so scared that they screamed in panic.

"Help, the patriarch is dead, come quickly!"

"Lin Yang is crazy, he actually killed the patriarch, let's kill this beast together."

"Quick, ask the patriarch to come out and suppress this evil."

Facing the shouts of the Qin family disciples, Lin Yang had no expression on his face, as if he didn't hear it.

"Swish..." He took out the black jade from his arms and threw it out, and it exploded into powder in an instant.

"Buzz..." An invisible ripple spread, covering the entire Qin family compound, and everyone's movements slowed down by three points, as if they were poisoned, their eyes were wide open, and they showed a look of horror.

Qin Haoshan secretly cried out that it was not good, realizing that something was wrong, and quickly used his spiritual power to expel the poison, but he underestimated this black crystal stone and failed to successfully resolve it.

After a short pause, Lin Yang took the opportunity to rush over and smashed his fist into the opponent's head.

"Bang... Crack!"

Qin Haoshan's head immediately exploded and he collapsed on the chair.

After getting rid of the two, Lin Yang clapped his hands, turned around and strode away.

At this moment, the Qin family mansion was in chaos. The two brothers Qin Haolong and Qin Haohu led the Qin family masters to fight fiercely with the elite of the Lin family. The situation was precarious.

The brothers Qin Haoran and Qin Haohai also participated in it. Although they were slightly weaker, they could not withstand the large number of people, especially Lin Yang's methods were more ruthless, killing people without blinking an eye, which was outrageous.

Qin Haolong and the other person kept vomiting blood, fleeing in a panic, avoiding Lin Yang's pursuit.

In the end, the Qin family elites were completely lost, leaving only a few hundred people.

The two brothers Qin Haoran were also seriously injured and lay on the ground dying.

Qin Haoshan died in a very miserable way. His head was rotten and his brain mixed with blood gushed out. Seeing this, Qin Haoran and his brother were shivering with cold air all over their bodies.

Lin Yang restrained his anger, walked over, and asked in a deep voice: "Who ordered you to do this?"

The two looked at each other, with a heroic look, and said in unison: "Don't even think about asking anything from us."

"Pa!" Lin Yang slapped him twice and sneered: "You really don't want to drink a toast, so what's the point of keeping you? You will die sooner or later, so it's better to send you to the west."

After saying that, he sacrificed the Chixia Sword and killed Qin Haolong and his brother.

After doing this, Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and a wave of doubts arose in his heart. According to common sense, Qin Haoshan and Qin Haolong, father and son, would definitely take all the responsibility on themselves. Why didn't they say who was behind the scenes?

How could he know that Qin Haoshan had already pushed all the sins onto Li Mengyao, so that after Lin Yang broke into the Qin family, he encountered obstruction from the Qin family's senior management. They would rather fight to the death than betray the young master.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, picked up the letter on the table, tore it into pieces, and then left.

He was going to find Li Mengyao and Qin Haoyu, and return to the capital after confirming that they were safe.

After Qin Haotian's death, the Qin family fell into great chaos, which soon attracted the attention of various forces, and they sent spies to inquire about the news.

In less than half a day, all the forces in the capital knew that the demise of the Qin family was due to Lin Yang, and that the boy not only killed the head of the family Qin Tiannan, but also killed the brothers Qin Haolong and Qin Haohu, which could be called a generation of heroes.

This incident spread quickly in the capital, causing an uproar.

Everyone was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

After all, the Qin family is the top wealthy family in the capital, standing for thousands of years, with huge strength and profound foundation.

Lin Yang provoked the Qin family when he first set foot in Beijing, and made the Qin family restless, and even caused the Qin family's head Qin Tiannan to fall. This courage is amazing, and at the same time it makes people afraid of him.

The pattern of Beijing has been rewritten again.

Qin Group President's Office.

Li Mengyao's pretty face was cold, and her beautiful eyes were burning with anger. She never expected that Lin Yang's revenge would come so quickly. She couldn't help but worry, afraid that Lin Yang would get into trouble.

"Hey, I hope you can come back safely and don't cause trouble." Li Mengyao muttered.

On the other side, in a corner of Beijing, in a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, Qin Haoyu sat in the back seat with a gloomy face, and Qin Haoshan sat next to him. Both of them looked unhappy.

"Brother, what should we do?" Qin Haoyu asked.

Qin Haoshan frowned slightly and shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that the three of us, grandfather and grandson, would lose to Lin Yang today. It's shameful, too shameful."

Qin Haoyu gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Damn Lin Yang, he dared to kill my father. I will not forgive him. I must grind his bones to ashes, otherwise, I am unworthy of being a son."

Qin Haoshan waved his hand to stop him and said: "Okay, it's too late to say anything now. You should go back to the Qin family to recuperate and stabilize the situation."

"Yeah." Qin Haoyu nodded, drove away, and returned to the Qin family to heal his wounds.

At the same time, Lin Yang was wandering on the street. Suddenly, a rapid roar of the motor came from a distance.

"Hey, what is that?"

"Look, a black horse carrying a young man, riding gracefully."

The onlookers talked about it.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and felt strange. He concealed his cultivation and pretended to be unaware of it. When the young man in black approached, he bowed and saluted, and said politely: "Friend, my name is Lin Yang. I just came to Beijing from other places to make a living. Can I take a ride?"

Before he finished speaking, a dart shot over.

Lin Yang stretched out his right palm like lightning and clamped it.


A young man in brocade clothes came elegantly, holding a precious sword and standing in front of Lin Yang.

"Put down the dart!"

Lin Yang frowned slightly and said lightly: "Why, I haven't offended you, why are you so aggressive."

"I don't care whether you have offended me or not, I don't like you kid, hand over the banknotes and darts, kneel down and kowtow to apologize, and I will spare your life." The young man in brocade clothes shouted arrogantly.

"I'm going to fucking hell." Lin Yang was furious, his wrist shook, and the dart flew out of his hand.

"Ah..." The young man in brocade clothes screamed, staggered back, holding his shoulder, and his face turned pale.

The people around were shocked. It turned out that this kid pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger, and injured the eldest young master of the Qin family with one move. He was really a fierce man!

"Shua shua shua..."

The crowd around was disturbed and retreated to make way for Lin Yang to avoid being injured by mistake.

The young man in brocade clothes roared: "Lin bastard, don't leave if you have the guts."

"Haha, trash is trash, and you dare to challenge me, it's just humiliating yourself." Lin Yang sneered and left without hesitation.

He had already seen the identity of the young man in brocade clothes. He was from the Qin family in Beijing. He probably heard that the head of the Qin family had died, so he brought people to show off.

"You..." The young man in brocade clothes was extremely angry, but he could do nothing.

The people of the Qin family in Beijing were very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but they were not worth mentioning against warriors.

Qin's compound.

The lights were bright.

Lin Yang sneaked in and searched for a long time, but he didn't see the shadow of Li Mengyao or Qin Haoyu, which made him very anxious.

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